[Log] Playing with Dollies

Aug 26, 2008 22:44

Who: Aeryn, Eleta, Milani, Niena, Tiriana
When: Day 7, Month 8, Turn 17
Where: Inner Caverns, High Reachees Weyr
What: Rain outside drives unlikely residents together.

Inner Caverns, High Reaches Weyr
     Within the labyrinth of interconnected chambers that make up the inner caverns, this large, long cavern serves both as a crossroads and a comfortable place for weyrfolk to sit, talk, and keep a nosy eye out for who's going where. Colorful, seasonal tapestries add warmth to the smooth walls and reduce echoes, while large niches house clusters of chairs, and a waist-high stone shelf along one wall provides a perch for drinks or work for residents on the go. Worn brass hooks often hold jackets or other outerwear with workboots stationed beneath, the transitory nature of the cavern lending itself to being treated as a sort of communal foyer where snowy or muddy gear can be kept outside of living quarters. Smaller, higher niches at regular intervals hold glowbaskets kept fresh during the daytime and allowed to dim somewhat at night.
     The largest tunnels lead to the main living cavern, to the bowl and to the Weyr entrance, but it's still easy for the uninitiated to get lost within this maze.


Obvious exits:
Living Cavern Kitchen Residential Hallway Infirmary Bathing Pools Bowl Weyr Entrance

Evening has fallen, and with it has come an unexpected rain storm, driving a variety of people to see shelter in the inner caverns. INto this crowd of people, a freshly cleaned Eleta has run into MIlani, and the two stand near the opening to the bowl chatting. "It wasa long time ago." Eleta says with a shrug, "Though I think I bawled for days at the time. Drove my brother insane, he was stuck trying to console me. But it was, in the end, only a doll, and I forgot about it quickly." She grins over at Milani. "I like to think some other little girl found it and loved it very much, so at least it wasn't a pointless loss."

Milani is leaning against the arched wall that leads out to the Bowl, the curtain of rain splashing down just a few feet away. There's evidence Millie got caught in that rain a little bit earlier, hair damp and the shawl that drapes one shoulder too. "Well see that's a good way to look at things I think," Milani answers with a nod. "I hate losing things. But then, I'm good at finding, so."

Tiriana's still dry--doesn't look like she's been out in the rain today, with her clothes unwrinkled and hair not bedraggled, either. Doesn't mean she's very happy about the rain going on still, as she arrives at the bowl entry from the inner caverns and just stares out at the downpour. "Damn, it's /still/ doing it?" she complains.

Eleta straightens up at Tiriana's approach. "Sadly, yes, ma'am." She says, looking out at the falling water. "going to make the corrals a mud pit for days, and the runners impossible to keep clean." She needn't sound quite so cheerful about it, probably. "And I probably could have found it if I had been allowed to go back, but being all of seven turns at the time, they declined to let me wander on my own, and they weren't about to take time out of their trail schedule to worry about a lost bundle of rags."

"Yeah, it is," Milani tells Tiriana with a wrinkle of her nose. "Settling in all right, Tiriana?" Millie asks the goldrider politely enough. Her gaze shifts back to Eleta and there's another sympathetic smile. "Yeah. I just know the stores here really well. That's part of what I do. Find people the stuff they need."
Niena heads in from the living cavern.
Niena has arrived.

Look at that. Ma'am. It's enough to make Tiriana smirk, just a teensy-tiny bit as she glances over at Eleta and then Milani. "... Find the runners?" She doesn't jump into the current conversation so well, and while the newcomer's initial remarks parse well enough, the latter ones just have Tiriana looking confused. Shaking it off and affecting a more distant expression, she nods once to Milani instead. "As well as you'd expect, considering this place."

"I've not really been to the stores much." Eleta admits. "Are they usually hard to find things in?" She looks over to Tiriana and offers a smileand an explanation, "We were talking about having things that were our own, and I was telling about a doll I got when I was young, one of the few that was only mine and not a hand-me-down or anything, and how I managed to promptly lose it."

