[Log] Dance, Dance, Pt. 2

Oct 23, 2005 19:00

Who: Amilin, Brijana, C'len, Griere, Josilina, Llany, L'sen, Melata, R'dur, Satiet, Sria, Tavrie, Te'an, Tirom, V'lano
When: Unknown
Where: Living Cavern, High Reaches Weyr
What: The party continues at High Reaches Weyr.
Notes: Find Pt. 1 here.

Living Cavern, High Reaches Weyr
     The impressive living cavern is seemingly as large as the bowl that cradles the hatching sands. Rivers of polished wood tables and benches arrow towards a raised platform crowned with a compact version of their sturdy design. Neatly crafted pegs, some fancifully carved, are tapped into holes in the wall and support clothing dangling like lazy sleepers. Woven baskets, both useful and decorative, hang along another wall. Tiny bouquets of the first hardy flowers are crammed into jars and mugs, dotting the tables with their pastel colors and light fragrance. The faint, musty aroma of wet wool mingles with that of spice. Banners worked with the designs of Holds and Halls beholden to the weyr cascade down the walls high above, interspersed with several brilliantly colored tapestries. The clink of cutlery harmonizes with the flowing river of talk and gossip as the weyrfolk gather for a hearty evening meal.

Winter Games Prize Winners
Dinner Decorations
Large Ale Cask
Tray of Bubblies
Firelizard Perch

Obvious exits:
Kitchen Bowl Lower Caverns

The comment about his shirt causes a faint blush from C'len, and he side-steps away from the trio in an attempt locate dinner. The buffet table's filled with all manner of courses, from appetizers--he selects some of the cheese-topped bread--to soup, salad, entrees, and everything else in between. The weyrling's stomach rumbles cheery agreement as he fills a plate and then finds a place to sit, near where he was standing before. "Have some, it all looks delicious," he invites L'sen and Satiet alike, before patting the table near him in a further invitation to join him at the table.

L'sen eyes Satiet a moment, then smirks. "Nuh-uh," he disagrees. "You got me into this, so you gotta dance with me, too. But after this one, 'kay?" he tells the goldrider smugly, letting Tavrie dray him along with her. "Okay, so... what'm I supposed to be doin'?" he wonders, stopping in the middle of the floor and looking awkward. He grins sheepishly at her.

Melata swirls away in the crowd, seeking Avalanche table after a visit to the buffet to fill up on a couple of items.

Satiet tenders her wine close to her chin, the less distance it has to travel to her mouth and just gives L'sen that flat look that's old hat to her: Fat chance. Instead, she gets distracted by the arrival of C'len and his food, and with a flicker of fingers to invite Melata as well, until she sees the other woman wander off. "I'll share a bit of whatever you've had. Been running around most of the day," she shares, "After that disastrous game this morning. You're absolutely _sure_ Vildaeth is doing fine? He looked a bit shell-shocked after Wilanth was gunning for him."

"It's the sun," V'lano replies, the laugh more than just a tone to his voice now; it reaches his eyes and draws deep brackets around the corners of his smile. "It's definitely all the sun, if I look well. But thank you, and thank you again - " The Telgari can hardly keep up with the compliments, the congratulations, and laughs softly another time before asking, "How did the games go? Extra rounds of drills for me, with Indrath lording over the sands for us - I wish I'd been able to come at least watch, but no rest for the wicked. But it's gone well? No odd bits?" As if the man's come to expect somewhat odd happenings from Reaches. Can he be blamed?

Fashionably late, and just plain fashionable--that's R'dur and Brijana, entering together. Quite at odds with his usual neat, if plain, appearance, the brownrider has been dressed up for the occasion, wearing nice new clothes and looking very awkward in them. Or perhaps that's just the party itself making him look like that. "Are you /sure/ about this?" he asks the woman at his side worriedly, while he tugs at his collar and skims the crowd. "There's an awful lot of people. I don't want to get in the way, or--or... eat up all their food or something." He's grasping at straws, and his tone shows it.

Amilin turns at the sound of her name, letting Sri go off without her as she greets the Harper, "Tirom! Yes, of course. I remember you though. You sold me a set of pipes for G'non once too as I remember it. He still picks them up from time to time. How have you been?" Sria's return is noted, greeted even with a smile, "Oh? He's having fun then."

Melata sits down and starts to eat, occassionally answering questions and making small talk to those around her.

