[Log] Sure Bets

May 05, 2008 20:18

Who: Berit, Caitlyn, Daegan, Danika, Ephara, Gay, Ileste, Juliri, Kerpan, Mariun, R'din, Tiriana, T'rev, Xhaiden
When: Day 6, Month 4, Turn 16
Where: Galleries, Telgar Weyr
What: Liabeth clutches eggs; Tiriana walks away from a fight. Mostly. The important brawly parts, anyway.

Galleries, Telgar Weyr
     Stretching along the eastern wall of the hatching cavern, these tiers of seats have enough room for several hundred spectators for clutchings and hatchings. To one side, long shallow steps descend to the entrance. There is also a railing separating the lowest tier of seats from the hatching sands themselves. Other parts of the galleries are closed off from the sands by a wall to the north and south. From here you can reenter the bowl, or follow the pathway down to the sands.


Obvious exits:
Bowl Sands

Kerpan finishes putting away his tools and glances down at the sands then back at the galleries wondering what exactly is happening that all these people are gathering, he decides to stick around to see what is up.

From the hatching sands, As advertised - by the hum of dragons across the Weyr - Liabeth is on the hot sands with Gay beside her, the goldrider for once dressed for the occasion. The gold looks not-quite at her usual grace, and displeased with that fact, tail swishing over the sands as she moves around the edges of the cavern. Bulkily.

Danika comes in with another apprentice, though Weaver to her Baker. She leads the way to a good seat in the front of the galleries and looks out at the sands. "Do people really bet on these things? You might win one, but you're just as likely to lose it in the next." She doesn't seem to expect an answer because she continues on, addressing Berit. "That journeyrank of yours won't find you for awhile, hopefully. Especially once the galleries fill up." She smiles at the weaver apprentice. "We should be safe to enjoy the entire thing."

From the hatching sands, How Short Is Too Short Egg
     Paisley coats the stubby, squarish shape of this overly bright egg. Elongated, curled teardrop shapes in scalloped lines of pale yellow and spring green are painted over a backdrop of black. Fitted into the curve of each scallop are concentric circles, bright pink nested into electric blue encircled by caution orange. More concentric circles dot the egg outside of the teardrop forms, some large, some smaller, filling eagerly into the black space. Near the thick bottom of the egg, the paisley print abruptly ends, becoming fleshy peach tones, smooth and uninterrupted.

Kerpan happens to look over the railing just in time to see the first of the eggs clutched, smiling he finds a seat close to where he was standing and sits down.

Tiriana, true to form, arrive with a couple of stablehand buddies who are noisily debating the relative merits of training runners in such and such a way. There's loud but mostly good-natured disagreement on all corners, though it dies off a bit when they get to the cavern. Both of the boys seen to be newcomers to the Weyr, both stopping awed when the first egg appears. Tiriana rolls her eyes at their un-wordly gawking, and continues on through the rows of the galleries without nearly so much of it.

"They said it was startin'!" Daegan's voice sound decidedly excited as he comes up the stairs of the galleries, Xhaiden in invisible tow behind him somewhere. He's wasting no time in snagging a seat, blue eyes already glued to the gold on the sands, and the eggs bein' laid. "This ain't nothin' like a person givin' birth." He informs Xhai (and really, anyone within earshot of his overly loud voice).

R'din raises an eyebrow as the first egg is clutched, "Interesting... color combination." He comments, waiting and watching for the next egg, settling more comfortably into his seat.

Mariun slips in as well, though unaccompanied at the moment. Looking around, she makes her way towards the bottom of the gallery seating, the better to not have to try to see around taller folk. Kerpan gets spotted, and a grin appears, before she makes her way over, "They had you workin' closer today? That's good - everyone's saying not to miss a Clutchin', so I'm glad I wasn't out with the goats..."

"Ah, good," Juliri murmurs, half to herself as she adjusts herself in her chair so as to get the best look possible before angling a look towards all the others making their way into the galleries. "'Lo," is her quiet greeting given to all those before she peers over at Daegan, a look of familiarity crossing her face. "Hm." Then it's back to watching the eggs.

From the hatching sands, Kevruth skulks in the shadows, where the play of light and shade will best show off the darker tones of his hide. That is until the first egg finds its way to the sands, when it all becomes far too real for the dragon. Eggs. His eggs. He lets out a low rumble, pleased even while it is deep, and slinks toward his bulky mate. A'zan, robbed of a ride by a bronze already on the sands, is a bit late in arriving, shrugging out of an unneeded jacket. He nearly stumbles to a halt as he sees that first egg, eyes widening and a smile finding its way to his lips. "Shells."

Kerpan nods his head at Mariun's question, "Yes was some complaints of the railing being loose and kind of shaky, so I've managed to shim them up and they're solid now. So I've heard, managed to see the first egg clutched am looking forward to seeing how many more are clutched."

Little response is given the baker apprentice as Berit follows, her wide green eyes trying to take in everything at once. "I suppose." Pause. "Oh." Pause. "Hopefully." She is in awe with her surrounding and her countenance reads as such, while her hands are fitfully twisting the front of her sunny-yellow skirt. "Where shall we sit? Is there reserved seating? Do you imagine that row is too close?" she asks all at once, not taking a breath until she has finished enunciating each question properly, giving up the tenuous hold she had on quietude.

Ileste finds herself a seat along the lowest tiers, too-- when else can one so far down in the food chain get some of the best seating here? Her eyes are a little wide, but her expression is otherwise composed. To Juliri, she asks quietly, "How many do you think there'll be?"

Danika perks up as Mariun speaks. "Goats?" She turns in her seat to address the other girl. "You work with goats? That sounds interesting. Do they eat a lot?" She wrinkles her nose. "How do they smell?" Not to be rude, she nods with a smile as Mariun addresses Kerpan. Her attention is grabbed by the egg's appearance. "Wow, colorful. Wish people came into the world in as interesting colors. Might be worth having one someday if that were the case." She giggles and shakes her head. "Nah." She shakes her head at Berit. "No seat is too close. Just sit and stop worrying. Have fun."

Ephara comes into the galleries, looking excited. This is the event the Weyr has been holding its breath for the last few days, and now they can all let it out. Granted, Ephara had bet on the clutch being laid tomorrow, but she's more than happy to loose a mark just to see it happen sooner. And this time, there's no Gr'din to give her sour looks. So, the cheerful teenager manages to take her seat just in time to see the atrociously bright first egg appear. "Good lord, I hope they all don't look like that, or we won't need glows to light this place at night." This is muttered to no one in particular, though a few of the people behind her in the next tier roll their eyes.

