[Log] Things Work Out at the End

Apr 04, 2006 18:00

Who: L'sen, Suraiya
When: Day 11, Month 3, Turn 7, 11th Interval
Where: Guest Weyr, High Reaches Weyr
What: L'sen and Suraiya talk after Ozriadasoth's flight.

Ground Level Guest Weyr
     The ledge at the front of the guest weyr commands an imposing view over the bowl to the north. A flight of stone steps links the ledge to the floor of the bowl. The ledge is shaded from the sun at midday.
     The weyr is lit by a few glows, and whatever daylight enters from the opening to the ledge. You can make out a couch, big enough for most dragons to rest comfortably on, and next to it an alcove containing a cot and press for the accompanying rider. Although this weyr is not permanently occupied, it is kept tidy by the women of the lower caverns, and a pitcher of water and a bowl of fruit bear witness to its constant state of ready welcoming.

Obvious exits:
Sky STairs

Morning does indeed come too soon; in fact, it catches L'sen entirely unawares. Sprawled out flat on his back in the guest weyr's small bed, he snores gently, rolling over and hiding his eyes as a particular agressive sunbeam lands on his face.

Suraiya is really enjoying her much-needed sleep. Except the fact that she's never shared a bed when she's utterly exhausted. Especially a small bed. One arm snaps out to smack the direction of the disturbance that is suddenly waking her up: the snore-maker. She comes back around holding the furs to herself as she rolls into them, muttering about waking up too early.

"Mmph!" It's a muffled, groggy exclamation Suraiya's arm elicits, L'sen squinching his eyes up tighter. He buries his head in the pillow, as though that will help (at least he woke up enough to stop snoring); but after several seconds, during which he registers a chill from Suraiya's tugging at the covers, he stirs enough to mumble, "Hey, stop hogging all the stuff, you know?"

Suraiya answers the bluerider's exclamation with her own muffled giggle. She was enjoying her sleep... and least she can enjoy the covers. "'M cold," comes her reply. And then one blue eye carefully opens to her surroundings. She allows the different setting to dig its way into her foggy mind, and when that happens, she turns her head enough to say over her shoulder, "Go find your own, I claim this one now."

L'sen rubs at his eyes briefly, and scoots closer to Suraiya to take advantage of both her warmth and the covers she's wrapped up in. "Me, too," he agrees with a sleepy, goofy grin. "But hey, I was... okay, maybe not here first, but close enough. I'd share with you, anyway," the bluerider points out.

Suraiya considers the words for a moment, more into that fully awake stage. "Well, guess ya can take a corner." And that is what she offers and she turns around. She raises her head onto her hand, elbow supporting it under the furs. "But I s'pose one of us or both will have to get up eventually... duties calls an' all, cold or no cold."

"Not it," answers L'sen promptly, with his eyes closed again. Though, he can't resist peeking up at Suraiya again. "We should get an off day. Except, well. I'm kinda hungry. Breakfast would be really good, you know what I mean?" That thought's enough to wake him up better, and he scoots upright to lean against the backboard with a brightening grin. Then, belatedly: "Good morning, by the way."

Suraiya nods her head against her hand. "Oh yes, food sounds good sometime soon." Except she doesn't appear to think soon is in the next few minutes. When he gets upright, she snuffles further into the covers for the moment. "A very good, cold, morning to ya, too," she grins from the whole in the furs. Seeing L'sen looking ready to start the day, though, makes her less likely to slip back into sleep. With a sigh she scoots out herself and stretches her arms up.

"It's not /that/ bad," decides L'sen with a shrug. "I mean, it's not dead-of-winter freezing or anything, so it's kinda nice. Bet it's real pretty outside, too--c'mon, let's go eat. I'm /starving/." Perhaps he's slow to wake up, but once he's going, he's back to his usual mile-a-minute chatter. "Neiveth's not woke up yet. Bet he'll be unbearable when he does, though--all smug and stuff, like he was after that time he got Deneth," he notes as he gets up and rummages about for where his clothes ended up--not a very shy one, L'sen.

"It's still High Reaches," Suraiya defends as she sits up herself and watches L'sen with a tilt to her head. "A morning like this should be warm, not this chill ya get sometimes." On his comment on the blue, she rolls her eyes. "Typical.. I s'pose that's natural for many dragons that catch. It's better than those that sulk." She's not shy, she's just really really lazy. She waits a few more moments before sliding out of bed herself and gathering her own clothes. "So Neiveth's caught a lot so far?" She tries a bit on small talk as she struggles with her pants.

L'sen shakes his head. "Nah, just the one," he admits. "He's still learning, you know? But Deneth, she likes him, so I don't think she really tried too hard to get away from him." A shrug. He dresses quickly: food's calling him already. "What's Ozzy think?" he wonders, as he sits down to lace up his boots.

Suraiya's struggles finally end and she puts the rest on as she goes about picking it up. Once dressed, she tries to run a few fingers through her tangled hair. "That definitely helps for Neiveth. Won't have much competition there in the future." She sits down as well, back to watching the bluerider until he's ready. "Ozzy?" She shrugs. "Neiveth is definitely one of a kind. She's called him funny an' all. But Ozzy's very friendly, she likes everyone."

"You think?" L'sen wonders curiously. "I guess so. It helps Te'an likes me, too, I guess. Anyway--" he stamps his feet, standing again when he's dressed and ready. "I'm glad she's in a better mood. Neiveth, he can cheer anyone up," the bluerider boasts as he heads for the door.

Suraiya laughs as she follows. "Well, Neiveth would never have to bother with all the rest of the flights 'round if it all works out that way." She bounces closer, sharing her lifemate's good mood as well (thankfully). "Ever think of being Weyrmates?" She slows her strides, head bobbing. "I jus' can't keep dealing with her turning sour every time this happens."

L'sen shrugs. "I--yeah," he answers vaguely, rubbing at the back of his head and detangling the worst of his hair. "I mean, we kind of... talked about it, but I mean, not really, so... yeah. Anyway. Maybe she won't be so grumpy next time? I guess we can hope so, anyway. She didn't seem so bad to me, but then again, I wasn't havin' to listen to her all the time, you know what I mean?"

"Things work out at the end," Suri tries to offer, though she is not entirely sure she understands the situation now. She passes a hand over her head, pushing back her hair as she does so. "Listening to her all morning was the problem. Though she got quiet later. I do hope next time it'll jus' be like that an' she won't wake me up early to complain." She shrugs. "But that takes time to figure out."

L'sen grins brightly. "Yeah, they do," he agrees easily. "It'll get easier next time, too, I guess, when you know what to expect and you get to settle down into, I dunno, a pattern or whatever." He shrugs. Then: "C'mon, breakfast is waiting," he declares, heading out into the bowl without further ado.

suraiya, l'sen

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