[OOC] My Ass, and Other Things Currently Being Handed to Me

Oct 16, 2009 22:55

1. I moved to Birmingham, halfway between school and home, the first of August. College roommate and college roommate's girlfriend are both going to be splitting the $1200 a month rent with me, except:

2. College roommate's girlfriend (hereafter known as gf) has to finish out this semester at UA before she can transfer to UAB and live with us. Roommate already goes to UAB as grad student. She pays 2/3 of the rent for now, instead of splitting it $600 each way, which is good because:

3. I got a job at Ruby Tuesday (ten miles from home) a week later, and I consider a good day to be four hours at minimum wage, considering:

4. A week and a half after that, I got promoted to catering "manager" and now (on the rare occasions I get orders) I get sent downtown (twenty miles from work) and to Columbiana (thirty miles from work) to deliver orders to rich, not-very-nice doctors. For example:

5. Today I had to be at work at 9:30 for an order. I spent an hour and a half prepping for it yesterday and today I got up at 9:00 am to go to Publix and buy strawberries for the order. At 9:25, as I was checking out of Publix one mile down the road from work, my GM called to demand where was I. I got to work at 9:30 exactly, then spent the next hour rushing around making salad, making mixed fruit, getting the GM on my ass about wasting fruit because I made it according to the spec the girl I trained with (the whole one day I trained) taught me, which is not the actual restaurant spec. Then I drove to Columbiana, delivered the order, realized I didn't bag the salad, ran away really fast before the customer noticed, cried in the car, missed my turn, got lost, cried some more, finally made it back to the gas station beside work, saw that gas was now up to $2.35, cried more, nearly got hit by a car because I was crying and not watching, spent five minutes squalling in my car beside the gas pump, calmed down and pumped my gas, had a very nice guy say hi and then pop back around the pump all worried to ask how I was, starting crying again because he was so nice, calmed down to finish my gas, had him tell me to take care of myself as he was leaving, cried more, made it back to work, explained the missing salad to my GM, had her tell me "eh, shit happens," nearly cried some more, and then worked two more hours on expo before I finally got to go home. And cry some more, until:

6: My aunt took pity on me and her and the cousin came down to spend a couple of days. She bought me a nice dinner at TGI Friday's, groceries, and is now helping me with my way backed up laundry and changing my closet over from summer to winter because the weather turned really cold and wet and I own too many T-shirts. In fact:

7. I bought one last night when I got to go to see the Kings of Leon concert in town. It was pretty awesome overall, and was definitely the highlight of this week, especially what with:

8. My roommate went to Tuscaloosa on Wednesday night to see gf, because it is roommate's fall break. Whoopie. This means I am alone until late Monday night, providing:

9. They don't get into another fight and break up like they did three weeks ago. Gf left, came back, left again, roommate had another friend come up from T-town to comfort her, gf came back again, I hid in my room and other friend went to the park, gf and roommate made up, and we all went out to eat. All was well again, except:

10. Gf is not sure she actually wants to transfer up to UAB after all, in which case she stays at UA, keeps living with her crazy parents and psychotic brother and her two dogs that were the whole reason we got a three bedroom/1.5 bath house with a huge fenced-in yard. We can't get a cat because gf hates cats and supplied us with leather furniture, and I can't get a dog of my own, which I desperately want, because one of gf's dogs does not like other dogs, and someday in the next two years, they might actually come visit here. Also, roommate does not feel I am responsible enough for a dog, which just makes me want one even more. This also means:

11. Roommate is stuck paying on $800 in rent every month, which she can't afford to do forever, but I can't afford to pay $600. I have enough trouble with $400, because I graduated in May with an honors degree in English and creative writing. This means I have a shit ton of books, two friends, and a fancy piece of paper that says I am reasonably intelligent yet remarkably unemployable. I can't even get Wal-Mart to freaking call me back about an interview. So, this is all to say, basically:

12. I am not logging in much to the game lately, let alone playing. I feel terribly guilty and wish I could get back rolling, but right now, omg life kicks my ass to the point where I get home from work, feed myself pancakes and cheese toast, and then crawl into bed for the rest of the afternoon until a) Big Bang Theory, b) America's Next Top Model, c) Supernatural, or d) Dollhouse. And then, maybe, I eat dinner, but half the time not even that. I then crawl back into bed to sleep a while, so I can call into work at 9 and see if I have an order, and if not go back to sleep for another hour until 10 to try to get my stiff sore feet moving again so I can get to work at 10:30. In summary:

13. I have a dead end job, a dead end degree, no time, no energy, no money, no dog, and not much hope of any of that changing any time such. The real world sucks donkey balls.


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