[Log] Eggs, Hard and Otherwise

Apr 27, 2008 14:50

Who: Carys, Ephara, Tiriana
When: Day 1, Month 3, Turn 16
Where: Living Cavern, Telgar Weyr
What: Ephara irritates Tiriana, then flees like the devil.

Living Cavern, Telgar Weyr
     This huge cavern is sufficiently roomy to hold a large portion of the Weyr's population without feeling cramped. There's always a bustle of activity here. Fragrant dishes are constantly in prepartion for mealtimes: currently for the mid-day meal. Drudges are always present, either cleaning under Pierron's watchful eye, or helping fetch and carry. A myriad of glowbaskets and many ever-lit hearths make the cavern warm and inviting despite its size. The scents of cooking meats, baking breads and pastries, and the pungent aroma of spices hang mouthwateringly in the air. It is little wonder that those seeking to relax nearly always find their way here to do it. The tables are decorated with a multitude of bright spring flowers.
     A short tunnel jaunts northward out to the bowl and the merry sounds of cooking, chores, and laughter echo from the kitchen at the southeast end of the cavern near the easterly passage to the rest of the lower caverns. Within the lower caverns is an entrance to the infirmary weyr to care for injured dragons and riders.

Telgar Serving Tables

Obvious exits:
Inner Caverns Kitchen Bowl

Lunch! Chaos! Ephara stuffing her face! What else is new? Well, possibly all of the dust that seems to coat the girl from tip to tail, stuck in her hair and clinging to the bridge of her nose. Only her hands and forearms seem to be clean, well washed before she started digging into her food. She eats with a single mindedness that can only be achieved by the ravenous, though somehow she manages to eat without bits of food flying everywhere. It's quite a feat, but Epha has much practice with eating.

Carys is stocked full of energy today, pepped up from duties and in a generally good mood. She's grabbed a plate with a rather generous supply of food on it, a big mug full of some sort of drink, and she's off to find a seat in all of the chaos that is lunchtime. The bluerider didn't intend to sit directly across from Ephara, but the second she notices an enormous grin breaks out on her face and she nearly has to shout over the noise. "Hi Epha! How're you today?" Munch munch, crunch.

Elbowing her way through the crowds, Tiriana is not looking her most thrilled, and eventually rather than trying to get any further, she just slides into a chair, with a smug take-that look for the person fixing to take it from the other way. Of course, she also looks like she might regret that shortly when she glances around, arranging her plate and all, and then sees Ephara there, too, stuffing her face. "Faranth, you're disgusting," announces Tiriana, nose wrinkling.

Ephara looks up and swallows before she greets Carys with an equally loud and cheerful, "Rys! Where ya been how ya doin'?" all in one rush of breath. Only one thing could ruin her suddenly cheerful mood - Tiriana. And speak of the red devil, there she is. Ephara gives the girl a blank look, "I am?" She asks, lifting one arm to sniff her armpit. "I took a bath." She turns her head away from the table and sneezes violently into the crook of her arm, sending dust up into the air. "I think I need another one though." Eyes travel down to her dusty self mournfully. "So do my clothes."

After swallowing a pretty good portion of a mix of different foods, Carys says, "I've been good! Busy busy, but good. You?" She doesn't notice Tiriana at first, completely tuned out to anything she says. Then when she notices Ephara talking to someone else, she glances around until she sees Tiriana. "Oh. H'lo." Not much, but she is trying to be polite and not say anything horribly rude to the other girl. "How're you, Tiriana?" Rys sounds a little more glum and uninterested when she addresses her, but the cheer is back when she faces Ephara. "Whatcha been up to?"

"Told you," says Tiriana, smug again as she scoots her chair back a little further and curls a protective arm around her food when Ephara sneezes up dust clouds. "Having /one/ bath in your life before doesn't count." She affects a shudder as, tentatively, she removes her hand and settles in to pick over her food at a much slower pace. To Carys, with a glance in her direction, the stablehand shrugs. "'M fine. You?"

"This /morning/." Ephara clarifies, stressing the word. She shakes her head, leaning back in to resume eating while she composes a reply for Carys, "I've been doing a lot of walking around, working for my Aunt." She shrugs one shoulder. "It keeps me busy. Nothing fun, but it's something to keep me going until the snow melts and I can get out of here again, you know?" Another look is cast to Tiriana, furtively watching her as if expecting any moment that the young woman will come flying across the table at her.

Carys manages a smile and says, "I'm doin' fine, thank you. What's new?" She decides to ignore the comments geared toward Ephara, quite sure that she'll deal with it herself. Not her business, anyway! Since when did she become so mindful? In response to the news about Ephara leaving again, she swallows something and nearly chokes. Coughing up a fit and reaching for her mug she manages to choke out, "What?! You're l-kkhhaaa-l-eaving again?"