Tavrie sets L'sen up, positioning him like a little girl getting a doll set up. "Alright, stand like this, this hand here, this one here," she walks him through it as she guides him. "Now, do mind your feet, please? Let's see if you can keep from smudging my boots," Tay notes in a teasing manner, impish grin lighting her face as she tugs him, trying to slowly bring him into the motion of the lively dance.

"R'dur," Brijana's warm voice turns scolding. She knows him too well not to recognize the signs of impending departure due to fear. "If you could eat all their food, you would be as fat as your wingleader. And given how little you do eat, I really doubt you can go through the entirety of that." The simple gesture that indicates the entire spread of the Reaches' serving table is followed by a finger of accusation to the brownrider. "You always work, and I want to dance, and you never go out, and you promised. /Promised/, we'd go somewhere, so I decided here." And taking no such no for an answer, the pretty young woman tugs at her weyrmate's arm towards, well, anything, aimless in her destination.

The orange-clad weyrling begins working slowly through the large number of items on his platter, piled haphazardly with little attention to mixing and mingling of food. "He was pretty startled by it," C'len says, "but seems alright now. He'll need to get used to it. When we do drills, there'll be dragons flying all around him. He's still--recovering, though." This is said with a slight, if worried, grin in Satiet's direction.

Sria exchanges empty glasses for a white wine-filled set, replacing the glass she'd just handed Amilin with a full one, and says only, "Seems that way," with a polite nod to greet Tirom, as well.

Griere's smile brightens slightly at mention of Ista's recent clutch. "Thank you," she says in time with V'lano. Soon after, however, her glance is meandering around the room, finding Satiet among the strangers and then quickly moving on.

L'sen eyes Tavrie uncertainly, letting her move him all around to suit her. He stands there woodenly once he's properly positioned, then grins. "Watch my feet, got it," he tells her cheerfully. Staring down at his feet, he fumbles after her awkwardly. "Foot, step, no, the other way," he mumbles directions to himself under his breath, grinning up at Tavrie. And in that moment of pride, if she's not paying attention, his foot will land on hers.

Tirom smiles and nods to Amilin at that, "I remember that. It's good to hear he's still enjoying them." Then he adds, "I've been doing good, thanks. Busy, of course," he says with a grin. "How have you been?" He smiles at Sria's nod, giving her a bit of a bow, "Harper's duties."

"No doubt." Josilina agrees with a chuckle. "Ah, sounds like an /awful/ lot of fun. Yes, the games went well, for all that I ended up in a snowbank at one point." Odd? Reaches? Never. "I've actually got to go hand out... thingies. But we ought to catch up or something, sometime soon. When I'm not interrupting conversations, either." That's with another nod and an apologetic smile to Griere. "Have a good evening, both of you." That said the Weyrwoman goes over towards the Harper dais, asking for a pause in the music before clamoring on a chair and, a little self-conciously, tapping an empty glass with a spoon. "Evening, everyone! If I can have people's attentions, I'd like to announce some prizes of the evening!"

R'dur winces at Brijana's tone, nodding. "I know, I know. I'm sorry," he apologizes quickly, frowning. "I did promise, and it's fine and we'll have a good time and--wait, dancing?" He pauses and gulps, glancing to the various couples on the floor and wincing. Then, remembering his promise again, he nods. "Yes, dancing. If you really want," he agrees reluctantly. A pause. "And T'bay isn't fat, Bri. He's... very nice," he decides lamely, making a face. "So did you want to eat now?" he changes the subject. "Shall I get you something?"

Melata claps her hands and calls for the riders at Avalanche table (and visitors thereof) to shut up.

The harpers pause their song and put down their instruments in dutiful attention to the Weyrwoman.

"...Thingies?" But V'lano just grins and allows the Reachian senior to escape with simple farewells, not pressing further on that curiousity - instead he tips his head toward Griere and notes, "I haven't visited her since - " a beat. "Too long a time." His voice steps down in volume somewhere in the middle of that, landing at a whisper as the attention of the room is called for. "Oh, thingies," the bronzerider notes, understanding with a grin. Perhaps all for the better, straining to hear Josilina seems to have made him momentarily deaf to R'dur and Brijana, their words just more among the many of the crowd.

Tavrie beams back at him as he goes along with her, nodding her approval when he looks at her. This grin melts away in an instant and she yips softly as he lands on her foot. One eye squints. "Ow ow ow," she mutters and then laughs. "You're so clumsy," she chides him in that strange, cheery sibling manner. Fortunately for both of them, the music winds down and Tavrie looks around with surprise, but a hint of relief on her face.

