[Log] This Backside Is Nothing But Trouble

Nov 08, 2004 21:00

Who: Alina, Dziban, Jaeni, Kenrid, K'jan, K'rien, K'tag, T'hvan
When: Day 9, Month 2, Turn 200
Where: White Sands Beach, Southern Weyr
What: K'tag's butt causes trouble, T'hvan wants Sh'drian but settles for a glass of water, and Jaeni, Dziban, and K'rien tolerate much.
Notes: Partial log.

---| White Sands Beach |---------------------------| Southern Weyr (#630) |---
     Fine sand encircles the shore of the lake with only the occasional palm tree to provide shade and break up the blinding whiteness. The lake sparkles with refracted light, the water dancing from the waterfall's plummet to the river far below. As a result mellow waves lap against the shoreline, a smoothing of the sand's natural formations the only hint of where the tidemark lies. As the day progresses, the grains of sand retain the heat from Rukbat's rays, making the beach difficult to walk upon. It is then that the thick green foliage separating the beach from the meadow's edge becomes a favorite, the shade a welcome change.
     With the sun falling slowly from its zenith, the temperature and humidity scarcely seem to follow suit as, overhead, puffy clouds build in the sky, their rounded shapes reflecting in the water. A light breeze wends through the Weyr, providing a touch of coolness as it passes.


People:     Dziban     Alina     K'rien     K'tag

Dragons:     Kirienth     Liranth     Aidryth

Obvious exits:
Lakeside Meadow PAvilion Southern Weyrs Waterfall Viewing Point White Sands Lake

Aidryth stops before the water's edge at the sound of his favorite green (or one of them, at least) crooning out to him, heavy tail swishing once as he creels a deep, cheerful greeting to Liranth - and Kirienth, as well - before slipping his way into the water. K'tag, possibly prompted by his lifemate, raises to an upright sitting position much like a zombie, eyes hanging, mouth drooling, shoulders sagging, hair all ruffled and covered in sand. Slowly, the brownrider raises to his boots and begins to slowly dust himself off, not seeming to notice Kirienth and Liranth just yet.

K'rien grins over at K'tag's look for a moment snickering softly at the drooling brownrider before he turns back to Liranth to strip off her riding straps. "Yes, love. You can go swim with Aidryth. It's rare enough to see him not sleeping you ought to take advantage of it."

Aidryth burbles his amusement under the water at Liranth's agreement to join him, though he does not look back, ever drifting his laid-back way out further into the lake. K'tag, once he's partially clean, looks up to K'rien, one hand slowly running through his hair - stopping halfway through, appalled by the sand therein. Completely ignorant to the drool and to his eyes, he quickly ruffles his hair to get the sand out, giving him an atrocious looking bovine-lick as he does. Not his day. "... Good evening, K'rien," he greets the K'rien as he raises one hand in greeting, apparently giving up on his appearance for now.

Liranth lumbers out into the water as soon as her straps are off with a bright warble towards Aidryth. She flicks a small splash towards him with her head as soon as the strong strokes of her long tail have brought her close enough. K'rien watches her with a half smile before he sets the straps aside to grin brightly over at K'tag. "Afternoon, er, is it evening here?" He says looking up to the sky. "And how are you, K'tag? Been awhile."

Kirienth remains where she sprawled, heedless of Liranth and Aidryth's splashy enjoyment. She seems, all marine blue eyes and deceptively laid-back pose, the picture of an unconcerned green... but that shimmer to her hide gives *everything* away.

Aidryth's rumble is masked in the water as Liranth splashes him, and he returns the favor with his own great wedge-shaped head, though if anything it's weaker than hers. Predictably, he floats his way closer to her, though is careful not to touch. "... To be honest, I am not certain which it is, K'rien," K'tag admits after a moment, a hand rubbing the back of his neck as he glances up at the sky. "... I do not know how long I have been sleeping. But yes, awhile, and I am well considering. For you, K'rien? And Ierne?"

