[Log] Weyr, Not Brothel

Jul 11, 2008 00:15

Who: C'mryn, Mariun, Phara, Tiriana, X'ndar
When: Day 21, Month 1, Turn 17
Where: Weyrlingmaster's Office, Telgar Weyr
What: Mariun has lots of questions about flights. Lots of other people try to answer them.
Notes: No goats were harmed in the making of this log.

Weyrlingmaster's Office, Telgar Weyr
     Not quite as large as the weyrling barracks themselves, the weyrling training room that doubles as the Weyrlingmaster's office is nevertheless impressive in its size, easily accommodating the much larger number of weyrling's expected during a Pass. Rows of benches and long, sturdy tables are set out in the centre of the cavern, with X'ndar's desk set up against the northern wall where he can keep an eye on his students.
     On the wall behind the desk, several shelves line the wall upon which the former southerner has an odd collection of items carefully set out. Hides carefully rolled into tubes take up one section, while another, holds two dragons painstakingly carved from wood. Last, but not least is a very large seashell that is decidedly out of place but there in all its cream and beige glory nonetheless.
     On the eastern wall, your eye is drawn to maps of not only the Northern Continent but also of Telgar's sweep area, with each hold and hall beholden, carefully marked out on it. The western wall holds diagrams of fighting formations, sketches of the various muscular and skeletal structures of a dragon as well as basic 'First Aid' for dragons and riders alike.
     The evening is obscured by dark clouds. It's snowing rather heavily. A light wind blows and the winter air is freezing against you. The ground is covered with a layer of snow.


Obvious exits:

Just after the evening meal and bitterly cold outside X'ndar is firmly ensconced in his office with a small brazier lit on the floor near his desk. The heat it emanates isn't enough to warm the whole room, but it does make a difference to the area immediately surrounding it. With a stack of hides to his left and a smaller lot to his right, the Weyrlingmaster is currently leaned back in his chair and frowning lightly over the one held in his hands.

When summoned, Tiriana is slow to comply, and does so mostly at Iovniath's urging, as the gold gives her firm looks and likely sharp words until she finally gets her butt in gear. Heading on toward the office, she doesn't knock, just goes ahead and enters, clearing her throat noisily to get X'ndar's attention.

Mariun, having made sure Jalanith's comfortable for the evening, before bouncing practically, to the weyrling office. She offers a salute, before chirping in a disgustingly good mood, "You were after askin' for us, sir?"

It appears to be distinct relief that shows up on X'ndar's face for first Tiriana and then Mariun's arrivals and the hide is set back down on his desk. "Evenin' Tiriana, Mariun," a small grin flickers for the latter's cheerful demeanor. A gesture of hand indicates the chairs on the opposite of his desk, "Take a seat. Iovniath an' Jalanith doin' well?"

Phara swings in through the door, just a bit late and with snow coating her shoulders and the tips of her spikey hair sticking out under her knit cap. She tries to brush it off and then removes her gloves. "Sorry I'm late. It's fierce out there." She says, slightly breathless.

"Course," answers Tiriana, pausing just inside the door to eye X'ndar before she steps further in. While he gestures to the chairs arranged in front of the desk, she moves over that way and grabs one of them. She drags it deliberately over closer to the heater beside his desk, taking advantage of what heat she can get as she flops down in it and fixes X'ndar with an expectant look.

Mariun offers a big grin over to Phara, as she's brushing snow off, before nodding, "Jalanith's doin' great - especially after Rider Edlyn was havin' us practice over to Ista Weyr." That said, she flops into one of the extra chairs. "Never seen the ocean before - shardin' big, but so /warm/."

At Phara's arrival, X'ndar's eyes flicker in the direction of the bowl as if to suggest unspeakable danger rather than snow lies beyond. With a nod toward a chair and Tiriana now seated near the brazier, "Come warm ya'self, we're jus' about ta get started," spoken to Phara. The gold weyrling's reply sends a corner of his mouth curving upward and the green weyrling's comments are met with a low chuckle, "Should speak ta Tiriana here 'bout spear fishin'," grin. Back to business and the reason he'd called them all in. Leaning back in his own seating he drops a look over each of those present, "Matin' flights," the weyrlingmaster puts out there, "Some o' ya got the ones ta be chased," his gaze touches on Tiriana and then Mariun, "An' others of ya got the ones ta do the chasin," Phara. "Any questions?" simple.

