[Log] Hello... Egg.

May 19, 2008 20:29

Who: A'zan, Berit, Danika, Gay, Mariun, Tamarisk, Tiriana, Virgil
When: Day 6, Month 6, Turn 16
Where: Hatching Sands, Telgar Weyr
What: The candidates get to go touch eggs.

From the hatching sands, On the sands below, the eggs are spread in their perfect arch, half-buried with the sand smoothed carefully around them. Liabeth is relatively calm and graceful, sitting at the apex and carefully arranged, with wings neatly folded, tail curled around her, and eyes fixed on the steps from the galleries - suspicious. For her part, Gay stands at the very foot of the steps, glancing between the stands above and gold dragon hovering across the way with pursed lips. Blowing a curl off her forehead, she looks a little warm.

You step down from the galleries onto the hatching sands.

Hatching Sands, Telgar Weyr
     This is the immense cavern containing the hatching grounds of Telgar Weyr. It stretches for several hundred feet across, and even farther in length. To the north is the large mound of sands used by the queens for their clutches. Looking up along the high walls of the cavern, the ledges where dragons and their riders observe the hatchings are visible. Much of the eastern wall is dominated by the galleries, where row upon row of tiers are capable of seating hundreds of people.
     The afternoon is clear, and the sun shines with a few small clouds floating past. A definite wind can be felt and the summer air is warm enough, with only a slight chill.

Sandy Mound

Obvious exits:

Danika comes in late, though even though she is late she's not running to meet up with the rest of the candidates. And even though she didn't rush, she still is as red as a redfruit with sweat dripping from multiple places. She glances at Xhaiden as they enter and whispers, "I don't break that easily," before walking to where the other candidates have gathered. She wipes off her forward and face with the sleeve of her shirt, waiting to see what they'd missed.

Xhaiden is in much the same condition as Danika, lead-footed and red-faced and...dripping. His usually puffy forelock of hair sticking to his forhead and as he wearily tosses his head at Danika he sweeps his hand through the wet mass with a, "barg...yuck....sweat." As though he's only now realized that he's soaked through. There's a certain smirk of satisfaction though, tired though it might be and he gives Anika a nudge if she doesn't avoid it. "Uh...Good. Cuz? I play rough."

Kevruth lurks in the shadows, as purposefully arranged as Liabeth, though he sits back on his haunches with his long tail laid out across the sand's pale heat. His eyes whirl a cool slow blue, but there is no lack of intensity in them as he eyes the candidates that approach. A'zan has taken up a spot near Gay, hip leaned against the rail of the steps, the heat not yet getting to him - or at least he's not showing it. He has the palest shadow of a smirk on his lips, slightly amused. It fades at the sight of Sweaty Candidate 1 and Sweaty Candidate 2. "Yuck, sweat, indeed," he murmurs with disapproval lacing his words. And yet, they'll all be hot soon enough.

It doesn't actually look like much is happening yet, with candidates beginning to come down the steps, milling around the edges of the hatching grounds. Gay takes a few steps back as there's more arrivals, lifting a hand to get attention - then pushing up the sleeves of her blouse with a sigh. "Okay, the way this goes is pretty simple. Don't run, don't push, don't screw around or you're gone. If Liabeth looks agitated, it's a good sign that you should start to move back towards the galleries. If I say go, you leave. Touch the eggs, but don't knock on 'em or something, no door's gonna open up. Any questions?" The sweaty pair get an arched brow, but no comment - that's A'zan's job. She flashes a grin over the bronzerider's way.

Mariun makes her way in as well, hands freshly washed, with some of the others, listening to Gay as she speaks, flickering her gaze towards the aforementioned momma dragon to check for agitation, apparently. There is a nod at the instructions, but no questions - yet.

Sweat? Heck, there's /eggs/ down here. Virgil takes her first respectful steps out onto the sands very very slowly -- step, step, step. Gay's words, and permission, register in her brain maybe a second or two after she's said them. Oh. Touching. That's what they're here for. Eagerly, but not /too/, she moves over to one of them to reach out, palm flattened.

Small, dainty steps bring Berit down from the galleries and onto the sands with the gaggle of candidates. Chestnut curls, coiled for her chores, have been left thus, and her clothes are soiled in several places, but none of it worries the girl. She is staring hard at the eggs, her lips pursed in displeasure, with her hands clasped within the folds of her skirt. Green eyes lift first at the words of the Weyrleader, flick over to the Weyrwoman as she speaks, and settle back on the eggs, leading to a slight furrowing of her brows.

