[Log] Innocent, Pt. 2

Mar 30, 2004 21:00

Who: Alina, Bradarvey (NPC), Denari (NPC), Dorian (NPC), Fentar (NPC), Jarris (NPC), J'cin, Kaltag, Kayjay, Kenrid, K'sem, Khysta, Merdle (NPC), Mishendra (NPC), Mykuh (NPC), Shadrian, Sobiesla, Tarendis (NPC), Tirya, Zora
When: Day 14, Month 6, Turn 48, 10th Pass
Where: Courtyard, Southern Weyr
What: Sh'drian is cleared of murder when Baynet's tithe arrives and the real culprit is caught.

Merdle tries to resist, digging his heels into the stones. "We would have made Baynet a major hold!" he states sharply. "Not wallowed in the squalor your family kept it in! Not kept on a leash like a canine by a Weyr of parasites!" One of the riders nearby asks, "Why on Pern was he searched again? He's mad." A healer approaching says softly, "A mind in sudden deep conflict can crack under the pressure." Of all there, she is the only one who seems to pity the ex-candidate. Denari sighs quietly, then looks over the others, her expression lightening slightly upon sight of Alina.

Kaltag watches Kayjay and the other woman go to free Shadrian from his prison in silence for a second or two. His eyes are locked on the struggling boy, still a little tense as though expecting the boy to break himself free at any moment. At Tarendis's words, Kaltag gives a faint mumble of acknowledgement and nods his head distractedly. As an amused afterthought, the former Tanner lifts his head slightly, the faintest traces of a smile chugging at his cheeks. "... I do wonder if Shadrian's going to blame us," he puzzled to himself, speaking more to Sobiesla than anybody else, but loud enough for anybody not busy to hear.

Alina has been there, that she has. Fiery hair doesn't often go un unnoticed, especially on someone Lina's height. "Denari," she calls, grateful seemingly for the appearance of the diminutive healer... wait, Lina doesn't trust healers. What's with that? "Whew! Shards, I knew Shadrian was a royal pain in the green rear end, L'quar still hates him, but he's no... murderer. Merdle though? What would he have *possibly* been in conflict about? I don't get it."

Kayjay places a firm but gentle hand on Shadrian's upper arm, stopping him from going forward, at least going forward without her being dragged along. She speaks quietly but intensely."I know you didn't do it, I couldn't tell you last night, I knew that look but I also knew you were in danger, real danger, if I didn't play into their game." The spew of hatred and obvious mind confusion coming from Merdle causes the brownrider to pale again, this time, taking a step backward. "Someone, either gag him or fellis him, he's a threat to himself and others."

Tarendis has a better idea, taking a rock and smacking Merdle on the back of the head. Hard enough to knock him out, but not to do him any real damage. Even so, Dena still doesn't stop trembling, but she looks toward one of the firelizards that zipped by, a hand reaching out as if wanting to touch it.

"And my ears," candidate Tersa states dryly, standing to the edge of the crowd, er usual mild expression broken by such an unexpected event. "I wish he'd shut his trap about weyrs anyway. Someone show him what's left of Honshu. Parasites my-- ouch!" Her obviously unflattering reference to her rear, more than likely, is cut off by Loryar stepping on one foot. Her bland features reform.

Peering over a few heads, Tirya stands at the edge of the crowd, face masked by her usual solemn appearance. Both brows are knitted slightly and her eyes narrow at Mertle, then shift to Shadrian as he emerges. The willowy girl's eyebrows raise and her face ripples with a faint smile that soon fades back to calm stoicism as she continues to stare at the wrongfully accused. Making use of an elbow, she edges forward one step, then too, remaining silent all the while and pausing among the other on lookers once again.

Kayjay smirks at Tarendis's direct approach. "You've been wrestling too many bovine again, haven't you." But underneath the gibing, the woman looks as if she's on the last of her physical and mental reserves, even as her grip remains on Shadrian.

Shadrian stops, halting where he stands. He's still staring firmly at Merdle, despite the fact that the tilt of his head declares he's also listening to Kayjay. "Danger? Me?" he scoffs, a grim smirk sliding across his mouth. "/I'm/ not the one in danger." He shakes his head, glancing sideways at the brownrider. Turning back to Merdle, he looks decidedly disappointed as Tarendis knocks the murderer out. "Shard it," he gripes, scowling around the courtyard at the faces gathered there.

