[Log] Family Reunion

Mar 06, 2006 15:00

Who: B'ren, E'sere, K'sar
When: Day 17, Month 5, Turn 1, 7th Pass
Where: Living Cavern, High Reaches Weyr
What: K'sar and B'ren share some somewhat surprising revelations.

Living Cavern
     Large enough to hold the majority of the Weyr's human population, this cavern can become loud enough to deafen thanks to the acoustics caused by its size. The ceiling is so far overhead that it's cast into shadow, a darkness that is broken only by the spark and glitter of a lucky beam of light striking the minerals found in the rock walls. Below, most of the floor is covered with an assortment of long tables and benches. There are some smaller tables, surrounded by chairs, but privacy appears to be a rare thing in this bustling cavern. Large hearths line the west wall, with fires burning day and night to warm the food and drink that keep the Weyr's inhabitants fueled. The serving tables are near the hearth, opposite the dais that holds the single table reserved for the Weyr leadership and honored guests.

Upper Caverns (UC) Lower Caverns (LC) Kitchen (K)
Infirmary (INF) Bowl (B)

     Dark blue eyes, set in an angled face, full lips beneath a narrow nose. Raven black curls in a short cut at sides and nape, about two inches long on top. Dark brows and fair skin, tanned by hours out in all weather, broad shoulders and trim, six foot-three form.
     Dark brown leather breeches are stuffed into low-cut leather boots, lined and kept in decent polish, fitted to his form, but loose enough for comfortable movement. A shirt of dark blue trimmed in black needlework is worn under a fur-lined vest, dyed dark brown to match his breeches. On his shoulder, a rider's knot with bronze threads, and a hammered copper pinbadge showing his Caucus membership from Telgar Weyr.

     Shaggy, stick-straight brown hair gives this young man a more youthful appearance, disguising his 28 turns. E'sere is tall, rangy, with long limbs well-muscled from turns as a rider. His features are strong, distinctly masculine and rugged in their sharpness. A hawkish Roman nose centers his face; above it, eyes of nondescript hazel and thick brows are half-obscured by a too-long forelock. Thin lips line his mouth. Below that mouth is a strong, sharp chin, his jaw lined with a perpetual five-o'clock shadow.
     E'sere is dressed neatly and stylishly, taking great pride in his appearance. His shirt is made of simple white fabric; his pants of a heavier weave that has been tailored to fit him. Even his boots are kept quite clean, polished, and with minimal scuffing and wear. He also wears a thick jacket to keep out the cold of High Reaches, though it seems a bit more battered than the rest of his attire. The knot he wears is the rather complicated mix of threads that denotes a bronzeriding wingleader.

     Tall and lanky, B'ren holds himself like someone who knows he's all that. The cocky slant to his shoulders and that sideways smirk give some sign of his personality. Black hair is cut to look just a tad messy, as if he just got out of bed or just finished some stunt on his green. His own eyes are green, a gentle shade.
     His clothing is stylish if just a little worn, as if he spent all his marks on the best weaver, but was only able to afford a few outfits. Black pants and a green tunic to bring out his eyes and show off the color of his lady. A belt holds a few pouches and his knife in a sheath. B'ren looks to be around 20 turns, 1 months, and 22 days turns old and wears the navy, black and green knot of a High Reaches Weyr Greenrider.

K'sar comes in, rubbing his face and heading towards the food, a collection of hides under one arm as he gets food and klah and heads for his customary seat near the hearths.
B'ren moves in rubbing wet hair from his face and forehead. Spotting K'sar he moves towards the man with a grin, "Hey, how did that picnic go?"

"Huh?" K'sar offers, a sign of such intelligence. "Oh, it was nice." He gives B'ren a tired smile and settles hides out of the way while starting to eat. "Been doing a lot of reading. How about yourself? Did the little harper girl stop shaking?"

E'sere, already present, is seated at a table near the hearths, working diligently on a selection of hides. However, the voices approaching elicit a brief glance from him, and when he recognizes the pair of riders nearing his table, he only works a moment longer before sliding away his work and turning to study the pair, offering no greeting just yet.