"Dancing." Bri is way too pleased with the prospect and latches possessively onto R'dur's arm. With the calls for silence, any further words go low for the brownrider's ear, but still audible to those nearby. "We can eat, I don't mind eating. And he's not nice, always scowling at me and putting his shoe leathers into his mouth. Maybe one day, you'll be wingleader." After all, aspire towards the top right?

"He's F'min's brother, Sri." In case she'd missed that fact? Ami sips her wine, sampling it, "Lovely." The Harper is given another smile, "I've been good as well. And I do so understand about busy. Have you been posted yet? Or still at the hall?"

L'sen winces sympathetically as he steps on Tavrie, having the grace to blush slightly. "Whoops. Sorry," he apologizes quickly, moving away from her. "You okay? Sorry about your boots--I know you wanted to keep 'em clean 'n' all." He grins slightly at her to atone for his misstep, then glances around quickly as Josilina calls for silence. "Ooh, wonder who'll get what," he remarks curiously.

Melata waits for the announcements.

"'Reaches duties," Sria returns, smiling at the slight bow but waving it off at the same time. And maybe she did miss it, maybe she didn't. "Well met, in that case." She turns to hear Josilina's announcements, then, at the call.

Tirom nods to what Amilin says with a smile, then shakes his head to the last question, "I'm still waiting to be posted, but they're keeping me busy at the Hall, helping teach and making compositions." He quiets as Josilina calls for attention, though, turning to listen.

Before the next announce is made a drumroll issues from the stage.

Josilina continues on fairly quickly, "Honorable mention things go to Aira, for Most Likely To Warm You Up After The Winter Games; to Beli," and she pauses to grin towards the children's corner, where a many-pigtailed girl looks up, "for... erm, her baked seaweed. What You See Is What You Get Award. And ...Josilina won Most Surprising and Best Disguised Taste." At Beli's mention, she holds out her prize - a wooden bird. "Lastly, we've got a firelizard egg for Jiran, who won the snow sculpture contest." She blinks, before concluding, "And that's it. Thanks again, everyone." And off the chair she hops.

Melata claps her hands.

Sria applauds the winners, and appears surprised for her own name, perhaps for the prize; she mouths, "Abacus?" at Amilin before smiling over the award. "Must be the dress, what with Rilsa in first."

R'dur offers a brief resigned smile, unsurprised by Brijana's decision. However, Josilina saves him from that fate for the time being, however, and he relaxes with a smile as he turns to listen to her. For her last words, he good-naturedly presses a finger to his lips to signal for silence during the announcements. While Josilina finishes, he smiles at her. "Now, you know I can barely handle being wingsecond," he tells her mildly. "I feel so awful whenever someone messed up and I have to correct them." He shrugs, then adds, "So. Did you want dinner now, or to try this... dancing again?" He winces, as though he already knows the answer.

From the fringes of the children's table, a small figure in a draped, silvery sort of garment breaks from the group, crosses to the Weyrwoman, and takes the wooden prize, which she holds reverently before her as she crosses back to join the wary nannies.

Tavrie wafts an unconcern hand at L'sen and grins. "Boots are only boots," she notes and then quiets down to listen.

With the announcements over the harpers begin to play again, this time with some more spritly tunes, the kinds that get feet tapping and fingers snapping.

Te'an walks into the cavern from the lower caverns.
Te'an has arrived.

L'sen grins at Tavrie and shrugs. "Eh, well. Still, though," he remarks, edging closer to her again on the dance floor. "So, hey. You wanna try this again, now that they're all done with all that stuff?" He cocks his head and promises, "I'll be careful, really."

Bri returns the resigned smile and the wince-punctuated question with a sweetly tempered smile. Why ask, when he knows? Her feet are already stepping in time to the nonexistent music. "We should have come earlier. T'bay should've let you leave early so we could build snow creatures." She skips over his lack of desire to be wingleader, just beaming instead with that cajoling tug to his arm.

Griere slips her arm through V'lano's. "You'll have to visit again sometime," she tells him quietly. "My, it sounds like there were some interesting events here. I'm sorry we couldn't make it sooner." Then, leaning in for little more for a whisper. "Josilina seems quite lively." Perhaps it's all the hopping.

Sria smiles at Amilin and Tirom and, with a nod, takes her - abacus - and wineglass, and slips out for a few moments.