K'rien shrugs. "I'm alright." He says automatically. "And so far Ierne hasn't gone all to pieces even with our esteemed Weyrleader and all. Eggs on the sands, and L'yan's got me tapped over as one of his assistants." The greenrider shrugs again as Liranth bugles happily at the splash sending back another one, stronger since the brown is closer.

Treading happily along the beach comes Dziban, munching messily on a mango. Juice is everywhere: hands, face, even her shirt as the poor fruit dies a horrible death. Finally, though, the torture ends as she tosses the remainder of it into the water and then glances over at the dragons and their humans. "Hi!" she offers, wiping her hands off, then grimacing at the stains now on her shirt.

K'tag nods slowly at K'rien's response, hand coming up to scratch at the side of his mouth, finding saliva. Frowning very deeply, he wipes it away and disdainfully wipes it away on his shirt, look becoming only less pleased when Dziban tosses the fruit into the water and speaks. "... Good evening, Dziban. Have you met a clutchmate of mine, K'rien?" He gestures faintly to the greenrider, watching him for just a moment before speaking against. "So. You are an assistant weyrlingmaster now? Congratulations, I am glad to hear it." If there's a flicker of a smile, it's gone in a flash. Aidryth, in the meanwhile, finds himself having to sink under the surface to avoid being splashed, waiting for just a bit, then coming right back up and sending a rather nice helping of water right back at the green.

K'rien smiles over at Dziban. "No, I don't think we've met." He adds towards the woman before just shaking his head. "Don't even dress properly around here anymore." He says softly under his breath at the state of scruffyness of the two Southerners before he runs a hand up through black hair that's grown just long enough to be messy. "We are and thank you. That's been a good thing. L'yan's even stopped blushing around me all the time, though he did almost throw up in the hatching galleries the other day." The young man reports cheerfully as Liranth swims out in front of Aidryth turning her head back to warble at him.

"Nope," Dziban tells K'tag cheerfully, "and by the way, you gotta little some--never mind." She grins as the brownrider wipes away the spit, then glances at K'rien. "You're from Ierne? Do you like it? I haven't been there in... a while," admits the girl. "A few turns, or somethin' like that. Who's L'yan?" Curiously, she peers between the two riders, and drops to the sand to stare up at them.

If K'tag hears K'rien's mutter under his breath, he makes no acknowledgement of it, looking first to Dziban, then out to his dragon in the water, shrugging his shoulders back as though stretching them. "... Aye, I have seen it for myself," K'tag replies with some thought, shaking his head an instant later. "... Not the hatching galleries, no, his... new attitude. He is no longer the shy and quiet boy of our weyrlinghood." He spares one glance back at Dziban before sinking back into his boot's heels, arms crossing over his chest again. Little bubbles rise up in front of Aidryth as he rumbles underwater, apparently rather pleased with the green.

K'rien nods his head with a smile. "Which is a good thing in a Weyrlingmaster. He needs to be able to take charge." K'rien says before turning to look over at Dziban and nods. "I am. And I like it some of the time." He leaves it at that before smiling. "L'yan is another clutchmate and Ierne's Weyrlingmaster, my boss. Actually Winter and Sh'drian, the Weyrleaders are K'tag and I's clutchmates as well."

Dziban looks a bit confused, cocking her head. "Huh?" she wonders blankly. K'rien's words are more explicable. She nods in understanding. "Really? Y'all're from that double clutch thingy back in the best, then. I know 'cause Alina -- I was talking to her earlier -- she told me about it. Had a poem and everything. Just between us, though--" and here she lowers her voice to a clearly audible 'whisper' "--it didn't make much sense."

K'tag nods slowly, though not in complete agreement. "... Aye, but I still would never have thought him capable of it. I suppose a lifemate such as Vorsanth would be a strong influence, as Aidryth suggested he would be." K'tag takes another, second step back, as though to regard Dziban and K'rien easier, looking politely, faintly interested. "... Is that so? Zavalin may have mentioned such a poem around me recently, though I do not think I have seen it for myself."

Jaeni enters from the rustling meadow grasses and flowers.
Jaeni has arrived.

T'hvan enters from the rustling meadow grasses and flowers.
T'hvan has arrived.