Danika wrinkles her nose as Xhaiden nudges her. "Hey, stop it. I'm wet enough as it is. And you sure do play rough." At least she's losing some of that reddness in her face over time, and isn't breathing as hard. She looks at the eggs while Gay speaks, though her attention isn't yet on them fully; her eyes are just passing over them but her attention is on listening to the Weyrwoman. She shakes her head as she's asked for questions.

Xhaiden sketches out a respectable salute towards the riders but an awkward bow towards the dragons as he checks to see what the other candidates are doing. He flashes a sly grin at the Weyrwoman and Weyrleader as he again swipes his hand up through his hair and then down his face with a disgusted look about his state. "Sand is going to stick all over me." Accusingly hissed towards Danika while he hangs back, letting the more eager candidates infront of him. His eyes trail after Virgil as she touches one of the eggs and then slip over to Berit and Mariun a moment later, trying to decide what direction to scoot in.

Sweaty, like Danika and Xhaiden, even before she arrives, Tiriana takes the time to refix her hair, which is escaping its tie-back; she pulls it back up, scrapes strands out of her face, and then ventures onto the sands with the others. While Gay speaks, she's only half-listening, most of her attention focused on the eggs more eagerly than she'd probably care to admit. For all that, though, she's slower to move out when they're released, taking a moment to plant a hand on one hip and study the eggs, eyes narrowing before she sets off, for all that the path she takes quite random-seeming.

Mariun waits for others to start forward, then follows along. For once, the girl is silent for more than a minute, moving off to lightly touch one of the eggs - this one green and red, and lacings up the center.

In spite of his not so pleased comment for the sweaty candidates, A'zan takes a tiny step back and spreads his arm for them to proceed. Which they are doing anyhow. He flashes a bit of a grin to Gay for her look, then settles back with arms crossed over his chest. "That goes for Kevruth too by the way. He's more likely to actually claw one of you for being too rambunctious. Or not enough. Or whatever he feels like today." He must be exaggerating, but the dark bronze half in the shadows flexes ebon claws for drama's sake.

Gay tries her level best to give each of the candidates a narrowed, intimidating glance as they pass her - but there's no real intensity or malice behind it. Her gaze is too warm, too 'aw, cute'. As they fan out across the eggs, Gay falls back to lean next to A'zan, watching the different reactions with interest - and smirking at Kevruth's flex of claw. "Terrible," she tells the Weyrleader, though she's too entertained to be serious. Liabeth? Doesn't think it so terrible, rumbling Kevruth's way. That's right.

Egg is nice. Virgil doesn't seem to disagree with it. Not that there's a lot to the thing's features to disagree with. Colors, bit of a shape just there, some swirly bits. A top and a bottom, much like she has. Maybe they /can/ get along. Her fingers spread over its shell.

Danika shrugs at Xhaiden after his statement. "That's your fault." She smiles as she watches Tiriana enter in a similar state to her own, but her attention doesn't stay on the other candidate long. They're here, after all, to look at the eggs. Though Virgil does get a glance when she's the first to head on in. She smiles as A'zan gives them the okay to come forward, though she stops for a second as he continues. "He might not like if we're not rambunctious enough?" She shrugs. "No problem there." She walks towards one of the eggs, an almost completely black egg with a red line down its center. She touches it, and smiles. "It doesn't feel like it looks. I mean, it's smooth and it looks smooth, but it looks a different smooth than it feels." If that makes sense. Not that she was talking to anybody in particular, and as she moves her hand across the surface she glances at the other candidates to see what they're doing.

Touching eggs is foreign enough to Berit that she is amongst the last to amble towards the eggs, and even then, paused before an egg, she cautions a few glances around to see what everyone else is doing. Fists settle on her slim hips and she stares down at the soft pink shell of the egg she has positioned herself in front of, her gaze speculative. All she has to do is touch them? Really? What is the point of that? Her countenance says it all, but she imitates what she has seen, allowing her small hand to descend to the surface and lightly graze.