A couple of holders help haul (more like drag) Merdle into one of the wagons, pointedly not the one that Dena's quaking in. "Let's get the rest of this stuff taken care of," the tithe train leader says toward the candidates hopefully.

Sobiesla quietly nods her response to Tarendis' thanks, having no reply. Her attention shifts to Kaltag with a slight smile and a rosy tinge to her cheeks. "Us as in his fellow candidates?" She queries, mildly confused. She glances towards Shadrian, relief showing on her face. "Thank Faranth," she murmurs, looking at Kaltag over her shoulder before shifting back to Shadrian. "He's alright, then."

"I could have told you he wasn't," Denari replies to Alina, easy as you please, frowning as the ex-candidate is dragged after being hit with a rock. "Don't stoop to his tactics," she says in a cautioning tone. Then, wonderingly, she says, "Berrint must've been telling the truth about the black runner. It wasn't him who stole it. It must've been Merdle, who used Shadrian's borrowing of Tirya's runner..." she trails off, since she's only heard part of the story.

"... Seems to have hardly changed a bit," Kaltag responds, one of those uncommon wide smiles slowly growing on his face. Hopefully before the other man can notice, Kaltag wipes the smile clear away, putting in its place a normal light, calm frown. A whisper: "Still work to do." Kaltag starts to walk back to the wagon, already taking his hands out of his pockets in anticipation for receiving the bags. He'll give Shadrian only a faint nod - not even a verbal greeting - as he passes him, unless stopped by the other man for whatever reason.

Alina nods in Denari's direction, jade eyes split almost in two directions at once as Merdle is dragged off. "ooh! I remember Hold justice..." and is that a shiver from Lina? Nah. Couldn't be. "I wasn't there for the runner races either, I'm clueless on that end of the story. What I wonder is, where'd Merdle turn up a second candidate knot? If his was torn in... everything that happened anyhow. Those don't just happen to be lying around anywhere so candidates can snag them."

Tirya slides just a little further forward, her manner is almost too quiet for comfort. She glances to Kayjay, and that familiar frown shifts her face darkly. This look is soon shifted to Denari as the talk of runner's emerges. The girl listens with interest and gives a soft snort of displeasure at the whole situation. Fiddling with a lock of hair now, she focuses on Shadrian, the faintest hint of concern leaking through her hardened exterior. Tirya glances around her and then looks to Kayjay momentarily before checking on her boots. "Has...has he been given meals?" she wonders softly, speaking it more to her toes than to anyone in particular.

A couple of the children, more resilient than the rest, escape from their guardian's care and go darting toward the candidates, staring up at Kaltag, Mykuh, Bradarvey, and even Dorian (although they hurt their necks doing that).

Denari shrugs lightly. "If he's good at stealing runners, I imagine he could steal a knot," the tiny healer replies, smiling as she ruffles the hair of a passing hold child.

Kayjay calls out. "Get the tithes in candidates, residents and riders and make it quick!" Once Merdle is safely out of the way, she releases Shadrian's arm and rolls her eyes at Tirya. "Of course he's been fed. I even made sure he got the best slices of roast bovine on his tray. What do you think we are? Barbarian?"

Alina nods, "True. You've got me there. Shells--an insane candidate. Wait a second... an insane candidate, someone... well y'know, someone isn't anymore... a hatching getting closer and a release of an innocent man. Where've I heard a story like that before? I'm *so* lookin' in the records when I get a chance to. I swear I'd heard something like that, only it was a Weyrwoman and not a candidate at all did the, er, dastardly deed. Y'know? Hmm, now *what* was it?" Off Li goes into history land, unless someone snaps her out of it.

Mykuh bears a wary, suddenly shy expression as he notices the children staring at him. "Uh... I got some work to do," he mutters, edging away. The sacks he and Bradarvey dropped earlier regain his attention, as the tall, dark-skinned boy levers both off the ground and starts inside. Bradarvey seems much more willing to chat with the kids. "Hi, there," he greets them, taking a knee to get on their level. "I'm Bradarvey. What're your names?"