Sria meanders through the archway, into the lower caverns.
Sria has left.

"Where were you hoping to go?" Ami asks, but she cuts herself off as she turns her attention Jos's way, a quick smile, sort of apologetic even is given to Tirom and she's applauding, "Good for Aira, and Beli." - "Best disguised, I'll say." The latter is murmured, with a smile in place. She grins after Sria as she slips away.

"Ah, but it's part of a wingsecond's duties," remarks R'dur with a sly smile. "I don't see T'bay and Claret--he's probably still back there working. And you want me to be wingleader," he teases. With a shrug, he adds, "Besides--snow creatures, really. I don't know about that. I'm not... creative. But, ah. Dancing. Right." He lets her tug on him toward the dance floor. "You'll have to, ah, work with me on the finer points, really, but I'll do my best."

Satiet, thoughtful for that worry, mirrors the grin by half. "Perhaps we can make a tradition of it, this... insanity, the game I mean, not the festival. And see how much more agile the dragons can be on ice. It seems a good way to attempt to coordinate wing formations as well without the use of wings and betweening." The raven-haired girl's smile slips, sardonic once more, as she reaches out to steal a bit of the cheese-encrusted bread. "You may even want to present it to the Weyrlingmaster or your own wingleader as an idea for learning cooperation amongst the weyrlings, and on your feet change in tactics."

Melata mumbles something to the person she is talking with, then slips out into the bowl momentarily.

Melata strides outside to the bowl.
Melata has left.

Tirom joins in the applause for the winners, grinning as he spots the girl claiming the bird. Once the prize announcements are done, he turns back to Sria and Amilin, nodding as the former leaves. To the latter, he says, "I'm hoping to get posted someplace warm, but I think I'd be happy anywhere. Well, I best get back to join the performance. If you see F'min, send him my way? Seems like Turns since I've seen him too."

Tavrie applauds the winners, rising on tip toes now and then for a better view. She laughs and shrugs at L'sen as things wrap up. "Why not, hmm?" she agrees and then slides back over to him and offers out her hand. "Don't grin at me, concentrate," she chides him. "I have two boots for you anyway," she notes.

Llany joins the harpers on the stage making the trio a quartet. Takeing her seat she selects her flute, and waiting for the next chorus to come around joins in. The shiny instrument issuing forth a light airy tone that penetrates to the back of the room with it's rich sound. The tune is quick and lively, the sort of music that encourages those who wish to dance. The space in front of the stage has been emptied and the benches forming a square for just that purpose.

"Somewhere warm sounds like a good place to be." Amilin agrees, giving a warm smile, "Of course. Of course. Can't wait to hear you play."

"I'll try not to mess the other one up, too," vows L'sen with a nod to Tavrie. He repositioned himself properly, as she showed him before; and this time he doesn't take his eyes off his feet. "So I ain't seen you in, like, a long time. Forever," he remarks. "Didn't know if you were still around here, you know, or went back to... wherever you're from." He shrugs, glancing briefly upward and then down at his feet again as he tries to keep up with the song.

Brijana doesn't need any more encouragement, the upbeat music and R'dur's reluctant agreement enough for her to slip that hand from his arm to his hand, the tug becoming all the more insistent. Whirling in delighted exuberance, she lifts her arm, and by default his, to spin circles, before pressing up close. "If you step on my toes, I'll forgive you, only for tonight." Softer, she encourages, "You look absolutely marvelous tonight, you know. I'm glad we went with that shirt for you, even if it did cost a few more marks than you were willing to part with."

"Well, you know he's wingleader here, right?" V'lano shrugs as if this makes everything clear - then grins, lifting a glass of wine from a tray bypassing with one of the attending staff to tip it toward Griere's in a gesture of cheer, not quite a toast, almost a tease. "She is lively. And she hates gray. Not fond of gray eggs, gray clothes - " The Telgari winks, even, takes a sip of the wine, and bends his head closer yet to the Istan weyrwoman's to beg, "A dance?"

Josilina swings by the children's corner after her adventures in chair-hopping, crouching to hear the babble of both niece and son, one more coherent than the other. After a few moments she straightens and heads back towards the general crowd, collecting another spritzer before going over to Ami. "Sria sneak off?" She wonders, adding, "Jorel's all messy. Again. And Beli's convinced her bird knows the future."

