[Log] Such Charming Company

Dec 19, 2004 18:00

Who: D'mer, Sh'drian
When: Day 5, Month 8, Turn 1, 11th Pass
Where: Lake, Ierne Weyr
What: D'mer and Sh'drian talk while Eadranth and Xyrinth get to know each other.

---| Lake |--------------------------------------------------| Ierne Weyr |---
     The pristine waters of the lake spread out in a jagged circle of sapphire fixed into a bed of rich basalt sand. Shallow sand bars are dispersed among pockets of depth, lending to a patchy appearance as the water's blue shades lighten and darken sporadically. The richness of the obsidian sand throws a deep shadow over the waters, causing them to be darker in nature and reach an almost impenetrable navy near the center. Along the northern fringes, the beach is set upon by tall grass and flowering trees of viridian green. Water plants grow sporadically here and there providing a safe haven for various forms of aquatic life and a good fishing hole. Farther south, the foliage slowly dwindles away to reveal statuesque arrangements of polished lava rock and an endless beach of glittering cobalt. The lake is alive with an endless procession of hurried waves lapping hungrily at the shoreline. The white-crested waves are generally strong in their constant ebb and flow and the water is cool, yet refreshing. A gentle current at the eastern edge of the watery expanse leads off into a channel. The waters follow this path away from the lake, disappearing mysteriously into the distance.
     The deepening winter morning shimmers as a gentle breeze whispers softly beneath clear skies.


People: Sh'drian D'mer

Dragons: Eadranth

Obvious exits:
Northern Bowl Southern Bowl

     D'mer peers out into the world with a pair of large blue-green eyes, thickly lashed. Their color is frighteningly vivid and can easily draw the onlooker's attention first; brows above them are neat, and slightly arched. His nose is perfectly straight and narrow, leading down to a set of full cupid-bow lips. Cheekbones are high, chiseled, and his skin is as pale as fresh cream. Thick, short, honey-blond hair has been woven into a mat of interlocking layers, with bangs that come down to the level of his eyebrows framing his forehead. The ends of the layers that reside upon his brow are set to points like five tiny talons, some facing one way and some the other. He's around 5'4", and his build is slender. However, wiry muscle has been packed onto a seemingly delicate bone structure, allowing his true strength to remain a mystery. Much more beautiful than a young man should be allowed, most might mistake him for a fresh young girl as they have in the past and yet he still could easily break many a heart. He speaks with a melodic husky-alto; accent showing he's lived in High Reaches, probably since birth.
     He wears clothing that befits a colder climate, and can keep someone with not an ounce of fat on his body as warm as anyone else. A pair of lined linen pants in a deep earthy brown, a simple emerald green long-yet -loose-sleeved double weave tunic that obviously must have to be pulled over his head to be taken off, and around his narrow hips tied sash in green diamond patterned muslin, tassels at the ends. On his feet are winterized boots that are more or less tied on with straps of hide of a lighter brown, the length of which goes up to just over his calves and pant. On his left shoulder is a knot depicting him as a weyrling at Ierne Weyr with a single green thread woven in for his lifemate Xyrinth.

D'mer is wandering the shore of the lake, his hands shoved into the pockets of his coat while at his side the ever present Xyrinth follows. The blond weyrling looks down at the young female and grins crookedly, "It did go well didn't it? Yes...yes I admit it. You're the best beloved," he says with a short laugh.

Eadranth makes a couple of passes over the lake before he lands heavily on the shore, rumbling and staring toward the queens' ledges off the bowl. When another figure starts toward the lake, however, his attention wanders, eventually resettling on D'mer and, more specifically, Xyrinth. Definitely curious, he croons a greeting to the tiny green.

Aqua eyes following the decent of the bronze that sired his lifemate, D'mer can't help the frown that pulls at the corner of his lips perhaps for several reasons. A moment's hesitation and the greenrider starts to look for the male's rider. Xyrinth however, leaves the blonde's side to trot on long legs to Eadranth without so much as taking her leave. "Xyrinth! No!" D'mer hisses, a hand going out as if to try and catch her but its too late. The small female plops down on her haunches before her sire and narrows whirling silvered eyes at him, crooning softly.

Eadranth lowers his head to closer to Xyrinth's level, extending his muzzle to whuffle her, eyes whirling in fascination. Meanwhile, Sh'drian continues his progress to the lake, finally coming up behind Eadranth, as yet ignorant of the presence of D'mer and his green. However, he stops abruptly at his bronze's shoulder when he sees the pair, eyes narrowing slightly. "Well, look who's out and about, Eadranth," he finally remarks, earning an 'I knew that' snort from his dragon.

Eadranth> Xyrinth senses that Eadranth reaches out, warm and enthusiastic. << Xyrinth! Hello. Are you here for a bath, too? >>

Canting her head to one side and then the other as she is whuffled at especially by a dragon much, much larger then herself, Xyrinth stretches out her neck to touch her silken snout against that of Eadranth's. Making soft sniffling noises, the young female creels. D'mer hurries to catch up to his small lifemate, groaning a touch as he hears Sh'drian of all people, "Good morning Weyrleader," he says in a droning tone of voice, half-heartedly saluting before he blinks at Xyrinth, "Yes darling, he is big," he says, unable to resist the smirk that comes to his lips, "No...no you won't be that size someday."