Tiriana snorts at X'ndar's brief introduction, mouth forming into a smirk. "Nope," she answers dryly. "Think that cleared it all right up. That it, can we go now?" Nevermind she just got herself situated in the first place, he's already making to half-rise again, as though to push the question; she shoots a look to Mariun and Phara for back-up as she does so.

Unfortunately, Mariun missed that look. "T'rev said I'd be wantin' to have sex before Jala's first flight - is there any restrictions on who I should be hittin' up for this, or avoidin'?" Hey - for all she knows, there are taboos for hitting on fellow weyrlings, or just graduated weyrlings, or other people... right. Probably not, but anyway, this is Mariun - at least she didn't bring goats into the matter. "Also, how bad is it for folks to bein' a virgin durin' first flights?"

Phara stuffs her gloves and hat into her pocket and grins lopsidedly. "Well if that's all, can we just sit here and be warm awhile?" She asks, teasing. Licking her lips, she pulls a chair up and sits down in it, unbuttoning her jacket. Mariun's question gets a choked laugh out of her. "Oh /shards/, Mar." At least she isn't asking if she can use a goat for the purpose...

C'mryn does a very good job of not laughing. Really. He may be bitting his tongue in half, but he keeps a straight face through Mariun's questions. He's at his customary post, leaning against a wall, and he bobs his head at X'ndar. All yours.

X'ndar beetles a brow up and answers Tiriana with her own word, "Nope. Not done yet," a twitch of lips appears, "Proddy. Any word on how long that's likely ta last?" this to the gold weyrling. The weyrlingmaster was about to add more that is until Mariun drops her queries. He takes a moment trying desperately to school his grin back, clears his throat and then makes reply as levelly toned as possible, "Looks like that mentor o' yours has it in the bag. Ya might want ta be askin' him for," clearing the throat again, "advice on ya best bet?" A glance skitters sidelong to the silent C'mryn, no help there it seems. "An' it's not somethin' ya jus' walk up an' ask a bein' such as, 'How's the weather? Wanna romp some?'" Phara's response to her clutchmate's queries flicks a look over her way, "Your Bennath's blue, her Jalanith's green," just something to think about.

Beat. Tiriana pauses, half-out of her seat, to stare at Mariun; it's that more than X'ndar's words that stay her. And then she actually snickers--well, giggles, more than anything else, and rather unashamedly at that. She promptly drops back into her seat, folding her arms over her chest and glancing expectantly toward X'ndar. "What, you don't keep a list just for this?" Beat. To Mariun: "And you couldn't talk T'rev into it? Gotta fall under mentor duties. --I'm weyrbred." This last addition is just for X'ndar, as he asks that question. Although it's not exactly the answer he was looking for. Still, she asides to Mariun, "Can too say that. S'a Weyr, after all." So there.

"If ya got your eye out for one, Mariun, you could aways get him drunk?" See, Cam can be helpful! He grins cheerfully from his spot. "And sure, you could. Not the most romantic way to go about it, though," to Tiriana. Shrug.

Phara looks, well, disgusted. "I will not be thinking about such things. Should Bennath choose to chase Jalanith, you will find me far, far away. Actually, you won't find me at all. No offense, Mariun, but that.. is not how people do." Nose tilted into the air, she leans back and takes a deep breath, and then folds her arms stubbornly across her chest.

"No clue.." Riun answers X'ndar, even though the question was aimed at Tiriana in regards to the proddy stage. Or she does, and can't think of the answer. "I can't? Well... shards. That's makin' it a bit more difficult." There's a frown, like the girl was expecting the two weyrling-herders to have a list of riders who have 'breaking in new riders before flight' as an auxillery duty. "... oohh, good point! Thank you very much. An' I suppose I could be talkin' to him about that, but he's awfully old." Says the girl barely sixteen - in a room full of folks all older than her, and older than the poor bronzerider in question, a mere twenty-turn-old.

Except for Phara. But she doesn't quite count, being a girl rider on a boy dragon.

