[Log] Stars Fall on Nabol Hold

Oct 03, 2005 18:00

Who: C'len, L'ian, L'sen, S'din, Suraiya, Te'an, V'rin
When: Unknown
Where: Weyrling Barracks, High Reaches Weyr; Eastern Bowl, High Reacehs Weyr; Sky, High Reaches Coverage Area; Courtyard, Nabol Hold
What: High Reaches' weyrlings fly to Nabol Hold

Weyrling Barracks
     This is a large, high ceilinged cavern cut from the rock. There are rows of depressions on the floor, couches for the young dragons; the weyrlings sleep with their dragons. The floor is stone, which helps ease the inevitable task of cleaning up the muck left by the dragonets.
     The cavern has been decorated with old dragon tapestries hung on the walls, their colors slightly faded. A threadbare rug in the middle of the room bears the emblem of High Reaches Weyr, a mountain range in black on a dark blue field. A few low tables, chairs, and pillows have been scattered about the room, and baskets of glows placed strategically throughout the room keep the place well-lit. An opening in the southwest leads out into the Bowl.

Obvious exits:
Weyrling Training Room Bowl

The early winter evening brings C'len awake from a much-needed nap, sitting up on his cot to find Vildaeth nearby and still sleeping. He shifts the orange-hued sheets out of the way, feet finding purchase on the floor, before blinking blearily around and muttering something about hoping he hasn't missed the evening's lecture.

Among those getting ready for that evening's weyrling class is Suraiya, who seems to be trying on a new pair of straps on Ozriadasoth. The green sways her head from one side to the other, shifts her feet, and shuffles a bit in place from her couch, all the while crooning. "You sure it doesn't bother at all?" Suri tugs a bit to make sure it's snug enough not to bother. "Padding's all in place?" Ozri wide eyed gaze drops to her level. "Alright... I think they're fine too, now."

Te'an has Deneth ready, having double checked his straps and making sure the padding is going to stay in place. It's a methodical approach, which he makes sure first that she's alright and second that they'll hold him secure enough and might not make him fall off the dragon on his way off. He then calls out to the others, and asks, "Oh weeeyrlings! Do you need any help with your straps? I'd be more than glad to check them. Oh yes, I would, or L'sen could." He suggests, peering around at the others getting ready. That is, if L'sen can be found around.. somewhere.

Dragon> Melisandeth bespoke High Reaches Training Dragons with << Class in the eastern bowl! >>

Te'an strolls out to the bowl.
Te'an has left.

Deneth tromps out to the bowl.
Deneth has left.

You stride out to the bowl.

Eastern Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
     Standing on the eastern side of the bowl, you realize why this is one of the most striking Weyrs on Pern. Arrayed around the north rim of the bowl are the Seven Spindles: high crownlike points formed of old volcano flows which were eroded to sharp spikes. The bowl itself is a rough ovoid shape, with a large lake taking up a good portion of the southeastern part. The bowl seems to slant down to the lake shore, and the soil becomes a little looser in that direction. From the east, the slight aroma of herdbeast and wherry hide rises from the feeding grounds. The northeast section of the bowl is full of activity: training of dragons both young and old goes on in a large clearing near the entrance to the weyrling barracks and dragon infirmary. Several small boulders dot the area to the north, forming a winding path to the ledges leading into the weyrleaders' quarters.
     The evening is clear, not a cloud to be seen, giving you a perfect view of the stars. The smaller Belior is shining brightly as a full moon while Timor shines in half moon. A light wind blows and the winter air feels a bit nippy.


Obvious exits:
Weyrleader Ledges Western Bowl Floor Dragon Infirmary Weyrling Barracks Weyrling Training Room Feeding Grounds Lake Shore

Suraiya strides in from the weyrling barracks.
Suraiya has arrived.

Ozriadasoth waddles in from the weyrling barracks.
Ozriadasoth has arrived.

Neiveth tromps in from the weyrling barracks.
Neiveth has arrived.

C'len strides in from the weyrling barracks.
C'len has arrived.

Vildaeth lumbers in from the weyrling barracks.
Vildaeth has arrived.

S'din stands atop the Stone of Lecture, awaiting his class.

Amilin strolls in from the weyrling training room.
Amilin has arrived.

Both C'len and Vildaeth are a little lethargic, still shaking off their recent nap, but the weyrling is awake enough to remember to salute the Weyrlingmaster appropriately before joining behind a cluster of other weyrlings streaming out from the barracks.