From the hatching sands, Liabeth is fine with Kevruth being around as he quits his customary shadows, just not too close to /her/ at the moment. With a rumble, she gives a look back to the eggs. Yes, pay attention to those. With a baleful glance from the galleries, the gold slows again. Gay might be awed, but she's done this enough times to hide it now, arching a brow over at A'zan as she mutters, "See if you're still impressed after starin' at 'em for weeks."

"No, you think?" drawls Tiriana with a snort, a roll of her eyes as her path takes her near Daegan and his in-tow friend without hardly looking at either. "Imagine that, dragons aren't like people." She gives a roll of her eyes, a breath blown out. "Tourists," she complains while she comes to a halt, half-blocks traffic, and eyes the sands, remarkably like some just-arrived visitor herself. In particular, she eyes one very paisley egg. "Why am I not surprised, out of /him/?" wonders the stablehand, eyeing A'zan more than Kevruth as the rider arrives on the sands.

From the hatching sands, Slick and Sleek Egg
     This egg is all smooth, sharp angles. Most of its shell is coated in a midnight, deep black that loves to catch the light and shimmer, showing off its dark glamour. Two areas of bright, almost blinding white cut through the night, forming two neat and proper triangles. A ribbon of rich chocolate brown billows between the two triangles through the centre of the egg, though it tapers off near the bottom of the shell, where it mysteriously becomes a muddy, reddish colour that doesn't quite fit with the rest of the egg's neat angles and pristine colours.

Xhaiden gives a little shudder as he follows Daegan up into the galleries. "I should hope not." He cracks a grin and fairly bounces himself, an eager little dance really. "C'mon, lets get a good seat. Soemwhere...closer. ok? I can't see so good right here." He looks around at all the strangers, frowning slightly.

"Hmmm. It's hard to say," Juliri replies as Ileste settles herself fairly close by before glancing with some degree of consideration towards the sands. "Probably a bit bigger than usual, what with the erratic Threadfall. Maybe a good twenty five or twenty six. What do you think?" The question is returned in kind to Ileste, a smile dancing quietly in the sedate goldrider's eyes.

Walking in at a fairly relaxed pace despite the crowd of others nearly running her down, Caitlyn looks over what remains of the seating, and takes a bench position a few feet back from where the first folks have gathered. Undoing her riding gear and setting it aside beside her, the Istan settles in quietly, giving a soft smile at the events taking place on the Sands.

R'din ooh's his approval at the new egg, "Now that one I like." A nod, motioning a finger at the egg's colors, telling the person sitting next to him, "See that right there? I'll bet you a sixth of a mark that's a blue dragon!" in a very confident voice.

T'rev ambles in, eyes the galleries and climbs up to where Ephara's sitting, drops down beside her without so much as a by-your-leave and tousles her hair. "Half a mark, 'Phara, fair's fair," and he holds a hand out towards his friend with a wide grin.

From the hatching sands, The tip of Kevruth's tail gives a tiny flick for that rumble, but for once he is wise enough not to press the issue. Instead, he flumps down in the hot sand, stretched out and taking up as much space as he possibly can, with head on his front paws. He'll just lounge here and watch then. With swiftly whirling eyes. A'zan skirts the length of his dragon, shuffling through the sands to Gay's side. "At least this one's not quite as... bright. Staring at the first one for weeks might give me a headache." There's amusement there though, his grin not hidden by his usual careful schooling of expression.

Ephara looks up as her hair is tousled and she pouts, "Man, I'd hoped you'd forget until at least after.. enough time for me to book it." She reaches into the pouch T'rev has newly gifted her, blowing out a snort through her nose and fishing around. "Fitting, that." She comments to herself, holding a half-mark out to him. "Spend it wisely."

There's an eye cast towards Tiriana, and it registers: girl. The comment is immediately disregarded. "How would you shardin' know?" Daegan challenges nonetheless with his own snort, "I don't see no Healer mark on you. Prolly too dimwitted for a craft." This is said as a loud aside to Xhaiden. Then he's finding himself needing to slide out of his seat to find a better seat down nearer. Eyes land on Ephara, and he turns the other way, only to find Berit there. The whole of Pern's female population is out to inflict themselves upon him today, so with a decidedly sour look he settles himself closer to the front but about mid-way between where the least favored of girls are settled.

From the hatching sands, Silken Bands Egg
     Dark and lustrous, this egg has been dipped in purest ebony and coated with a generous layer of glaze. It's clean and buffed to perfection, clean enough to give a clear (if not strangely curved) reflection of those who wander close. By comparison, the band of bright crimson that encircles its midsection is matte and soft in appearance, though it too gleams with that smooth, sophisticated finish.

T'rev takes the mark with a charming grin, waggles it at Ephara and drops it into his pocket. "My memory ain't that short," the bronzerider replies and he leans his elbows back, sticks his feet out in front of him, the picture of lazy comfort as he watches eggs drop onto the sands.

R'din crows, "Another blue! Only a blue could be that good-looking." A grin, leaning forward to the edge of his seat.

From the hatching sands, Moving even more slowly than usual would be difficult for the gold, but she manages it. Liabeth does her best to look even somewhat dignified, given her audience up there in the galleries. And as the dragons thoughts go, so do that of the rider - Gay's dark eyes flick up to the stands, squinting up to see if she can spot faces in the crowd. With a sidelong glance for A'zan, a wide grin; "You're in a good mood. Anyway, just look at th'ones you want to look at. Might be half covered in sand most of the time anyway. Has to be just /so/, y'know?"

"I live in hope." Ephara remarks lazily, leaning over to give T'rev a gentle bump with her shoulder. Her eyes drift to those gathered and then she swears, "Aw, pig diddle. Daggert is here." Of course she means Daegan, but only T'rev and Daegan are likely to know that, and said annoying Healer apprentice is way over there. "Man, my jaw hasn't forgotten the last time we met. I hope he doesn't notice me." She sinks down into her chair until her head is below the level of T'rev's shoulder. Arms fold over her stomach. "That's three. How many did you say there would be, again?" Clearly thinking of her purse more.

Berit responds to that command and promptly sits, not even bothering to arrange her skirt. "I ..have never been to one of these," she admits distractedly, clasping her hands together so they will not fidget ceaselessly. But she came to the see the clutching, to see the eggs that everyone is so anxious to view, so she turns her tentative attention towards the sands. "Oh. My. That one is *very bold*, and that last one is *very dark*." Constructive, she is not, but awed, she is, her gaze never wavering.

"Another blue?" Juliri directs towards R'din, brows arched curiously as she turns her head towards him. Looking puzzled, she cants her head and gives him a 'what?' sort of look. She's not paying attention! "Hey, no insulting and starting stuff," Juliri directs towards Daegan, lips now thinned into a stern line before she casts a look towards Tiriana.