Kaelyth soars over from the sky above the southern most areas of the Weyr.
Kaelyth has arrived.

K'rien raises his eyebrows over at Dziban. "She's writing poems? That don't make sense? She hasn't been, say, mixing names up lately, has she?" He asks over curiously before he nods over at K'tag. "I suppose so." He stops for a moment. "Then what influence has Liranth had on me?"

The question K'rien tosses K'tag's way seems to catch the brownrider off guard, for he peers at the younger rider for a moment, frowning uncomfortably before glancing away to the water. His hesitation is long - a little too long - though when he speaks, his voice is as dull and emotionless as ever, unwavering. "She has turned you into a very strong and kind-hearted rider, as your new position proves." Is that what was so hard to say? K'tag, at this moment, looks like a complete and other mess. His eyes are hanging, his clothing is all sandy and unkempt, and his hair is dirty with a glaring bovine-lick in the front. It's almost entertaining.

"I dunno," Dziban admits. "She called me... Kissa? Something like that. But then again, I don't think we've met before, so there you have it." She shrugs, then peers between them idly, brows arching.

K'rien nods and smiles over at Dziban. "Not suprising." He says simply before he turns to give K'tag a long look at the brownrider's long silence before he simply nods over. "I supppose so."

While meandering around the area, Jaeni happens to stumble across K'rien, K'tag and Dziban in her travels. Picking up the occasional stone to toss out at the water she waves to them and having managed to pick up a comment of K'rien's earlier on comments, "Writing poems and confusing names... Can't be any other than Alina. I would guess."

K'tag exhales just a little at K'rien's response to him, nodding his head slowly before casting a sidelong glance to the newcomer Jaeni. His eye trails the rock she throws into the water, not tearing off of it until it disappears beneath the surface. "Good afternoon, Jaeni," he greets the bluerider, either unaware of or ignoring how sloppy he looks. "How's the day finding you?"

Dziban eyes K'rien. "Why's that?" she inquires curiously. "And yeah, Alina," is added over her shoulder to Jaeni. "Is that typical of her or something?"

T'hvan walks quietly onto the beach area, a grin tugging on his lips. He pauses before suddenly exclaiming, "K'rien!!!!" Yes, the other greenrider warrants that many exclamation marks. In fact, Van couldn't look more happy to see his former mentee (the sane one of the group). "What's brought you to the weyr?" He pauses once before winking at K'tag, "Evening K'tag. When you transferring to Ierne?" He pauses and returns his attention to K'rien, giving him another grin, "It's great to see you!"

K'rien smiles over at Jaeni as she makes her appearence. "Ierne's duties." He greets then nods his head. "Alina, and maybe Kirienth, especially if she's having fun with names again." K'rien comments before turning to just grin brightly over at his fellow male greenrider. "T'hvan! It's great to see you! How are you doing?" He asks his mentor.

A grin slips on Jaeni's face and she nods to Dziban, "I would say plus Kirienth too. Well, it's typical of her around a flight. I was Juniper a few days ago." The bluerider shrugs her shoulders and merely raises an eyebrow at K'tag's appearance. Maybe he had a good last night. "I'm doing well. Just got off afternoon sweeps. Yourself?" With a slight laugh, "Right, Southern's duties to Ierne." That eyebrow just went up quite a bit higher with T'hvan's loud entrance.

K'tag's back snaps up so fast after T'hvan's bellow it's a wonder he doesn't trip. Turning around slowly, almost hesitantly, as though fearing something. "... Good evening, T'hvan," he greets the other man gently, shaking his head at his question. "Not anytime in the near future, T'hvan. My wing needs me here." K'tag? A good last night? Right. Dull blue eyes trail up to Jaeni at her question, and he shakes his slowly, replying only with a soft, "Well enough, considering." He inhales to speak more, pauses, frowns at Jaeni, and shakes his head, waving it off for now.

