[Log] Black, Blacker, Blackest

Oct 10, 2005 19:00

Who: Amilin, C'len, L'sen, Melata, Rilsa, Satiet, S'din, Te'an, V'rin
When: Unknown
Where: Eastern Bowl, High Reaches Weyr; Sky, High Reaches Weyr; Clearing, High Reaches Mountains; Weyrling Memorial, High Reaches Mountains
What: S'din takes the weyrlings first to the weyrling memorial in the mountains, then between to Nabol Hold.

Dragon> Melisandeth bespoke High Reaches Weyrling dragons with << Class begins in the eastern bowl as soon as you all arrive! >>

Eastern Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
     Standing on the eastern side of the bowl, you realize why this is one of the most striking Weyrs on Pern. Arrayed around the north rim of the bowl are the Seven Spindles: high crownlike points formed of old volcano flows which were eroded to sharp spikes. The bowl itself is a rough ovoid shape, with a large lake taking up a good portion of the southeastern part. The bowl seems to slant down to the lake shore, and the soil becomes a little looser in that direction. From the east, the slight aroma of herdbeast and wherry hide rises from the feeding grounds. The northeast section of the bowl is full of activity: training of dragons both young and old goes on in a large clearing near the entrance to the weyrling barracks and dragon infirmary. Several small boulders dot the area to the north, forming a winding path to the ledges leading into the weyrleaders' quarters.
     The early evening crystal clear as the sun sets over the western rim of the bowl. There seems to be a light breeze and the winter air is cold.


Obvious exits:
Weyrleader Ledges Western Bowl Floor Dragon Infirmary Weyrling Barracks Weyrling Training Room Feeding Grounds Lake Shore

C'len wanders in from the weyrling barracks.
C'len has arrived.

Vildaeth wanders in from the weyrling barracks.
Vildaeth has arrived.

In the sky directly above, Barith wings down and lands lightly on the ground.
Barith has arrived.

V'rin climbs down Barith's side to the ground, using his straps as handholds.
V'rin has arrived.

The cold and light breeze mean one thing for C'len: he's bundled up. On top of warm clothing, he also has on a hat and a knitted scarf, in a stand-out orange, as well as gloves. Vildaeth, on the other hand, seems to enjoy the cold as much as his rider dislikes it, the dragon's wings spreading wide as he bugles with good cheer. The weyrling salutes those present who are his senior, including his wing's leader, before falling back with the group and standing near Vildaeth.

S'din returns C'len's salute. He is far less bundled-up, having long since grown accustomed to High Reaches' cooler seasons. However, beeing a born Keroon and bred Istan, he *still* doesn't like it.

Amilin has arrived.

Dasmareth has arrived.

Te'an slinks out of the barracks followed by Deneth who is much more pleased to be going to lessons. He gives a salute to the weyrlingmasters and L'sen, and just falls silently into place. Doesn't seem like he's in the best mood, but then, eh.

Stumbling out of the barracks with Neiveth, L'sen grins around and offers S'din a quick salute. Much like C'len, he's bundled up, though his scarf is blue and he seems more interested in showing it off rather than keeping warm.

S'din returns Te'an and the other Weyrlings' salutes before regarding his class with a most serious expression, "Okay, today's class is going to be your first time going *Between*!"

Brown eyes widen a bit, as if the subject of the lesson is suprising, before C'len nods, stepping closer to Vildaeth in an attempt to calm both himself and his dragon about the idea of, well, vanishing themselves.

In the bowl, to the west, Rilsa slips off of Corineth, landing on her feet lightly as she makes her way to the east. She tosses a wave to Mel and Satiet as she goes past.

Rilsa strides over from the western side of the bowl.
Rilsa has arrived.

Rilsa approaches from the west, her eyes scanning the class to find one particular individual as she is fully aware of the class and its subject tonight. Her path leads her to the side where she can observe easily yet not disturb the flow. A slight puff of breath escapes her lips as she finds the one she is seeking. If Te'an notices, he gets a warm yet rather worried smile from his mentor.

Te'an just listens to S'din silently, nodding at the theme of the class and just idly rubbing his hand against Deneth's hide. Lively he's not, but there he is, and he gives a salute to Rilsa as she walks in on the class a little late.

L'sen's blue eyes light up. "Ooh, /between/," he breathes in excitement. "You hear that, Neiveth?" The blue rumbles eagerly as they watch S'din.