From the hatching sands, A Little Bit Naughty Egg
     This egg is naked. Yes it is. Just egg white from top to bottom, perhaps with the fainest hint of creamy flesh tones. And that would be it. Except that here and there are circles of blue -- not just blue, but a bright, flashy blue -- made from countless little shining dots.

Ileste ponders Juliri's question. "Well, it's an Interval, so the clutch might be smaller than what might've been usual before, but if it's Thread that makes them start up, then I think you're right. And that black one is very pretty."

Danika watches the next couple eggs find their way to their resting places on the sand and shakes her head with a smile. "I miss the color. I want more like the first egg." Leave it to Danika to have a differing opinion than the majority." She seems all the happy when Berit shares that this is her first time. "That's great, that you can take the time to see one now." She looks curiously at the very white egg. "Wow, talk about two extremes. Kind of neat."

Not the kind of words to open with to Tiriana, apparently, because in an instant, she's whirling around on Daegan and stepping back toward him aggressively. "And I don't see a Weyr's knot on you, so what do you know?" she counters, lip curling. "You should watch it, kid--we'll throw you out there for Liabeth to eat. Or Kevruth," because she's feeling just that generous today. "Don't just come waltzing in here and--yeah." A nod toward Juliri at the goldrider's caution, though Tiriana doesn't heed it too much herself.

Settling back a little on propping palms, Caitlyn cranes her neck a little to see around a taller man in front of her - the woman at a disadvantage because of her shortness. Just a tetch peeved, she changes positions with her discarded jacket, and finds the view much better, indeed.

From the hatching sands, With a little lift of his clean-shaven chin, A'zan sniffs. "It's not every day you get to watch your dragon's children... get clutched." The sentence goes less gracefully than he had intended, taking the edge off of his grin and leaving him to clear his throat over it. "Just so, hmm? Kevruth seems content to observe. Though he says he likes the shiny bits on that last one." A'zan flicks a glance at the growing group of eggs, one brow quirking. "I don't remember his clutch beign so... bright. They're lovely though." That last hastily ammended as Kevruth's head comes up.

R'din points at the second and third eggs for Juliri, "Blue dragons!" A confident nod, "Want to bet on them?"

From the hatching sands, Plattered Hat Egg
     Buried deeply in a bed of sand, this egg leans heavily to one side and seems to peek up coquettishly at any observers. Wound around with a tracery of dense strands of purple willow-branch, it may seem almost basket-like, except that the butt-end of the egg lifts up a little, forming a crown, decorated with piled ribbons of white striped through with lavender. The narrowing 'nose' of the egg dives into the sand, lending the appearance of a broad brim, some fine sun hat abandoned there by one a lady of fashion and grace.

Mariun nods to Kerpan, "Sounds like you got that done just in time... oohh, that one looks shy, almost. Well, that for flirty, like my sisters around the boys from the neighboring cothold...."

"Daggert? Oh Daeg?" T'rev peeeeers forward towards said healer guy. "Yeah you're right, he is. Don't worry, I'll be all manly n' stuff an' keep you two from killin' each other." Teasing Ephara he nudges her back and eyes the eggs. "Fifteen I said."

Kerpan listens to the banter going on with the bets on which egg will hatch which color and to the few arguments that have broken out amongst some of the people here in the galleries, "Yes wasn't expecting to have them tested quite this soon." Kerpan laughs at that statement "I see well maybe it will hatch a flirty green?"

"Apprentices come from Weyrs too, y'know, wherry-brain." Daegan returns with another snort, not heeding Juliri's words - or perhaps not hearing them over the throng of 'ooh's and 'ahh's and the chatter that follows when each egg arrives. "Shows what you know, my parents are riders." He continues to Tiriana. One'd think with all the rivalries he'd already gained amongst this crowd, he'd keep his voice down so as not to be noticed. Who's the real dimwit?

From the hatching sands, Giving a slow and serious nod - of course - Gay keeps looking up at the galleries, so A'zan won't see her looking too amused. "Not every day, true. And yeah, she likes to - well. You'll see. Look at what she's -" Pause. "Actually, don't look at her at all. But look at the eggs after." Don't look at the giant grouchy gold moving around and dropping eggs - easy, right? "Bright might be her." Liabeth does seem to have some actual purpose to her egg-laying, settling each in a next of warm sand, forming a smooth arc so far.

From the hatching sands, Arr Matey Egg
     It's a tawny egg predominately. Sun-tanned and weather-worn, smudged here and there with darker dirty shades. Around its lower half, five o'clock shadow seems to have sprouted up, black speckles and lines dotting the shell's surface. Just above the equator is a huge splotch of black that hides all other shades, strings from either side wrapping clear around the egg's curved surface.

Juliri runs a hand through her hair in exasperation at the scene between Tiriana and Daegan before rubbing the same hand over her brow before she casts a look towards R'din. "Oh. Um, sure. A mark for each?" A smile is flashed his way before she bobs her head at Ileste's conclusion. "We'll have to see. It's not something you can really judge accurately, or else there'd be no more point to bet on it," is what's said in response to the young girl before Juls glances down towards the sands. "Hey, cool it," is the next warning issued to both Tiriana and Daegan.

Ileste nods to Juliri. And then calls over softly, her tone pleasant but hushed, "Can we not fight while there is a very large and potentially cranky dragon giving birth not that far away from us? I know I'd probably want to lean over and nip someone's head right off if they were arguing while large objects were falling out of my... well... ugh."

"I like that one," Berit says, gesturing with a hand towards the second to last egg clutched. "It is *very pretty* if you ask me. Reminds me of a tapestry I saw at the Hall." She does not elaborate, just leans to the side so she can have a better look. Her voice is preoccupied as she speaks, but lilting and warm, "It is not so much that I could not make time to see them. I was never *allowed* to step foot inside of a Weyr before now. But they do not care so much at the Hall."

Ephara considers T'rev's bet, "Fifteen seems a little low, didn't Ista have thirty or so?" Glancing at T'rev to get his confirmation on this. She shrugs, "I say.. 23." A nice random number for the girl. She gives up on hiding with T'rev's assurance of manly protection, leaning forward to plant her elbows on her knees and prop her chin up in her palms. "These are some weird eggs."

Xhaiden's eyebrows arch upward sharply at the sudden bristling woman and he looks slowly between Tiriana and Daegan before pushing out one of his hips and assuming an amused smirk, "well well, you just show up and girls start going crazy Egan." he stage-whispers without turning his head from eyeing the girls, as though they might attack at any moment. He even scoots a little away from his friend.

