[Log] Nice Day, Isn't It?

Feb 28, 2008 14:29

Who: C'mryn, Edlyn, Ephara, Tiriana
When: Day 21, Month 6, Turn 15
Where: Bowl, Telgar Weyr
What: Tiriana holds brief discussions with several people.

Southern Bowl, Telgar Weyr
     Towering above, the bowl wall rises in a curving three-pointed arc as it shelters this southernmost point of Telgar Weyr's great caldera. Sloping down to the north to a slight degree, the floor of the bowl has been channeled so that runoff might drain down to the lake beyond. There are several strategically placed evergreens that serve to baffle the biting mountain winds away from the southern entrance into the Living Caverns. Drifts of snow and the heavy tracks of large dragon feet and bellies cross the expanse of the bowl. Rocks and crags are hung with the purest white. Northward, the center of the bowl spreads hugely, leading to the feeding pens, hatching grounds, weyrling barracks, the Telgar Weyr lake. The ground-level weyrs of the queenriders dot the mountain to the northwest. The murmur of voices and the clatter of pots and chairs drifts from the Living Cavern, where the evening meal is being served.
     The afternoon is partly cloudy, though the sun still shines through. It is completely still, no winds blow and the summer air is pleasantly warm.


Obvious exits:
Living Cavern Central Bowl Records Room Outer Infirmary Guest Weyr Work Room

Ephara shrugs, "Everyone gotta have a home to come back to. I missed my friends, I guess. I ain't completely back. I still gotta wander, you know. But now that summer's on and the Thread is back to falling heavier, I gotta set up shop, yeah." She sighs and pats her rock, "Why don't you have a seat, Ed?"

Responsibility first. Edlyn's eyes move towards the infirmary and then up towards the sun. A decision seems to have been made as she moves to seat herself lightly on the rock. Her skirts are tucked to the side as her leg crosses. "Thread is a problem, that's certain," is the greenrider's first comment once she's settled. A hand goes behind her to lean on. "You and T'rev, with that wander-lust. I guess I'll never have that itch."

A warm day at Telgar has prompted many people outside, and Tiriana is one of them. Her chores in the stables for the day have been completed with alacrity in order to free her up to venture forth outdoors again, entertaining herself in the bowl by strolling around and occasionally pausing for a quick exchange with someone she meets. But just when that starts to make her restless again, and eye the living caverns thoughtfully, she catches sight of Edlyn. And having never missed a chance to taunt yet, of course she strolls that way, all nonchalant-like.

Ephara turns faintly pink at the mention of she and T'rev, but doesn't comment on it. "Yep, guess I just can't help it." She agrees, smiling at her friend. "So how are you adjusting to life as a greenrider? Seems to be treating you well enough. You don't look all beat up yet." Tiriana's approach catches the corner of her eye, and she cringes. Oh great, the devil herself.

If that flush is noticed, Edlyn is not commenting on it. Her head tilts up so that her face can catch some of the sun's warmth. "Hmm. Yes, I enjoy being a greenrider. Arenith and I do well in our wing, and I've recently completed my studies to be a dragonhealer." Her eyes move back to Ephara in just enough time to see her cringe. Frowning, Ed turns and notes Tiriana's approach with a scowl. This is smoothed though and a polite smile is offered to the girl. "G'day to you, Tiriana."

"Hey," Tiriana greets, with a smirk at Edlyn. "So you like being a greenrider." And while with most people that might be an innocuous question, from Tiriana's mocking mouth it doesn't quite manage that level of friendliness. But she refrains for the moment from saying anything further on that subject, in favor of looking at Ephara, her eyes narrowing. "Who are you?" she queries, brows furrowing like she recognizes the long-gone girl, but can't quite place her.

Edlyn has disconnected.

Ephara is not bound by frivolities like politeness. "Hello, Tiriana." She says in a flat, unfriendly voice. She scratches her head and shrugs, "Ephara." She adds by way of her name. She glances between her friend and R'dur's niece and a slow smile curves her mouth. "So you're rolling R'uen now, I hear."

While Edlyn, having fallen quiet, makes her exit shortly thereafter, Tiriana draws her attention from the greenrider so frequently tormented to the younger girl before her. "Ephara. From--" she repeats, and doesn't finish, waving a hand airily to indicate she remembers now. That coolness, however, vanishes immediately when R'uen's name is brought up. Stiffening, she counters, "Yeah, so? What's it to /you/--jealous? He's a /wingleader/ now." She has to shove that in there, with a gloating smirk.

Ephara shrugs, "Nah, not jealous." She glances after Ed. "I got someone anyways. Just curious. Rev's nice, though I never took him for the type to want to get kicked in the teeth." She tips her face up to the sun and sighs, "Nice day, isn't it?"

