[Log] Dead Faint

Feb 16, 2008 16:59

Who: C'mryn, Gay, Edlyn, Ileste, Ronari, Tiriana
When: Day 26, Month 4, Turn 15
Where: Bowl, Telgar Weyr
What: The usual, Tiriana irritates a few people.

Southern Bowl, Telgar Weyr
     Towering above, the bowl wall rises in a curving three-pointed arc as it shelters this southernmost point of Telgar Weyr's great caldera. Sloping down to the north to a slight degree, the floor of the bowl has been channeled so that runoff might drain down to the lake beyond. There are several strategically placed evergreens that serve to baffle the biting mountain winds away from the southern entrance into the Living Caverns. Drifts of snow and the heavy tracks of large dragon feet and bellies cross the expanse of the bowl. Rocks and crags are hung with the purest white. Northward, the center of the bowl spreads hugely, leading to the feeding pens, hatching grounds, weyrling barracks, the Telgar Weyr lake. The ground-level weyrs of the queenriders dot the mountain to the northwest. The murmur of voices and the clatter of pots and chairs drifts from the Living Cavern, where the evening meal is being served. (+view available)
     The afternoon is clear and the sun shines brightly. A strong wind blows past and the spring air feels a bit nippy.


Obvious exits:
Living Cavern Central Bowl Records Room Outer Infirmary Guest Weyr Work Room

Spring has arrived, bringing with it a full and bright sun that has just started its lazed descent towards the horizon. The day is not warm, despite the sun, and a breeze brings with it a cold nip to the air. A moss-colored green is resting in the center of the Bowl, her long and lanky limbs arranged sphynx-like as her rider rests in the crook of her forearms. Edlyn is peering over some hidework and is dressed down for the day, wearing a shorter skirt with knee-high boots and a nice, intricate, long-sleeved top.

Curled around each other in a patch of warm sun, Suraveth and Peribanth sleep soundly, undisturbed by the comings and goings of a weyr whose sleep they interrupted. Stumbling out of the ground weyr into the warm sunlight, Ronari blinks a few times and pauses a moment to get her bearings before moving to collapse against her green--who doesn't wake up.

"I know, love. Soon that will be you and Mecaith," Edlyn answers Arenith's mental statement aloud, assuming no one is around to hear. The green notices Ronari's departure from the weyr first and draws Edlyn's attention to the other greenrider. Her lips press together and brows go down as she contemplates the situation. It doesn't hold her attention for long and soon she goes back to reading.

But somebody is around to hear: unfortunately for Edlyn, Tiriana. "Oh, Faranth. Did you really just say that? That's kind of pathetic even coming from you," Tiriana remarks, as in the process of treading around Arenith's side on her way to some errand, she stops to process what she overhears. Her glance shifts from Ronari and Suraveth to Edlyn and the other green, brows raising; and then there's a snicker that she doesn't bother at all restraining.

Looking over her shoulder at D'rin's bronze, Ronari shakes her head. "Don't get too attached," she warns her sleeping green--who obviously doesn't hear her. "He's got and D'rin's got Vylana. Not for us, sweetling." She leans back, content to nap in the sun like her lifemate, when an all too familiar voice cuts through the spring peace like a knife. Lazy and sated from her recent flight, the wingleader ignores the grating sound of both the taunt and the snicker, but it takes effort.

All previous encounters that Edlyn has had with Tiriana have not been in the presence of her dragon. Arenith is not the smallest of greens and though not an intimidating creature by nature, she does swing her head around to lock her attention on the girl. Edlyn sets her record down in her lap and looks up at Tiriana with a lifted brow. "I didn't say that. I was replying to Arenith, who is the one that wishes for it to occur. Eavesdropping is not a nice hobby, you know." The -slightest- edge is in her voice. Ed is not good at confrontation, however small, and she looks away from Tiriana to focus first on Ronari and then up at the sky.

"What's pathetic about it?" Ileste inquires from the entrance to the Infirmary, having caught the taunt, and the response, as she emerges for a daytime break.