Danika catches Tiriana's words and turns in her seat to get a better look. She smiles brightly and whispers to Berit. "Who is that, do you know?" She shakes her head without waiting for an answer. "I forgot, you haven't been here before. Or is it that you just haven't been to a clutching before. Nevermind, I'll ask Kynvelin later." She looks behind her towards the rest of the galleries. "I don't see him. Knowing him he volunteered to work so everyone else could come." She's grinning again, at Ileste's comment and she nods a greeting to the other girl. "Nice imagery." She mock-wrinkles her nose but loses it to a smile.

Caitlyn overhears Ephara's count, and calls down towards the young woman's form a couple rows down, "No, we had seventeen."

T'rev shakes his head. "Nope. Seventeen," T'rev corrects with a loose grin. "Ain't a Pass rightly, no Red Star, no big clutches. None o' the queens've laid more'n twenty for a while now," he notes to the girl. "Sure you don't wanna change that bet?" Brows lifted and then he eyes the Sands again. "Are they? I barely remember th'ones we Stood for together."

"Mine's Weyrleaders," Tiriana shoots back, her pride bristling; she's not about to let someone try to one-up her there. Her smile's fixed saccharine, hands balling into fists, but Juliri still earns herself a blandly innocent look. "We can handle it ourselves," she answers this time, flatly. "Faranth, can't even talk to some little kid without getting jumped on." The last is muttered, at least. Aloud, for the benefit of everyone nearby, she throws out a disclaimer: "I am /not/ the one causing the diplomatic incident this time." Just in case.

From the hatching sands, A'zan gets the giddy curve of his lips under control, manages to bury it beneath near neutrality as he shifts over to lean back against Kevruth's haunch. Subconsciously he lifts one foot off of the sands' heat and tips it back against his bronze's hide as well. "I shouldn't look at her? Kevruth agrees. Why didn't she do this in the dead of night without telling anyone then? Runners do that." He flicks the barest of glances at the enormous, egg-laying dragon and teeth brush his lower lip. "Not that the way she's doing it isn't just right, of course."

R'din taps his chin with a finger, "A mark?" That might be too rich for his fancy, "Why not? Not often I get to bet. I hope I don't forget which eggs they are. You got it, a mark each." A glance is sent to Tiriana and Daegan's arguing, "You seem a magnet for trouble." He comments softly to Tiriana.

Juliri has a few marks because she doesn't spend anything on anything! For now, that is. Answering R'din with only a nod, she eyes Tiriana before stating, quietly, "Here might not be the best place to handle it with a queen down there on the sands, don't you think?" This is aimed to both Tiriana and Daegan, said in a cool, aloof tone before she looks towards the said dragon on the sands. A shrug is aimed towards Ileste once the other speaks before she comments, "Somehow doubt that they're gonna stop. Oh well."

Ephara chews her lower lip, "Thirteen, then." She says. "Thirteen is kinda lucky." She shrugs limply. "I really don't remember either, honestly. It's been that long. Seems kinda crazy that A'zan is down there. I still haven't gotten over him winning the flight and becoming Weyrleader, totally."

From the hatching sands, Show Us Some Leg Egg
     It's a fine day to go fishing! This black-netted ovoid might be most familiar to SeaCrafters as reminiscent of a big haul of the ocean's bounty. Though unlike many of the nets used by the Craft, the criss-crossed diamonds that lend the egg their look, these lines are jet black and hugging every curve of the egg soundly - though not so far as to look bursting. The filling to this egg is hardly the silvery scales of sea fish, but rather a deep, smooth, soft-looking bronze, like the skin of a life-long Istan, though wholly unblemished. The way that the stark onyx stands against the suppler shade lends the egg a curvaceously sensuous look.

"I -told- you they're nuts, Xhai, didn't I tell you?" Daegan responds to his friend, settling back into his chair. He gives an unkind glance towards Ileste, "Not like she c'n hear me from here! Just listen to the -- everyone!" And it is true that its really only in this particular section of crowd that the boy's cracking voice can be heard. Though the look from Juliri is met with one of petulent rebellion, he settles at least a bit, explaining much more quietly to Xhaiden - pointing towards Ephara, "Tha's the one that tried to kill me twice." And then a finger ficks briefly towards Berit, "An' tha's the one that made me go t'war with th'weavercraft." Then Tiriana is heard over other voices and he's apparently glad to quip back, "An' a right awful shame y'are to them, I'm sure!" There's an amused aside to Xhai, in a hushed tone, "Imagine, them weyrfolk tryin' t'show us up." Because even though he's doing all the apparent fighting, its somehow still 'us' in his mind.

From the hatching sands, Gay looks a bit disappointed to see A'zan manage to get himself under control and sobered, giving up on trying to spot people in the rapidly dimming light. She moves just after he does, following and glancing briefly to Liabeth, concerned - then away. "Don't get much choice in it, really. When it happens, y'know? I think she'd rather that, but people might, like show up in the middle of the night even so." With a touch of a smirk, eyes bright, "It's perfect. Or will be, anyway." Meanwhile the gold fashions another careful furrow for another egg to end up in.

From the hatching sands, Act of Rebellion Egg
     Faded black is the main theme of this egg, though flashes of colour make it quite an interesting one. On one half, a line of deep blue can be seen going from the very bottom to the very top of the egg, and to either side, high up, are flashes of brighter silver, resembling rings and spikes. A stripe of vivid green passes over the egg's apex. Towards the middle of the shell are round spots of colour: yellow, red and green. Random horizontal lines of silver are scattered between there and the very bottom of the egg, where a flash of deep red is visible.

"Thirteen, you got it. And yeah, hear you 'bout Az. Better him than me though. S'why I took Mec /out/ o' the Weyr for that flight," T'rev says to Ephara with a grin and then turns as the sound of Caitlyn's voice floats down. A bright smile crosses his face and he shifts forward a little around that tall guy in the way. "Hey Cait, Telgar's duties," he drawls over to the Istan woman.

"It's not my fault," Tiriana answers R'din automatically, before she glance at him and recognizes him. She steps away quickly, brushing at her shoulder like he's gotten something on her. "I don't like you, either." she reminds him, mouth twisting unpleasantly. But, with a last, rather disdainful look for the calming influences around her, she turns to walk off--stiffly, fumingly, but walking off all the same. With fortuitous timing, considering a trio of gabby aunties get between her and Daegan almost immediately as they try to find seats; their noisiness means the stablehand doen't quite hear Daegan's last words.

"Weyrleader parents always trumps just Holder folks and Crafters." Xhaiden drawls quietly as his gaze drifts to the various girls that have it in for Daegan. He nods his head, not showing much emotion at the moment and then shrugs and turns back to the sands. "Sheesh, you know how to rub them wrong. Or something." He's not exactly keeping his voice down, you gotta shout to be heard in the crowd though. "That is the girl who jumped down my throat when I went to get commissions at weavers ya know. Nuts. And that girl with the weyrleader daddy? She is....soft as a cactus...." his nose crinkles up. "I thought it was just how Telgar folks are...sort of...cranky cuz of the cold."