Xhaiden's nose crinkles slightly at the threat of dragon-attack, "shards and shells...maybe it's true that dragons really do hurt people. I mean, if the riders unleash them what if they did? Or what if the dragonrider didn't hold them back?" He doesn't sound worried, more just musing aloud as he watches dark claws dig into the sand. "I wish they would make up their minds really--do they hurt people or don't they?" Spotting Tiriana he gives her a nod, still hanging back with a thoughtful frown on his lips. He's more interested in the responses of his fellow candidates and the riders than getting too close to the eggs and the dangerous dragons.

Tiriana reaches one egg after circling all around it and the couple nearby, as picky as she can be. She presses one finger lightly against the chosen one first, then her whole palm, rubbing it across the hardening shell. "Well. This is exciting," she comments then, half to herself. Her touching is more involved than her words suggest, though, and she can't even get all of that lingering initial thrill out of her voice. A glance around to see where her fellows got to catches Xhaiden's look her way, and she notes to his question, "The hatchlings're the only ones /I've/ ever seen hurt anybody, and half the time that's not even on purpose." Though she still peers about to find Liabeth and Kevruth again.

Even though Weyr-bred, Tamarisk is in complete and utter awe of the dragons and their clutch. He hangs back a little, watching what the others are doing, then tentatively brushes his fingertips over the surface of each egg. He wanders about as if in a trance, now heedless of his fellow Candidates and the claw-flexing bronze, focused solely on the splendidly multi-colored eggs.

With a little shift to make room for Gay against the rail he has claimed, A'zan lifts one hand, inspecting the impeccably clean fingernails that it includes. He flicks an eye upward, watching the candidates beneath dark brows. "Hmm. Chatty, that one," he remarks lightly, as not to anyone in particular as all of Danika's comments. For Liabeth there is a whuff in return for her rumble, and for all that Gay is entertained the clutchsire looks fairly serious, eyeing each candidate in turn as if decided whether to leave them, oust them or eat them. In spite of this A'zan remarks, "The young ones do hurt people, all distracted and ungangly. The older ones, well... brooding parents are a bit different than your run of the mill blue of course. Follow directions and you should be just fine."

If there's one thing Gay does manage to do well, it's keeping herself amused. She's as much a contrast in demeanor as colouring to A'zan, grinning at the candidates and eggs, leaning into his shoulder lightly. "He's just tryin' to scare you," she calls out, not bothering to explain if she means rider or dragon. "But like, imagine if someone was like, 'let me, a total stranger, pick up your three-week old'. Y'know?" With a little sigh, the tall woman pushes unruly curls back from her forehead yet again, tone lowered as she asks A'zan, "Why do I never get used to the heat? Seriously? Down here all the damn time."

Danika seems relieved by Tiriana's words, even if they weren't directly aimed at her. She has said to several candidates that she doesn't have a favorite egg, and maybe this is highlighted by the fact that she gets up and moves to another egg after touching the black and red one briefly. She seems to want a chance to touch as many as possible. She touches another one, the gaudiest and brightest egg in the clutch. It was the first, and had the loudest colors. "This one is special, it's so crazy." She looks up and says to Xhaiden nearby, "According to Daegan's rules on crazy, this one probably holds a female." She didn't catch A'zan's comment about being chatty, but neither is she proving him wrong either. She nods at Gay, reassured somewhat by her words.

There is no electricity or pretty sparkles, much to the girl's dismay. Much of what she has heard has been embellished and exaggerated times over, leaving her with an unrealistic summarization of what touchings were about. Being on the sands now and touching her first egg, Berit is disappointed, with static frown in place. She bends her knees and moves her hand with the curve of the shell, simply admiring the vivid coloring instead of searching for something more, and her frown dissipates in small degrees. There is rich magenta and baby pink here, a mingling of colors that is pleasing to the eye, especially to one with a critical eye for color. Little attention is paid the conversation, because what little she knows about dragons and hatchings could fit in the palm of her hand.

Mariun lets her fingers trail over the egg in front of her, before letting her fingers fall away, and crouchs down a bit, looking at the curve at the top of the egg. The girl stares at the curve for a long moment, as if she could see through it, before standing up slowly, shaking her head of errant thought - or just trying to get some of the curls unstuck from her face. Then, she moves on, following others' leads.

"I just said that," Tiriana calls over, with a smirk for A'zan as she pauses her touching to look at the pair of Weyrleaders. For Gay, she just has a look, and finally shakes her head. "I don't think that comparison works," she remarks, patting the present egg once more, moving away toward another. On her way, she comments, "Eggs don't cry. Or need changing. So why would you /need/ to let somebody else have the things?"