Gay heads down the low, wide stairs from Liabeth's ledge.
Gay has arrived.

"It's not eavesdropping if you say it out loud, when I'm walking by, and it's so dumb I /have/ to say something," Tiriana explains, in a very logical tone. She eyes Edlyn, and then Arenith in unimpressed fashion. "Just general patheticness," is added for Ileste's benefit, with a shrug of her shoulders. "he two of them--" and she makes a broad gesture toward Edlyn and her dragon "--sitting here dreaming about flights because it's the only chance they got of catching somebody."

"They're not going to go away are they?" Ronari asks of no one in particular. Getting no answer--which is pretty much what she expected--the obviously tired greenrider forces her eyes open and lolls her head over towards the cluster of voices. "Tiriana, didn't you tell me Ed and T'rev were weyrmated?" She yawns once, broadly. "If that's true, she /obviously/ doesn't need to dream about flights to get someone--she already has him." there's a pause that could be deliberate or accidental. "Or were you.../mistaken/ the other day by the lake?"

Edlyn leans back against Arenith's chest and smothers a laugh behind her fingers. "Oh, sorry. I find it amusing that you care to discuss my sexual life in such flippant terms when you have -no- idea what you are speaking of." She shakes her head and lifts a hand to smooth back stray strands of her hair. "Honestly, Tiriana, if you came out for a good laugh you're not going to get one off of me. The day's too nice to be ruined by your attitude." Arenith lowers her head down for Edlyn to reach and idly scratch an eyeridge. Ronari's voice draws the greenrider's brow up once more and she looks over at her, then to Tiriana. "I would like to state here and now, that my life and T'rev's is not open for discussion for gossipers. I'm tired of hearing everyone rumoring about it."

Ileste blinks at Tiriana. "Why would that mean -that-?" And to Ronari, she says apologetically, "Sorry, I needed some fresh air. It's break, finally, and a few riders -- congratulations, by the way -- decided that even girls who hide behind bedpans look good after, um, losing."

Above, From the Telgar Star Stones, L'klal, riding burnished bronze Pteynth, backwings to a clean landing and settles, replacing Tadara's steely blue Agrarth on watchrider duty.

"He likes to deny it," Tiriana answers Ronari, unflustered by whatever insinuations the wingleader might be making. "He likes to deny it a lot, by doing whoever else he can get his hands on. Which, admittedly, can't /possibly/ be that many for him, either, but all the same. I wouldn't want to claim her either." Pause. Canting her head at Edlyn's assertions, she smirks broadly. "Or I dunno, maybe I /was/ a little bit mistaken. Maybe he's got the right of it and maybe she just wishes they were weyrmates. Awful defensive, you know?"

What a lovely spring afternoon with clear skies, high, shining sun - and sniping. Yay! Gay can hear the voices long before she comes down the steps from her weyr, so she's unsurprised, but vaguely amused as she steps into the bowl proper, pausing to take in the scene. Dark eyes find Tiriana unerringly, then Edlyn after - and arching pale brows, she wanders towards the small group, noting Ileste and Ronari soon after. As she approaches, the weyrwoman might be both a little more springy-haired and sober than usual, but otherwise, seeming in better shape than /some/ people might have seen her recently.

"Or maybe you just don't have enough to keep you occupied, Tiriana." Ronari's voice has lost a good portion of it's laziness, fatigue mixed with steel now instead of velvet. "If you've time enough to be meddling in other people's lives and causing trouble, then you aren't doing enough to help out." She shifts a little, finding a posture that's comfortable for her sore body. "I'm of half a mind to speak to the Headwoman about you. But if you go along now and leave us to enjoy this nice weather in peace, I just might think I dreamed this irritation." To Ileste, Ronari offers a wan smile. "Sorry about that. If it helps, you can come sit and nap with Sura and I. None of them will get you here." She eyes Gay's approach and offers as much of a slute as she can manage--which is admittedly not much. "G'day Gay. Sorry about the ruckus last night. Sura just decided that sleep is not necessary."