Caitlyn blinks in a little surprise, then bobbing around yet again to try and peer around that tall guy when that familiar voice finds her. "Hey, T'rev!" she calls out happily, giving the bronzer a wave. "Ista's to Telgar and...well, all those eggs yet to come!"

Ephara glances up at the woman who had corrected her when T'rev gives her a name and an eyebrow twitches upwards and then slightly down again. Mmm-hm. "Yeah. You got enough duties. We'd never get to go roaming far if you were cooped up around here. Wanna introduce me to your friend?" She eyes the Istan girl curiously and calls up to her, "Free seat down here if you wanna hop across."

The weaver apprentice is loath to turn around, but she looks over her shoulder in an attempt to compromise. "I have never seen her before. I, however, do know that rapscallion," Berit says, shooting a glare at Daegan before she centers her attention on the eggs once more. "I think he is some healer lad or some such. Who knows." She waves her hand in a dismissing manner, complete with a wrinkling of her nose. "I think they ought to teach him manners. He is *very* undereducated in proper etiquette and speech." All thoughts about the boy and his shortcomings are removed from her mind as she espies the newest addition to the clutch. "Oh! Look! That one is flashy, do you think?"

Ileste waves cheerfully to Daegan. And then nods firmly at Danika-- though she decisively crosses her legs, because that terrain shall remain barren: only dragon babies shall be dropped tonight. And hopefully, in the future, never twenty-five human babies at once. "Maybe we should make a ring in the sand," she remarks to Juliri. "Let them wrestle it out. First one to get pushed out, or get eaten, loses."

Mariun grins, and lifts a shoulder, "Is there really any way to tell? Everyone's betting, but I'm not hearing /why/ they think one's going to be a certain colour, or not..." she asks of Kerpan, attention definately destracted.

Juliri continues to eye Daegan before she seems satisfied that -he's- at least calmed down, watching as Tiriana walks off as well. "Well. Can't say I saw them just stopping like that," Juliri says in an aside to Ileste before waving her hands to the incoming people from the other Weyrs and Crafts, calling out her greetings. "It's tempting, but I don't think it'd help much out," the goldrider says to the girl next to her, shifting around sitll more in her seat.

Kerpan shakes his head, "I have no idea, except for the colors of the eggs there seems to be no way to tell what color dragon might come from which egg. Fools bet if you ask me." He turns to see where the 'discussion' is coming from then just shrugs turning his attention to the sands and Mariun "Well we'll just have to wait for when they hatch to know for sure what egg holds what color."

R'din shrugs at Tiriana's comment, "Not the first one, and definitely not the last one." He calls after her before she walks off totally, rolling his eyes as he turns his attention back to the eggs.

"C'mon over Cait," T'rev echoes Ephara, "this is 'Phara," he starts out the introductions, gesturing to his friend. "Ephara, meet Caitlyn, wingleader at Ista, blue Kintryth's." He chortles belatedly at the rest of what Ephara said. "Yeah. Don't fancy givin' up my free time neither."

Danika nods at the egg she indicates. "Yeah, I like it. In spite of the fact that none of them are as colorful as the first one. I can forgive the eggs that; I suppose there's enough color inside them, right?" She looks at the healer Berit mentions and raises an eyebrow. "Rapscallion? Even I haven't been called that." She grins at mention of learning manners. "Wish he'd sat in on some of mine. I learned the stuff. Don't use most of it most of the time though. Wouldn't be as much fun." She chuckles a little at Ileste's change of position before pointing out to Berit, "That third egg is the shinest I think. At least from what I can tell from here."

Caitlyn isn't one to impose herself on people, but when Ephara kindly gives her not only an invitation to join, but also a reason to get out from behind the tall man, the bluerider gets up quickly. Grabbing up her riding gear, she struggles out of the crowded row with many 'pardon me's' and a few mutters, then finally struggling a couple of looong steps down to the lower row. A wiggle of her rump makes room for her on the side T'rev's on, and then she settles her gear on her booted feet, grinning widely at the pair. "Heya. Caitlyn, blue Kintryth's..." her bright alto offers up to Ephara. "Thanks for the kind offer."

Mariun grins, "Sounds like a plan to me. 'course, who knows if the seating will be as good..." before peering to see who else is watching. A couple of familiar faces get a bit of a wave, but there's enough conversation going that the girl doesn't bother with trying to shout over things.

Tromping on away from Daegan and the others, Tiriana puts distance between them and her before she slows down, taking stock of where she is again. Rubbing the back of her neck, she frowns and peers at the galleries, and then, not finding anyone she immediately cares to join there, she turns back to watch the eggs and edge down to the closest seat she can find. It's near Kerpan and Mariun, whom she informs conversationally, "People are stupid. Seating for what?" So much for hi-how-are-yous.

In the proces of his sidetalk with Xhaiden, Daegan's blue eyes lose Tiriana in the crowd, so it looks like whether or not they -wanted- to heed Juliri's words, they're going to now regardless. There's a glance towards Ephara and then Berit and then a shrug. "I told you, they're crazy. I can't help how I rub 'em. There's that crazy one at Healer too, an' um... That girl at Harper." He frowns here, eyes slipping away from the eggs, so he misses the lay of the last, to focus on his hands, expression showing pensive confusion.

From the hatching sands, Silken Sari Egg
     Nestled amongst its neighbors, this large egg glistens with faint iridescence, champagne and ivory shades mingling across the smooth surface. Like fine fabric, pale hues encircle the middle before being gracefully draped over the apex and across the shell. Here and there splashes of deeper gold add muted accents, from warm butter yellow to bolder crimson-chased shades they hint at floral patterns dyed into silk.

Kerpan decides that Tiriana's comment doesn't require an answer from him, content to just watch each new egg settling on the sands he shifts slightly kicking his tool bag under the bench so no one will trip on it, "Wonder how many more eggs are gonna be clutched, don't think I'll bet on anything to do with this clutch can't really afford to loose the few marks I have."

Ephara grins cheerfully to Cait, "Well met, Wingleader! Hey, don't suppose you know my brother, V'ran? He rides a blue, too!" The girl rocks back in her seat, kicking her feet up to plant them on the lip of the tier in front of her. "Hmm.. how many are we up to now?" She lifts her finger, doing a count of the eggs, pointing to each one as she goes.

Mariun oohhs, "Look at that one... it's so pretty!" She doesn't quite clap her hands together, but it's clearly a close call. Kerpan gets a grin, and a nod, before she looks over at Tiriana. There is a pause, then she starts out with, "I don't have goat-duty today!" Which clearly the other girl needs to know, for... some reason. Following that, is, "For the Hatching, so we can see what egg holds which dragon, 'cause I was wondering about how folks could tell which held what colour, and no one had said why that I could hear or understand, and Kerpan here doesn't know, so plans are being made to figure it all out."