S'din returns C'len's salute and watches the Weyrlings file past him in their usual lethargic approach to class.

Suraiya jogs up alongside her lifemate; Ozriadasoth being a bit more than energetic at getting to class today, or showing off some new straps. Suri catches up just as the small green settles down not far from the Weyrlingmaster, and she gives a salute before placing a hand on Ozri's foreleg.

S'din nods to Suraiya and returns her salute.

L'ian stays near the side per usual as the weyrlings file out from the barracks. He returns salutes where they're given, but otherwise stays relatively motionless.

Te'an lumbers along after Deneth as she makes her way to class, he's a little slower than she but neither seem terribly energetic. He gives a polite and proper salute to S'din, before filing into his place.

Bounding out of the barracks, Neiveth charges to the base of S'din's stone, trailed quickly by L'sen. The rider salutes idly, grinning up at S'din as he settles in place by Neiveth.

S'din nods and salute Te'an and L'sen in turn, saying, "Wingsecond. Wingleader. Think your riders are ready for class tonight?"

"I, ah.. oh. Well, yes? I think so." Te'an says, though does it really sound that sure? He looks at L'sen expectantly, to see if he saw straps he didn't get to, or not, before they rushed out to make it to class on time.

S'din watches the Weyrlings settle into their ranks and clears his throat, "It has come to my attention that you all have been failing to salute your new Wingleader! This, despite my explicit instructions. It is not for *you* to decide you don't have to salute him, it's for *him* to let you off! Didn't I make that entirely clear? Since you all seem to have forgotten, you all will be running 10 laps around the bowl after class this evening!"

L'ian smiles a little at the punishment, with a touch of nostalgia. Perhaps he has memories of running laps as a weyrling as well.

"Sure they are," L'sen responds promptly, before glancing over at Te'an. His brows knit. "They /are/ ready, aren't they?" he wonders. To the rest of the class: "Y'all are ready, right?" He grins at them, then glances around at S'din once more. "We're... Uh-oh. They don't really have to, you know? I mean, I never even thought about it, really," he remarks, wincing. He mouths an exaggerated 'sorry' to the rest of the weyrlings, rubbing sheepishly at the back of his neck.

Just as S'din is dishing out punishment, C'len's yawning--but he closes his mouth quickly, coughing in an attempt to cover it. The weyrling shoots what might be construed as an almost dirty look at both Te'an and L'sen, before letting out a long sigh and stepping over to be closer to Vildaeth. The bronze's tail twitches behind him, lashing back and forth, eyes beginning to whirl faster.

Te'an looks unsure for a few moments as they're scolded at by S'din, and then quickly salutes L'sen and looks sheepish. There's a moment he looks like he's going to say something and pauses, before he finally says, "Yes, sir, I checked as many straps as I could before we came out." He answers which means the rest were L'sen's responsibility, hah, and then blinks innocently at C'len's almost dirty look. Huh, what was /that/ for.

Suraiya tries not to visibly wince at the punishment, but it still shows. Ozriadasoth glances between Weyrlingmaster and 'mate, and then stretches her neck out in S'din's direction and rumbles. "Laps for not saluting, love," Suri pats the green and then turns back to attention. "Yes, sir," She replies, and tugs the straps to make sure they're still on right. And while she's turned away from their instructor, she might as well snap a quick salute in L'sen's direction.

S'din waits until the class settles down again, then continues, "Very well, for tonight's class, we're going to be flying straight to Nabol Hold. I'll be on point and Amilin will be watching our tails. L'ian and V'rin will be flying outriders to keep an eye on you all. No acrobatics or you'll tire your dragons too quickly. Everyone must stay in formation." He pauses, then looks down at L'sen, "Okay, Wingleader, considering tonight's winds, what formation should you be flying in?"

L'sen shifts his weight awkwardly as everyone starts saluting him. "Ah. Formation?" he asks after a moment, shaking his head and glancing back at S'din. "The, ah... What would you suggest, Wingsecond?" In an attempt to look knowledgeable, he rounds on Te'an, stroking his chin thoughtfully, other arm across his chest--passing the buck.