T'hvan's entrance attracts an odd look from Dziban, who blinks in surprise and pushes herself to her feet, dusting sand from her pants. "You're moving to Ierne?" is the first thing she says, frowning at K'tag. "Us Southerners suddenly not good enough for you or something? Oh. You don't look so good, now that you mention it? What's wrong?" Then, not worrying overly long, she tells Jaeni, "Oooh. Guess that explains it, huh? I'm Dziban, by the way."

T'hvan glances at Jaeni before giving his wingleader a grin before glancing back to K'rien, "It's ... interesting. I've been working my fine rear off so that Starflame doesn't lose anyone during Threadfall. It's tough. Because sometimes, these new people... they don't know squat and have to be told countless times to do something. Otherwise... Good." He wrinkles his nose before going on to admit, "I'd be more happy if I had Sh'drian in bed with me, but that's beside the matter." He glances back at K'tag and grins wider, "Looks as if that spine is growing after all, K'tag. But that's unfortunate, I'm sure L'yan misses you." He glances to Dziban, offering the resident a nod before glancing back to K'rien, "It really is great to see you, K'rien."

Jaeni tilts her head, studying K'tag's face for a moment before shaking her head. "Get around to the considering part later." She says vaguely and turns her attention to Dziban. "I'm Jaeni, Czanth's rider. Since we're introducing ourselves now." Mention of Sh'drian's name causes the bluerider to stiffen her shoulders a somewhat and a look is cast over her shoulder to T'hvan. Instead of talk about that though, "They're learning as well as can be expected however. I think they've made good progress."

K'rien laughs over at T'hvan. "I'm sure Winter would loan him to you." K'rien jokes back then nods his head. "And I know. I've been flying Fall with a wing until the eggs hatch as well as working with L'yan." He comments turning to check on Liranth where she's playing out in the water before he grins over to T'hvan and then to K'tag. "This has been a good way to spend a rare afternoon off, even if you could use a bath and change of clothes, K'tag."

K'tag grumbles very gently at that 'Sh'drian in bed' comment, and very loudly at the L'yan comment. "If that were true, T'hvan, he would come to visit, would you not think?" Out of the corner of his eye, he spots Dziban talking to him, and he only frowns at her, shaking his head a little too vigorously. "No, no, I have no plans of relocating myself to Ierne, neither temporary nor permanent. Rest assured." The comment about his appearance garners no response, however, though K'rien's does. "... It is not so bad, is it?" he inquires, almost disinterested, glancing down at his attire and wiping away a clump of sand on his thigh.

Eyeing K'tag, Dziban folds her arms over her chest. "Well, that's good, I guess," she tells him. Awkwardly shifting her weight, she appears uncomfortable for once, and more than that, is silent.

T'hvan gives Jaeni a grin, "Please, Sh'drian shouldn't inspire fear. He should inspire lust." He pauses before shrugging, "I'll be happy when the wing moves together more tightly, Jae. We just need to ingrain in their heads the formations more, too." He sighs before shaking his head as he hears K'rien's remark, "I'm sure she would, but Shad and I won't work, unfortunately. He and I had... words. Though, I have to say, I'm plenty smug that my green searched the Weyrleader of Ierne." He grumbles quietly, ".. Just wish he was my love drudge or something." He pauses before glancing to K'tag, "True. Which is strange, because if you were my man, I'd have you strung like a..." The greenrider licks his lips suddenly as he watches K'tag's wiping away of the clump of sand upon his thigh "Is it getting hotter out here?" He pauses, glancing to Dziban, absently introducing himself, "I'm T'hvan, Wingsecond of Starflame and rider of Kaelyth."

K'rien laughs over at T'hvan. "And how would Chryse feel about that?" He jokes over to the greenrider before looking K'tag up and down. "Let's just say that if I was proddy, I'd be trying to get you into a bath with me." He jokes before smiling over at Dziban. "Don't let us get you out of a good mood, please."

Jaeni swallows and looks uncomfortable. "That last thing from my mind is fear with Sh'drian." She answers and then coughs into her hand. "There are some things I wanted to talk to you about on that." Furrowing her 'brows she waves her hand, dismissing it. "I'll write it up later. For memory and yours." The continued talk of the bronzerider as a love drudge makes her blush and then she's shifting her feet and looking at K'tag, probably ignoring the comments or... lamely attempting to save him from them. "It's not so bad. Just best not let Dalphen see you indoors like that. Met her yet?" Smiling over to Dziban and making small talk, "You know, I haven't seen you around before. Got any specific task here or...?"