"Well, I apprecaite that," Tavrie replies and then looks thoughtful. "I did go back for a bit. To the hold. But I packed and came back. My aunt worked me into a perminent spot. It's good that her leg has mended well," the young woman states.

Te'an slips into the living cavern quietly, discreetly, even. He seems to have just come out of the bathing pool, since his hair's still half wet. A glance about the living cavern picks out the pairs of people, dancing or chatting, and he decides perhaps sneaking off with some food would be adequate participation in the party before he skips out on it.

"It seemed so frivolous," notes R'dur, glancing downward at his shirt with a wry smile. "But thank you. I'm glad you like it, anyway." He blushes with pleasure at her compliments, adding in a murmur, "And I won't step on your feet; I'll be very careful. Very careful." He slides his hands around her lightly, with another blush, asking uncertainly, "You really know what we're doing? What /I'm/ doing, other than trying not to step on you?"

Tirom nods to Amilin with a smile, "Thanks." He gives a nod to Josilina as she approaches, then slips off to step back up with the other Harpers. He picks up his gitar and sits down, listening to the music. He waits just a moment, and finding a good spot, starts to play, slipping his music in softly at first, then louder, his gitar joining the music as if it was always supposed to come in there.

Griere frowns down at her gray-blue dress for a moment before straightening her spine and lifting her chin. "Well, our gray egg turned out quite nicely." She hands off what is left of her wine and gives her curls another toss as a smile finds its way to her lips. "I thought you'd never ask."

L'sen nods distractedly to Tavrie. "Guess that explains it, huh. Me, I haven't been home in... well, since I came, actually. Got busy, and then got searched, and now I got Neiveth. But won't be long 'til we can go do what we like 'n' stuff. Then I gotta go home and show him off to all my old friends, you know what I mean?" He grins, glances up at her quickly. In the process, he catches a glimpse of a familiar greenrider, and he removes one hand from around Tavrie long enough to wave at Te'an. He stills his feet as well, having learned his lesson. "Te'an!" he calls.

Llany takes lead from the other apprentices as the tune shifts to one of the more well known dancing tunes. Her own foot tapping out the beat she looks out over the dance floor, filling up too slowly. When Tirom arrives she stands and while still playing wanders the dance floor approaching couples who look like they are debating joining the dancing and using body language to encourage them to join in.

"Ask St'vren," is all Bri responds with, the airy toss of her brightly glossy hair catching every last glow light in the room with the little chips of sliver threaded through her hairstyle. "He can dance too, if you can get him to admit it. Dance lessons for us all, mostly because Rishka thought she knew better than us all and had grand airs of a Lady Holder." Where the man usually takes the lead, Brijana seems skilled at leading in such a way that makes it look like she's not.

So engrossed in his food is C'len that he's late to congratulate some of the winners who slip by, and late, too, to respond to Satiet. "Oh, yes. Perhaps. Plus the riders could better learn to skate, maybe?" While the innocent comment probably is more aimed toward himself, it could be targetted at the junior's skills, as well. C'len looks up idly, watching as Tavrie and L'sen continue their dancing, of sorts. His plate done, for now, he rests his hands on the table and taps along with the music. "Did you have fun at the games, at least? --except for the Wherry, anyway."

The junior goldrider blanches at the mention of her accident, well, both her accidents. "L'sen's promised more skating lessons. I'm not sure whether to trust him or not," Satiet muses, watching the pair with the thinnest veil of smirkish delight. Meddlesome creature. "And you, your one to talk," the alto turns mildly accusatory. "You could barely keep yourself up on the ice as well." The wherry? Well, that's another of those stories she'll refrain from addressing, brushing it away with a disdainful little toss of her dark hair. "Do you ever stop eating? If Vildaeth ate half as much as you do, proportional to his size, we'd be out of stock in less than a turn."

Amilin watches Tirom make his way back to the other Harpers and then nods Josilina's way, "Yeah. I think she was putting her prize away. She had said a certain son of yours is getting dirty, before she escaped." She chuckles then, "Beli thinks so, hmm?"

R'dur arches his brows, surprised. "Really. I wouldn't have expected that of him--he's always claimed otherwise, that I can recall," he remarks, shaking his head. It's a good thing Brijana's quite skilled; R'dur is not, and he seems intent on touching her as lightly as possible, hands barely resting against her. He keeps his feet well away as well, keeping more distance than perhaps typical between them as he seeks to avoid mishap. "You know, I still haven't met any of them--your family, I mean," he notes, glancing briefly down at his feet.