"Weyr, not brothel," X'ndar points out with a margin of dry amusement to Tiriana. Her replies to the question he'd put to her are answered with a slow nod of head, "'ll be speakin' with Gay ta get ya rallied up on bein' the rider of a proud egg-bearin' weyrbound gold an' how ta spend ya time /not/ killin' the rider of the poor sire then." C'mryn's 'helpful' advice swings a look over to him, "Drunken fumblin'?" brows lift in amusement. Phara's given an almost sympathetic look, "Not like ya always goin' ta be able ta stop him, he'll chase who he wants too." And then there's Mariun who finally draws low laughter from the weyrlingmaster and an amused shake of head, "I think ya might be wantin' ta chat with Edlyn on this---" he searches for the word, "predicament o' yours, aye?" Yup, hand it over to the absent assistant to deal with.

"Not about romance," says Tiriana, rolling her eyes at C'mryn. "It's about getting it over with before she goes up, right? Why waste the time on romance?" Hopeless romantic, she is not. At least when it comes to other people's love lives. She does, however, just shake her head at Mariun and sigh. "Okay, old? Is so not the reason to reject him," she answers. "He's, like, barely older than me, and that's not old. /I'm/ not old." She musters just a little bit of sulk for the slight she imagines on herself; it limits, at least, her response to X'ndar to a sniffy nod about not killing people. And as for getting drunk first, though? That earns a very fervant shake of her head. "No, no. That's not good," she hastily says. "No drinking." Nevermind that bit about 'getting it over with.'

Mariun, a touch belatedly, grins at Phara. "Well, way I figure it, all this is like as not to be like breedin' time with the goats. Most of the time, they aren't much more than friends buttin' heads over prime grazin' foo, - then, they're randy as all get out, which means preference an' brains are left at the door, until it's time to be askin' your companion who the shardin' hells they are." There is a pause, before she tilts her head at Tiriana, "... that bad, eh?" making assumptions that will probably get her killed later that night.

Phara says, quite flatly, "We understand each other. It is unnatural, and he won't make me do it. I won't stop him from chasing, but I don't have to follow the greenrider where she's leading, either." Stubborn in her naivety, she glowers at X'ndar as if he might try to correct her. She glances at Mariun and her eyebrow raises in amusement. "I'm not /quite/ sure it's like goats. At least, I've never compared my sex life with the mating habits of caprines."

"Don't hurt ta at least like the other person," X'ndar points out, "Attraction bein' halfway ta the end goal?" a brow lifts in emphasis. Eyes crinkle with humor for all the bandying about of who is to be termed old and who isn't but he remains firmly silent on that issue. The weyrlingmaster sorts through Mariun's responses to Phara and lifts a finger in notation, "Actually, not too different from goats," mating flights, "Their instinct takes over an' ya find ya'self just along fa the ride, buttin'---" cough, nevermind. Hands lay palm flat to the desk before him and the brownrider tries to bring back the clinical, "Some o' ya might find ya dragon formin' a brief attachment to the one they caught or that caught them. Doesn' last long an' don't have ta mean you an' the rider o' the other have ta do the same."

Tiriana actually flushes a bit, glowering at Mariun for a half-second before she ducks her head. "Nevermind, forget it," she answers, mouth pursing. The apparent embarrassment, however, is short-lived, especially considering Phara's words. "It's just a flight," she notes dryly, with a jerk of her head toward X'ndar to indicate his points on flight feelings. "Haven't you been hanging around here long enough to figure that out?"

"Good luck with that," says C'mryn to Phara, smirking a little. "All dragons are differen, but I haven't met one who takes his rider's preferences into too much consideration when chasing." But he flashes her a sympathetic sort of smile. "At least with the greens, you can try and slip out before they go up, since they get glowy." Mariun, and her 'predicament' get left to X'ndar, as he seems to have a handle on it. And Tiriana is just downright ignored.

Mariun looks about ready to explain how goats getting it on is similiar to humans, when thankfully, other people speak up. Because really - no one needs that explaination. Distracted, however, by the clinical, she instead rewords an earlier question/comment/whatever. "How long does the glowy go on, an' the proddy. Does either be effectin' other folks, besides wantin' to duck any flyin' crockery?"