B'ren chuckles and gathers a plate, "Not really, no. But I did manage to get her settled in the dorms." He glances over to E'sere and flashes his Wingleader a grin.

A glance up at the one B'ren is greeting and K'sar's expression takes on a polite civility. A nod of respect and he glances back at B'ren and murmurs. "I should be done with what I'm working on a little later. Maybe we can go for a couple of drinks?"

E'sere says, "Evening, B'ren," E'sere offers then, along with a quick, rather reserved nod for his rider. "Bronzerider." He shuffles his hides then, straightens them, focusing attention on that activity to avoid looking at the pair when he remarks, "Drinking? Again?"

B'ren grins and gives E'sere a wink, "I've found a best friend," he says with a smile, sliding into a seat across from his wingleader, "How are you? Sorry I was late to duties a few days ago. Hangover."

A polite "Wingleader" is offered in return to E'sere's greeting. Lifting the klah to sip, K'sar watches the two for a moment before shifting his attention to the food. A hide is glanced at and he shifts it a bit to make it easier to read while eating.

"So I've heard," notes E'sere dryly, fixing B'ren with a mild look. He leans back in his chair, glancing briefly over the quiet K'sar and then back to B'ren. "Please don't let it happen again, though, B'ren?"

B'ren nods with a charming grin to E'sere, and he even adds a salute, "It won't, sir. Next time I'll show up drunk." A wink and he pulls something out of a pocket, "Oh hey, K'sar, I got a letter from my mom toda - shock and amzement she never talks to me - and she said my father was a Master Harper too! How strange is that?"

Well, that draws K'sar's attention away from the hides. "She what?" He looks at B'ren. "Did she say who, or from where? I know most of them, thanks to my father." The klah is refilled and he takes a sip, watching B'ren over the rim of the cup.

E'sere forces a smile, though not particularly amused by B'ren's joking. He's silent himself now, observing the two riders without adding his own input.

B'ren scans the letter, "She said he was from Telgar," he says to K'sar before looking at E'sere, "What've you got there 'Leader?"

The hides are, luckily out of splatter range. K'sar splutters his klah and stares at B'ren. "Shards!" he gasps, rubbing the back of his hand over his mouth and reaching for a cloth to start mopping up himself and the table - grateful, for the moment that no one was sitting across from him. "I /thought/ there was something...." He looks like he doesn't know if he wants to laugh or just stare at B'ren.

E'sere quirks a brow at the question, shrugging it off. "It's nothing, only a few sweeps reports I'm reviewing," he answers lightly, with a glance over at the spluttering bronzerider. His only reaction to that is to straighten, edging his seat an inch or two away.

B'ren lifts her brows at K'sar, "What?" he asks obliviously and then looks at E'sere with a nod, "Anything interesting?"

"Did she say his name?" K'sar asks B'ren, voice a touch hoarse. "B'ren...y'know that joke we made about my having a brother with green eyes?" He's staring at the green rider as if waiting for the glow basket to land on his head.

"Not really," replies E'sere. "Nothing to trouble yourself about, anyway." He's less interested in his work than K'sar's reaction, observing him mildly.

B'ren gazes at K'sar with blankness, "No she didn't. She just said he was good in bed," he says with a snicker. Then things begin to sink in. "You think...really?" he asks, shocked. He could have a brother? Family? Well there goes his wanderer lifestyle.

"Kelven, Master Harper of Telgar, is my father." K'sar replies quietly, voice still sounding a little odd. "Maybe, to be certain sure, I should write to him and see if he knows your mother's name? Although, he...was a busy traveller for a while there, according to his own recollection." Taking in the details of B'ren, K'sar just chuckles. "You do look a bit like Kelvaren, a younger brother. He's for the Harper Hall about four years ago or so. I look more like my mother than my father, but the coloring..." he shakes his head and just starts laughing. "Brothers. Faranth..."

"Well." That's it for E'sere. Rising, gathering up his hides, the bronzerider notes, "Don't let me spoil the family reunion. Good evening, B'ren, bronzerider." And with that, tucking his papers under an arm, he turns and strolls out.

B'ren waves absently after E'sere, eyes focused on K'sar, "You really think we could be half brothers?"

k'sar, b'ren, e'sere

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