Tavrie halts awkwardly as L'sen stops to greet his friend. She laughs good-naturedly and then sighs. "Dancing just isn't gonna work, is it?" she asks. The girl thumps him playfully on the arm and then wafts her hand at Te'an. "Go ahead, I'm gonna go check out the food," she notes rather matter-of-factly and with a fake look of intense concentration on her face. Tavrie slips through people, sliding into the crowd and away from L'sen.

"You didn't really think that," V'lano chuckles, and sets his wine aside too; with hands freed, he leads Griere through some of the milling crowd to join the other pairs at dancing. A moderate tempo suits them, and soon they've fallen comfortably enough into the pleasant routine of feet and hands, music and rhythm. "I think that's T'bay's new 'second. Have you met him? I can't recall," the bronzerider notes to Griere, using a tip of his chin to indicate the Telgari pair elsewhere among the dancers.

Te'an blinks as he hears his name called out, and peers at L'sen a moment before just giving him a halfhearted wave. "Hey L'sen." He comments, and then returns to piling up his plate full of food, completely missing any other exchange between the music and the other noise of the cavern. He then glances towards Amilin, scrunches his nose, and then starts heading back down towards the lower caverns.

Josilina returns Tirom's nod, wondering of Amilin, "You know him?" - "Yes, he is." Dry, dry, dry. She chuckles too at the last, "Mm-hm. It's this sort of... wobbly toy thing, with big ol' feet. And Beli's already insisting it can talk to her and all." She's got a fond eyeroll for her niece. Then, brightly: "Did you try the cheese?"

Brijana fixes that right up, the light touching that is, with a hand that drops to firm his grasp at her waist. And of course the distance between them just won't do. "He pretends not to, though, he may have forgotten all of Rishka's lessons." The girl shudders, likely due to the fact that Rishka, for all her airs, was not a Lady Holder when things went wrong. "I don't see how though. But we'll have to corner him and see if he'll dance for us. A jig, a waltz, the polka." To a passing rider, one that gives her and her attire the most appreciative of looks, she flashes a dazzling smile, then returns her attention to R'dur. "I told you, I'd forgive you if you stepped on my toes tonight. But if you've had enough, we can go eat a bit instead and mingle. See anyone you recognize?"

L'sen glances at Tavrie and grins sheepishly. "Sorry. I have to talk to him--he'd get mad at me if I didn't," he explains cheerfully. "But hey, I'm gonna get some food, too. You wanna eat with us? Bet I can talk him into staying," he remarks, grinning at Te'an over the smaller girl's head. He trails toward the food table with a bright grin. "Where you goin', Te'an? Not trying to skip out on the party or anything, are you? C'mon--come eat with me. I'm /starving/. Tavrie had me out there dancing, did you see? And I gotta make Satiet dance with me, too, because she got me into it first anyway," he remarks, as he begins loading a plate with everything there is to other, grinning all the while as he chatters to the green weyrling.

"I do sleep," C'len says to Satiet, as if seriously considering her last question. Then he rests his elbows atop the table, cradling his chin in his hands and spending some time watching the vairiety of activity in the caverns. He flicks his fingers in a wave as Te'an nears, before he says to Satiet, "My skating skills need help, too. Maybe I could get S'reit to help me." He pauses, as if reconsidering, then says, "Although L'sen would be a much more pleasant teacher."

When Llany reaches the opposite side of the floor from the players she ends her playing with a smile. Holding her instrument in one hand she holds her waist and playfully starts to Celtic step her way across the floor first to one side, then the other. By the time she reaches the stage again her hair is quite askew and she has a healthy glow.

Tavrie shrugs before disappearing. "Hey, don't worry about it. I have some people to talk to," she tells him. "I'll take a raincheck on meeting and munching," she tells him before she's gone.

Amilin nods, "Mmhhm. We go way back." She glances from the Harpers to Jos and smiles, "F'min's brother. I met him, oh shards. Probably when I was still a candidate. Must have been twenty turns ago by now." A soft chuckle then and she comments, "Beli is so cute. - And no. I've not yet tried the cheese." Her gaze lights on Te'an a moment, rests there and she gives a nod his way, if he notices or not.