Satiet heads over from the western side of the bowl.
Satiet has arrived.

Melata strolls over from the western side of the bowl.
Melata has arrived.

Verenth lumbers over from the western side of the bowl.
Verenth has arrived.

S'din nods slowly, "I can see that some of you have some idea of how serious this is, but let me make sure you are all *crystal* clear on this. This is probably one of the most harrowing, nerve-shredding classes myself or my staff or any of your Mentors have to live through. Why? Because it is almost impossible for this class to be taught without losing a Weyrling pair or two. I might talk a lot of death today and it might make you uncomfortable, but I don't care. This is the most dangerous thing you could ever do, including flying Thread." His voice is even and level, almost a monotone. He adds, "So look around. There's a chance some of those you see standing beside you won't be here anymore by the end of tonight."

The seriousness of S'din's tone--more-so than usual--causes some of the usually more rowdy weyrlings to settle some. C'len fidgets near Vil, boots shifting on the cold ground as he watches the weyrlingmaster.

S'din keeps his voice level as he adds, "Even being badly Threadscored cannot do as much damage to yourself or your dragon as a single, seemingly harmless thought can do while you are trying to travel *Between*."

L'sen widens his eyes slightly, staring at S'din. Not quite believingly, he glances around at the other weyrlings, scanning their faces with knitted brows. Neiveth does likewise, before peering skeptically back at the weyrlingmaster.

Amilin's stayed quiet as she listens, observing the class with a slight furrow in her brow that is usually absent. Dasmareth gives a low croon that cuts off as she resettles her wings, then stills once more.

Quiet, distantly so, Satiet observes the class, pausing to study Te'an, and then with a flutter of lashes, flicking her gaze to take in more favorable weyrlings - at least tolerated, if not liked - such as L'sen. Lowly, she mutters to herself, "Sixteen... our class, ...died." Teonath takes her time in following after Satiet, inserting her pale brilliance behind her rider in a tacit offer of a wall to lean against. The somber solemnity that's descended over the weyrlingmasters isn't present, except in a sardonic smirk that takes on encouragement as ephemeral as the trailing light of a dying glow.

S'din takes a deep breath and barks out in a louder voice, "The first major point you must all remember is concentration is paramount! You now realize that we haven't been forcing you all to practice mental orientation all this time for nothing! We were training your minds so you would be less likely to make a mistake right now! The second point is that details are what will keep you alive and return you to good, old, warm Pern. Stay in CONSTANT contact with your dragon while attempting ANY flight *Between*."

Melata leans against the warm bulk of her dragon to watch from afar.

Rilsa nods to Satiet and Melata as they arrive. "I guess I better have my novices ready for any injuries, eh?" She murmurs aside to the two riders as she watches the class. Even she is subdued this evening when she speaks.

The arrival of his dam catches Vildaeth's attention, the dragon dipping his head then tilting it to the side as he regards the desert gold. Speaking of concentration, the bronze doesn't seem to have much of it right now, but at least his rider is listening and can be heard occasionally muttering to himself things like "orientation...details" as if trying to help himself remember. He reaches up a hand to tug at his scarf, adjusting it idly.

S'din stands silent for another minute, his gaze moving from face to face over the class, almost as if memorizing them, or maybe wondering which he wouldn't see again after tonight? But at last he takes a deep breath and barks out, "But first I have something you all need to see! Wingleader, Wingsecond! Get your wing mounted and into the air once they're ready!"

S'din climbs up onto Melisandeth.
S'din has left.

Melisandeth lowers her neck and gives S'din a little boost up with one foreleg.

Melisandeth has left.
In the sky directly above, Melisandeth springs powerfully into the sky from the ground below.

L'sen hesitates only a moment, glancing to Te'an. Now, that disbelief is gone, replaced with worry and fear just beneath the surface. But forcing his usual bright grin, he shrugs and gives a signal to the wing, scrambling up Neiveth's side into position.

Amilin vaults up onto Dasmareth's back, as the dragon rumbles softly.
Amilin has left.

V'rin clambers up onto Barith's back, the dragon's sparkling eyes watching closely.
V'rin has left.

Te'an looks over the rest of the class, and first asks if there's anyone that needs their straps checked and then checking a few of the ones he /knows/ have problems with them. Once sated, he checks his own straps and hops on Deneth.