Te'an scrunches his nose at L'sen trying to pawn the question off on him. Bad wingleader. Looking considerate for a few moments and looking up to the sky, he suggests, "A reverse v? The winds seem calm today." He looks a little lost, but hopes it seems to be the right decision. He looks at L'sen, because /that's/ who he's giving his answer to, not S'din.

The twitching of Vildaeth's tail slows considerably as C'len leans in closer and scritches the dragon's hide. His rider grins slightly, watching the interaction between Flurry's leaders, but he doesn't seem to agree or disagree with the suggestion, instead schooling his expression into one of bland interest.

Good thing it's up to the leaders.. But Suri won't admit it. She's busy trying to rub her lifemate's favorite spots while keeping her attention on the others. Not too hard as Ozriadasoth nearly shoves her head into her searching hand and crooning loudly when a spot is hit.

Optimistically, L'sen repeats Te'an's answer, relaying it to S'din: "A reverse V." He beams at the weyrlingmaster accordingly, giving Te'an another grin as well.

S'din shakes his head and says, "No, no kind of 'V'. The winds are very light tonight, and so the proper formation would be a Broad Line formation." He nods to Te'an and L'sen and says, "Okay, guys. Get your riders ready, mounted and in the air. I'll meet you up there."

S'din climbs up onto Melisandeth.
S'din has left.

Melisandeth lowers her neck and gives S'din a little boost up with one foreleg.

Melisandeth has left.
In the sky directly above, Melisandeth leaps into the sky from the ground below.

L'ian stays on the ground for now as he waits for the weyrlings to mount, since apparantly his job is to make sure they don't get in trouble. Might as well start right away.

V'rin, on the other hand, mounts right away, leaping up to mount the big bronze with the ease of Turns of practice. Once mounted and strapped, though, he waits like L'ian, watching as the Weyrling wing launches, until they're safely in the air.

V'rin jumps up onto Barith's back, the dragon's sparkling eyes watching closely.
V'rin has left.

C'len turns expectantly to L'sen and Te'an, following the Weyrlingmaster's instructions out to a t. He seems to be awaiting something from either of them, brown eyes widened and expression still mostly flat. Luckily, Vildaeth hasn't been oiled recently, so when the time comes the weyrling shouldn't have problems climbing up.

Dasmareth has arrived.

Amilin hops up onto Dasmareth's back, using her foreleg as a step.
Amilin has left.

Te'an just sighs, figures his answer would be wrong - of course. He rubs at Deneth's hide a bit, and she tries to console him by crooning and shifting to be a little closer, but the large green really doesn't watch where she puts her feet so well and nearly nudges Te'an onto his rear. "Well, uh, ah.. Yeah, I guess I was wrong." He mutters, and gives L'sen a bit of an encouraging smile. Getting atop Deneth he waits to watch others take off before he does.

"Pretty good, anyway," L'sen tells Te'an mildly, shrugging. "Well, let's go," he adds to the rest of the wing, grinning as he gives Neiveth's straps a last minute adjustment and prepares to mount himself.

Te'an clambers up onto Deneth's back, using her straps as handholds.
Te'an has left.

L'ian smiles at Te'an. "At least you were right about the wind, just not what to do with it. It'll come before long." He heads over to Rojieth's side and mounts up.

L'ian vaults up onto Rojieth's back, as the dragon warbles a greeting.
L'ian has left.

Ozriadasoth gets into that excited dance of hers, hopping from one foot to the other and awaiting their Wingleader and second instructions. Suraiya, just as impatient, takes Te'an's mounting as a sign. And just in time, as she's getting help from Ozri to mount up L'sen gives the go. She swings up and straps in, grinning all the way.

Suraiya clambers up onto Ozriadasoth's back, as the dragon rumbles softly.
Suraiya has left.

C'len clambers up onto Vildaeth's back, using his straps as handholds.
C'len has left.

You jump up onto Neiveth's back, as the dragon rumbles softly.

Giving the signal to rise in the air, if clumsily, L'sen clings to Neiveth's neck as the blue heads upward into the sky.

You spring powerfully into the sky.

Sky above the Eastern Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
     You fly just a few dragonlengths above the bowl floor. As the daylight nears its end, the bowl below you begins to come alive with the activities of the evening. The dim light from the glows suffuses the bowl, but few details are visible. Above you, the stars begin to peek out: the brighter stars twinkle slightly.
     A slight wind from the north almost seems to carry with it the scent of the apple orchards from Nabol, though perhaps it's just your imagination. Far below you, however, you can see rush about the weyr: people, looking more like trundlebugs from this height, scurry to and fro with their chores.
     In the waning light, you can make out the lone form of the watchrider on the Star Stones, to the east.


