[Log] As Daegan So Eloquently Said

May 26, 2008 23:03

Who: Berit, Daegan, E'dre, Tiriana
When: Day 6, Month 7, Turn 16
Where: Galleries, Telgar Weyr
What: The usual verbal sparring.

Galleries, Telgar Weyr
     Stretching along the eastern wall of the hatching cavern, these tiers of seats have enough room for several hundred spectators for clutchings and hatchings. To one side, long shallow steps descend to the entrance. There is also a railing separating the lowest tier of seats from the hatching sands themselves. Other parts of the galleries are closed off from the sands by a wall to the north and south. From here you can reenter the bowl, or follow the pathway down to the sands.


Obvious exits:
Bowl Sands

Daegan blinks repeatedly up at her, "An' I appreciate y'takin' th'wrap, but shells, Bergitte, I just kissed ya. I did mean what I said about y'lookin' pretty. Maybe if'n you were uglier I'd not've done it and woulda just messed ya 'round fer screwin' with m'friend." The 'with' is the operative word, were it not there, the meaning might be totally different. There's a furrowing of his brows at the other candidate. He's sitting a row below her, twisted about to look up at her as she sits with hides in her lap. "Alrigh', I was just tryin' t'make nice conversation. Y'don't have t'tell me nothin' if'n you don't want to." He shrugs and turns back about, sliding to slouch against the stone seat. He lolls his head back to look up at her, "Aw, y'know. Just-- everythin'. With wantin' suddenly t'kiss girls instead o'mock 'em an' all that ridiculous stuff. I was safer when I'd decided y'all were a disease." There's a wry smile for this thought but then a sigh. "Iunno. You prolly wouldn't understand."

"I just kissed you." -- It would be an opportune time to come in on such a sentence, with Berit looking down and Daegan just a seat below her. E'dre had been listening since he hit the caverns, intent on finding someone. He steps up from the entrance, clearing his throat lightly. A look between Daegan and Berit. "Hey, sorry to interrupt," he pauses, eyes creasing slightly at the far corners as he appraises the two of them. "I was just looking for Berit." His voice all but curls around that name, smile just now lighting on his tanned features. "You wouldn't mind if I just looked at the eggs?" Not waiting for them to reply, he steps forward to view Telgar's latest clutch.

Many candidates might venture to the stands to look at the eggs' designs, to brag on what they'll impress, or just to sit and think for a while. Unlike those eager watchers, however, Tiriana looks a little embarrassed to be where she is, hands in her pockets as she trots up the stairs into the galleries. She's eyeing the eggs herself, walking along--hearing the voices, but not really registering them until she gets nearer, where she can pause and look and then glance around idly at the source of those voices. Berit, Daegan. E'dre. Tiriana looks like she's going to try to ignore them after that first look, but she just can't manage it in the end. "Back again," she begins, with a look to E'dre; she folds her arms.

"It *does not* matter if I was ugly or pretty, Daegan, you had no right to do what you did. Kissing a girl without her permission is.. well, rude and uncivilized. I did not appreciate it in the least. And neither did T'rev, but now he thinks I lied about the whole thing and that I wanted to be kissed. I better not find out you are supporting that lie either," Berit threatens severely, pointing a finger at him to emphasize the glower she has pinned on him. She is about to reply to the rest when she hears the familiar voice, her head swinging around and her body following. "E'dre!" she exclaims happily, clapping her hands together, before she realizes what she is doing. That usual blush comes into her face, burning bright and a deep shade of red. As she turns back around, feigning less excitement, she shoots a look at Daegan, perhaps in warning. "Come sit by me. I have room," she says to the brownrider as she clears away her things, setting them to her left. Tiriana is frowned at, but then she has at least one friend here, so she looks back at him, smiling expectantly.

"Point is, Bergitte, if'n ya wasn't pretty, I'd not've kissed you. An' none of us would be in th'situation we find ourselves in." Daegan shifts his blue gaze away from Berit to regard E'dre upside-down from where his head is lolled back. "Oh. Him?" He asks Berit with a raised brow. Then there's a roll of his eyes for the way in which she greets the High Reaches rider. "Well, that's all o'that I can stomach." And up he gets, moving a few steps to consider Tiriana, expression thoughtful. "Nah." He says to some unspoken thought and heads for the stairs, apparently not in a mood to exchange verbal barbs with the other candidate this evening.