Te'an clambers up onto Deneth's back, the dragon's sparkling eyes watching closely.
Te'an has left.

>> Vildaeth's straps, newly completed (all over again), hold well as C'len grabs onto them, the bronze crouching down though he's still a bit distracted.

>> C'len jumps up onto Vildaeth's back, the dragon's sparkling eyes watching closely.

>> Rilsa rubs her arms, watching the weyrlings mount. "These are the times I wish I can go along with the class but then again, I don't want to be a distraction." The woman frowns, watching one of the weyrlings take her time mounting but manages to do so well enough. "Then again, I don't need any more stress to my life."

>> Verenth eyes the mounting Weyrlings, then the young dragons. He huffs slightly.

>> On Dasmareth, Amilin gives the class a sweeping look over as she reaches for her straps. S'din's departure apparently her own cue to mount up, even if she and Dasmareth once more settle in to watch.

>> Satiet watches dispassionately, noting C'len's orange scarf with a dry smirk. "I don't know, it might emphasize the fact that the lesson should be listened to, though," she regards Melisandeth, and then in turn a more familiar weyrlingmaster: Amilin. "They do the job of making sure we understand the dangers." Perhaps her own fears, and the faltering of her boorish conceit is recalled, and more sympathy follows in the gaze that passes over each of Teonath's offspring. "It'll be fine," she murmurs, more in reassurance of herself than anything, and the soft muzzle her dragon presents runs gently from behind against the raven-haired girl's cheek.

>> Rilsa comments drily. "The memorial will do that. It always does."

>> Melata nods at Rilsa's comment.

>> Neiveth crouches to make L'sen's ascent easier, then straightens, glancing upward. L'sen waits until he's sure everyone is settled, then motions again, to head upward.

You fly up into the sky.

Clearing Outside the Tunnel Entrance to High Reaches Weyr
     As you breathe the fresh, crisp air here, you can enjoy the spectacular view of the scenery outside the Weyr. Dominating the horizon are the high mountains common in the area. And though you know that various holds lie beyond those mountains, your eyes see only the towering behemoths. The well-worn road leading away from the Weyr is full of ruts and bumps from the many travel wagons carrying their cargo to the Weyr. In the distance, dust clouds rise from arriving and departing wagons as they navigate the path.
     A long, low stone building huddles under a natural stone overhang on the Weyr mountain wall, flanked by a dusty and well-trampled paddock in which a few runners shiver in the cold. A few windows in the wall nearest you let light and air into the building.

Condier Family Wagon
Conmara Traders Camp

Obvious exits:
Old Mountain Trail Pass through the Mountains Road to High Reaches Hold STables Tunnel into High Reaches Weyr

>> S'din says, "Alright, Wingleader, get your wing dismounted." He points to the Old Mountain Trail and says, "This pass is too narrow and our destination too small to bring our dragons. We'll walk the rest of the way."

L'sen glances around curiously as they land, signaling quickly to the wing and sliding to the ground. "Where are we?" he wonders, mostly to Neiveth.

You climb down Neiveth's side to the ground, as the dragon rumbles softly.

C'len climbs down Vildaeth's side to the ground, as the dragon rumbles softly.
C'len has arrived.

S'din walks along the path leading to the nearby area.
S'din has left.

Te'an vaults down Deneth's side to the ground, as the dragon rumbles softly.
Te'an has arrived.

As Vil lands and L'sen gives the signal, C'len slides down from his dragon's back, landing in the snow with a soft thud before following S'din.

C'len meanders along the path leading to the nearby area.
C'len has left.

You stroll along the path leading to the nearby area.

Weyrling Memorial in the Mountains
     Surrounded by the jagged peaks of the northern mountain range, the ground is covered by a blanket of white snow, the flakes swirling as the stinging winds howl across the desolate landscape. The snow, however, does not cling to the sheer cliff face that rises out of the ocean of sunlit white, instead framing the rock in a surreal glow.
     As the vision adjusts to the blinding snow, the details of the cliff face become defined. As if carved by the tools of the Minecraft, a set of draconic and human bones are embedded in the rock. The image shows a human atop a dragon in profile, the vision eerie. This, however, was not the work of any tool as this is the unofficial memorial of a Weyrling Betweening, a reminder of an accident of Passes passed. There is no plaque or sign to memorialize this grave; the poignancy of the bones themselves is all that is needed.