From the hatching sands, Disappointment or not, A'zan remains in control, even as the eggs continue to come. There might be a telltale gleam in his pale eyes, but it is slight. "She seems to have the hang of it anyhow. Kevruth definitely has the easy bit here." The bronze lets out an agreeing little rumble, perking ever so slightly with each new addition.

From the hatching sands, Caveman Style Egg
     Fuzzy blotches of brown and cream drape themselves over the squat ovoid surface of this egg. Shaggy uneven lines overlap long tan strokes, melting into spikey triangles of umber. Stringy lines of sepia peek through between startling patches of yellowing parchment white, creating a haphazard mash of furry camouflage.

Xhaiden shakes his head at Daegan and then shrugs up his shoulders, obviously, he doesn't really care, "you could always, you know...ignore them." He glances over at the sound of clapping and watches Mariun a moment and then turns back in time for the Caveman egg to be clutched. His nose crinkles up but he has the grace not to insult the egg's looks.

Juliri falls silent, arms crossed over her chest while she leans back in her seat to watch both the crowd in the galleries and the eggs on the sands. She has nothing important to contribute, at the moment, and thus sits there, just watching.

"Good t'see you Cait," T'rev greets the Istan and leans over to offer the bluerider a loose hug. "'Phara's spent a fair bit o' time down Ista way actually. We're plannin' a trip t'Boll sometime too, y'know down where it's /warm/," he explains with a bright grin and squints out at the Sands. "Uh ... eight or so?"

"Oh. Well. Good for... you?" Tiriana sounds less certain about it than Mariun as she looks from the girl to Kerpan, as though he can explain. She, thought, shrugs and notes sagely, "You can't tell. Except for the gold ones, they're usually... golder. Bigger. The rest of them, it's just people trying to act like they know so much." She's only a little disdainful; see Tiriana be sociable!

"That'un reminds me of this paintin' I saw of one o'them southern felines you wanted t'hunt, Xhai," Daegan's attention has wholly shifted away from the girls to the more exciting matter at hand: eggs! "Kinda-- wild, ya think?"

From the hatching sands, Liabeth doesn't seem to be /perking/ so much as lightening her load with each egg placed carefully in the sand, continuing her arc of glistening eggs. Now ignoring the galleries the best she can, the gold moves carefully along the sands as Gay eyes her bulky form, arms folded. "Yeah, she's not so big on the whole thing. Just wants it over with."

From the hatching sands, Silk and Roses Egg
     This small egg is wholly cream, smooth and pale. Subtle shadows all over the ovoid make the surface look like crinkled satin. Thulian pink splotches bloom near the bottom, small layers begetting slightly larger layers, and so on, until three blossoms are visible. Dark, dusky rose covers the top of the egg, silken color draping upon itself in folds and falling over the sides like unfettered streamers.

Caitlyn shakes her dark head a couple of times. "Sorry, no. Is he an Istan?" the woman inquires of Ephara, then winking playfully. "No matter, blues are the best dragons to be paired with." Her tones are both humored and a little smug, but when the girl points down to each egg in her counting process, Cait notices the latest two to emerge from Liabeth. "Oooh...I like the colors on *that* one..." she murmurs appreciatively, poking a finger down at the champagne one. T'rev's hug earn him an opulent smile, and one of her own hugs right back - the woman nodding at him when he reveals his plans. "Yeah, you said you were Bollian before, right? It's always good to see you, too." A little smirk. "How's Mecaith?"

Kerpan carefully nods his head since anything he might say at this point wouldn't add much to this conversation, "Don't ask me about dragons, eggs, clutchings, or hatchings, none of them are my area of expertise. Now if you ask me about repairing things I can be a little more helpful." Kerpan takes another look at the sands and the eggs that have been already clutched.

Ileste watches quietly, too, for a little while. But then she remarks to Tiriana, agreeably, "Yes. That's why I'm not betting. It's not like poker, you can't use math to figure out what's probably going to be what just by the color on the outside... Oooh, that new pink one's lovely. I should commission a dress like that."

Xhaiden shifts a little and lowers hif voice a touch, "I dunno,that one seemed sort of...blotchy-like. Felines are all sleek and healthy. I mean, don't you think?" He hunches forward to squint at it better. "You think it feels all textured-like? I hear that they let some folks touch them....that would be so way cool." His eyes gleam a bit. "my brother would be /so/ jealous. That would show him."

"Ten." Ephara concludes, and absently correct Caitlyn, "He's from Nerat." Eyes cross slightly, "Make that eleven." Then tuning back into the conversation, "Yes, he's a rider at Ista. I dunno what wing he's in, though. He's never really told me much. We don't usually talk about that stuff." One shoulder hitches to indicate a mutual avoidance of a touchy subject between the two of them.

From the hatching sands, Wandering Wench Egg
     A swath of rich cream piles up in seeming lush folds acros the surface of this elongated, slender egg. Binding its midsection a band of intense red divided down the center by a tracery of intersecting black strands that almost look like the lacings on a woman's bodice. Intrictate streamers of green on red embroider their way along the egg's sides and drift down into a wash of blue, striated with silver, a swish of skirts escaping from grasping hands.

From the hatching sands, Without so much as a by-your-leave to his lounging rider, Kevruth hauls himself up to his feet and shuffles through the sand. Liabeth may or may not appreciate his help, but he noses that last egg a bit, this way and that until he deems it straight. She's busy depositing them, he'll perfect them, or so says his keen look across the arc of ovoids. A'zan arches a brow, then turns his speculative look on Gay. "At least she won't be egg heavy now, that's a plus? How many do you think there will be?" A glance is tossed to the galleries, dim lit and too far for good conversing. "I'm sure there are bets a plenty."

"I could call him a lot worse, but it is not fitting for a lady to say such things." Berit admits this with a giggle, pressing her fingers to her mouth afterwards as she tries to stop the laughter from spilling past her lips. She is partly successful, and lowers her hands to her lap as she nods her head in agreement. "It *is* very shiny, is it not? It is not my favorite. I still like that one over there," she says, pointing to the egg that reminded her of a Weaver tapestry.

"Nerat," T'rev replies to Caitlyn. "Da's the one from Boll. Gonna visit him down there." His eyes slide back to the sands and he whistles lowly at the latest egg. "Is that me, or does that look like ... nahhh," his head shakes and he laughs a little. "Can't help you on that one 'Phara off th'top o' my head, but I can have Mecaith bespeak his blue n' ask."