Obvious exits:
Pond Cliff DIve Lake Shore Feeding Grounds West Up Down

Dragon> High Reaches Weyrling dragons sense that Vildaeth's mindtouch is bright, peppery, as cinnamon wings sweep into the air and his excitement bubbles out to spread to those nearby. New adventures, new fun.

>> Perched atop Melisandeth, S'din waves to L'sen to send his wing higher in the air.

L'sen signals again, and Neiveth aims further upward into the sky.

You fly higher in the sky.

>> Narrow wings bring Vildaeth up higher, as C'len continues to hold on, intermittently to his straps or a darkened neckridge.

>> Melisandeth finally levels out, finishing her climb and angles toward the southeast. Atop her back, S'din twists in his straps, looking critically at Flurry wing through his goggles.

>> A streak of light appears, so faint and so fast you even doubt you saw it.

>> As you look at the constellation of the Harper's Lute you see a deep blue meteor passing just to the south of it, its trail long.

>> Vildaeth tilts slightly, adjusting his wing strokes to move, if not efficiently, at least less clumsily through the cold air high above Reaches. He's positioned properly, for now, within the broad line of the weyrlings, even as his rider's distracted by the view from up above.

>> Neiveth levels his own flight carefully, rumbling as he peers down at the ground far below. On his back, L'sen whoops excitedly, eyes aglow.

>> Ozriadasoth enjoys the altitude, warbling proudly to her clutchsibs as she levels off with the others. Upon her, Suri has substituted her previous laughing to just grinning widely at all the fellow 'lings for flying this far together. She leans down against her lifemate, trying to keep away from the cold wind, though her eyes do drift up as something seems to catch her attention.

>> A red streak of light catches your attention as it moves across the sky, spanning the entire constellation of the Shipfish.

>> A brilliant red meteor streaks across the sky, its afterimage hanging in front of your eyes for several seconds.

>> Deneth tries to catch up, having fallen a little behind but she makes up the time fairly well. Those shiny things, sure catch her attention now and again and it takes a bit of coercion before she gets back on track and into her position. Really, things shouldn't look so pretty if they're expected to accomplish things perfectly.

>> As you look at the constellation of the Harper's Lute you see a deep blue meteor passing just to the south of it, its trail long.

>> On Rojieth, L'ian is in his position observing the weyrlings, when he catches one looking where they shouldn't. "Pay attention," he admonishes, before his attention goes to the next weyrling.

>> Melisandeth begins to lose altitude after a while, heading toward what seems, from this height and with the clear skies tonight, to be a small smudge of light down on the ground, near the horizon.

>> A brilliant red meteor streaks across the sky, its afterimage hanging in front of your eyes for several seconds.

>> Barith flies in the outrider position opposite of Rojieth in the formation, V'rin keeping his eyes on the Weyrlings from his position as well. Barith, on the other hand, is watching the flashing lights overhead, fascinated by the meteors.

>> A pinpoint of light appears in the sky, then becomes a fine white streak as it shoots across the wine bottleconstellation.

>> Watching the lights shooting across the sky, Neiveth is slow in beginning the long descent. L'sen sobers, disappointed, but still watching the dark sky above them.

>> On Vildaeth, The lights from above and below catch the attention of both Vildaeth and C'len, if briefly, trying valiantly to remain on task rather than be distracted. The pair dip lower at a steady pace, following along.

>> As you look at the constellation of the Harper's Lute you see a deep blue meteor passing just to the south of it, its trail long.

>> Ozriadasoth starts to lose her place in the formation, large eyes whirling in the direction of the lights. Of course Suraiya tries to fix it, smacking her lifemate lightly to get her back in place. Though they try, both Suri and Ozzy both seem to be distracted somewhat and are the last to actually start their descent.

>> A medium bright yellow streak hangs against the sky for what seems like an age, then gently fades from view.

>> A pinpoint of light appears in the sky, then becomes a fine white streak as it shoots across the wine bottleconstellation.

>> Melisandeth angles lower and S'din waves to L'sen to get his formation to follow.

>> Melisandeth glides off to the southeast, towards Nabol Hold, flying high above the mountains.