"Not so much anymore. Hayda had us re-organize everything and wash out and re-order every single last back room, so there's not so many hidden treasures anymore. But they're still you know, huge and full of stuff. Have to remember where things are." Millie tries to shoot Eleta a warning look at the explanation she starts to provide for Tiriana, but she only lapses back against the wall further. "Well I'm glad to hear it," is what she does say to the goldrider. "Do let me or one of the other staff know if you need something from Stores to complete outfitting your weyr."

Aeryn heads in from the infirmary.
Aeryn has arrived.

Niena nods wryly at Melata's description. "My candidate class got roped into helping. It was quite an adventure, especially when Lou knocked over those shelves." She heads over toward an empty chair and sits down, glancing at all those there. The unfamilar person gets a nod, Milani a smile, and Tiriana a murmured "weyrwoman."

"Oh, /dolls/," and Tiriana turns the word into a scoff, rather than Milani's more genuine sympathy. "I never had /dolls/." With a small shake of her head, she shoots a look over the former girl, and only half lets Milani take her attention away again. "Huh--oh. Yeah, sure. Nice of you to offer now." Not that she actually sought out the headwoman or her assistants earlier for help, but.

Warning glances are well and good if you know what they are warning against, and Eleta doesn't, so she simply ploughs on. "Well, dolls are what most girls in the carava plyed with, and so, I was rather compelled to do so. And it was mine. When you are a younger child, you don't rreally get much that is just yors, even compared to the rest of a trader clan." a shrug and a grin. "But, runners, now, they were always the best for spending time with. NEver talked about things like who they would marry when they grew up, or whether pink or purple was a better color." She looks to Niena and offers a polite smile in greeting, before turning back to Milani. "Was it terribly cluttered before that? Everything tends to be neat and orderly in the trade wagons, but then, they don't have any space spare for useless gear."

Milani bites down on her lip and shoots a covert glance Tiriana's way as Eleta goes on. Niena's contribution earns a smile though. "Heya Niena. Yeah that was something else, wasn't it? Everything's all shipshape now though. There were just a fair number of back rooms that were cluttered, yes. Piles of stuff that hadn't been sorted out properly yet. All taken care of." A bob of her head for Tiriana though. "You're welcome. Hayda does like to make sure everyone is properly taken care of."

Aeryn comes strolling out of the infirmary. Again not paying much attention to where she is going as she pours over her latest set of notes. Is she always reading? Neverminding that, the girl is heading in the wrong direction for the residential hallway and she seems totally oblivious to that effect that she almost doesn't notice that shes approached the exit to the bowl. Only voices directly ahead get the girl to look up just before she runs into someone. "Oh, excuse me, Good evening." She says quickly enough with one of her usual bright smiles.

"So... you played with dolls because that's what everybody else played with." Tiriana persists in trying to figure this out, her mouth pursing up. Eventually, either she's lost enough or bored enough to just point out, "Well. Runners are better than girls," in a very duh tone of voice. Then she moves on, with a brisk sort of head-bob right back at Milani before her eyes settle on Niena. "Who are you?" questions Tiriana, frowning. Automatically, she seems to register someone else--Aeryn--approaching, too, and she takes a step closer to the wall, out of the middle of the hall without looking around at the voice yet.

"I played with dolls because I didn't want to play alone." Eleta corrects, defensively. "Choosing the high ground of not playing with dolls is well and good, but then you have noone to play with." She scuffs a foot a little. "And she was cute." She admits. She looks at Aeryn as she approaches, oblivious. "Don't think you wnna walk out in the rain wi..." But the girl has stopped, so doesn't need warning.

Niena says, "Ah, sorry about that. I'm Niena, Masoth's rider. Welcome to High Reaches -- I saw you impress, but I don't think we've ever run into each other for all intents and purposes." She also nods to Eleta. "I remember the joy on childrens' faces when they got something of their own."

"I played with dolls some too, but mostly I liked running around with the guys," Milani says with a grin and just nods Tiriana's way again. Aeryn's approach earns an indrawn breath likely for a similar warning to what Eleta voices only the healer stops. "Hey there Aeryn. How's things going? I'm glad you made it up here after all."