Xhaiden nods his head, satisfied with both Tiriana and A'zan's reasurances. He squints towards the bronze and gold before making a direct line to the egg that Danika is looking at, "yeah, girls equal crazy." Not appologetic at all, you know what they say about opinions. He leans forward and looks at the wild egg, "so...lean down there and listen to it. See if you hear it .... you know.... snoring." He waits, expectant and with more eagerness than he has shown so far. Perhaps the Weyrwoman's brighter reasurance has improved his mood.

A'zan's attention slowly swings to Tiriana and he gives her the benefit of a cool smirk. "I just thought they might like to hear it from someone who actually knows," he says lowly. And then he's straightening a bit, smile fading to smooth neutrality as he looks over the group and the eggs they touch. "The point being that they are delicate and the dragons are protective, Tiriana. And it's probably not best to call any of them crazy." That, louder, for Danika who has claimed the lion's share of Kevruth's attention with her comment. The colors, the inhabitant, crazy does not please him it seems.

Gay gives Danika a quick nod in return, a flash of a reassuring grin. For Tiriana, "She /needs/ to let you put your -" A pause, as if she'd like to quote, but nothing so interesting. "Hands all over the eggs, yeah? Not like you're pickin' them up, but she doesn't know you. Well, most of you." As Xhaiden and a few of the others try to listen, she quirks a pale brow and just shakes her head. "Don't think you'll hear much - some people say they do, but that's a lot of egg t'get through." Liabeth is less concerned with any individual at this point than the group as a whole; her eyes still are a calm blue, but keen, shifting from one egg and candidate pair to the next, looking disgruntled. Quietly, the goldrider notes, "You can fix it all later, be quiet about it."

Danika smiles as Tiriana mentions that eggs don't cry and she looks at Xhaiden with a smirk. "Eggs don't snore either, you know." She glances towards A'zan, curiously. "Sir?" She seems a little confused - was someone not fully paying attention? - but she seems to shrug it off. She shakes her head at Xhaiden. "Nah, you do it if you want to listen in on one. I've got dragons staring at me." With that she moves onto another egg, the one the one that looks like a seacrafter's net. "Reminds me of Tillek," she says wistfully to anybody close enough to hear. She seems relieved at Gay again, though mostly because her dragon doesn't seem that interested in her, rather than her words this time.

Xhaiden looks up as A'zan and Kevuth zero in on Danika and he leans slowly away from her, "so much trouble..." he murmurs under his breath. At the other candidate's suggestion that he give it a try he steps back a wider stride, "no way." Then, with a little sniff, turns swiftly away, quirking a sly smile when the Weyrwoman speaks up. "Well, guess that answers that, no need to look silly." With that he saunters hot-footed towards the rather plain egg with the big blue spot on it. "Hello.... Egg." He smirks down at the egg, dripping sweat. "What am I doing?" He doesn't touch, nope.

"Because saying the same thing first doesn't count as knowing," Tiriana says, eyeing A'zan and then making her best if-you-say-so face as she turns back to another egg. She traces a finger over its patterning for a second before Gay calls her attention back that way. "Wouldn't get far with them, anyway," she notes absently. Beat. "Wait. /He's/ the one that keeps snoring?" Oh, she'll pick up on that, of course, shooting a quick look in the direction of those words.

Colors can dazzle and mesmerize for only so long. Magenta and pale pink are touched fleetingly, one last time, before Berit moves on towards a purple egg. It brings a smile to her face as she passes both hands over the top, tips of her fingers gliding down the sides. Again, nothing special happens when she lays her hands on the shell, but she is nonplussed. Likely everything she was told was done so for laughs and giggles. With a small sigh, she murmurs, "And I believed it too." But for all outward appearances - her low words cannot be heard - it looks like she might be speaking *to* the egg in intimate conversation.

A'zan just shakes his head at Tiriana, and then she's off touching another egg. Leaving him to rest his weightmore fully on the hip knocked back againt the railing, and to slip fingers through his dark hair. "It isn't so bad," he remarks aside to Gay. "You could wear some of that skimpy Istan garb or something instead." Cheeky, he nevertheless states it deadpan, though there's a glint of amusement in his eyes for those who would see it. Then pale eyes snap up to Xhaiden and he tsks. "You are touching the eggs," he says in a tone loud enough to carry. "Or at least, that's what you should be doing. Hand, egg, it's not that difficult."

