[Log] The Redeeming Power of Love

Dec 24, 2005 18:00

Who: D'ven, Sh'drian
When: Unknown
Where: Living Cavern, Ierne Weyr
What: Sh'drian and D'ven briefly discuss love.

+---( Living Cavern - Ierne Weyr )-------------------------------------------+
     The living cavern of Ierne is unique on Pern. It has a stream running through the middle of it, and it also has a wide stone bridge spanning the stream. Tables and such are set up on both sides of the stream, and there are strings of glowbaskets hanging from the ceiling, each tied to a mechanism that allows for easy changing of the glows. The light from the glowbaskets, combined with the swift stream bisecting the cavern, creates the most interesting shivering reflections on the ceiling. The stone bridge itself is carved with intricate workings of shipfish and waves, repeated incidents of the Ierne Weyr badge on the pillars carved by Stonemasons long past. The bridge also has slender stonework linking it to the ceiling, graceful arches left by nature, enhanced by man.
     Aside from the main stream, there is a second stream that all Weyr residents know is good drinking and cooking water, for it bubbles up directly out of the rock, wearing away a small channel that eventually plops down into the river itself, and it's frequently a skipping-stream for the children of the Weyr. Exits lead in nearly all directions from this cavern.


Players: D'ven

Exits: Bowl Kitchen Hallway Candidate Barracks Stores Bathing Pools Diving Point

     D'ven is roughly 6' in height, and can best be described as lanky. He's broad-shouldered, and clearly lives an active lifestyle that keeps him in shape. That shape, however, is proportionate to his size and build, so his muscles don't stand out greatly. Dark black hair sits atop his head in what can best be described as a disorderly mop. It's kept purposely short at the front, but is thicker in the back and comes down to just past his ears. These days, it's almost always unkempt. The overall effect makes his head look somewhat like a strange-shaped rock with plants growing over it. This is aided by his strong facial features, his nose looking like it was chiselled out of his face and his jaw giving a similar impression. Soulless dark brown eyes sit above his nose, great black eyebrows arching over them. His face seems perpetually dirty and badly shaven, the man clearly having let himself go some time ago . His skin itself is bronzed and weathered, the man clearly spending most of his time outside.
     D'ven wears an old and battered set of riding leathers, kept in very bad repair and just about clinging together. Over these he wears a riding jacket that is slightly too big for him, and has been repaired numerous times.

It's a little after midday, and the lunchtime rush has trickled off. Very few people are in the living cavern now, but D'ven is one of them. The bronzerider has found a seat in a corner, far away from the main thoroughfares, and is pushing his food around his plate.

Just filtering in is Sh'drian, accompanied by an unfortune wingmate, currently being subjected to a long rant on just how to stay in formation during drills. However, even Sh'drian isn't going to interupt his meal with chastisement, so with a few last biting comments, he turns away in dismisally of the other rider and begins gathering himself lunch. With a plate thus loaded, he glances over the cavern and finally smirks and aims for D'ven.

D'ven glances up in time to see Sh'drian smirk and begin heading his way. The rider manages a somewhat weak and tired smile for the other man as he approaches. "Good afternoon. How are you today? All is well, I trust?"

"Well enough," Sh'drian answers shortly as he settles himself into the seat across from the other bronzerider. Arranging his plate and a glass of water in front of him. Then, with a modicum of politeness, he queries, "And you? Not drinking now--must be a good day."

"Yes, it's a pretty good day thank you. I'm alright." D'ven replies, moving a little so he is no longer quite so sprawled out. "I've certainly been worse, so I can't really complain." He adds with a half-shrug. "Anything interesting been going on in your life recently?"

Sh'drian frowns at that, pausing mid-bite to eye D'ven. "In my /life/?" he repeats, brows arching. "Faranth, no. Whatever would make you think that?" He smirks, continues eating slowly. "Nothing unusual, anyway," he adds thoughtfully after a moment. A shrug, and he counters, "What about /you/?"

D'ven laughs softly. "It's just an expression." He points out, before considering. "Things have been pretty quiet really. Aside from you and L'yan the first time I saw you two, nobody has heaped abuse on me. Most people seem to treat me with a mixture of pity and weariness." He half-smiles. "I keep hearing about how women like the brooding thing, provided they get to save the man eventually. As though it was some act I put on for their benefit."

"Women," reveals Sh'drian, "like to believe in the redeeming power of love." He snorts at that, shaking his head mockingly. "Let me guess: Vaelis said that?"

"As it happens, yes she did." D'ven replies with a nod. "How did you guess?" There's a pause, and then "And I think it's a little early to be throwing words like love around."

Sh'drian eyes D'ven, smirking. "Who else? It sounds like just the sort of drivel she'd come up with." With a shrug, he takes a few more bites of his meal, then leans forward, forearms on the table as he studies the rider before him. "And what word would /you/ throw around?"

D'ven considers this for a moment. "I'm not sure. It's never been something I've needed to sum up with a word before." He replies, studying Sh'drian even as Sh'drian studies him. "Besides, I'm not one to idly throw around words I don't mean."

"Of course you're not," agrees Sh'drian easily, smirking smugly as he turns back to picking over his food.

d'ven, sh'drian

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