Obvious exits:

Te'an strides out from the surrounding area outside the weyr.
Te'an has arrived.

S'din walks up to the sheer cliff face and turns, standing just below it, letting the bared bones speak for themselves as he only crosses his arms across his chest and watches all of you.

Amilin strides out from the surrounding area outside the weyr.
Amilin has arrived.

V'rin walks out from the surrounding area outside the weyr.
V'rin has arrived.

Having spent most of his time inside the weyr, C'len looks around curiously as the group makes its way along the trail. His gaze follows S'din, and he's just about to ask a question about their purpose in coming, when he notices the strange arrangement in the rock.

L'sen, trailing after S'din, gawks all around at the mountains and the surrounding landscape. However, when the weyrlingmaster stops, L'sen's eyes turn toward the rock face. Seeing the image in the rock, he stares, eyes widening quickly as he stares. "Oh, shards," he breathes. "Wow. That's a... that's a good sculpture." Despite his words, he doesn't sound at all confident; he knows it's more than just that.

S'din silently looks at L'sen and shakes his head, dashing any vain hopes that it is a sculpture in the Weyrling's mind.

Te'an follows along himself, looking about the mountain face and frowning at the sight found here. Sure doesn't give him the confidence to want to get on Deneth and go between, not at all. But, he just remains silent as he has for most of the class.

L'sen frowns glumly at S'din, giving the weyrling in the rock another long look before glancing askance at his classmates.

S'din takes a breath and speaks softly, though his voice carries well, "You have all been practicing your visualization techniques. You've practiced visualizing your surroundings, each other, *everything*. Now you see why..." He raises a hand, indicating the bones behind him, "THIS is why you always...ALWAYS make sure your dragon is positive of your image before going *between*! NEVER go *between* when tired! NEVER go *between* when drunk! NEVER go *between* when you are badly injured, unless it is during Threadfall and you have no choice! It is up to YOU to supply common sense, because you won't get any from your dragons!"

C'len stands in about the middle of the group, studying the cliff face before he opens his mouth as if he might ask another question, but closes it as S'din continues his instructions. The young man just shakes his head, letting out a long breath that almost sounds like a sigh.

S'din speaks once again, softening his voice again, "We don't know definately which pair of old this is. We stumbled across them after a landslide exposed part of this mountainside. But I don't think there is any doubt as to what happened here as these bones are embedded in solid rock."

L'sen's expression drifts into resignation at S'din's last words, and, nodding, he sighs. "Yes, sir," he mumbles, his voice subdued. He sneaks another glance at the figure, shaking his head.

S'din waits a few more moments to make sure his previous words and the memorial have registered on all those young faces before him and then strides off back down the trail to the clearing, assuming the weyrlings will shortly follow behind.

S'din has left.

Te'an has left.

L'sen lingers a moment longer, hands stuffed in his pockets. Finally, he turns and follows S'din out.

Clearing Outside the Tunnel Entrance to High Reaches Weyr
     As you breathe the fresh, crisp air here, you can enjoy the spectacular view of the scenery outside the Weyr. Dominating the horizon are the high mountains common in the area. And though you know that various holds lie beyond those mountains, your eyes see only the towering behemoths. The well-worn road leading away from the Weyr is full of ruts and bumps from the many travel wagons carrying their cargo to the Weyr. In the distance, dust clouds rise from arriving and departing wagons as they navigate the path.
     A long, low stone building huddles under a natural stone overhang on the Weyr mountain wall, flanked by a dusty and well-trampled paddock in which a few runners shiver in the cold. A few windows in the wall nearest you let light and air into the building.

Condier Family Wagon
Conmara Traders Camp

Obvious exits:
Old Mountain Trail Pass through the Mountains Road to High Reaches Hold STables Tunnel into High Reaches Weyr

C'len has arrived.

S'din turns as the Weyrlings begin to filter down out of the mountains and waits for them to forum up with their dragons again. His voice isn't sharp or loud, it is firm. "Now do you understand the important of teamwork with each other and your dragons? Now do you understand why we are so hard on you early on? Do you understand how dangerous what we do on a daily basis is?"

Te'an rushes back down to Deneth who's sort of pacing back and forth in wait. He runs to try and grab her muzzle into a hug, though afterwards he nods to S'din at his question.