Sheepishly, R'dur blushes but allows Brijana to readjust his position easily enough. "I see. Well, perhaps you can ask him about it. I don't think I could bring it up," he notes with a mild shrug, his eyes following the rider eyeing his weyrmate. His brows knit briefly, and he turns back to Brijana. "Ah. Right. You would. I see. Ah... I see--oh. Better avoid her--I doubt she's forgiven me. Or, well, Alidaeth, anyway," he remarks, catching sight of Satiet. He turns deliberately the other way. "Oh, there's the Weyrsecond," he notes. A pause. "V'lano, I mean. Weyrsecond /V'lano/," he clarifies quickly. "Shall we--" He gestures toward the bronzerider vaguely, frowning again.

Tavrie walks outside to the bowl.
Tavrie has left.

Te'an pauses deliberately, and just looks at L'sen. It's one of those looks that seems like he's just not quite sure what to make of the weyrling. "Oh, you didn't have to leave her. Really, you know I'm still on reprimand and well.. you seemed to be having fun." He says, waving a hand off towards Tavrie, wherever she disappeared to. He gives a bit of a wave back to C'len in the process too, and then glances off towards the living cavern. "Besides, I'm not feeling like being around big crowds right now. Maybe you can tell me about the whole festival later, huh?"

"S'reit helping with anything would amaze me enough to buy the weyrlings a round of drinks once graduated." Dryly inflected, Satiet spares a mocking look for C'len, challenge in her pale gaze. "If you can make it happen, I promise. Though you're right, L'sen's far more adept at getting people to listen to him." Speaking of, she spies out the blue weyrling at the serving tables minus his dancing partner and seems to sink backwards into her seat to become inconspicuous.

Tirom, as Llany stops playing, leads the other Harpers into a slightly different tune, one that fits her little dance all the more. Tirom grins as he watches, both Llany and the crowd in general.

R'dur offers Brijana a quick smile, nodding. "Whatever you want to do," he tells her agreeably. "Food might get cold outside, but it's probably going to clear out here shortly, if you'd like the company." He shrugs, indecisive. "And, ah. Thank you. I'm--well. You don't need me for that, you know," he adds.

Sria turns, after a moment, to make her way along with the crowd, though there's a refill somewhere on her way toward the door, where she heads toward Amilin before proceeding outside.

"Of course I do," Brijana responds promptly to that agreeableness with a sunny smile. "We can eat quietly over there and then join the others with fresh pitchers of klah and carob bars to melt over the bonfire. I know you don't like cold food."

Amilin chuckles after Josilina and slowly gains her feet. Sria's approach is enough she gives pause before heading on, confiding with a chuckle, "I suddenly feel both over and underdressed."

R'dur offers Brijana a smile, nodding. "All right," he agrees, already starting for the serving table. "But really, I don't mind," he tries one more time to convince her. "It's fine with me if you want to go now, but..." A shrug. "The quiet is kind of nice, too. I suspect it will clear out a bit once people get chilly--that'll be nice."

Sria pauses a moment before the door to speak with the Harpers, nodding toward Tirom in an echo of her same greeting earlier this evening. "Thank you so much for coming, tonight, our many regards to your Hall. The Weyr's glad to have you as always, and the music was wonderful. Feel free join us out by the bonfire if you'd like to." Smiling, she turns to Amilin and a laugh escapes, "I know what you mean."

Amilin grins as she tells Sria, "I think I might grab a jacket at least." Then she too turns her attention to the Harpers, "It was a lovely set you played."

Brijana's smile deepens so the faint dimples of her cheeks emerge. "I'm tired of people, for now, I think. And there's a lot of food left, in case you're worried about eating High Reaches out of their winter tithes," she teases, following his lead to the serving tables. "The last time we were at the lake anywhere, was almost a turn ago, well, at least half a season ago, during fall. Remember?" She watches the harpers begin to disband (?), and in succession the well-dressed riders. "I want a dress of that color. Gold and cream, it complements their skin."

Tirom nods to Sria and Amilin with a smile, "Thank you, we're all quite happy to have been able to play here tonight." He nods again to Sria and says, "I don't think I'll be joining for the bonfire, but I think a couple of the others plan to. Thank you again."

"You might want to, you're not wearing much," Sria notes, the tease in her expression, and she then turns her smile on Tirom and the other Harpers. "Glad to hear it. If only we could get you all to come play every day. - Though, we don't quite have bonfires every day."