Kaelyth glows a subtle shade, further impressing on those around her about her and Van's current proddiness.

Dziban gives T'hvan an odd look, her expression mixed with curiousity, confusion, and outright disgust. "Love drudge? What the--Nevermind. I probably don't want to know about that one. Except... I hate being curious." Seems the silent spell didn't last very long after all. She affects a shudder, grinning nevertheless, particularly at K'rien. "Me? Bad mood? Nah. Takes more than all you people to do that, I think. Maybe. I dunno, really." A shrug. "What's so great about that Weyrleader guy? Half the people here complain about him, and the other half just lust over him. I don't get it. I'm a hunter." Her first words are to T'hvan, the latter ones to Jaeni.

T'hvan blinks once as he glances to Jae, asking her, "Talk to me? About Sh'drian? I'm all ears. But not right now. K'tag, lovemuffin, could you please fetch me some water? I feel so hot right now." He pauses before glancing back to Jaeni, nodding to her, "Sure thing." He pauses at Dziban's question, telling her, "Shells, woman. It would take days for me to extol the virtues of 'that weyrleader guy'. He's a magnificent specimen of man-meat, is what he is."

All at once, K'tag is horribly aware of one pair of eyes on his body, then another pair, and he stands back up straight a little too quickly, biting down on his lower lip in discomfort. He glances over to the two girls, who ever-so-ironically are not joining in on the oogling. "... No, but I have heard some things about her. I... um." His words just crumble to pieces at his new pet name, and he all but glares at T'hvan. In one brisk, strong movement, he points way out to the horizon, replying, voice just a little dark, "There is all the water you will need, T'hvan." The emphasis on the rider's name is far too dramatic to be subtle.

K'rien just breaks out laughing as T'hvan talks then takes a short look over to Kaelyth before he shakes his head. He looks out to Liranth in the water and mumbles something under his breath about 'not catching it' before he shrugs to Dziban. "Don't ask me. But I will not badmouth my Weyrleader to people that don't know him, no matter how much I like doing it." He comments before laughing over at K'tag. "Don't worry, I for one am not proddy, so it will all stay in my dreams." He jokes.

Jaeni rubs quickly at her red cheeks. "No! Not about Sh'drian... the wing formations..." She finishes and shakes her head, pointing to the water. "Lake. Go." The bluerider seems to not hear Dziban's first posed question but responds to her answer. "A hunter? I've met a few of those recently. How does it look out there? Good game?"

T'hvan begins walking all sultry-like to K'tag, murmuring, "But lovemuffin, I want /you/ to get some water for /me/, K'tag." T'hvan's voice is low and husky, speaking at a tone he might only use with Chryse, his own weyrmate. "I'm /hot/." He pauses before glancing to Jaeni and shakes his head, "I want /K'tag/ to get it. And put it in a /glass/ for me." T'hvan once again looks at K'tag with more than just lust. It's almost as if the proddy one is a dragon and it's his feeding time.

Dziban chokes. "Man-meat?" she repeats blankly. "Ew. I just... ew. Please. Maybe," she whispers (characteristically noisily) to K'tag, "we should get out of her. This is just... not-good. And he don't look /that/ hot. Okay, maybe, but not /hot/." In a normal tone of voice, she tells Jaeni, "Pretty good, really. I mean, okay, so I'm not the best there is, but I do okay, and I'm getting better. How's the, um, the wing?"

K'tag probably knows that K'rien is joking, but that doesn't stop him from getting at least a little unsettled as he peers over at the younger greenrider. Through gritted teeth, he mouths, 'Help me!', though he doesn't actually get to say anything verbal. He instead freezes at the point as T'hvan approaches. He takes a slow, very small step backwards, not looking the other man in the eye. He looks to Dziban, nodding softly with a frown, taking only another small step back. "... But T'hvan," he notes to the man, only now looking at the greenrider, teeth gritted. "... I have do not have a glass. I believe K'rien may, however." Mean.