Dorian isn't going to force any children to do injustices to their necks staring up at him. This is more his element. Still shaky, the healer drops down to the kids' level. "Hello there," said with as much of a smile as his quivering mouth can muster.

Zora looks around, and spots someone she needs to talk to... Who else but Lina. "Alina?" she asks, heading through the crowd. "Can I talk to you privately, when you get a chance. Just when your not busy."

Cue Lina giving up on trying to remember, dropping her thoughtful expression and reaching for one of the last sacks of apples. "I think I'm mixing things up. Skip it. Here's me dreaming again."

A girl with big blue eyes watches Bradarvey kneel in front of her and her brother. She's got a thumb stuck in her mouth. And she then waves her fingers in a wave to him. She gets elbowed by her brother, who puffs up his chest and says proudly, "I'm Fentar!" and he then includes Dorian in the greeting. "I'm gonna be a candidate too!" he adds stoutly. "And impress the biggest and bestest bronze dragon in all the world!"

Dorian giggles, which sounds extremely odd from a man who's voice changed no less than three Turns before. "What's wrong with greens?" he asks, "and I'm Dorian. But you can call me Dori." Proof yet again that *someone* isn't the bronzeriding type.

"Wanted wine," Shadrian notes sulkily, glowering at Kayjay as she at length releases his arm. Quickly, he steps forward, intending to drift into the crowd. Sobiesla, Kaltag, others are noted and largely ignored by the candidate so recently released. When his pale eyes light upon Tirya, however, he hesitates, then gravitates in her direction slightly.

Sobiesla tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, watching as things slowly return back to their normal order. She even manages a smile as Shadrian ignores her. The realization that everyone is back to work draws her towards the wagons, where she quickly finds a place to assist with carrying bags.

Kayjay raises her voice yet again but her voice is much weaker and probably doesn't carry as far. "Candidates? Do I have to order you to extra chores tomorrow? Get that tithe train emptied now, so they can get that ...thing away from here."

Fentar wrinkles his nose at the idea of being a greenrider. A boy after Shadrian's heart, he says, "Men on green? Icky!" This time, his sister gives him what passes for a four-turn-old's scathing. "Dork," she proclaims him and then smiles. "I'd like to just have a firelizard," she says around her thumb, so the words are a bit garbled.

Zora manages to sneak off, not waiting for Alinas responce, as the crowd clears, she marches to the wagons, she starts handing things off, grabbing a sack of tubers, and headed off to put them down somewhere, only to return again for something else.

At the sound of little feet tumbling from behind him, Kaltag quizically turns around and sees nothing... until he looks down at one of the little boys. The former Tanner comes to a stop, only blinking at the kid for a good few moments before giving him a mild little wave. "Um... hi there." He gives an uncertain little grin, turns around, and makes his way back to the wagon, his hands stuffed back into his pocket. Without a word, he snatches up the first bag he can get his hands on - yet another heavy one, this one filled with hides - and makes his way over to the other sacks.

Bradarvey returns the little girl's wave with one of his own as he beams enthusiastically at her. "Nice to meet you, Fentar. So a bronze? I was always a little partial to the golds myself," he remarks teasingly, glancing over the two children and then at Dorien beside him. He smiles encouragingly at the little girl. "You ever seen a hatching? I saw one once, but I didn't get a firelizard out of it," he tells her.

Mishendra and Jarris, both of whom were on the outskirts of the damage after Merdle fled, the latter of whom is quickly corralled by Denari and checked on. Mishendra is shanghaied into being a living crutch as the healer waves once to Alina and gets the boy to the infirmary. "It's just a sprain, nothing major," she states sharply to the girl peering at Jarris worriedly.

Tirya, ever concerned about her own stomach, looks momentarily stricken and then scowls firmly. The concerned girl gives an offended sniff and then looks up as Shadrian approaches. Instead of hopping to get the tithe in, she waits for him, stopping her fidgeting and standing rigid. Hearing the second order, she tenses slightly. "No," Tirya answers softly, taking one step backward and then turns, walking slowly to join Kaltag and the others working.

"But guys can't ride gold!" Fentar protests. "Everyone knows that!"