Agreement comes in the form of a nod that follows Tiriana's words to Phara, "Jus' a flight. Not a sign of who ya are or what ya prefer, aye?" He glances over to C'mryn again with a prompt to jump in any time he wished, "Even those with weyrmates understand it's beyond our control." Oh good, a question X'ndar can answer with ease, relief fairly leaping off the brownrider. Mariun is given a quirked smile, "Few days before she goes up ya might be findin' ya'self outta sorts. Forgetful maybe, singin' odd songs, wearin' odd things a strange wish fa odd food, that sort o' thing." Wide shoulders lift and fall, "An' some suffer no side effects at all." As to the glowing, "'bout a day before she goes up. With some it's subtle," the glow, "An before ya know it they're up an' there's a streak o' males behind 'em." The weyrlingmaster shakes his head at the last, "Not like when a gold rises," this flickers a look over to Tiriana, "Green tends ta just effect the ones involved in the chase."

Phara smiles oh so sweetly at Tiriana, "You may have loose thighs, but I don't. I don't care if it's 'just a flight', it's just my body and I have a right to say who it touches. If y'all wanna screw whoever comes along, that's your business, but I won't." She listens to X'ndar and laughs wryly, "sounds more like being pregnant than proddy. Do you bloat as well?"

"So do golds?" Tiriana points out, glancing back at C'mryn and furrowing her brows for a moment, before she shrugs it off. She doesn't shrug off Phara so well, visibly tensing and starting that motion to get back up again. But she doesn't, and instead drops heavily back down, to content herself with glaring at the bluerider for a long moment, until she has enough threads of composure regained to offer a snide look. "Yeah? You think you're that special?" scoffs the girl. "Awful early to be saying /that/."

"Hey now - no talkin' about me or Tiriana bein' pregnant. Either should be scarin' everyone else outta their wits, and rightfully so..." Riun laughingly protests, without really considering the the usual results out of weyr are of flights. Especially given how often greens go up. Also, thankfully, there is nothing super handy to throw at her fellow weyrling, even in all amusement.

C'mryn just shrugs helplessly, grinning a bit. "Hey, what do I know? I've only been riding Tausreth for how many turns? But, naturally, you know better than me," is said to Phara. He shifts subtly out of 'casual leaning' into 'tense leaning', and eyes Tiriana and Phara. "Whoa weyrlings. Let's keep this clean, hm? No need for bloodshed." To Mariun, he just grins.

X'ndar cants a crooked smirk over to Phara on bloating, "Not personally." Oh yes indeed the weyrlingmaster looks scared for at least one of the two riders of female dragons being pregnant for he blinks openly at Mariun chances a glance over to Tiriana and mumbles something along the lines of there being herbs for such things. As things look set to heat up verbally between them C'mryn is offered a look of solidarity for his words and the brownrider he raises his hands as if in defeat, "Right ladies, save the mud slinging fa---." Again, nevermind. Hands drop and a set of hides are carefully reshuffled, "Any last questions?" attention touching to each gathered in turn.

Phara sniffs, "Tiriana bleeds acid, I would prefer not to be burned." She shakes her head. "I really don't have any questions, and Bennath doesn't go proddy. May I be excused?"

Tiriana has the grace to look marginally scared herself about the possibility of pregnancy; she even shudders, with a quick nod for X'ndar's mutterings about contraceptive methods. Then, to Phara, she smirks. "Too bad you don't remember that before you try starting something," replies.

Mariun looks from Tiriana, to Phara, then to C'mryn and X'nder. "Last question - when are we goin' to be gettin' our own weyrs?" The look given is rather amused, but also wide - as in, let the answer be soon? Please?

A lightly warning look is passed between Phara and Tiriana then X'ndar nods to the former's request, "Aye, ya can go. Door is always open if anythin' comes ta mind," this applying to all who might wish to be making their exit. Mariun is answered with a short chuckle, "Soon as the Weyrwoman's done assignin' 'em I'd say."