Arenith rumbles, a dry and rough sound, as Edlyn stiffens underneath Tiriana's continued harrassment. "You're not a friend of mine and I don't want to talk about this further. Stop spreading lies and gossiping about me, -Tiri-." Ed's response is cut short by Ronari's own steely voice and she looks to the other woman with an almost grateful look. Illeste is finally noticed in this sweep and Ed manages a small smile for the infirmary aide. "Hi Illeste. It's good that you kept out of the way of those boys, they do get awful grabby at times." Gay's entrance into the bowl is noted as well and Edlyn salutes the Weyrwoman. "Hello, Gay. It's a lovely day out, isn't it? Too bad we didn't have music to add to it." A sidelong glance is given to Tiriana, "So we can have a pleasanter time of it."

"T'rev is a nice person," Ileste states quietly to Tiriana. "He wouldn't lead Edlyn on like that. And you're weyrbred, so why're you sounding like a holder about who's involved with who?" And she moves to stand somewhere halfway between Edlyn and Ronari, evidently minded to share her company with both of them. And bobs her head courteously at Gay. "Ma'am."

"My aunt's the headwoman's assistant," Tiriana informs Ronari, brows knitting as that threat's leveled on her. She half-turns to regard the older woman, planting hands on her hips. "Do you /really/ think it'd do any good trying to tattle on me? Maybe /you/ should be the one not meddling." But her triumph is short-lived, all the hailing of Gay making her glance around with knitting brows as she takes in the goldrider's appearance. "Hey," she greets, just faintly wary before she shoots looks back at Edlyn and Ileste. "Think you can shut up the whole Weyr? What /else/ are we all going to talk about?" she drawls.

Bemused, "There was a ruckus? I sleep pretty heavy, hard to hear in th'weyr besides. If I heard every damn green that went up, never get any sleep. So apology's unnecessary, Wingleader. But hope it went okay?" Gay glances between the dragons, arching a brow at the greenrider's earlier tone. Sliding hands into the pockets of her jacket, she looks around between all the younger women, nodding to Edlyn with a bounce of curls, then to Ileste - and she is unable to stop from giving a little cough at the latter's statement. Idly, "Weyrs're worse than Holds with gossip, I think. But no matter where you are, somebody's all up in your business. An' hey, Tiriana." The wary look doesn't bother her, she just flashes a quick - and somewhat reassuring - smile.

"Well, I envy you. I'dve much preferred to sleep through that one." Ronari replies dryly, but with a genuine--if tired--smile. She acknowledges Edlyn's grateful look with a repetition of that wan grin, and Ileste gets more of the same. By the time Ronari looks Tiriana's way though, there's anything but a smile, even a tired one. "I don't care who your aunt is, Tiriana. I'll speak with whomever I wish if I feel it's necessary." Gay's presence doesn't seem to phase her on that account, but that could be for any number of reasons--not least of which she may not be firing on all glows this morning.

"I still do not think it is a matter that needs to be talked about in front of me, to be spiteful," Edlyn manages to respond after the others share snippets of conversation with each other. The tenseness remains in her shoulders and her fingers still on Arenith's eyeridge. A frown flickers across her face as she catches the smile that Gay directs towards Tiriana. Other than that statement, the girl does not seem apt to add to anything else and rolls up the record she had been reading. She slaps it in the palm of her hand once and looks at Arenith with a smirk.

Ileste tilts her head at Gay. "Gossip's gossip," she chirps, "But calling someone pathetic because a bronzer does what a lot of bronzers do, and because her green wants to do what greens do?" And she looks to Tiriana. "You must be even more sheltered than I am." Her tone is absolutely puzzled, her expression wide-eyed and perplexed.

Inspired by Gay, Tiriana flashes her own in answer, though there's definitely a more wicked tilt to hers--especially when Ronari continues. "Hey, maybe you should, I don't know, go straight to the top if you got a problem with me. Why waste time dicking around with anybody else?" And she shoots looks between Ronari and Gay, caught somewhere between smugness at what she sees as a victory, and wariness that somehow that won't work out the way she thinks it should. To distract herself, she drawls, "Stereotype much?" to Ileste. "/Now/ who's sheltered?"