Mariun makes her way over to another egg, and about the time A'zan's saying 'hand, egg', she's putting the words to action, though this time she places her hand on it proper, from tip of the fingers to the bottom of her palm.

And it is only now that Tamarisk notices the other candidates -- and the two dragons lowering at him and the others. He pretends /not/ to notice, the same way as he's /not/ noticing the heat that is radiating from the sands and into his boots. He pushes his sleeves a little more, right up against his elbows, then reaches up to mop his sweaty brow. Wiping his sweaty palms on his trous he continues touching -- no, caressing gently. "You never know," he murmurs, just loud enough to be heard from a couple of paces away, "you might just contain a dragonet for me -- or someone else here."

Xhaiden looks up from the eggs he's standing by and gives a single blink at the direction offered to him. One corner of his mouth inches up as he smooths his hand down his hip, trying to dry it completely. His lips move as though he's muttering to himself, but he's not so foolish to let the words carry farther than into his own breath. Still, there's all manner of trouble brewing in his gaze that slowly shifts towards the closest candidate to him. The hand settles against the egg and then slips away as he turns and makes a line for Berit who seems to have made a connection. He leans around her and puts his hands, both of them, on her egg, "what is it saying?" Hopefully he doesn't scare her too much--he's not really moving at a fast speed. Just trying to not get busted for not fondling the eggs.

"Kinda heavy," Gay agrees with Tiriana, though the girl's attention is already elsewhere. Watching Berit and her oddly disappointed reaction amidst the more usual awed or pleased one, she seems bemused, though A'zan's comment draws her attention and a smirk. Flickering her dark gaze up his way, "You think? Would it pack 'em into the galleries, besides?" Her tone is wry, amused; she gives a cough behind her hand at his instruction to Xhaiden. Liabeth shifts out of her careful pose, beginning to stand, still looking rather wary - but not angry, not yet.

A'zan's words to Xhaiden make Tiriana smirk, though at least it's half-hidden by the fact she's leaning over an egg. She's quiet for once, inspecting it, moving on to another, wandering aimlessly between them from one to the next. Not really lingering on any of them, she seems to be more interested in brushing all of them than pinning herself down to just one.

Danika smiles as Xhaiden finally starts touching the eggs. "About time," she mutters, probably not within hearing of the boy in question. She moves onto another egg, this time the champagne and ivory egg with hints of gold and yellow that looks almost iridescent. She smiles as she touches the egg, in spite of the number of them her smile is still bright. She glances to the other candidates, curious at times on which egg they're touching or what they're doing.

Good thing Berit cannot see the dragon standing! She might make a dash for the exit, but what she *is* aware of ruffles her feathers just as bad. Engrossed in touching and admiring every contour of her egg, she tenses automatically when Xhaiden leans around her, becoming very still until she tosses a harried glance over her shoulder. Dark brows snap together over green eyes and her mouth purses. "I think the egg is of the thought that you are standing *too* close to me, Xhaiden. Remember your manners, dear?" With an irritated sniff, she turns back to her egg, trying to ignore the nearness of the boy and remain composed. "Besides, eggs cannot speak."

Gay's reaction draws A'zan's amusement from his eyes to his mouth, and he lifts one shoulder in a casual little shrug. "I suppose it might. Novel if nothing else." He teases, the light mood carrying for once onto the candidates that continue to trample over the sands. "I remember doing this, thinking they were bigger than they looked from the galleries but still smaller than I expected. None of them seem terribly overwhelmed though. I guess that's a good sign." Thoughtful, dark brows arch and he lifts his voice again. "Is this a first for all of you? Have any of you been searched before?"

Xhaiden keeps his hands on the egg and grins toothily at Berit, sticking in her personal space for the moment, "Whoa, sorry honey, I didn't mean to scare you." He tosses his head, flashing a cocky wink at her and only then does he slowly slide his hands away from the egg and brush past her with a whistle.

Such an innocuous question. Tiriana still scowls when it pulls her attention away from the latest egg to have one of her hands brushed over it. "Lived in a Weyr my whole life," is her answer, though it doesn't exactly match the question. "Why?"