Dragon> Eadranth senses that Xyrinth feels icy, her mindvoice a whispery alto like the whistle of the wind through winter trees, << I bathed earlier. Why is it that you are here so much later then I? Is your rider too lazy to get up with the rest of us? >> Her question is curious, even if its posed with a tone that denotes frosty.

Dragon> Eadranth senses that Xyrinth feels icy, her mindvoice a whispery alto like the whistle of the wind through winter trees, << I bathed earlier. Why is it that you are here so much later then I? Is your rider too lazy to get up with the rest of us? >> Her question is curious, even if its posed with a tone that denotes frosty.

Sh'drian turns to lean back against Eadranth's shoulder as the bronze continues to swing his great head this way and that, inspecting Xyrinth from virtually every angle. Sh'drian notes, scanning over D'mer, "Morning, weyrling. Awfully early to be out already: no classes, chores, what have you?"

Eadranth> Xyrinth senses that Eadranth's mind releases a surge of heat, magma-laced thoughts roiling at the innocuous question delivered by the younger dragon. << My rider is not lazy, >> he retorts darkly, voice deepening slightly with sulkiness. << He has been busy, as have I. /We/ have drills to lead in the mornings. We cannot always do as we want when we want, Xyrinth. >>

Dragon> Eadranth senses that Xyrinth feels icy, her mindvoice a whispery alto like the whistle of the wind through winter trees, << I bathed earlier. Why is it that you are here so much later then I? Is your rider too lazy to get up with the rest of us? >> Her question is curious, even if its posed with a tone that denotes frosty.

D'mer blinks at Sh'drian, his smirk resisting as he tries to put it away, but he wins in the end schooling his expression to one of neutrality. "Xyrinth and I have been up since before dawn sir," he says, shrugging his slender shoulders slightly before arching a brow at the small green seated at his feet. Xyrinth, however, lifts a foreleg to place against Eadranth's snout, crooning.

Sh'drian quirks a brow. "Yes, that's to be expected," he drawls, cocking his head slightly. "But have you actually been /doing/ anything since then?" Eadranth, quite surprised by Xyrinth's foreleg finding his muzzle, snorts and draws back abruptly, looking startled.

Dragon> Eadranth senses that Xyrinth doesn't recoil from that surge of heat, rather curiously surrounds it with icy lances of chill as her wonder increases, << I never get to do what I want, but D'mer says that we have to listen to *Weyrlingmaster L'yan*, >> she pouts, her mind letting out a great forlorn sigh.

Eadranth> Xyrinth senses that Eadranth sounds distracted, as he notes, << Yes, you're supposed to obey, for what that counts. Vorsanth's rider is technically in charge. My rider does not think much of his leadership, however. What did you do that for? >> His topic switches quickly, as he transmits an image of one giant-sized foreleg attempting to claw his muzzle -- artistic license of earlier events.

Moistening his lips, D'mer shoots Xyrinth a look that seems to tell the young green that she needs to back off. The female makes a soft sweet sound when looking at her lifemate, popping up from her bottom and circling her short rider and wrapping her body around him with a warble of affection. His attention returning to Sh'drian, "Exercises at dawn, followed by three classes before we get to eat and then we get a short break before more classes and drills. This, is my short break and now fortunate for me I get to share it with such charming company," he says evenly with a fluttering of lashes.

Dragon> Eadranth senses that Xyrinth feels light like the soft dusting of winter's first snow, << My rider thinks greatly of Vorsanth's rider, >> This is followed by a brief flicker of emotions taken from D'mer that can only be described as intense feelings of absolute love and devotion, respect, and admiration. << My rider told me that I was still small enough to fit on your head, I was looking. >>

Eadranth> Xyrinth senses that Eadranth, plainly suspicious, seems almost as cold as the green, the warmth of his voice replaced with a chilly, slightly echoing void, as though coming from a cavern underground. He is curt, bordering upon rude. << You are not. You are too big for such things. You should know this already. >>

Sh'drian nods slowly. "Well, that's good, then. L'yan's keeping you busy," he remarks as he ushers a sulky-looking Eadranth toward the water. "Now if you'll excuse us," continues the man, "we have things to do." And with that, he turns his back on the green weyrling, paying attention to Eadranth solely.

Xyrinth suddenly is silent and she turns her narrowed eyes upon Eadranth, letting out a sharp snort before she turns her back on him, snout thrust up into the air. D'mer tries not to laugh at something, covering his mouth with a balled fist and coughing upon it. "Yes of course sir, if you'll excuse us..." D'mer murmurs before bowing out and heading back towards the barracks with Xyrinth.

Dragon> Eadranth senses that Xyrinth responds only with a shockingly sharp stab of icy heat before her mind leaves his completely.

xyrinth, sh'drian, d'mer, eadranth

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