Edlyn decides not to linger and instead offers a brief wave to everyone present and then heads off towards the lake with Arenith.

Edlyn has disconnected.

With a slight grin, "Might be hard t'do." Gay squints towards Ronari, asking with some concern, "You all right? Like, d'you need a day off or something?" Not seeming to notice any change in Edlyn's demeanor, she gives Ileste a little shrug, looking somewhat confused. "Um, well. All just talk, really, isn't it? I mean, no one /has/ to listen to it, or get bothered." She gives Tiriana a look at that as well, clearly not impressed with the look of triumph, but in her muted way, she says little else, just looking for a place to lean. As Edlyn disappears, she glances off in the greenrider's direction.

Ronari blinks a few times to bring the world into focus. "Oh, I--I guess a day to sleep would be nice. Flight hasn't been that intense in--well I don't remember it /ever/ being that...nuts. But it's her first one in a /while/ so I suppose..." Ronari trails off in time to hear Tiriana's jibe. "Fair enough," she rolls her head back to face Gay, and with tired mock-seriousness she announces. "Weyrwoman, I'd like to bring a complaint against Resident Tiriana for disturbance of the peace--namely mine." That done, she looks to Tiriana out of the corner of her eye. "There, satisfied? And, stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason, Tiriana. They're common enough to be the 'rule' even if not everyone follows them. So you just leave off Ileste, all right? Shards."

Ileste just blinks at Tiriana, and then understanding seems to dawn on her. "Oh... Unless you're hoping T'rev wouldn't act like that. I guess being a spurned weyrmate might explain why you're so obsessed with it. No wonder you can't restrain yourself around Edlyn."

"So... you're a whore, then" Tiriana asks Ronari, trying very hard to look genuinely thoughtful and curious. She doesn't look at Gay, except for a quick less-than-thrilled glance in response to the Weyrwoman's reply. But before she can answer on that regard, she has to stop and stare at Ileste, blinking. And then she actually laughs, mocking. "Me and /T'rev/? Trust me, he's the only one that wants that, and I totally shot him down when he tried. I have better than him already, why would I want to trade down?"

Dryly, "As I always tell Tiriana, I can't make people shut up for anyone. An' I think they're pretty much on each other, Ronari." Finding a spot to lean against the bowl wall, Gay blows some errant curls out of her eyes, looking somewhat removed from the situation; thoughtful - then the whole whore thing makes her blink. "Aw, man. First off, whore ain't even the right word. It'd be like, tramp. Or slut. Somethin' like that. But uncalled for." After a pause, she does have to ask Ileste in an uncertain tone, "But you do know she's pretty much got T'rev's number, yeah? He even hits on me. Like, when he was /eighteen/. C'mon."

"So I'm noticing," Ronari remarks to Gay, her tone nearly as dry. "Fine, I wash my hands of the both of you. If you feel the need to waste a day like today fighting, then by all means, have at it." Tiriana's accusation strikes a chord in Ronari and her features set and become hard. Gay's defense saves her from having to say anything. A wave of dizziness hits her, but she feels the need to defend her 'second. "He hasn't hit on me once in all the time I've worked with him," she feels compelled to point out. "So I've no complaints." Something's obviously still bothering her--likely the whore thing--and so she braces her arms behind her, "Now if you'll excuse me," and levers herself to her feet. Only to promptly fall back over in a dead faint. This is enough to alarm her lifemate into waking, faceted eyes whirling with alarm as the green nudges her unconscious rider.

"I didn't think even you'd use such a filthy word here, of all places." Ileste shakes her head at Tiriana, and then turns to Gay. "He flirts with everything, but likes her best. He's -got- to be devoted if he can have that many women but keeps coming back to her." And she looks back to Ronari. "We're having a discussion, that's all--" But the greenrider's faint cuts her off. "/Ronari/!"