J'cin strides into the courtyard, his eyes moving over the crowds there until he finally spots his quarry - the pale brownrider. He moves through the bodies towards Kayjay, pausing only when he's right in front of her. He then smiles and takes her hand "Come on. Suriath says you need me, and that if you don't come willingly, I'm to take you by force. Choice is yours, sweetheart."

"Yeah, but they look nice," Bradarvey tells Fentar wistfully. "And their riders..." He trails off with a knowing smirk. Mykuh, passing by with another load of tubers, rolls his eyes with a snort.

Kayjay wobbles just a little as she holds onto the table edge and tries to avoid her older brother's gaze her way. Stubbornly, the brownrider straightens up, tugging her tunic down and standing straight. She'll prove whose tough! That is until a certain bronzerider appears right in front of her. "But the candidates, they need to be told what to do.." She trails off. "And they need reassuring and comforting, the poor things, that poor Shadrian, thinking we thought he murdered someone, he may be a complete idiot but he's no murderer."

Alina sees three things take place in the space of seconds. Denari, who she'd been meaning to talk to anyway, leading Jarris off to the infirmary; Kayjay looking paler than she's *ever* seen her; J'cin, playing the part of... well, a sweetheart. And his words carry as well. "Oh sweet shells and..." Blink. And Lina seems more than glad to take an armload of whatever is passed her way. "Denari," she calls, "I need to see you later."

Denari's wave is indication enough to Alina that she heard, but for right now, the injured Jarris is her priority as she disappears into the infirmary, kicking Mishendra out to sulk and get stuff hauled around like a common drudge.

J'cin just pulls Kayjay a bit closer "Sharding forget the candidates, love. You are all in." He says. "I'm sure that they can survive the rest of the day without you, and there are plenty of people here to tell them what to do, if common sense does not." He glances around at the bustling hoard briefly then focuses on Kayjay again. "Now, come willingly, or it's over the shoulder you go."

His eyes on Tirya, Shadrian trudges over to her, his smirk a faint ghost of its earlier spirit. However, he turns his head slightly to peer at Kayjay as she continues her orders. When he looks back to Tirya, she's heading away, leaving him frowning in her wake. "Surely," he begins in exasperation, aiming a last glare at her retreating back before he glances again to Kayjay, "you don't expect /me/ to help, after my... ordeal?"

No tithe comes in without it being registered and logged. One of the remaining assistant stewards tries to catch Kayjay's eye, indicating he'll take over from there, a clipboard and charcoal in hand. "Watch how you're carrying those!" he calls out as the last bundles are offloaded. "Thanks for this, Baynet," he then says to Tarendis.

"So opportunistic," Tirya murmurs to Shadrian as she walks away, her tone gentle and chiding. Slipping into the ranks of busy candidates, the ex-stablehand puts her wiry muscles to work. With no further comment, Tirya gathers up an armload from among the last of the train's cargo and trudges to put it away.

Kayjay isn't about to go easily, oh no. "They -need- me, look, there is no one else around to take over for me." Forget that assistant steward, really. "I'm not going to be derelict of my duties, not like some greenrider's I know!" Is that a -look- she shoots Alina's way? Oh no. Not from Kayjay.

Sobiesla deposits another piece of cargo in its proper place, and straights up, dusting her hands off and taking a step back to glance in the direction of the train. "Is there much more?" She asks, moving back towards the train to take another item.

Alina catches that look, "Ow!" audibly muttered as the veritable slings and arrows of Suriath's rider strike her squarely in the tattered dignity. "Sharditall, fine, blame me. I... forget it." The greenie seems to have decided to let draggled brownriders be dragged off. Still, that smarted.

K'sem comes in from the lakeside meadow, arms folded over his chest. "I'm here to take over, Kayjay," the brownrider says, glancing over at the woman. "/Go/." And, while Suriath's rider is flinging pointed looks in Alina's direction, Kees moves towards her, arms still folded over his chest.

The assistant steward knows when to take a J'cin-threat seriously, so he ignores Kayjay's ignoring of him and just simply goes about ticking off the last items. "That's it!" he proclaims to all and sundry. "Normally we'd offer our hospitality, but..." he trails off. Then, clearing his throat, he says, "Thank you, candidates. You're dismissed."