From the hatching sands, If there's one thing Liabeth can appreciate at any time, it's perfection; the bronze's initial movements are eyed warily, but once he noses the egg in a way she deems acceptable, she just continues on her slow progress, leaving more eggs behind her for Kevruth to straighten. Absently, Gay notes, "First one was over forty. This one? Dunno. Aleith was twelve, but we've lost -" Pause. "We could use a few more. An' she'll be thrilled to be rid of 'em."

From the hatching sands, At the Hop Egg
     Big and considerably more rounded than eggs generally are, this egg is downright poofy-looking, a bundle of bubblegum pink fluff. The pale pink color dominates it, swathing the whole thing from one end to the other, except for one side of its bigger end. There, an irregularly-shaped patch of black looks almost pasted on, roughly outlined in white that melds with a loopy scrawl of black all down that side of it.

From the hatching sands, Puffed Pantaloons Egg
Poofy is a good word for this egg. It's as though the patterned shell was laid first and then a slightly too-big dragon inserted into it, causing the sides of this sphere to push oddly outwards. The arrangement of hues laid along it is predictable. Streaks of rectangular patches of dark blue with brighter greens overlain in an intricate weave giving the appearance of vines climbing up a trellis. Intermittently spread at even intervals through the colors is a base of obsidian, though it seems less thick than the colors which look to have been layered atop rather than a meld together, defining in their separation.

Mariun's expression lightens a bit, as Tiriana doesn't comment further at her not being at work, then grins and nods, "So... no one really knows, but can make guesses on gold eggs, 'cause they're fa..r bigger."

"Iunno. That girl at Harper had a feline. Not the wild kind. A littler one." Daegan comments thoughtfully to Xhai. Seems that when girls aren't bothering him, he's not bothering them (this time, anyway). Its said in a hazy sort of voice as his eyes watch eggs though his attention isn't really on their appearance onto the sands.

"The new fence down on the back pasture seems... okay." It's a terribly generous comment from Tiriana, as she frowns slightly and leans around to look at Kerpan. But a shrug ensues, and she leans further back in her seat, propping her arms up on the one behind her as she lounges out. Regardless of people trying to get through that aisle. "And golder," the girl echoes, nodding. "But yeah, pretty much. Doesn't seem like... Well. There's not. There's not sure bets with dragons on about anything." And she eyes Liabeth and Kevruth like they're personally responsible for all the faults of their kind.

"Oh, then I don't know him still..." Cait notes to Ephara. "Even at the smallest Weyr, it's still sharding BIG. I don't know everyone there, even after turns there." Smile. "Oh jays, sorry T'rev," she notes amiably to the bronzer. "I get all those southern-type places mixed up." A peer down to the egg T'rev seems to be indicating, and Cait snickers loudly. "Like a tavern wench?"

Danika grins at Berit. "I haven't known you that long, but I'm surprised you know any harsher words let alone use them." She looks at the egg and nods. "I like that one. Like most of them in fact. Don't know which one is my favorite though. Guess they all have merits."

T'rev scrubs at the back of his neck sheepishly at Cait's remark. "Uh ... yeah," he answers her last, then just grins again. "Yeah, weather at Ista, Boll n' Nerat ain't all that different from each other. Beaches. Sweaty jungle. Though I guess there's a bit less jungle in Nerat overall."

From the hatching sands, Beautiful Bloomers Egg
     Beneath a draping of dark magenta, like a cloak or a skirt that lays angled over the top of this egg, is a bevy of pale pink that seems to ripple and ruffle along the smooth shell. It peeks out from under the darker mantle's hem, half-revealed. Soft billows appear in the variations of color, all delicate, all dainty, and altogether lending the egg a nearly fluffy appearance.

From the hatching sands, Kevruth takes Liabeth's lack of reprisal as approval and continues to pick his way among the egg. With even more care than is strictly necessary he noses and nudges at this one and that one, shuffling sand up against the side of the peach and blue one as if to clothe it better, spinning this one to show off brighter shades to the gallery. All the while he grows more and more smug, a pleased little rumble issuing forth every now and again. A'zan menawhile, is back to amused. "Well, forty is a lot for the Interval but already this looks respectable. I know we could use the numbers though."

Caitlyn laughs, reaching out and playfully touseling T'rev's curls at his sheepishness. "Yeah, sweaty is an understatement in the summer." A point down to the wenchy egg. "I like that one, too. Wonder if I can trade something of mine for a few pieces of shells when they hatch."

Berit leans to the side, appearing to be imparting some dreadful secret to Danika, but what she says is hardly unusual. "My brothers used to fight with the other boys in the stables. I sometimes snuck in and watched them. Whenever they got hurt, they said some awful things and called each other names. That," she says, punctuating her words with a quick nod of her head, "is how I learned such unladylike terms. I have never used them though." The last she is quick to add, her gaze skittering off to the sands, where she spots the latest egg. "Oh! I love that one. Do you see it?"

Tousled, T'rev grins over at Caitlyn then nods down at the Sands. "Yeah? You collect shell bits as well as rocks?" Curious.

Danika nods at Berit. "I saw it. It's good too. I want at least one more really colorful one though, to offset all the pale and black ones. You know, make it all more well rounded a color spread." She grins at the weaver apprentice. "I should do that sometime when I have a chance. I bet they say lots different things than sailors in the Waverider do. I could double my vocabulary."

From the hatching sands, Liabeth gives her full focus now to just moving over the sands, making a furrow - and putting the eggs in the sand with some speed if she possibly can. One of the few times the gold will ever attempt to hurry anything. "Yeah," Gay agrees easily, arching a pale brow for how smug the darkened bronze is looking. "Just weird to think sometimes. Big difference. However many, it'll help, yeah? And they look - interesting, at least."

From the hatching sands, Gartered Complication Egg
     Complex straps of white bordered in black stretch along the flesh-hued middle of this chubby little egg, a band of black cutting off its bottom just above where it sits in a little hollow of sand. Silvered prongs extend from the straps to hold up that band lest it fall off completely and get lost in the depths of the Hatching Grounds.

From the hatching sands, Common Crown Egg
     Rich chocolate waves wrap around each other, chaotic and tumultuous from apex to bottom, with fine red highlights coursing throughout the dark tendrils, blending and twining in a non-uniform design. Any possible monotony in coloring is broken by a band of smooth pearl-pink which rises sharply, touching the top of the egg, and falls back down, creating a triangular peak. Amber dots follow each other in whirling and swirling designs within the stripe of pink, interspersed by large lavender circles. Strings of white and gold appear to hang down the side of the ovoid, dangling from the curved underside of the pointed band which wraps around the back of the egg, angled down, until it touches the bottom in a flurry of snaking pink ribbons.