"Whatever. First one that came to mind," Tiriana brushes off the correction with a grin. "I'll try and get it right next time, though. Wouldn't know about all the, the nuances, or whatever you'd call 'em--not being one, of any sort." She shrugs, and adds distractedl, to Ileste, "/That's/ nothing, I know plenty of filthier words. And anyway, we didn't say he /could/ have them, just he tried. He keeps going back to the only one that'll take him." And somewhere in there, Ronari faints, and Tiriana just blinks, gives the rider a funny look, and continues on, not so much concerned. "You'd think he'd be smarter than to hit on the weyrmated Weyrwoman who's old enough to be his mom," Tiriana observes instead to Gay, thoughtfully.

By any measure of fairness, Gay would have to speak up about her own horrific language at Ileste's comment - but then, Ronari's fainted and she's saved from that for the moment, pushing out of her lean. Ileste is an actual medical type, so she just starts a few steps towards the fainted greenrider and looks on with some concern. However, Tiriana's comment causes a quiet cough from the tall woman, a quick glance. "Yeah, well." That's all she's got, this time. "What's up with her, Ileste? D'you need someone t'get a healer?"

Suraveth doesn't move, afraid to jostle Ronari, but her eyes are the yellow-orange of panic/alarm and she's crooning sadly as her efforts to wake her rider fail and keep failing. There's an aura of anger about her too, almost an 'I told you so' directed at the dark-haired woman lying against her.

Ileste hurries over, and carefully checks Ronari's pulse, and then her forehead. "You shouldn't just take my word for it, but I think she's exhausted, especially from earlier. She looks a little thinner than when we first met, too, and look at the dark circles under her eyes... I think she needs a healer." And she looks to Suraveth. "Can you tell?" To Tiriana, she adds, lower, "Age isn't such a big deal here, is it? The healers told us that riders can fight past their hundred-and-twentieth Turn, so we don't usually get patients who get ill from being old..."

"She just passed out," Tiriana notes, like it's no big deal. She eyes the commotion, frowning. "They usually wake up on their own. Or you could throw something on her, the lake's right there." With her lips pursed, she studies Ronari and then shrugs her shoulders again. "Since when are we talking about people dying of oldness?" she asks. "I just said Gay was old enough to be T'rev's mom and he's still hitting on her. Which is weird." And while it's very belated, she adds to Gay, "No offense."

Thankfully, there's enough people now looking over at even the minor commotion for Gay to send someone running for the healers. As they wait, she looks on a bit worriedly, pale brows furrowed. "Never the sort t'not get rest - at least as far as I saw. I hope she's not pushin' herself too hard." Glancing Tiriana's way again, she shrugs, though she feels she must point out, "I woulda had him young if I did." Meanwhile, a healer is brought back, though he doesn't look like he thinks death is imminent.

Pulse fluttering, Ronari's lashes flutter. She gets the sense of commotion, voices and shapes moving around her, which Suraveth also picks up--with a palpable sense of relief. She relays this concept, along with her chastisement of her rider and her agreement with Ileste's assessment, on a broad spectrum to any dragon willing to listen to her, since her rider is in no state to. There's still worry beneath it all, though. Sura isn't convinced they're out of the woods yet. Ronari groans and shifts, squinting her eyes shut against the bright light. "Mmmr...wha--?"

"...She doesn't -look- old enough to be his mother," Ileste remarks after giving Gay a sidelong glance, while the healers tend to Ronari. "Is my point, so why would -that- matter?"

To Ronari, the healer says with blunt exasperation, "You fainted. Self-neglect and overwork, looks like."

"It was kind of an exaggeration," Tiriana retorts, long-suffering. "Can I not say /anything/ without somebody jumping down my throat or trying to correct me?" Breathing out a sigh, she folds her arms over her chest and apparently decides that for once she's just better off not saying anything, just glowering at all of them.