V'rin has arrived.

L'sen comes to a halt at Neiveth's side, glancing nervously over at the blue. "We're doomed, you know?" he whispers to the dragon, peering toward S'din uncertainly. Neiveth gives a warmer croon, unusually edgy himself.

C'len seems more lost in thought than he was before, almost stumbling over a rock in the path. He finds his way back to Vildaeth, then blinks, catching S'din's questions but not responding, only drawing himself as close to the bronze as possible. The bronze croons gently, an attempt at comforting both his rider and the group in general.

Amilin has arrived.

S'din nods, apparently satisfied by the answers he hears and sees, "Okay, today we're going to go *between* to Nabol Hold. You've all been there and, other than High Reaches Weyr, it is the location you've seen most from the air. For most of you, you also saw it first from the air, which I'm sure has burned itself into your minds. Melisandeth is now projecting the image of Tillek from the sky, however. Each of you please have your dragon get the image from her."

S'din walks over to Melisandeth and reaches out to place a hand on her shoulder, "Everyone please let me know if and when you can see Nabol."

Te'an frowns at Deneth, not entirely reassured though he does try to be for her sake. He glances at S'din, and tries to visualize where they're going before nodding an affirmative to the weyrlingmaster. "I've got it, sir."

L'sen and Neiveth share a look, the former squinting in concentration. L'sen makes a face, then nods. "Got it, sir," he tells S'din after a moment, offering a faint grin.

Te'an reiterates after a second, when Deneth corrects him, "/We've/ got it."

C'len, feeling a little better with the reassurances from his lifemate, closes his eyes momentarily before nodding as well, "Nabol. Got it."

S'din looks around the class sharply, "Can you all see it now? Hear it? Smell it? Feel the wind rushing past you? THAT is how precise you must be." His voice quiets slightly, but what it lacks in volume, it makes up for in hardness as he drives home another point. "If you are *not* that precise, you are as good as dead. Just another decoration inside a rock somewhere."

S'din then finishes his visualization lesson. "When you visualize your destination, make sure you also visualize you and your dragon in the scene...otherwise you may end up *in* the fireheights rather than above them."

S'din nods to L'sen and says, "Okay, when your wing is ready, mount them up and get them in the air!"

S'din climbs up onto Melisandeth.
S'din has left.

Melisandeth lowers her neck and gives S'din a little boost up with one foreleg.

Melisandeth rises up into the sky.
Melisandeth has left.

High above the mountains, Melisandeth quickly rises up to a position high above the Weyr.

Te'an is getting that funny green color coming back to his face as S'din continues on and on about how they're likely going to end up in a rock at any possible error. He takes in a deep breath and then waits to make sure everyone's mounted before mounting himself, even going so far as to doublecheck a few straps before resettling on Deneth.

Te'an vaults up onto Deneth's back, the dragon's sparkling eyes watching closely.
Te'an has left.

Deneth leaps into the sky.
Deneth has left.

High above the mountains, Deneth quickly rises up to a position high above the Weyr.

C'len's eyes drift closed again, as if he's re-imagining the scene, this time placing himself and Vildaeth squarely within it. His eyes peek open again, noticing that the others have already mounted their dragons, and he follows suit.

Uncertainly, L'sen nods, then signals and mounts, urging Neiveth upward again.

C'len jumps up onto Vildaeth's back, using his foreleg as a step.
C'len has left.

You spring powerfully into the sky and circle high above the Weyr.

Sky Far above the High Reaches Mountains
     Even as the winds play about, you cannot help but notice the landscape around you. Below, High Reaches Weyr is only recognizable by the Seven Spindles; any other details are lost from this altitude. The snow-capped peaks of the north and east form a barrier across the land, blocking the view of Crom and Nabol Holds. Looking southeast, the Western Mountain Range looks almost tame and easy enough to simply walk over, while directly south you can make out one of the river spurs. To the northwest, your eyes can just barely discern High Reaches Hold, noticable only due to the slight wisps of smoke coming from it. And as you look southeastwards, the great Western Sea stretches to infinity, as the Tillek Pennisula juts into it.