Caitlyn nods brightly to T'rev, then grinning out at the eggs. "Yeah. They make lovely pieces of jewelry. I got shell bits from every egg from Kint's clutch, and in my precious little free time during weyrlinghood, I used all my leftover wire to make necklaces for all of us graduates. And Nolee and C'len, too." The bluerider grins broadly at that memory.

Xhaiden slowly leans forward and puts his chin in his palms, resting his elbows onto his knee. He tips his head and watches the riders talking and placing bets while keeping helf an eye on the sands. It's hard to watch and hear everything at once without getting an aching neck. At Daegan's remark he makes no reply, just shrugs a little, trying to appear bored.

"Huh, nice." T'rev smiles over at Caitlyn again then shifts his posture to lounging again, chin tilted to chest as he looks out over the eggs. "Is it just me or are there a fair few brown eggs down there?"

From the hatching sands, The faster Liabeth goes, the more slow and particular Kevruth becomes. He can not lay them, but he can assist with the process somehow, and of course the perfect presentation of his offspring is right up his alley. A'zan's arms fold across his chest and he shakes his head. "You can't blame him though, for being smug. He's awfully young to be siring a clutch so nice." He winks over at her, some humor in his eyes if not on his lips. "Interesting, pfft. They're gorgeous and you know it. Decent number of them too, for the Interval."

From the hatching sands, Little Black Egg
     Though small, this little egg is a perfect shape, a classical ovoid nestled almost daintily on the sands. That impeccable shape is paired with pure black, robing its surface in sleek night; a faint sheen flickers across the smooth shell when the light strikes it just right. Though not the biggest or boldest egg, its simplicity in form and color is striking all the same.

Daegan wrinkles his nose slightly as his eyes range across the array of eggs which have been laid at this point, "They-- all-- pink." Well, of course they're not even close to all pink." He points to the newest arrival then, "Except that'un, and-- that other'un." A flick of the fingers indicates another shell. "Remind me not t'come t'Telgar anytime soon. With that much pink I bet there's gonna be lotsa girls standin' and impressin'."

Mariun nods at Tiriana, cheerfully, "I think I saw him working on it. It looked like it went well, even with people chattering at him." The him in contention is given a grin, given Kerpan sits with the two girls. But there's a new egg, so the girl is leaning forward to peer at it.

Kerpan gives a slight snort at the conversation, "Well the chattering wasn't all that bad till the clutching was announced with all the commotion of the other dragons, then it decidely got noisier. But the railing is safe and will stand up to a lot of leaning."

From the hatching sands, At the last, dark egg, Liabeth appears to be less heavy - and is certainly looking less annoyed and uncomfortable as she looks over the careful arc she's laid the eggs in across the sands; Kevruth following after. If he's taking care of it, she can now rest - and so she does, settling onto the sands and positioning her tail perfectly around her. With an amused grin, Gay notes, "They all tend t'do it young. She was young too. But yeah." Softening, "They are gorgeous." And with that, the redhead runs a hand through tousled curls, and starts off to comfort her lifemate after the effort and embarrassment.

Ileste lifts a hand to her mouth, and takes in a soft breath. "I like that one," she murmurs, of the new little black egg. "It's perfect. Nothing to ruin all that beautiful black."

Caitlyn gives the bronzerider an odd little glance from the corner of her eye, her lips quirking up into a hint of a smirk, then casting a judicious eye out on those eggs already laid. "Hmm...maybe. But not like...*all* brown. Lots of brown points on them, though."

"Think that's the last one," says Tiriana, watching Liabeth more than the eggs. She frowns, then shrugs and shoves up to her feet. "Going to go eat now," announces the girl to her two companions. "You coming?"

From the hatching sands, Kevruth sniffs at the final egg, seems to find it just right as it is, and slinks back into the shadows. He gives Liabeth and her rider space, and seems to ask for the same in return, curling up himself and pointedly closing his eyes. A'zan hovers for a moment, watching Gay and the dragon pair before simply nodding, then slipping out.

Kerpan stands slowly from the bench and reaches for his tool bag, "Would love to but I have other repairs to do, been delinquent staying here for the clutching when I shoulda been finishing up my repair list." With a wave Kerpan heads out of the galleries towards his next repair.

Juliri stands up from her seat and collects her riding jacket, heading out after the trickling crowd, looking quite pleased.

"Are there usually a variety?" Berit asks, sitting back in her seat once the clutching is complete, her eyes ranging from one end of the sands to the next. "I have only ever seen firelizard eggs and Poplin's was quite drab." She tilts her head at Danika, before putting out her small hand. "I never introduced myself. My name is Berit. I am an apprentice at Weavercraft, as you have likely presumed"

T'rev nods. "Good number and me and 'Phara were both wrong. More'n both of us guessed," T'rev says with an easy laugh and hefts himself to his feet, turns and offers a hand each to Ephara and Caitlyn. "Would you ladies care t'join me in the living cavern for a bit of a drink?"

Danika shrugs at Berit. "I guess so. Not one the same at least. Even in firelizard eggs, as far as I've seen. I just thought it would be nice if there was another one with crazy colors. But I guess there's something said for being the only crazy one in the bunch." She grins. "Not that I have personal experience on that."

Mariun stands up, then grins, "Turn down food? It's one of my favorite things about the Weyr...." before turning to follow Tiriana towards the lovely tasties.

"See you, then," Tiriana tells Kerpan as she turns to go, leading Mariun on a straight path toward the caverns.

Caitlyn stands after T'rev, waiting for Ephara to give the young man her hand first before Cait offers him her own. Gotta be polite, after all. "Sounds good. After you, dear host."

Minimally Mod Egg
     A little longer and narrower than most of the others, this egg constrasts sharply with those blessed with more subtle shades, like a raucous scream for attention in the midst of its more tasteful companions. Gleaming with a rather glassy sheen, much of it is bright snowy white, but all over it are bold splashes of color that are so sharply delineated that they look almost painted... by a very meticulous toddler. Or an avant-garde madman. Here is a red blotch, there, yellow, and there, blue! Long black slashes of black criss-cross in between in an almost grid-like pattern.

Royal Red Heels Egg
     Nestled among its fellows, this smallish egg sits perfectly straight. It might somehow seem a little taller than the others, but it's only an illusion; the sand has been mounded beneath it, affording it an undeserved but very regal stature. Sable feathers softly down over the ovoid top, blending into a deep cream base, over which frothy waves of deep cobalt ripple like rich sisal, opulently shot through here and there with playful golden splashes. Near the bottom, the blue becomes shimmering and pale, and close to the very base, not quite hidden by the sand, gleams a brilliant splash of scarlet.

berit, gay, mariun, xhaiden, ileste, tiriana, daegan, juliri, caitlyn, t'rev, danika, kerpan, r'din, ephara

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