>> Rojieth glides off to the southeast, towards Nabol Hold, flying high above the mountains.

L'sen gives the motion once more, flamboyantly as he gets into the idea of commanding the wing. Then, Neiveth turns downward toward the hold.

Maintaining your altitude until you've cleared the southeastern edge of the mountain range, you slowly start to descend downwards. The apple orchards which Nabol is famed for, spread out below you as the hold starts to come into view.

Dragon> Melisandeth bespoke High Reaches Weyrling dragons with << My rider says you should pass on to your own riders that we'll be landing in the courtyard. >>

You glide down to a gentle landing in the courtyard.

Nabol Hold Courtyard
     The main courtyard of Nabol Hold is almost 400 feet long and about a hundred feet wide. At the northern end, it bends for another 200 feet around the side of the Hold. The surface is neatly hewn out of the stone, and no traces of grass can be seen anywhere. Nabolese and traders wander everywhere it seems.
     The warm overtones of summer color the Hold and its surroundings with rich earthy tones and deep shaded greens. Far off in the distance the white dots of ovines can be made out against the mountainsides, even the distant bleats can be heard. Closer in, the rustling of the huge stands of apple trees in Nabol's orchard fill the air with a gentle restfulness. The same aura seems to extend outwards to the Hold, its residents sleepily going about their tasks in the midday heat, or more briskly come dawn and dusk as it cools.
     At the southern end of the courtyard the main gates to the ramp are flanked by the watchtower and the watchwher's lair. Across the courtyard from the gates are the large double-doors that lead into the Hold proper. Around the corner at the northern end, near the ashpits and blackrock stores, are doors for the kitchens and smithy.


Obvious exits:
Main Hold Ramp Kitchens Smithy

>> S'din pulls off his helmet, scarf and goggles and moves to one side, making room for the landing dragons.

>> Deneth is a quiet presence in the wing today, oddly enough, and follows along with the others landing shortly before a few of the last ones. Once landed however, Deneth moves out of the way of others, and Te'an just stays perched waiting for the next order - if they're going to be dismounting or, well, what. He rubs at Deneth's hide quietly, looking for L'sen to see how he's doing - well, him and the other weyrlings, of course.

>> S'din leans against Melisandeth's flank and just waits...

>> V'rin climbs down Barith's side to the ground, as the dragon warbles a greeting.

>> Neiveth swoops downward to land in the courtyard, remaining neatly in place as he touches down. He rumbles, and immediately, L'sen begins unstrapping himself. Then, he slides down to the ground, signaling to his wing again. He's really getting into this now.

You jump down Neiveth's side to the ground, using his foreleg as a step.

L'ian clambers down Rojieth's side to the ground, as the dragon rumbles softly.
L'ian has arrived.

Te'an clambers down Deneth's side to the ground, as the dragon rumbles softly.
Te'an has arrived.

Ozriadasoth doesn't know the meaning of being silent, especially to a visiting Hold. Her head turns this way and that, Suri holding onto the straps before she dares to dismount. The small green rumbles, warbles, and croons to the strange surroundings, alerting anyone or anything to her presence. Once she finally settles, her lifemate unstraps and swings down before the little green could get into another energetic dance.

Suraiya jumps down Ozriadasoth's side to the ground, as the dragon rumbles softly.
Suraiya has arrived.

S'din calls over to L'sen as he dismounts, "Wingleader! Get a report from your riders and tell me how their dragons are faring after that long flight. Pay particular attention to the smaller greens. If any are too tired, they can stay here the night while the rest of us fly back. They can fly back in the morning after some sleep."

Vildaeth's landing is, unsuprisingly, a bit clumsy, still learning and needing some work, but his rider is quick enough to follow L'sen's lead in dismounting. C'len slides down as Vildaeth shifts in the courtyard, giving a low croon.

C'len climbs down Vildaeth's side to the ground, using his straps as handholds.
C'len has arrived.

L'sen peers at S'din, nodding. "'Kay, sir," he notes, before turning around to eye the wing assembled around him. "Hey, everybody okay?" he calls. "C'len? Bet Vildaeth's fine--he's big. Te'an? Suri? Ah, how y'all doin'?" he queries each of the other weyrlings in turn, glancing at them with arched brows.

L'ian waits by his dragon as the weyrling wingleader does his duties. He turns to Rojieth with a smile. "No, you can't stay here the night. There's no way you can pretend /you're/ tired."