Obvious exits:
Upper Sky High Reaches Weyr Clearing Outside the Weyr

Dragon> Melisandeth bespoke High Reaches Weyrling dragons with << Okay. Everyone watch my rider. He will signal when to go *between*. We will go *between* first, then the rest of you, and Dasmareth will come through last. >>

>> Perched atop Melisandeth, S'din twists in his riding straps, checking the Weyrling formation strung out behind him. He raises a hand and, when he's fairly sure everyone is watching, he drops it.

>> Melisandeth disappears into Between.

>> Not wating to be first, the pair of C'len and Vildaeth hover above the mountainous area, waiting until a few others have gone before they, too, will follow the weyrlingmaster.

>> Deneth disappears into Between.

>> Neiveth disappears into Between.

     You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...



You suddenly emerge...

Sky Over Nabol Hold
     From this height, all of Nabol is spread out below you. The cliff which houses the Hold rises to the northwest, the famed orchards fill up the southeast, and the gather fields spread out in the southwest. Far beyond the Hold to the northwest is High Reaches Weyr, nestled deep in the mountains. Occasional traffic can be seen on the road which runs past the Hold, or in the courtyard, or moving from one place to another.
     The warm overtones of summer color the Hold and its surroundings with rich earthy tones and deep shaded greens. Far off in the distance the white dots of ovines can be made out against the mountainsides, even the distant bleats can be heard. Closer in, the rustling of the huge stands of apple trees in Nabol's orchard fill the air with a gentle restfulness. The same aura seems to extend outwards to the Hold, its residents sleepily going about their tasks in the midday heat, or more briskly come dawn and dusk as it cools.
     Several places seem to have enough room for a dragon to land.


Obvious exits:
Orchard Clearing High Reaches Weyr Gather Fields Road Fire Heights Courtyard

>> Neiveth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

>> Vildaeth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

>> Melisandeth soars high, catching what weak thermals exist in the cold air and soars high above the arriving dragons. S'din strains against his riding straps as he watches small figures pop into existence below him, counting furiously. At long last he nods and slaps Melisandeth's neck.

L'sen has a death-grip on Neiveth's neck, eyes closed as they emerge. His tanned skin is unnaturally pale, but after a few moments, during which he realizes they've made it safely through, he straightens and blinks and peers all around. Finally, he breaks into a broad, smug grin, and cheers.

>> Dasmareth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

>> On Vildaeth, C'len's eyes are closed as well, and he's chanting something under his breath as the weyrling pair emerges from between. The warm air, or at least what passes for it after between, triggers an exhalation and opening of his eyes. "We made it, we made it!" He cheers, hand pumping in the air as he thumps Vil's shoulder. Then suddenly he looks around, to make sure everyone else did, as well.

>> On Deneth, Te'an looks like he's about on the verge of tears, worried and tense as he was. He leans down closer to Deneth to try and steal some of her warmth after that cold trip and while she follows along with the others in her proper position, her rider seems more content in just telling her how happy he is they made it in one piece.

Dragon> Melisandeth bespoke High Reaches Weyrling dragons with << Can you all visualize home as well as you did here? >>

Dragon> Melisandeth bespoke High Reaches Weyrling dragons with << Await my rider's signal and we will return home. >>

>> On Vildaeth, C'len leans in a little, clasping one of Vildaeth's neck-ridges lightly, murmuring something about "We have to do that again?" --and again, and again, lots of times. Better get used to it.

>> Perched atop Melisandeth, S'din lifts his hand, scanning the skies to determine everyone is ready. Once satisfied, he drops his hand to signal the departure to 'Reaches.

>> Melisandeth disappears into Between.

>> Neiveth disappears into Between.

     You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...


You suddenly emerge...

Sky High in the Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
     As you soar high above the bowl, you find yourself at a most unique point in the sky; here, near the lip of the bowl, the southeast is fully visible - the open sky stretches to the Western Mountain Range. Behind you, though, to the northwest, you can catch only occassional glimpses of the landscape through the spaces between the Seven Spindles.
     Through the first and second spires, you can see out to the mountains surrounding the weyr. If you know just where to look, you can also glimpse part of the winding road leading to the Weyr. Ledges are hewn into the rock face in all directions, each with a dragon's weyr behind it.
     The winds here are usually calm, with the protection of the Weyr's walls to keep the worst gusts at bay. Still, flying can be a little difficult as an errant thermal sometimes crosses the bowl.