Aeryn glances quickly to each of the faces, some familure, others not so much. Her attention goes briefly to Eleta as her attention is drawn to the rain outside. "right." She gives a nod and glances to Milani. "Hi Milani, things are good, I'm getting settled into my duties nicely, though there is not a lot to do right now except take a shift in the infirmary. I've only a couple special paitents. And their checkups wont be for a couple more sevendays yet." She notes tapping a finger on her notes. She then notices Tiriana and a hint of concern plays across her features. "Weyrwoman, How are you feeling today? Better I hope?" The question is genuine if needed or not.

That idea... doesn't help Tiriana's understanding of the situation much. "Who needs people to play with?" asks the goldrider skeptically. "Nobody played with /me/ much, 'cause I could beat them all up, and I wasn't ever lonely." Snort. She then proceeds to brush off the bluerider's words (though not without sounding just a little flattered all the same). "Loads of people saw me impress. Tiriana, and I'm fine." The latter is, of course, for Aeryn, a very hasty response to the well-meaning question.

"Beat... People... Up..." Eleta gives Tiriana a faintly horrified look, the kind that can only come from having one's illusions about goldriders summarily shattered. "How is that fun?" She shakes her head, then turns towards Milani and manages to find a smile, "Keaton and I, he's my brother, we played a lot when I was younger. Always more fun, and he seemed to understand my liking of animals. He gave me a firelizard egg, once, but it didn't hatch. I still suspect it was really a wherry egg, though."

If Niena is dismayed at being brushed off, she doesn't show it. She listens to the rest of the introductions and then seems contect to watch the others, and listen.

Aeryn doesn't seem completely satisfied with that quick response, but she lets it pass with a nod. Afterall there are new faces and people to meet. So exciting is this that her smile is renewed. "I had a friend impress a firelizard once. A long time ago." She gives a slight shrug and offers a hand to Eleta. "I'm Aeryn. By the way thanks for the heads up." She adds gesturing to the entrence and the pouring rain with a nod.

Tiriana is positively gleeful to inspire such horror-strickenness. "It's lots of fun--I ran the lower caverns down at Ierne," she boasts. "And at Telgar, back when I was a kid there." But Telgar's enough to turn her expression more troubled for the brief moment it takes to cast such things off again. Not letting it daunt her, she adds, "Got a bronze somewhere--stupid, hateful thing. Can't get the thing to go wild for nothing."

Niena hmmms. "Two of mine went wild a wile back. I think Leova would rather the one had never impressed at all, given the noise Cheri made in the barracks." Then she adds "I just impressed my third though, and I hope I can keep her. If her eggs aren't needed by the Weyr, maybe I can give you one. If I find them."

"Eleta." The girl replies, taking Aeryn's hand politely. "It's nice to meet you." She looks around at the crowd that seems to have gathered around her and Milani, as if suddenly realising that they are there, and numerous. "To meet all of you." She finishes, lamely. "I've only had that one egg, which remains a bone of contention between Keaton and I, who still insists it was real. But they do seem nice, firelizards. I saw someone once who tained theirs to sit on their runner's head while they pranced. Spread it's wings at the right time and such. It was really celver."

"Trained to -- shells," Milani exclaims with a shake of her head. "Well. That's something else," she murmurs under her breath. "And you're welcome - no sense getting wet, right?" This to Aeryn with a smile.

Aeryn frowns at Tiriana, obviously clueless how someone could want to get rid of a firelizard, or enjoy beating people up for that matter. However, she smiles to Eleta. "Likewise. I heard a harper once trained his to sing along with certain ballads. that's something I would like to see." She adds to Eleta's comment, smiling now toward Niena.

"What kind of runner--," Tiriana begins shortly, with a look for Eleta before she rolls her eyes. Shrugging it off, she glances back out at the rain, still coming down, and then slides toward the door. "Screw it," she decides. "I'll see you later." That, apparently, serves as her goodbye as she gives up waiting and just ducks her head and starts out into the downpour.

niena, tiriana, milani, eleta, aeryn

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