"Kayjay, love, you are about to learn how to multitask. I have another job for you." J'cin says as he does as threatened and grabs the brownrider uncompromisingly, tossing her smaller, lighter form over one shoulder with practiced ease. A nod to the steward is given in thanks as he gives Kayjay's derriere a light slap. "And look, there's K'sem. I'm sure he'll keep them in line." And with that and a wide grin for anyone watching, he heads off with his delightful load.

Alina flinches, looking suddenly very uncertain as she steps away from the last of the unloaded tithe train and comes face to face with... with Kees? Blink! "Uh-oh... uh, er... Wingsecond," she stumbles over the title, looking from his wing insignia to the direction Denari took off in and back again. "I can already guess I'm about to be blasted again." With the air of one surrendering, the greenlet rolls up her sleeve, turning her arm toward her one-time fellow coordinator as though saying make it quick.

Kaltag sets down yet another heavy bag, idly glaring the wagon's way as he pushes his fist into the bottom of his back. It is true that he should be getting some of heavier bags, but all but a few of them? And then he is dismissed, not by Kayjay, but by a figure of enough authority to warrant paying attention to. "Good," Kaltag mumbles, turning to the bags and looking them over, perhaps seeing if he can be the first grab up some sweetsand. Won't he be delighted to find out how fruitless a search this will be?

Kayjay blinks and opens her mouth to protest but she's not able to until she's well over the tall bronzerider's shoulder. The slap on her fanny breaks her shock. "What example are you setting for the candidates! Set me down, right now, J'cin!" Her trail of dire threats, including sleeping on the couch drifts off as she is carried away. "J'cin! And I'm not going to let you see me in that ..."

The assistant steward frowns as he spots K'sem. "With your approval," he says in a deferring tone.

Shadrian doesn't bother to protest Tirya's gentle accusations. He smirks, recovering some of his usual attitude -- and making no move to assist the other hard-working candidates. Instead, he folds his arms over his chest smugly. As J'cin expertly hefts Kayjay to a shoulder, Shadrian's eyebrows arch. Calculatingly, he glances from the pair to Tirya, then back again, smirk growing broader at the thoughts hidden in his mind.

K'sem nods to the assistant steward as he eyes the candidates. "I approve. Candidates, you're dismissed," the wingsecond says, giving a little grin in response for J'cin's action as the bronzerider carries Kayjay away. "And what are you talking about, Alina?" Kees frowns at her, bringing his brows together while snickering -- quietly, mind you -- as KJ's threats drift back.

Tirya's jaw drops as the bronzerider carries Kayjay off. Smirking with delight, she unloads her burden and then slides back out, coming to stand rather blankly next to her friend and fellow candidate. The girl opens her mouth now and then, but can't think of anything to say to Shadrian, so she just remains quiet, sighing slightly.

Several candidates point and giggle merrily at the sight of Kayjay getting hauled off like that, and when they're released from the chore of offloading supplies, they bolt toward the meadow, intent on a dip in the lake.

Wasn't K'sem walking in Lina's direction? that can mean only one thing for the greenrider who's messed up enough already: dun dun doom. "Wait a second... you're still talking to me?" Blink again! "Whew! That's at least some consolation. Looks like Kayjay's giving me the silent as *between* treatment. And I don't honestly blame her for it. And I hadn't seen you since before I made the error of all errors, regardless of Kirienth's hide not showing any glow. So I assumed I'd probably be hearing from you just what you thought of me as soon as we collided. And here we have."

Sobiesla sighs in relief as the last of the tithe is finished being dropped off. She tilts her head back, turning her face to the sky as she breathes a sigh of relief. "Thank Faranth that's over," she says, smiling. A hand runs through her hair, her expression turning throughful. "I think I may go lie down. Or bathe. Or do something relaxing."

Still staring after the departing Kayjay and J'cin, Shadrian smirks. His eyes eventually cut sideways as he finds Tirya beside him. After several moments of silent contemplation of her, he turns fully, quicking an eyebrow in bemusement as he breaks the silence stretching between them. "That was... interesting. Also enlightening," he remarks with a snicker.