Wrinkling her nose at the very discussion of her age - seems a little touchy about that lately, eh? - Gay runs fingers through her curls nervously as Ronari wakes. But at the healer's blunt assertion, she gives a sigh, looking at the greenrider with some little exasperation of her own. "Can't lead a wing half-asleep. If he's gotta order you to have time off, I'm fine with that." To Ileste, in case anyone missed it, "I really am good with it." Tiriana's glowering warrants an amused quirk of her lips from the goldrider, as she notes, "I just shrugged."

Ronari manages to shoot a weak glare at Suraveth, rasping out a 'traitor' before coughing twice. With a clearer, though plainly tired voice, she begins again. "I'll be fine, just tired from being up all night's all," she says a little testily. "And don't you dare ground me," she growls at the healer. "I got a 'second to train and a wing to drill. I'll be /fine/." Her voice gains a bit of strength by the end of her protest, but she hasn't yet tried to rise again, and Suraveth curls protectively around her rider, sensitive to her distress even though she agrees with the healers.

Ileste glances back at Tiriana, and just quirks a brow.

The healer considers Ronari. "I won't," he says sternly, "But you're to get regular meals and sleep, and you're to check in every three days. If you don't and you get worse, you'll be grounded until you improve."

"Yeah, well. Just in case, or something," Tiriana mutters to Gay, with a shrug of her own to go with that statement. "Wow, sucks for you," the young girl adds to Ronari, with a smirk at the healer's prognosis.

Gay looks decently pleased with the healer's decision, though she's eyeing Ronari with a look that hovers between concern and irritation. "If you don't do that, I'll have Liabeth ground you," she tells the wingleader, arms folding. Tiriana's muttering continues to entertain her by the way her eyes brighten, but she struggles to look stern.

Ronari nods sloppily in agreement with the healer. However reluctant she is, the poor greenrider doesn't feel all that well, and just wants to go lie on the couch with Sura under a pile of furs. Tiriana's petty comment gets no rise out of Ronari, she's too exhausted. But it does merit a low, warning growl of a rumble from Suraveth. Small this dragon may be, but she is mighty in her own respect. With the help of several bystanders, Ronari manages to climb onto her lifemate's neck and flop forwards, holding on as tightly as she can. As gently as possible, the olivine dragon takes off, moving up towards her weyr. << I will watch her, if she becomes worse, I will let you know. >> Suraveth informs Liabeth softly, worry still coloring her tone.

Ileste steps back, looking on in silence. The healer does much the same, making sure that Ronari's not about to fall off.

Tiriana waits, watching while Ronari and Suraveth make their departure. She waits, and then, rather brightly, asks, "So can we go /back/ to bashing T'rev and Edlyn now?"

Gay watches the pair as well, a quiet rumble from Liabeth's ledge - likely the answer to the green's message. As they take off, she watches them head for their ledge. Wrinkling her nose a little, she notes generally, "Didn't know that she was takin' on that much work." Looking Tiriana's way, arching a brow, "/I/ wasn't bashing anybody. I was like, just telling the truth."

Ronari goes home.
Ronari has left.

"What was that about not liking people to jump down your throat?" Ileste asks Tiriana quite blandly.

"Oh, riiight," Tiriana agrees with Gay, with a conspiratorial air. "Telling the truth. We can tell the truth s'more, then." And she waves Ileste off, nevermind what she said just a few moments earlier. "Oh, please. Like I can't take it."

Gay seems rather entertained by both Ileste and Tiriana, so sees little need to do more than smirk at the dark-haired girl's first comment, and stifle an outright laugh at the second. "You can take /what/?" she asks, grinning widely.

Ileste just follows after the healer when the journeyman heads right back into the infirmary.

"Having everybody jump on me. I'm used to it," Tiriana answers, with a suspicious expression when Gay laughs, like she doesn't get what's so funny. "They shouldn't bother, though; they can't win." And she's silent a moment, while Ileste leaves, but as soon as the other girl starts to walk away, Tiriana glances back to Gay with another observation. "So you're not drunk tonight. Yet?"