Danika shakes her head in response to Gay's question. "A big ol' first for me." And now for another first, her first time touching the purple egg with the that looks like a woman's hat. "I'm trying to get the most of it before we have to leave," she says, perhaps in explanation for why she doesn't stick to one egg for long. She pauses and looks up at A'zan and Gay. "These seem pretty hard, does that mean they'll hatch soon? Like, any day now or do we have some more time?"

Mariun looks up towards A'zan, then nods, stepping away from the egg carefully, "It's mine as well..." she agrees with Danika, breaking her silence, before tilting her head slightly, waiting to see what the answer is to Danika's question.

"I am not your 'honey'," Berit grits out to the other candidate's departing back, her green eyes narrowed with irritation, and she flounces away from her egg to find another, this one sporting a myriad of colors. She lays her hand against the shell, moving over the black and cobalt colors with deliberate slowness, until the question causes her to still her hand. Looking up from her examination of the egg, she shakes her head, "I have never been searched. This is my first time.." pause, as she looks uncertainly at Tiriana "..in a Weyr."

Just thisclose to inappropriate in the way Gay's leaning into and grinning up at A'zan, "Eh, not concerned with having much of an audience. But it's a thought." When the bronzerider's attention goes back to the candidates, she gives a blink and shifts a touch away - and the flush she's got must be due to the heat, right? There's a slight smile for Az's shifted mood, nodding as she echoes, "Good sign." Glancing towards Danika, she answers, "More time - Awhile, anyway. They've got to grow enough to crack out - takes time." She doesn't immediately notice Liabeth, who's moved from merely standing to moving at a stately pace along the arch of eggs, watching the candidates - but when she does... "Ah. Az?"

Tamarisk follows Tiriana's lead -- although he's been doing the same thing from when he first stepped onto the sands -- each egg recoeves a gentle and respetful caress, as if Risk is tryiing to figure out which egg is /his/. On catching Danika's remark, he gently presses his palm into the surface of one of the eggs. "They are quite solid," he remarks out loud to nobody in particular.

A'zan is busy eyeing the candidates almost as intently as Kevruth is, and misses Gay's flush entirely, more's the pity. "More time for chores, and endless waiting, lucky you. The dragonhealers will start speculating a few weeks out, most of the time." Because he has so much experience, you see. He nods to the various answers and then just looks pointedly at Tiriana. "That was not the question I asked, Tiriana. So it's a first for all of you." He nods as if noting that fact, then glances to Gay. "Hmm?" From her to Liabeth go grey eyes and then his brows arch. Kevruth, sensing Liabeth's tension shifts to his feet as well, pinions rustling. "I think that might be the cue for you all to think about heading out."

Danika nods with a sigh at A'zan's words. She hadn't touched nearly as many as she wanted. She stands up, brushing sand off her clothes and steps slowly away from the eggs. She waits at the edge of the sands for the rest of the candidates, though she seems ready to make a dash for the exit if needed.

Gay looks impressed; at least A'zan sounds like he knows what he's talking about. But that's brief, she just gives a nod, curls bouncing as she gives a look to Liabeth; the queen edges around the eggs as only a forty-plus foot dragon can edge, and her eyes begin to shade towards the warmer colours. "Yeah. She's getting a little - annoyed. You all are too messy." The tall woman gives the candidates an apologetic glance and a barely perceptible eyeroll before, "Just head off and up to the galleries at a walk - she's not gonna take a swipe at you or anything." She doesn't promise any such thing for Kevruth - he has an image to maintain.

"They take forever," is Tiriana's input on eggs hatching, her nose wrinkling. She shoots another huffy look at A'zan for his correction, though there's not much she can say to refute it. Then she turns to go, heading toward the galleries.

Mariun straightens up slightly, and brushes her hands together to rid them of some of the sand sticking, "Yes ma'am. Thank you!" she adds, rather less solemnly then she started, before walking towards the stairs, carefully.

The warning gets Berit to her senses quickly and she takes several steps away from the egg she had been touching, her eyes glued to the gold dragon. She tears her eyes away *only* so she is able to properly walk back to the galleries and safety. Sticking close behind another, much taller candidate, she looks over her shoulder to make sure she has put distance between herself and the dragons, despite the reassurances Gay is giving.

Danika decides not to wait any longer. She bows her head slightly to A'zan, Gay and there lifemate and she gets out of there fast. She's not scared, just not stupid either.

berit, a'zan, gay, virgil, tamarisk, mariun, xhaiden, tiriana, danika

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