The look Jaeni shoots T'hvan is a scandalized expression. Holding her hands up in the air she says, "Why doesn't the whole wing just go proddy now?" She asks of no one in particular." Turning to face Dziban she shakes her head, "I actually don't know how they're doing. I think, I'm going to go check on it. Every last member.. starting right now." Turning on heel, she's heading away from the beach.

K'rien doesn't seem to mind stepping up as he smiles over towards T'hvan. "I'm sure I could find you a glass and some nice cold water to cool you down." He offers towards his mentor before snickering after Jaeni's exit. "Seems things are interesting around here. They could be very interesting, huh T'hvan?" He comments with a look over the greenrider, trying to draw the attention his way off of K'tag.

T'hvan looks close to crying at K'tag's words, "But I wanted -you- to get it for me, K'tag! You may not be Sh'drian, but you certainly have the right backside for it!" Whatever it is, T'hvan thankfully doesn't explain. Instead, he waits a moment to hear K'rien and then shakes his head multiple times, "No, no! I'll get it myself, /thanks/." The greenrider then stomps off without any other words to anyone else.

Dziban peers curiously between those who remain, grimacing. Then, ever curious, she takes a few steps until she, too, can ogle K'tag's backside. "He might have a point there, though," she remarks idly, mostly to see if she can needle him anymore.

K'rien nods without even moving to look. "That point would be true." K'rien says with a wink over towards K'tag. "And I tried. Seems he's only interested in straight men. Or maybe ones taller than him or something."

K'tag lets out the greatest sigh of relief known to man as T'hvan storms away, bringing up a hand to rub at his forehead. He gives K'rien a glare without intensity at the agreement to his backside, shaking his head a little too vigorously. "Merianya, Emia, and Tarianel all said the same thing," K'tag notes to the two, shifting away ever so slightly as though to hide his rear from them. "... About the backside. It must be true." This is noted with such sadness that he almost seems to take it as an insult.

Dziban eyes K'tag, grimacing slightly as she gives up staring at his butt. "Oh. Really? That's good, then. I was just kidding," she points out. "I don't really know what's so special about them, anyway. I mean, they pretty much look the same to me. Except in different sizes." She shoots a quick glance over at K'rien, lost in uncharted waters.

K'rien grins over at K'tag. "You say that like it's a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with having a nice backside, especially if you don't want to spend every night alone." K'rien says quite frankly before he grins over at Dziban. "Well, some are much nicer to look at than others." He jokes lightly.

K'tag brings a hand up to rub at the back of his neck, obviously not perfectly comfortable with the subject matter - that, or he's still off-balance from T'hvan. "For the time being, K'rien," K'tag announces a little too loudly, not quite proud, not quite ashamed. "I do spend every night alone, save for Aidryth, so this backside is nothing but trouble." The absurdity of the statement hits even K'tag, and the man actually cracks a faint smile at it, bringing that hand up to rub at his temple. "... I suppose T'hvan is proddy, is he not?" The question is genuine.

"I guess so," Dziban says with a shrug. "I mean, I just, um... Don't really worry about that too much, you know what I mean?" She attempts one of her usual big grins, though it falls a bit flat. At K'tag's latter words, though, she can't hold in a giggle. "Don't think I know many people that'd say that. Fact is, don't know many people that would be /trying/ to stay all alone. /Is/ that what you're trying to do?"

K'rien shakes his head over at K'tag. "I personally wouldn't go for that as a goal, even if I weyr alone is easier sometimes." He says before nodding his head. "He is, so far as I can gather. I can try to distract his attention if he comes back, but I don't think he's interested. It's not like I mind the attention." He comments lightly.

Kenrid strides over from the rustling meadow grasses and flowers.
Kenrid has arrived.

K'tag shakes his head slowly to K'rien, closing his eyes for a moment. "No, I did not think you would mind, but understand I would still have discomfort were a proddy female greenrider to come along and behave in the same manner. ... Though perhaps not so great." He crosses his arms over his chest and locks eyes with the sand at Dziban's question, glancing up at her once before looking at his boots once more, pondering her question a little too intently. "... For now, yes," he concludes. "... Yes, it is."