"Who? Her?" Tiriana gives Ephara a weird look, glancing after Edlyn herself. But the assertion of no jealousy lets her more or less stop bristling, in favor of being just smug. "If everything else is good enough, guys don't mind that so much," is her sage take on kicking them in the teeth. "And it's /obviously/ worth it to him." But the weather, now--that just gets a scornful look, like it's not worthy of the breath it takes to discuss it.

Ephara laughs merrily. "No, Ed's just my friend. My bits don't tingle for her, nope. I just got someone, whenever I decide to roll into Telgar, that is." She looks over at Tiri and shrugs. "Glad you're happy." She says, and it seems she means it. "Someone's gotta soften you up."

C'mryn has arrived.

Tiriana is as moody as ever, and that momentary truth produced by absence of jealousy vanishes just as soon as Ephara implies she's softening up. Glaring, defensive, "I am /not/. It's just sex, is all. Nothing more to it than that." And now she'll talk about the weather, which seems not so much beneath her now. "It is a nice day. Didn't wanna stay inside any."

Ephara lifts an eyebrow. "Sex is nice." She agrees. She glances about and reaches up to tug on her lip. "Yeah. Think T'rev's got wing duties most of today.. maybe I'll take a walk, get out of the Weyr some more." Not that she spends much time here to begin with. "So when are they shipping you back south, Tiri?" eager to get rid of her, yep.

Through the pretty day comes Tausreth. He's winging down from the higher bowl, probably just having returned from Between, and finally lands gently in the bowl. Foldig his wings, he crouches down and allows C'mryn to dismount.

"T'rev?" Tiriana's nose wrinkles, and she sneers down at Ephara. "/That's/ who it is? I guess you couldn't get anything better, though, huh?" Mockingly pitying, she regards the girl; then she glances casually aside, her eyes falling on C'mryn and Tausreth and watching them for a moment. "Oh, Gay tried, after that whole thing at the Reaches, where I caused that big diplomatic incident--" and only Tiriana could sound that proud of that "--but she couldn't bring herself to do it. I don't think she'll try again."

Ephara grimaces, "Pity, that." She drawls, sliding down off the boulder. "You should take a bath, Tiri. You stink of b----." Jamming her hands in her pockets, she scuffs away from the offensive woman, glancing up at Tausreth and his rider.

C'mryn is oblivious, really. He slaps his bronze's shoulder, and slides away, unbuttoning his flight jacket as he goes. "Hm, hey," he calls towards Ephara. And then Tiriana is noticed. He shrugs, and bobs his head in greeting towards her as well. "Nice day, ah?" He's not above talking about the weather, either.

Ephara has disconnected.

It's probably a good thing Ephara leaves so quickly, because now Tiriana is giving her an unpleasant look, mouth a thin line as she regards the younger girl. But with her gone, she's left with only C'mryn to vent that irritation on, and she does so by giving him that disdainful look now. "Didn't we just say that?" she wonders, eyes rolling--like he hadn't just arrived, after she and Ephara had already passed judgment on the day. But still, she recaps: "It is a nice day, for being outside and all. Sucks if you're stuck in, though." Though that's not her problem, by her flippant tone.

C'mryn waivers, looking like he might just turn around and retreat to Tausreth's side. "Hrm, yea, suppose." He considered Tiriana's hostile look, but stood his ground. "Got something against her?" he asks, jutting his chin after Ephara.

"Her?" repeats Tiriana, glancing back over her shoulder in the direction in which Ephara disappeared. She shrugs when she turns back to C'mryn. "No more than against /most/ people. She's a snotty little brat," and Tiriana knows all about those. "But she's not, like, /Edlyn/, so I don't hate her or anything. Now."

C'mryn raises an eyebrow, though his expression stays rather neutral. "You hate Edlyn?" Just so he can get the facts straight. "What'd she do to you? She seems like a nice enough woman, though I only fly Drills with her." No close, personal friend.

Tiriana shrugs again. "She's just obnoxious. Stuck-up, too," she answers. "It's fun baiting her, though--she's always threatening to fight me but she won't actually /do/ anything about it. Not that it'd do her any good if she did try to hit me."

C'mryn frowns, apparently lost. "Not the Edlyn I know, then." Course, he did just say he knew her in a professional manner, only. "Shouldn't be fighting anyways. Dragonrider's aren't suppose to fight. 'Specially with weyr-" he stops before adding 'brat' to the end of that one, and finishes with, "Residents," instead.

C'mryn's hasty correction earns a suspicious look from Tiriana, but she lets it go without comment. Instead: "Well, you don't know her, then. And that's what /I/ said--not going to fight her. Not like I need to, anyway, when I could just kick her--" She breaks off to look past him, eyes narrowing. "I gotta go," she announces then, and without further goodbyes moves to stalk off, back toward the stables to meet someone else, who's waving her over.

tiriana, edlyn, c'mryn, ephara

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