[Log] The Clash

Feb 14, 2010 08:41

Who: Teris, Tiriana
When: Day 11, Month 13, Turn 21
Where: Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
What: Teris tries to talk nice about K'del.

The rain has turned at last to snow as night falls over the Weyr, and those who wouldn't brave the downpour are now rushing about to get home before it turns into a blizzard. Not so Tiriana, who lingers at the side of the bowl, leaned on the edge of the Weyrleader's ledge with her arms crossed as she eyes across the way, to where the side of the bowl and the hatching caverns loom.

The rain was definitely a no go for Teris. Except, really, she doesn't have any huge reasons to be out in the snow either. She has boots and a big jacket but her blonde head is bare to the chilly air as she makes her way to wherever she's going or wherever she's been. "Weyrwoman?" she queries when she notices and nears Tiriana, sounding vaguely concerned more than actually wanting anything.

"You need a hat," is Tiriana's brilliant observation; she herself reaches up to touch her own, a brilliantly pink toboggan currently smushing her hair down. That sage advice delivered, she takes a harder look at Teris, frowning now and letting her brows draw together too. "What are you doing over here, anyway?"

"I have a hat," Teris notes. She's just, obviously, not wearing it at present. She does take a moment to take in Tiriana's hat, then her gaze moves past to the ledge toward K'del's weyr. Her head gives a small shake as her blue eyes return to the Weyrwoman and she says, "I was just out for a walk. What are you doing?"

Tiriana eyes Teris again, skeptically this time; but in the end, she shrugs and moves on without worrying about it too much. The glance past her to the Weyrleader's weyr, though, does earn Tiriana's own glance backward that way. Her mouth settles into a thin line. "I'm just enjoying the snow," she says, rather currently. "Cooling off, after I went by to see Iovniath."

Ignoring the way that Tiriana glances back, Teris settles her gaze on the other woman and one brow hitches upwards curiously. "Cooling off?" is what she focuses on. "Is something the matter?" She looks away toward the general direction of the sands before looking back. "Or just the actual heat? I don't really care for it myself."

"No, just--" Tiriana huffs a breath, visible in the freezing air. "Faranth, she won't shut up. What if it's not big enough. What if there's not a gold. What if all of them come out fucked up like Isforaith did?" She shakes her head, pushes her hat back off her eyebrows a little way. "She wasn't bad about the flight this time, but shells. The clutching part? And it's not like you can fix it now, if we did fuck it up somehow."

"Of course it will be big enough," Teris says like some sort of expert on that particular subject. "Anyway, I'm sure everything will be just fine. You're not worried about any of that stuff, are you?" Clearly Teris expects Tiriana to be a little more reasonable than her dragon appears to be.

Tiriana opens her mouth and then stops, lower lip setting sharply. "No," she says, suddenly rather waspishly. "And anyway, like I said. Nothing we can do about it. We were screwed or not months ago when she let Cadejoth catch her again. Now we're just stuck with that."

"Perhaps she likes being the smart one," Teris offers, quite clearly not having any idea really what she's really going on about with this dragon stuff. But that certainly won't stop her from saying whatever comes to mind on the subject. "I haven't found out anything interesting about him, you know. Except for his poor taste in love interests."

Surprise crosses Tiriana's face as Teris changes the subject; she turns to eye K'del's weyr again. "Oh. That," she says. She eyes her assistant, the weyr, her assistant. "Well, that's not helpful at all. We /knew/ that. What good are you, really?"

Teris' eyes narrow slightly at that last there, her jaw setting into a tighter line and back straightening underneath that heavy coat she's wearing. "Did it occur to you that there's not really anything worth finding out, Tiriana? It's not as though I want to defend him, but it could be worse."

The setting of Teris' own expression is not lost on Tiriana. She stares for a long moment, and then--disregarding entirely the other woman's questions, she demands, "Are you /falling/ for him?"

"Shards. /No/. Of course not," Teris returns with an emphasizing shake of her head. "Don't be ridiculous." She doesn't look very happy for the accusation, either. "Why does it have to be that anyway? Why can't it just be that I don't think he's as awful as some of them?"

Tiriana does not like one bit convinced. "You are, aren't you," she challenges, arms crossing back again as she straightens up from leaning on the ledge wall. "Because. He's an idiot. An incompetent, whoring idiot. How could /you/ sink that low?"

"/No./" Teris repeats that in a very firm manner like she thinks Tiriana doesn't quite know what the word means. "He may be an incompetent, whoring idiot but he's never pushed himself on me." And that, apparently, counts for something. "Anyway, if you want to know what's going on, maybe you ought to just talk to him, hmm? Since /I'm/ not good for the job." Her voice is nearly as chilly as the air around them.

A snort, and Tiriana shrugs. "If you say so," she says, cool herself. She turns to hop up the short steps to the ledge proper, and pauses there to look down at Teris. "That's why I have you, to do the shit I don't feel like bothering with. Though, if you're not up to the task--. Well. I'm sure there's plenty of other willing people in the Weyr," she sniffs.

Teris watches Tiriana closely, certainly not getting anymore relaxed about this exchange. "Of course I'm up to the task. But you shouldn't pretend that you've got a line of people just waiting outside of your door to take over for me." Possibly bold of her to say so, but she doesn't seem to care at the moment. "Have a good night, Weyrwoman," she says, moving to turn toward the direction of the caverns.

"There's always someone," Tiriana retorts, perhaps more stung than she'd like. At any rate, she does not bid Teris goodnight before she turns and stalks inside to her weyr.

Work will be fun tomorrow, huh? Teris doesn't stalk but there is a certain stiffness to her gait as she makes her way along the bowl's wall. Pity the poor fool that gets in her path along the way.

tiriana, teris

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