Dziban glances between the two men, shaking her head. "I'd do it; I just don't see that many other people here that do. I just don't understand men sometimes, in stuff like this," she admits with a shrug, glancing to K'tag. "Why do you do it?"

Glyndwr saunters over from the rustling meadow grasses and flowers.
Glyndwr has arrived.

K'rien looks over at Dziban curiously. "You'd do what?" He asks before laughing. "Shells, I don't understand men half the time." K'rien jokes before he nods over to K'tag. "But in this case I can try to help, at least."

K'jan strides over from the rustling meadow grasses and flowers.
K'jan has arrived.

Kenrid strides down the beach, a white canine. Whistling more cheerfully than he usually is. Picking up a stick he toses out across the lake. The canine takes off in a shot after it. Spashing through the shallows and paddlong out through the water. "Hey ya" Kenrid offers to the others as he comes closer.

K'tag offers K'rien a faint trace of a smile at his sentence, but he neither declines nor accepts the offer. "To answer your question, Dziban," he speaks after a moment's hesitation, stuffing his hands into his pockets and sinking back onto the heels of his weyrhide boots. "There are many reasons why I do it. ... We need not go into detail, so be content to hear that that is simply the way I behave." What a perfectly dull and vague response. He doesn't seem too keen on elaborating any further, however, glancing over to Kenrid and tilting his head up, mumbling a low greeting to the beastcrafter.

"You know," Dziban tells K'rien, shifting uncomfortably and even blushing, not near as gregarious concerning this subject. "Not do... you know." She waves a hand, as though that will get her point across. To K'tag, she only nods quickly. Kenrid is a welcome distraction, for she offers him a quick, enthusiastic wave. "Hiya!"

K'rien shakes his head over at Dziban. "No, I don't think I know. You can come whisper if you want." He offers over before Kenrid gets a wave of greeting. "Good day!" He offers over despite the time at Southern.

K'jan also wanders along the beach, but from the opposite direction of Kenrid, and he's got a bulky carrysack over his back, heading out of the foliage that skirts the lake on its farther end. As he nears the group, however, he gives a cheery wave and breaks off the tuneless whistling. "Hello, all!" he calls out.

Kenrid nods enthusiasticly, a big smile on his face, "A very good day, and a beautiful night. Just wonderful. So, what's going on?" THe wet canine comes up to Kenrid, the wagging tail sending her whole body wiggling as she drops the stick next to the crafters feet.

K'tag's gaze starts to trail over to the beach, but Kenrid's enthusiasm warrants him a second glance. The brownrider's eyes narrow slightly in curiosity, and he nods once to him, rolling his shoulders back comfortably. He eyes the canine for just a moment, but not being much of an animal person, his attention quickly refocuses on Kenrid. "... All is well by me. By you? Is it..?" He looks to Kenrid expectantly, as though he expects the other man to know just what he means as he trails off. Right. He raises a hand to acknowledge K'jan after spotting him out of the corner of his eye, but otherwise remains rather fixed on the beastcrafter.

Dziban shakes her head. "Never mind," she tells K'rien. "Don't worry about it. It don't really matter any, anyway. Just... yeah." Nevertheless, she does slide over to the greenrider to mutter something to him, and for once, she actually does a halfway decent job of keeping some of her words hidden. Then, she grins at Kenrid and tells him loudly, "Not much, really. We're just discussing... things. You know. And hi!" She directs a wave at K'jan, too, as she sees him.

Dziban mutters to K'rien, "You know -- what... talkin'... People... beds,... sort... Not... know,... be... for me, anyway,... me just... a..."

You whisper "You know -- what we were just talkin' about. People in our beds, 'n' that sort of thing. Not that, you know, that'd be such a good idea for me, anyway, what with me just havin' a cot in the dorms." to K'rien.

k'jan, k'rien, alina, kenrid, jaeni, dziban, k'tag, t'hvan

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