R'dur smiles sheepishly. "Right, right. I know. But I still worry," he tells her easily. He hesitates, allowing a goofy smile to settle across his features. "I remember," he tells her quietly, nodding. "I don't think I can forget. But--a dress?" He blinks at the change of subject, turning to study the rider she points out. "Well, perhaps next time I'm by the weavers'..." He trails off with a smile, turning back to the serving table. He picks up a plate and asks, "What would you like, Bri?" He seems poised to fill a plate for her, not bothering with his own for the moment.

"I like this dress." Ami tells Sri with a grin, "He does too. If he'd made it to see." She winks and then shrugs. She glances between Tirom and Sria, "Ahh, well. There will be other bonfires. I am glad you came though, Tirom. It's been too long since you were by."

"We'll share. Somehow," Brijana grins, "We never seem to be able to get through an entire meal together anyway. Extra fruit and some of the fresh whipped cream though. I don't mind skipping the meal for dessert." Pleased by the goofy smile, the Telgarian resident sinks in closer to rest her chin on R'dur's shoulder all adoring-like and such. "I like lakes, we should eat quickly before the fire dies all too soon."

Tirom nods to Amilin and Sria, and then grins, "I wish I could join tonight, maybe I will later, I just haven't had much to eat yet myself and want to get some of this nice feast before it's all gone."

"Who wouldn't like it," says Sria, and to Tirom: "By all means! The veal is especially impressive. I might've eaten too much, come to that," she says, with a sweep of her hand against her stomach, though she doesn't seem too broken up about it. "I've a sweater out with Sruth to grab before stopping by the lake," she tells Ami. "And a blanket, which might be the warmer choice."

R'dur eyes the plate dubiously. "No, no. We don't have to do that," he assures her, even while adding the requested items to the plate. "This is for you--not for me to pick over." He shrugs, glancing sideways as she rests against him. "Me, too," he agrees. "Though, with this stuff, I suppose it won't get very cold if you want to head on out?"

Sria strolls outside to the bowl.
Sria has left.

"Oh, by all means. You shouldn't miss the feast." Ami tells Tirom with a grin, "Go ahead. I should probably get out there though. If I can corner something warmer to wear. See you soon though, hmm?"

Tirom nods to Amilin with a smile, "Thanks, I hope so at least." He gives a bit of a bow, with a grin, and says, "Have fun." He turns then to wander down to get himself some food.

"You don't want anything else?" Baffled, Bri looks down at the plate he offers her, and then up again. "If you're sure, well, I'm feeling tired and not up to socialize much anyway. We could just take this back with us home and enjoy the lake and view there. Quieter at any rate."

Amilin nods, giving another smile, and then she's out the door too, behind Sri.

Amilin walks outside to the bowl.
Amilin has left.

"I'm fine," R'dur reassures Brijana, nodding. He glances at the plate again, then smiles. "That would suit me fine. We've socialized and danced and it'll be nice to go home and eat in peace." Pause. "And get out of these uncomfortable--but very nice--" he hastens to add "--new clothes."

"Uncomfortable?" Bri, clearly in her element, looks bewildered at that statement, glancing R'dur up and down, and then herself, preening under her own gaze. "Well, I suppose so." She grins, impish delight for her weyrmate. "We should go home and find something more comfortable to lounge around in."

R'dur blushes at that, but manages a shy smile. "Well, yes. They'll be better after I've worn them a couple of times," he remarks, as though that were all he meant. He shrugs mildly, and, still holding the plate, offers Brijana his arm before starting outside to the waiting Alidaeth.

Brijana takes the arm, bouncing with remnant energy that their short dance didn't quite get rid of. "We'll take another trip to the Weavers. It was so kind of that journeyman to give us a bargain on those shirts for you. At least tomorrow at drills you'll shine. Not that," she concedes, "You don't shine anyway."

R'dur offers a slow wry smirk, nodding. "Very nice--he probably knows he'll have a good repeat business with us now," he decides. "Ah, well. It's been worth it. Tonight was nice. Really, maybe we should do something like this again some time--perhaps back home at Telgar. Or somewhere warmer, like Ista," he muses, shrugging.

"Ista," Bri's agreeable to any such trip that'll take her places, and with Alidaeth and his rider at her disposal, everything is all the merrier. She continues to chatter blithely of various plans, especially the sweet cooing of their lake venture for tonight to watch the moon and all the cutesy adorable stuff, until her voice goes quiet due to distance.

melata, brijana, satiet, r'dur, tirom, josilina, te'an, v'lano, griere, llany, sria, amilin, tavrie, c'len, l'sen

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