"Soooon," Tiriana agrees, drawing out the word pleadingly. Mariun is not the only eager one, in this case. "Should get Iovniath and Jalanith and--hell, everybody--to start pestering Liabeth all the time about it," decides the girl, eyes lighting up at that particular idea.

C'mryn smirks. "Right," he tells Tiriana. "Because the best way to ensure you get your weyrs in a timely fashion is to annoy the woman in charge of assigning them?" He chuckles.

"Just not bein' between you two would be well enough for me. Not thinkin' I could deal well with the two of you goin' back and forth from the ledges, an' possibly throwin' things to boot." There is a pause, before Riun asks hopefully, "Does she accept bribes?"

For once X'ndar appears to be in complete agreement with Tiriana the crooked grin he wears bearing testimony to it, "'ll throw Val in the mix if it means peace an' quiet from you lot," his baritone betraying gruff fondness for his charges rather than truth to his words. C'mryn gets a low chuckle, "Go on admit it. Ya goin' ta miss the 'em all," like he is but isn't about to say as much. Mariun draws laughter, "That might be takin' it a little far. Though perhaps if ya offered ta help clean out some o' empty weyrs?"

"Well. Then she'll do it faster so we shut up," she points out, very reasonably--in her mind, it's a totally viable idea, after all. "I mean, Liabeth can't keep us /all/ shut up." With a sage nod, she settles it, at least for herself, and then does stand up this time. "Bribes. That's the /easy/ way to do it," is her opinion of that idea. Beat. "/Clean/?" X'ndar earns himself a long and incredulous look for that, before she announces, "I'm hiring somebody to clean my /own/ for me."

"Clean out weyrs? Eh, that's not so hard. Better than muckin' out 'pens, or cleanin' up after Jalanith, back when she was needin' it. Is there a preferred thing to be offerin' the Weyrwoman, just in case?" Tiriana gets a grin, and a stuck out tongue, which looks kind of odd, but the idea of having her very own room, makes her giddy.

The hides in X'ndar's hand are set back to one side and hands clasp together on the desk in front of him. Tiriana is given a dryly amused look as she stands, "Iffen ya can afford ta pay 'em. Go for it." None too concerned on that front. Attention drifts over to Mariun and the weyrlingmaster quirks a corner of his mouth upward on suitable bribes for the Weyrwoman, "Pet goat?" or not as it turns out.

Mariun hops to her feet, and beams. "That's bein' a wonderful idea! Thank you, Weyrlingmaster Rider Sir! Excuse me - needs to be goin' and seein' if we've had a kiddin' season yet - Jalanith's kept me so busy, I'm feelin' as forgetful as a head full of fluff can be feelin'!" Another salute is tossed off, and then she's hurrying toward the door. Apparently to find a baby goat for Gay. Lucky her.

A devilish glint lends itself to blue eyes as Mariun pounces on the idea of goat styled bribes, "Find a pretty one," X'ndar meets the weyrling's salute chuckling to himself. Tiriana is given a crooked grin, "Nuh uh, weyrling. Ya pay fa the cleanin' ya'self, not the Weyr on this one."

"A pretty goat?" echoes Tiriana, who turns to stare after Mariun as the other girl takes her leave. Then, with a rather what-just-happened? look for X'ndar and C'mryn, she shakes it off and notes, "Faranth, just hope I'm there to see it. Gay's face." Smirk. And then she's turning to follow after, returning to the barracks herself.

C'mryn lifts his hand, scratching the back of his head. There's a bob of farewell at the debarting Weyrlings, and C'mryn offers, "Well, coulda been worse!" to X'ndar. He can't keep from looking amused. "What do you reckon the odds are of her *actually* giving Gay a pet goat?"

Watching the door for a short time after Mariun has left, X'ndar turns a grin up to Tiriana, "If I miss it, report back in full color an' I might even pay fa the weyr cleanin' maself." Now that the weyrlings have left, he turns a wry look over to C'mryn. On the topic that had been discussion there's a sigh of relief, "Not sure how," it could have been worse. To the latter there's a rumble of laughter, "I'm bankin' on it," the gift of goat. The weyrlingmaster then reaches for that hide he'd been frowning over sets on top of the stack of others as he stands to his feet himself.

tiriana, x'ndar, mariun, c'mryn, phara

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