E'dre does not notice Tiriana's entrance and so his back remains turned, though his at an angle so that his knot is recognizable. As she asks her question, he turns, brows creased as he tries to place her. Then it registers and his face turns bland, "That I am. Come to see if you'll find your dragon in one of these eggs?" His head jerks in the direction of the sands as he swings his gaze back towards Berit and Daegan. Enthusiastic greetings are always met with an unabashed smile and so this graces his features as he takes in the girl, blush and all. "Why thank you. I think I'll stretch and sit for a while." Up goes his arms skyward, body leaning to the side to release a kink in his back before he strides over to claim the seat cleared for him. He seems bemused by Daegan's departure. "No need to head off, yeah? I hadn't realized it was so bad here," he asides to Berit, eyes twinkling. "That Reachians chase candidates out."

All this talk of kissing again? Tiriana just eyes the two younger candidates, looking unimpressed by that topic. "Is there /nothing/ else to discuss?" she drawls, eyes rolling before she levels her best withering look at E'dre. "Yeah, I'm going to camp out here until they hatch, just to find that out," the candidate informs him with a snort. She saunteres closer, forgetting the eggs in favor of approaching Berit and E'dre, even as Daegan leaves them. "That's it, run along like a good little boy," is Tiriana's parting to the latter, though she doesn't look back at him.

"Up yours, High'n'mighty." Is the called response over Daegan's shoulder as he exits.

Daegan walks out into the bowl.
Daegan has left.

An amused look is given E'dre, unfaltering and meaningful, as if she is saying 'see what I mean now?' Berit does not even have the voice the words, because her expression says it all. She folds her arms over her chest, mouth pursed, as she switches her focus, watching Daegan leave and Tiriana saunter towards them each in turn. "I think they would react the same way if you came from Ista. They are not so very pleasant," is said as she eyes Tiriana's approach. For once the brownrider does not have her all-consuming attention, but that is probably because she is distrustful of the other candidate and what she might say or do. "We can talk about what we want to, Tiriana, and I do not see how it can concern you." The gauntlet thrown down, she turns, setting her gaze straight ahead, on the eggs.

That withering look is missed by E'dre, his attention focused on Berit at the moment. It's Tiriana's verbal response that brings his gaze up, gaze still bland though there's a hint of a smile as one of the corner's of his mouth twitches upwards. "Might be in your best interest. May not get one otherwise. They'd likely pass you over." It is that switch of Berit's attention that the brownrider notes first, brow lifting in a casual manner as he watches her look out at the eggs. Back to Tiriana as she seats herself, he weighs his choices for further verbal interaction. It seems he has chosen one tactic, for now. "It would seem that you equally hang on to subjects that have long since lost their purpose," his own tone is bitingly to the point, eyes sharpening as his smile is dropped down one -tiny- notch. "As you so focus on politics. I was not around at the thieving, and if I were, I'd likely join them if you are proof to how true Telgari's act." After all, he had just started visiting Telgar since that barbecue.

"Oh, cutting," Tiriana calls back after Daegan, clapping a hand melodramatically across her heart before she flops down onto the bench near the two remaining egg-watchers. To Berit then, she notes sagely, "Well, yeah. Ista's Weyrleader is from the High Reaches--one of those thieves we caught." Take that! says her look, and she crosses her arms back as she settles into her seat. "It's not my concern. I just think it's pathetic that you people have nothing else to talk about than who's kissed who now. /Kids/." Scoff. Lots of scoffing, in fact, at both Berit and E'dre. "Shows what you know about dragons," she informs him first, and then, "Another Reachian criminal. /We/ just stand up for what's ours, the people that ask /us/ to defend them. And then you people go rob them blind as soon as our backs are turned."

Maybe the dragonrider can calmly respond to Tiriana, but Berit is becoming increasingly agitated, her mouth scrunching and her brow furrowing deeply. She is trying to concentrate on the eggs, and it is not working for her. But luckily for her - or unluckily as it were - E'dre says something that momentarily distracts her from the heckler. Paling, she clutches a hand against her throat, turning wide green eyes on the brownrider. Thieving? Of a Hold? As soon as she has turned to him, she turns back, dropping her hand in her lap as she stares hard at the eggs. Her face is wiped clean of expression, the vantage point of both all wrong for seeing the emotions in her eyes; that is, until she turns her livid sage-green eyes back on both of them. Quietly, she says, "Can we *please* talk about something else but infernal Crom?" Without another word, she redirects her focus, unblinking eyes turned out to the sands.