Obvious exits:
Lower Western Sky Lower Eastern Sky Star Stones Up

>> Neiveth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

>> Vildaeth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

>> Vildaeth comes out much too close to the edge of the bowl wall and the look on C'len's face, though no one is really close enough to see it, is one of pure panic as the rock speeds closer. "Up, up Vil, up!" He yells, though the sound is lost to the winds as the bronze's cinnamon-shaded wings shift enough so that the dragon is almost vertical. Despite his small size and agility, it's not enough: the dragon's right wingtip clips an outcropping, throwing him enough off course that his chest and underbelly scrape against cold stone. The jarring throws C'len backward as his hands wildly scramble to catch a dark russet neckridge.

>> Dasmareth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

>> Perched atop Melisandeth, S'din shouts something that is whisked away by the wind. And even though the bronze easily dwarfs her, Melisandeth's wings snap back as she arrows toward Vildaeth, shrieking at him to get him going the right way up and safely toward the ground as quickly as possible!

>> Deneth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

>> Barith emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

>> Neiveth emerges from /between/ with a toss of his head to ward off the cold; even within his warm coat and scarf, L'sen looks chilled. He stares at Vildaeth as the bronze has a mishap, both him and his dragon silent in shock at the close call.

>> The sound that Vil makes is more a groan than anything else, loud and painful as his hide is dragged along the rock. With the guidance of Melisandeth, he's able to land gingerly, wings drooping as soon as he's in the bowl. C'len just looks shocked: eyes wide, blubbering something about the pain--not his, his dragon's.

>> Vildaeth wings down in the bowl, towards the eastern wall.

>> Below you, to the east, Vildaeth wings down and lands lightly on the ground.

>> Melisandeth dives in the bowl, towards the eastern wall.

>> Below you, to the east, Melisandeth wings down to a quick landing on the ground.

Eastern Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
     Standing on the eastern side of the bowl, you realize why this is one of the most striking Weyrs on Pern. Arrayed around the north rim of the bowl are the Seven Spindles: high crownlike points formed of old volcano flows which were eroded to sharp spikes. The bowl itself is a rough ovoid shape, with a large lake taking up a good portion of the southeastern part. The bowl seems to slant down to the lake shore, and the soil becomes a little looser in that direction. From the east, the slight aroma of herdbeast and wherry hide rises from the feeding grounds. The northeast section of the bowl is full of activity: training of dragons both young and old goes on in a large clearing near the entrance to the weyrling barracks and dragon infirmary. Several small boulders dot the area to the north, forming a winding path to the ledges leading into the weyrleaders' quarters.
     The evening is clear, not a cloud to be seen, giving you a perfect view of the stars. The smaller Belior is a nearly full waning gibbous while Timor shines in half moon. There seems to be a light breeze and the winter air is freezing against you.


Obvious exits:
Weyrleader Ledges Western Bowl Floor Dragon Infirmary Weyrling Barracks Weyrling Training Room Feeding Grounds Lake Shore

>> Deneth lumbers over from the western side of the bowl.

>> S'din nearly tears off his straps and riding gear, sprinting across the space separating Melisandeth from the injured Weyrling. He shouts for Rilsa, as if she hadn't already seen the collision from below.

You climb down Neiveth's side to the ground, the dragon's sparkling eyes watching closely.

Te'an jumps down Deneth's side to the ground, as the dragon warbles a greeting.
Te'an has arrived.

Rilsa blinks at the arrival, her dragonhealer training moving her immediately. "C'len! Novice, to me!" She snaps to a novice that was waiting nearby. "Numbweed. Redwort. My bag, now!"

C'len jumps down Vildaeth's side to the ground, using his straps as handholds.
C'len has arrived.

In the sky directly above, Barith wings down to a quick landing on the ground.
Barith has arrived.

V'rin hops down Barith's side to the ground, as the dragon warbles a greeting.
V'rin has arrived.

Teonath springs to life, the somnolence of her lazy lounging shattered in the instant of Vildaeth's collision. Satiet's eyes round, as the young woman looks vastly younger than her twenty turns. "Teonath," she commands, struggling to keep her voice calm but failing in the lilt of a higher pitch. The girl hovers on the outskirts and watches Rilsa, the worry that's lurked in her eyes magnifying, though there's also relief there as she counts the arrivals.

S'din sees Rilsa running toward the injured dragon and so turns on C'len, shouting, "What in Faranth's name *happened* up there, C'len?!"