Tarendis checks over the wagons as well, and when he's counted heads and made sure all the children are... "Fentar, get your sister and come on back. Stop goggling at the candidates so they can get back to work or whatever." The children who were gawping at Dorian and Kaltag and Ran and Mykuh stare a few moments more, then dart back to the wagons. The adults count heads one last time and start back to the hold. "See you next time!" Tarendis calls as he makes the sound to get their runners and herdbeasts in gear. After not too long, they've returned the way they've come.

"Bye!" Bradarvey calls after Fentar and his sister, a word echoes moments later by Mykuh. Both youths, finished with their work, turn and head out of the courtyard, amiable chatter resuming as the shocks of the night wear off.

Tirya seems startled slightly as Shadrian breaks the awkward silence. Wide eyes shift the short distance up to his and she blinks increduously. "Oh?" she asks softly, for lack of a comment on the trial he has just been through. Out of nervous a nervous habit, the slim gal crosses her arms in front of her and juts a hip in a slightly defensive manner. "Do explain," she adds to this rather blanket response.

"Well, Alina, I do think that it was a pretty sharding stupid thing to do," K'sem starts, raising a finger up as though to tick off that point. "And I don't blame Kayjay for that at all. You know that you are supposed to stay in the Weyr when you think that Kirienth is about to go up, glow or not. She's /your/ lifemate, and you know her habits best. I don't approve, not at all, but I won't stop talking to you," he continues, leveling a stern look at the greenrider. The candidates, as they each leave, are eyed for a moment longer, as are the leaving wagons.

Alina flinches as the stern look is leveled at her. "That's just it," she admits, 'I *didn't* think she was going up. Normally I show signs days before and my friends warn me, and I stick weyr-wards. You've seen me, I Searched while proddy and you were watching. Or I think that was you, it be a blurr and a half. Anyway, this time she showed nothing, absolutely nill. And I didn't start showing any, er, signs till after the last egg cracked at Fort. Yeah, it was my mistake. I've taken myself apart over it plenty these last two months."

"Well," Shadrian begins, leering at Tirya. "I've never seen that done before, and I found it... intriguing. My mind, however... inventive, never lit upon that possibility." He smirks, pausing a moment before adding, "Of course, with the company I keep... I might not... weather it out as well as he did."

As Kaltag realizes the worst of his fears, his eyebrows furrow. Standing up straight, bringing his hand up to scratch at his neck idly, the man shakes his head. There's no sweetsand in here at all. His depression reveals itself in only a small sigh, and he shakes his head yet again, turning to Sobiesla. "And I think... I shall retire to my hammock. Sobiesla..." He holds it for a moment, before nodding and finished. "Sleep well." And if she doesn't stop him, Kaltag will stuff his hands into his pockets and make his way back to the Candidate's barracks, exhausted from a long day.

Tirya looks truly baffled, having been expecting to hear about being locked up or something that occured to him in that time. "You what? Huh?" she fumbles, color pooring into her cheek and her nose wrinkling at the mumbling boy. "You mean, that?" she flaps an arm out, pointing to where J'cin and Kayjay disappeared. Wide green eyes are focued on Shadrian as Tirya gawks at him, totally dumbfounded.

"You should have known," K'sem repeats, shrugging his shoulders even as Alina flinches. "You can guess her flight cycle, Alina. You know better." And that is said with a disappointed look and tone, as K'sem stuffs his hands into his pockets. A hand is waved after Kenrid as the candidate disappoears towards the barracks, and then the coordinator levels a look -- much like the one he turned on Alina -- at Shadrian. "What was that?"

Alina shivers as K'sem's words sink in, "Don't I know it. Trust me, I've thought about those very ideas a million times since it happened. I'm as disappointed in me as you... shards." K'sem's look registers. Slings and arrows from Tejeth's rider too. "I get it, believe me I get it. I regret ever going to Fort Weyr, I don't think I'll ever return to that weyr again, and I don't care how many clutches they hatch." She looks as though she might say something else, but closes her mouth.

Dubiously, Shadrian stares at Tirya, arching a brow slowly. "Yes, that," he notes, mimicking her gesture toward where the two riders exitted with a smirk. "What did you think I was talking about? My--" he falters, seeking a good phrase. Finally, he decides upon, "--unfortunate incarceration?" He shakes his head, shrugging lazily. "Nope," he tells her, with an air of smug self-satisfaction at her reaction. The look he directs at K'sem, however, is the quintessance of innocence. "What was what?"

