[Log] Going to Die

Jul 09, 2011 00:06

Who: Evairen (NPC), Lirienne, Raija (NPC), Rianev (NPC), Tiriana
When: Day 1, Month 3, Turn 26
Where: Bowl, High Reaches Weyr; Tiriana and R'uen's Weyr, High Reaches Weyr
What: Tiriana is having hot flashes in the rain. Then she kidnaps Lirienne.

Heavy, freezing rain - not the sort of weather one usually wants to be in. However, when one lives on one side of the weyr, and the living cavern is on the other side of the weyr, sometimes sacrifices must be made. Especially if one is Lirienne, and she has gotten lost half a dozen times since arriving to the Weyr. Shawl pulled up over her head in an attempt to keep dry, the apprentice steps quickly through the bowl, not near to running, in an attempt to keep from falling.

There's no good reason for Tiriana to be out in this weather, either, though at least she's bundled up and without either of her children. She moves gingerly, and doesn't venture far from her ledge, at least. The girl hustling across the nearly empty bowl, though, earns her attention. Watching for several minutes, Tiriana waits until Lirienne gets close enough to note, "I'm sure there's a way to get there from the tunnels." Wherever there is, anyway.

Lirienne comes to a halt at the voice - well, she does. The mud, however, has her going a couple of extra lengths past that, before she can turn and be still at the same time. A hand is lifted up to protect from the rain, though rapid blinking against the drops still occur, "Pard... I mean, thank you. I think there was, too, but I got turned around and found the bowl before I found the tunnels." A dark blush helps ward off the freezing rain, but does little for her coherency.

"Are you new, then?" Tiriana wonders. "Or just stupid?" It's all so conversational! She leans heavily against her ledge, though it starts soaking her coat through almost at once. Fortunately it's very thick. "Where are you going?"

"... I'd rather the title 'new', than 'stupid' I think," the now beet-red apprentice calls up, bringing her free arm up to wrap around her waist as the cold has its chance to work on her. "Living Cavern, ma'am. For something hot to drink, and dinner."

"Same thing, in the end," is Tiriana's expert opinion. She shrugs, though, and lets it go. Instead, she turns to very carefully and slowly navigate the stairs back up to the top of her ledge. "Come on, then. It's no slower to go this way, and anyway, I understand it's considered bad press if I let stupid young girls freeze in my bowl. --Or new ones, either."

"Your bowl?" Liri asks, rapidly adding, "Er, Ma'am. I don't mean to be a bother," she tacks on, still as red as a beet as she moves to carefully head up the stairs towards the ledge. About now, something is making her neck crawl - beyond the icy raindrops, no doubt, and her posture is rather similiar to those on their way to the guillutine. Feet dragging, and all.

Tiriana confirms, "Mine." She pauses at the top of the steps to gather her breath and wait for Lirienne both, before she continues on to the relative dryness of the Weyrleader complex. "Don't you know who I am? /Everyone/ knows me. The question is, who are you?"

Lirienne really didn't want that confirmed. At this point, the apprentice looks like she'd love it if the sky would open up and lightning would strike her down. "Lirienne, Weyrwoman. Apparentice from the Healer Hall, hear to help with, well, everything." Hands flutter a bit, as if to encompass the entirety of the Weyr. Dragons, people, refugees, and weyrwomen alike.

"You're a healer?" Now that's interesting. Tiriana bends her path then, to head toward her weyr rather than the complex and the paths therein that lead, eventually, to the living caverns. "Rianev, my son--my /oldest/ son--" and doesn't that just make her glow "--caught his father's cold. Maybe you can take a look at him? Even an apprentice can surely handle a cold." Nevermind the girl has other errands she wants to attend to, and isn't prepared for this at all.

"Yes, Ma'-" Liri starts to answer, before stumbling over the last word. "Your son? Ah, I'd be happy to look him over, Ma'am. Has he been sick for long?" Shells, why couldn't she have brought a full healer's kit with her to dinner. The tides of red remain strong, as the 'prentice mentally goes over things to help with colds, automatically following the Weyrwoman without actually seeing where she's going, if blind eyes are anything to go bye.

"Rianev," Tiriana repeats. Inside her weyr, her weyrmate is out but a younger blonde girl is watching the two boys: newborn Evairen and toddler Rianev, the latter of which is sniffling pathetically and trying to work up a good cry that the babysitter just won't put up with. "Will you take him out, so he doesn't wake up? And I don't want him getting sick, too," Tiriana says, fussing over her youngest for a moment before stepping over to tend the fussy elder one. "Oh, sure, we'll be back in a little bit, Ti," the girl says breezily as she disappears off somewhere. And Tiriana brushes Rianev's hair back idly, giving Lirienna a look. "Well?" Because she's supposed to diagnose with one look.

Lirienne hesitates for a long moment, gaze flickering from mother to son and back again, before she drops down to th knees to get to a height with Rianev, "Hey there, sweetie. I hear you're not feelin' good." Despite the fact it is a toddler, Liri keeps it to semi-sensible babble. Keeping it slow and easy, the young woman brings a hand out to try to touch the face, in the age-held tradition of checking temperature. "Got the sniffles, too, I see." She doesn't look over at Tiriana, as she does this, but does ask, "Any symptoms besides the sniffles? Able to eat, sickening food up?"

Rianev keeps sniffling, but he manages a wide-eyed nod at Lirienne as she checks him over. Tiriana hovers over all, scrutinizing the procedures even as she shrugs out of her damp coat and pulls a robe around herself instead. "No, no, he's been good otherwise. Just, all snotty and gross, and... gross." There are some things even overprotective mothers don't want to deal with, apparently. "He's not going to... you know. /Die/, or anything, is he?" It's a perfectly legitimate response to a cold. Really.

"Of course not. He's just going to be a bit uncomfortable is all. Really, unless he starts to cough a lot - like he can't sleep for it, he probably just needs a good dosing with soup and tea. Lots of fluids, keep him warm, and make sure he blows his nose a lot. He'll then be running around and causing all sorts of havoc in no time. Right, sweetie?" Liri ends with a bit of a smile for Rianev, and a ruffling of the hair.

For the healer, Rianev manages a faint smile and what would probably be a giggle if it wasn't more of a snotty gurgle. Tiriana looks less reassured, though, habitually smoothing her son's curling hair where Lirienne's mussed it up. "Well... You /are/ only an apprentice," she notes, sneering just a little, as though this wasn't the diagnosis she wanted after all. "I'll get Raija to show you down to the living cavern. I think she's just out in the other room." She gestures vaguely toward the doorway that leads to the living area of her weyr.

"Very true, Ma'am. Sorry to have taken up your time. Nice to meet you, Rianev," Liri manages to offer, her calm fading a bit at the sneer. "Thank you for the guide. Have a good evening," gets tacked on, before she flees towards the doorway. Where safety awaits.

tiriana, raija, lirienne, evairen, rianev

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