L'sen is just plain useless in a crisis. Sliding down from Neiveth's neck, the Flurry wingleader stares at the injured bronze wide-eyed, glancing between dragon, rider, weyrlingmaster, and dragonhealers. "Oh, shards. Is he okay? I mean, it's all okay, isn't it?" he asks, turning to Neiveth and fidgeting. "Everything's okay?"

The snapped-at novice scurries out of the dragon infirmary, carrying the equipment the Sr. Dragonhealer needs and stops at Rilsa's side. Rilsa, on the other hand, approaches Vildaeth, her voice calm and soothing. "I am here to take care of you." She speaks to C'len, "I need you to talk to your dragon, tell him that I am here to help." Over her shoulder, she calls a favour. "Satiet, please ask Teonath to get Vildaeth's mind off of any pain or fear."

Despite the look on C'len's face, he seems to have his act together enough to dismount, carefully, before turning to reach for Vil's head and the comfort to be given there with strokes along the dragon's pointed snout. "I don't know what happened," the young man says, shaking his head as tears make slow tracks down his face. He doesn't seem to have it together enough to be able to remember what happened.

Te'an just blinks once he lands, having been one of the last through between and completely missing the entire accident. He looks at L'sen, then back at the commotion, not sure at all what to do other than reassure Deneth that Vildaeth would.. well, probably be alright.

V'rin has his straps undone by the time Barith lands, and is off the bronze almost immediately at touchdown, starting to run towards the injured dragon. Seeing as Rilsa already has help, though, he pulls up short and relaxes a little, turning to glance back through the other Weyrlings, making sure all the others are fine.

S'din shakes his head and changes tactics, "Alright, C'len. Just stay calm." His eyes flickewr to Vildaeth's injuries and he says, "He doesn't look too bad. Just keep him calm and still and let the Dragonhealers do their job."

In the sky directly above, Dasmareth banks and lands neatly on the ground.
Dasmareth has arrived.

Rilsa's hand dip into the redwort, washing them carefully before she looks over the injured bronze. Pursing her lips, she carefully eyes the hide, hand touching here and there to check the seriousness of the injury. Moving on, she says firmly. "Can Vildaeth carefully lower his wing toward me?"

"Done." Satiet finds her presence of mind, drawing on her generally well-known coldness to remain calm. "Teonath?" There's a question in that voiced name, responded to in kind by an affirmative cant of the youthful queen's neck. That out of the way, the slight girl strides purposefully around the rim towards the weyrling in question, passing glances over the uninjured and still alive ones with a fleeting look of continued relief, even offering Te'an a faintly appreciative look. "C'len," the alto lowers, softening in her approach of the bronze weyrling, "Calm, be calm; listen to and follow the Weyrsecond's directives."

"Calm, calm," C'len mutters to himself, though the reminders earlier don't seem to have done him any good. The blonde-haired weyrling steps in a little closer, still reaching to caress Vildaeth's head as the bronze lowers his narrow wings toward the dragonhealer to be inspected.

"Thank you, Vildaeth." Rilsa says to the bronze as he does as she asked. She gently probes the bronze's wing, pressing firmly yet gently on the wingtip, checking for reactions to the touch as well as any physical manifestations of injuries.

L'sen edges away from the scene of the injury, though still staring with rapt horror. "Er, sir?" he queries S'din reluctantly. "Can we--I mean, should we--do you need us for anything? I guess class is, well, over?"

S'din looks over at L'sen and nods, "Of course, L'sen. Dismiss your wing. You've all done very well." He glances at Vildaeth, "Very well indeed, in fact."

Amilin climbs down Dasmareth's side to the ground, the dragon's sparkling eyes watching closely.
Amilin has arrived.

"Thanks, sir," notes L'sen, stepping backward. "Let's get out of here." He gives the wing a haphazard dismissal signal and ushers Neiveth toward the barracks, looking rather green.

Deneth gives a worried croon at Vildaeth, while Te'an nudges at her. She reluctantly heads towards the barracks to have her rubdown and oiling after such lessons, with the insistance of, "You're gunna get sore if you don't go now." By her rider. He gives a bit of a frown to Rilsa as she works, but it's doubtful she sees it.

s'din, melata, satiet, melisandeth, te'an, rilsa, amilin, v'rin, l'sen, c'len

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