Kenrid makes his way into the courtyard. A glance going over the crowd before he walks up to a nearby candidate. Flicking his wrist as he thumbs at Shad. "What is he doing out?"

Khysta comes around the corner of the Weyrhall, focussed on small items in her hand, heading generally towards the landing field. But a quick upwards glance at the group of people she passes draws her attention, and the weyrteen angles their way curiously, with an air of speculation. Gosssip?

Sobiesla's eyes go from Kaltag to the unloaded cargo, and back again. Her own face falls as she hazards a guess at his discovery. "Shards," she murmurs, exhaling in a sigh. "I think I'll be heading back to the barracks as well." Her gaze sweeps across the area, settling on Shadrian for a moment before moving on. She pauses for a moment longer, smiling as others join the group. "Shadrian is innocent. The real murderer was caught," she tells Kenrid, giving him a slight smile before starting towards the barracks.

Tirya blinks at the seemingly maddened candidate and then smirks faintly. "Of course not," she informs him, then quickly slinks off, leaving him to answer to K'sem for whatever it is that he has done now.

Kenrid shakes his head, "Shaffit. There goes that wager." Letting out a sigh he heads through the crowd and over to find a mug of klah. Giving a nod to those that are leaving.

K'sem arches a brow at Alina. "I never said don't go back to Fort Weyr. I'm just saying that you shouldn't have gone that one time. You should have figured out when Kirienth last rose. I'm just disappointed." Then, he tilts his head as to eye Shadrian. "What were you talking about, candidate? J'cin carrying Kayjay off?"

Shadrian frowns after Tirya, tilting his head slightly away from her, even as his eyes remain firmly locked on her. Only once she's quite gone does he look back to Sobiesla and Kenrid, smirking. "I told you," he insists, shaking his head slightly. He pauses in the motion, turning to K'sem with a faint nod. "I was," affirms Shadrian.

Alina blushes scarlet, "I know. I'm the one choosing not to go back there. I couldn't show my face there, not without making people remember, and bringing everything bac round to the Weyrleaders here. No way... as is I don't think I can face Telgar again either. I... erm, I think I left quite the wrong impression on someone there."

"Don't attempt to sweep a fellow candidate off of her - or his - feet," K'sem says in response to Shadrian's answer, half-turning towards the candidate at his affirmation. "J'cin only needed to do that because Kayjay wouldn't go otherwise." And, well, the rest was all his idea, obviously. "And what'd you do at Telgar? I understand about Fort, but did you do something to the whole of Telgar?"

"/Her/," Shadrian corrects K'sem with a dark glower directed at the man. "And besides, I'd only utilize that on similar... occasions," he adds slowly. As a thoughtful expression overtakes his smirk, suppressing it, he inquires, "I suppose I'm back to being a candidate now that I've been cleared?"

Alina shivers at the memory, "Not the whole of Telgar, no. Just one... one rider that probably thinks as much of me as I think of... well nevermind. Anyway, he, er, he's not exactly your everyday watchrider, he's got some influence and I considered him a friend. Now I dunno what to consider him, other than storming raging mad at us both. Kirienth and me. So I won't go back there."

K'sem turns, again, to once more look at Shadrian. "Well, I couldn't tell who you'd be planning to carry away, so the him was entirely appropriate. I'd say you are back to being a candidate, now that you are cleared. However, Kayjay, you can be assured, will be watching you even closer than she has before," the brownrider warns, ignoring Shadrian's glower. Then, back to Alina, and his eyes are narrowed. "Who's this? And just because you're scared of what he thinks of you doesn't mean you don't visit the Weyr at all. I've met some very nice people there."

"Ah, the joys of barracks life," Shadrian drawls in response to K'sem, thoroughly ignoring his other words. With that, he turns and heads off, departing the courtyard at last.

jarris, fentar, khysta, j'cin, zora, shadrian, kayjay, kaltag, mishendra, k'sem, mykuh, tarendis, alina, kenrid, tirya, merdle, dorian, bradarvey, denari, sobiesla

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