E'dre does not respond to Tiriana right away. Again, that calculation given. "I was in Igen at the time, so you can't group me with a 'you people'. But really, it is sort of exciting," he asides to Berit, winking. "To be grouped with such a rowdy bunch. Gives me some devious credibility." It is then that he notices Berit's reaction - that paling and her widened eyes are met with bemusement. "Crom will gladly be dropped," he continues, shrugging a shoulder and twitching a smile over at Tiriana. "Though I don't know of what sorts of conversations you prefer, seeming how I always am on your bad side." It's Berit's continued inspection of the eggs that draws a frown forward and he leans in close, hand lifting to hide his lips as he whispers something to her.

"Oh, sure," Tiriana answers as breezily as she can to Berit. "How about kissing again? Your make-out session with Daegan? You like talking about that, don't you." She lifts her brows, turns an expectant gaze on Berit. "I don't know what's so bad about Crom, though. /I/ don't mind discussing it still, even if it has been turns now. Some people don't forget things like that, you know," she sniffs.

"OHHHHH." In a flare of temper and a great show of skirt, Berit jumps up from her seat, collects her things, and settles a glare on Tiriana. "*You* are despicable. I cannot understand why *any* man, dragonrider or otherwise, would weyrmate you. Though, I am sure there are reasons," she says with a nasty tone, of course implying nasty meanings - meanings she does not comprehend herself, but she will apply them anyway! "As Daegan so eloquently said, up yours." And on that, she leaves, her head held high and her hides cradled to her chest. The brownrider is not forgotten either, probably ignored because he provoked the other girl about Crom. Either way, she is gone.

Berit goes home.
Berit has left.

Whispered comment or no, E'dre doesn't seem to have smoothed things over with Berit as the girl stands up and abruptly leaves after giving her shot at a verbal spar with Tiriana. A scowl falls as he watches the candidate's retreating back and then he levels his gaze on Tiriana. He opens his mouth, changes his mind, and heaves a sigh. "Is it terribly lonely?" he asks, eyes unreadable though his face is set in a way that it hints at concern.

That comment probably doesn't have quite the desired effect on Tiriana. She looks surprised, perhaps, but certainly neither worried nor repentent when Berit jumps up. "Plenty of reasons," she answers Berit instead, with a broad smirk as she watches the girl leave. Beat. "Is what lonely?" And Tiriana swings her head around to give E'dre a look, her brows furrowing together.

"Being such a bitch," E'dre tosses out, not looking at her as he dusts unnoticeable dust particles from his jacket. "Must get lonely." He completes his inspection and rolls to his feet, twitching his shoulders a little as he tugs the jacket down towards his waist. "I can't imagine it. Always being on the defensive. It must be exhausting."

"It's not," says Tiriana, sounding stung by that. She scowls, tightening her arms over her chest before she stands up as well. "Shows what you know. I'm perfectly fine just the way I am, and I don't need some--some--/you/ trying to tell me otherwise."

Again, there's that casual twitching of a brow as it reaches towards his hairline. "I'm not trying to tell you anything. That'd be too personal," he answers, blandly, "and we are not anywhere near friends." Another shrug as he stuffs his pockets and rocks back on his heels, looking out once more at the eggs. "And I'm just observing you. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But I have a feeling," he swings his gaze back towards her, "I'm not."

Like a cat with her fur on end, Tiriana's hackles raise further. "No, we're not. We're not even close enough for you to /observe/ me," she retorts, glwering. "Go on, go back to the Reaches already and stop trying to judge me. I don't need it."

"You do need it," E'dre answers her, stepping down from his seat to land back beside her. He's close, past that personal boundary limit that most people find comfortable. "But you'll never listen, no matter who it might be." That'll be his parting shot, as he strides on towards the exit.

Tiriana doesn't have a retort to that, unfortunately. She just stares after E'dre, balls up her hands, and a few seconds later flounces back into her seat. Pulling her feet up to her chest, she stares moodily at the eggs.

berit, tiriana, daegan, e'dre

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