But Tiriana doesn't, at least not yet. The looks don't seem to surprise or worry her, though, at least; she just keeps eating, at least until Carys nearly chokes. It makes her snicker slightly, all that coughing and shock. "Been drinking long?" she asks, smirkily. "I guess that's new. Y'know--" she tips her head toward Ephara "--we got riders that can fly you out of here already. Dump you somewhere without snow. Igen, middle of the desert, maybe. Some jungle at Ista."

Ephara leans across the table to pat Carys awkwardly on the back, "Easy there, Rys!" she says cheerfully, whap whap whap, "Not permanently. Just like to take hikes on down to the hold sometimes." Okay, so it's a /long/ hike. Tiriana is given a glare, "Gosh, think we could get one to dump you off Between? That's the perfect place for you!"

Carys pounds herself on the chest a few times and finally gains control of her breathing again. "Sorry! Well I'm glad you're not leavin' for good. I'd have to break your leg or somethin'. See you hike /then/!" She quirks and eyebrow at Tiriana, saying, "Huh? I don't drink at all..." Ephara's comment about leaving Tiri Between makes her snicker, and she makes a big effort not to start laughing out loud at the image in her head. "What's up with you, Tiri? You're nicer than usual. Still mean...but..."

Tiriana just glowers at Ephara for that comment, eyes narrowing slightly. Her green beans get stabbed. "Dragons don't do stuff like that," at length she declares, snorting before taking a bite. A wave of her hand dismisses Carys' former question--but not the later. "Tiriana," orders the girl. "And--I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just me, same as ever." Said just a touch loftily.

Ephara gives Carys one of her funny little looks. "You'd break my leg?" She asks in avid fascination. "Gosh, do you think it would hurt?" To Tiriana, she just smirks, "I'm sure we could find one that would make an exception for you, dear." She croons sweetly, propping her chin up on her fist and lifting a forkful of tubers to her mouth, chewing with deliberance.

Carys rolls her eyes. "Tiri, Tiriana, whatever. You knew I was talking to you." She just shrugs a shoulder, not interested in pursuing the subject any further. "Dragons don't do stuff like that, but riders do!" She chuckles, and finishes off the food on her plate. "In all seriousness, though, why are you such a hard egg?" A nod is given to Epha. "Yes. Yes I would." By the way that she says it, it may be hard to figure out if she's really joking or not. She's keeping a straight face...

"Tiriana," she repeats one more time, irritably. Stab stab at the food. "A /what/? An egg? I'm not an egg," adds the girl with a roll of her eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Ephara chortles in amusement, "If she's a hard egg, Carys, do you think she'll hatch one day? If we knock on her, will we crack her faster?" A huge grin splits her face. "Aww, maybe she'll hatch into an iddy bitty dwagon and bond with Rev forever!" She glasps her hands together beside her cheek, fluttering her eyelashes attrociously.

Carys lets out a long sigh and shakes her head before taking a long drink from her cup to finish it off. "Oh nevermind, Tiri/ana/." Ephara's jokes do make her chuckle a bit and she shrugs a shoulder. "I don't know! Maybe we should try it while she's sleeping. I think it'd be too hard to get close enough when she's awake." Rys scoots her chair back, careful not to hit anyone, and picks up her dishes. "Alright, I'm out of here. I've got to finish some stuff up over at Bitra. See ya!"

Carys has left.

Under the table, Tiriana aims a rather vicious kick in the general direction of Ephara's legs. Glowering at both younger girls, she just shakes her head. "Not an egg," she repeats. To Carys, she flips a half-wave after the bluerider, but has more attention for Ephara, in order to declare, "Shut up about him. Me. Us. All of that."

Ephara yelps and backs up hastily, her chair scraping against the rock floor. "Ow, watch it, blatherbutt." She lifts her knee up to her chest, rubbing her shin. "I'll say whatever I want. Tiriana and R'uen sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Oh yes, how mature of her. "I heard you were going to have a whole brace of babies!" She announces, hoping out of her chair and out of range. "Tiriana is going to have so many brats she'll need her own stables to hold them all! Everyone knows anything /you/ produced would have to be housed with beasts, you're barely more than a beast yourself." And then she runs like she's on fire out of the cavern before Tiriana can retalliate.

Chair shoved back noisily, Tiriana has half-risen before Ephara flees. "Coward," she shoots after the other girl, but she flops heavily back down with an expression turning more morose than furious as she continues her meal for a few bites. It's only a couple later, though, that she shoves the plate back too and leaves, half-finished.

tiriana, carys, ephara

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