Ozriadasoth swivels a look between the Weyrlingmaster and her lifemate. Then, she leans down, stops her movement, and rumbles deeply. Suri lifts her 'brows and turns over towards L'sen. "Ozzy says she's real tired. She seemed fine to me a moment ago." She gives her green a questioning look, but only receives two large innocent blinks. "I bet you are tired, but not /that/ tired."

Te'an peers at Suraiya as she gets off of Ozzy, who seems to have a lot more energy than Deneth does. He murmurs to her, "How you doing? Did you want to stay here? I know it's terrible, and so very cold." She croons in response, though he finally asks, "I think we might be okay, but she's a bit tired." He mentions, though Deneth isn't a small green - no, she's almost as big as Neiveth, whom she gives a warble to.

Cinnamon wings spread wide, almost testing, though Vildaeth pulls them back in to conserve space. "I don't think he'd mind staying overnight anyway," C'len says, casting a sidelong glance at the bronze, "But he'll be fine going back." His curiosity getting the better of him, Vil snuffles at the ground of the courtyard, in search of interesting smells and, even, tastes, as he flicks his tongue out experimentally. Finding nothing interesting, he snorts softly, then turns to offer an encouraging croon to both Ozzy and Deneth.

V'rin stays standing by Barith, but is watching L'sen as he questions the Weyrlings. He glances to L'ian, though, at his comment to Rojieth and holds back a laugh. Still grinning over it, though, he turns his attention back to the weyrlings.

S'din waits as the noise quiets a little. He calls out loud enough for everyone to hear, "Don't just take their word for it! Check your dragons out yourselves! They'll want to please you so badly that they'll tell you they're fine even when they're not! ALWAYS make sure!"

L'sen wrinkles his nose, nodding to the two green weyrlings, then C'len. "Okay," he tells them, glancing back around at S'din. "Deneth 'n' Ozzy are kind of tired, and Vildaeth just wants to stay, anyway. So does Neiveth, for that matter, but hey. I think we're all good to go back, you know? Sir."

S'din nods to L'sen, "Okay, good to hear, L'sen. Get them mounted up and let me know when you're ready to return." he turns his back on the class then and begins to re-wrap his scarf and put on his other cold-weather gear.

S'din climbs up onto Melisandeth.
S'din has left.

Melisandeth lowers her neck and gives S'din a little boost up with one foreleg.

L'ian climbs up onto Rojieth's back, as the dragon warbles a greeting.
L'ian has left.

V'rin climbs up onto Barith's back, using his foreleg as a step.
V'rin has left.

L'sen beams at S'din. "Well, here we go again," he remarks, gesturing to the wing to mount. And he turns right about to Neiveth, scrambling back aboard the blue.

You climb up onto Neiveth's back, the dragon's sparkling eyes watching closely.

>> Seeing she's the smallest from the group, Suraiya decides to give her lifemate a second inspection. After circling Ozriadasoth once, with her sitting back on her haunches then and watching Suri closely, the rider decides that the trip back can be made. She nods stiffly in their Wingleader's direction, waiting for the word, as she approaches Ozri with one hand gripping the straps to help her mount up quickly.

>> Suraiya vaults up onto Ozriadasoth's back, as the dragon warbles a greeting.

>> Te'an isn't getting back on Deneth without first making sure she's ready to go, he pokes here and there and takes a long walk around her before he decides it's probably okay to have her fly back. "It's a long flight back, Deneth but you're almost as big as a blue, I think you can do at least as well as Neiveth." He mentions to her, but at the encouragement of Vildaeth she seems ready to go. He looks at Suraiya, and mentions, "If she's too tired, don't go.."

>> A tug of Vil's straps serve as an additional inspection of them, before C'len uses them and the proffered foreleg to climb up between two neckridges.

>> C'len hops up onto Vildaeth's back, using his foreleg as a step.

>> Perched atop Melisandeth, S'din calls over to L'sen, "Get them in the air as soon as you're ready!"

>> Melisandeth spreads her wings and leaps into the air.

>> In the sky, Melisandeth rises up from the Courtyard.

L'sen glances behind him at his wing, making sure they're all prepared. Then, signaling again, he has Neiveth take flight, beginning the long trip back to the Weyr.

s'din, melisandeth, te'an, l'ian, suraiya, vildaeth, v'rin, l'sen, c'len

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