Gay watches both journeyman and Ileste leave, lifting a hand in brief salute. "Thanks," she calls after them, then arches a pale brow at Tiriana again, trying not to look amused - and mostly failing. That is, until her last question. Immediately sober again - the picture of sobriety! - "No. Not yet, maybe not at all. Don't always have t'get drunk."

Ileste waves to both of them, despite her earlier asperity, and steps inside.

"Not always?" Tiriana asks, raising a brow as she observes Gay, folds her arms over her chest in patently disbelieving fashion. "So then why were you the other night, if you don't /always/ have to?"

"Well, I /usually/ have something. But I don't /always/ get drunk, y'know? Sometimes it gets away from me." Gay is a little defensive; it's not ideal for her to have Tiriana see her both wasted and miserable, so the goldrider obviously doesn't want to talk about it. "Why does it matter? Not like I can't do that on occasion."

Ileste moves beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance.
Ileste has left.

Tiriana doesn't seem to understand, or maybe just not to care, that Gay doesn't care to discuss that subject. "So you didn't have a reason this time; you just got drunk anyway," she summarizes, with an understanding sort of nod. "And then came out to be depressing at me and Rev--and make him walk you home. --What did you talk about then?"

Tausreth backwings for a landing.
Tausreth has arrived.

C'mryn slides down from Tausreth.
C'mryn has arrived.

Unsurprising. Gay lets Tiriana summarize away, seeming aware that any corrections won't really make a difference. Or maybe it's a better story than the truth - how's /that/ for terrifying. "I'm sorry if I was depressing. An' I told him that you'd be pissed and I'd be fine - so you can take it up with him." A pause, then eyeing the younger woman with disbelief, "Not much. He wanted t'know what was wrong, said I take too much on myself. I didn't want to talk about it."

"Well, I did," admits Tiriana, with a shrug. "I was just... wondering. If it matched up, or something like that. I don't know." And it's her turn to be defensive, sulking slightly over the look she receives. "I wasn't pissed, anyway. Well, not /much/ pissed--not pissed enough I didn't get over it. Or the depressingness, either, so." Shrug.

A glimmer in the sky spins and twirls downwards, getting bigger by the moment. Eventually it's recognizeable as a bronze dragon. Tausreth touches in the dusty bowl, crouching so that C'mryn can slide from his neck.

Gay is now looking at Tiriana with something between amusement and incredulousness - but she manages to put it away, to look a little less surprised as she tucks errant curls back behind her ears. "All right, well. Glad to see it worked out. Or didn't. I have no idea." She admits this rather cheerfully, then asides in a lower tone, "Thanks." Her dark gaze is drawn by the spiralling bronze - and she watches the pair land and C'mryn dismount.

And that, Tiriana doesn't at all know what to make of. She blinks at Gay and frowns, and finally says, in apparent confusion, "Thanks for /what/?" With an odd look for the rider, she shakes her head, glancing away and settling her own eyes on the recently arrived pair for the moment.

C'mryn lingers beside his dragon for a moment longer. With a shrug of his shoulders, he sets off in no distinct direction, pulling his helmet from his head. The girls are eventually noticed, and with only a moment's hesitation, he stalks there way, his pace quickened.

"For... not being that pissed or bothered by the depressingness?" Gay gives Tiriana a sidelong glance, brows arched questioningly - does that make sense? She's soon distracted by C'mryn and his stalking, head tilting as she watches him approach. With a nod, a bounce of bright curls, "Hey Cam."

"Huh. Well, okay," Tiriana agrees, and seems more or less assuaged in her curiosity by that fact. "I'm going to go find something to eat, though, I think. So... Well, bye." It's an unceremonious sort of parting, as she glances at Gay and then turns to go on her errand, with an absent wave.

C'mryn scratches at the back of his head, a rather bemused expression upon his face. "Hey, erm, hello, Weyrwoman," he replies, straightening just a little. He bobs his head at Tiriana as she heads off, almost relieved to see her go. "Actually, since you're here, do you have a moment?" he asks the goldrider.

tiriana, edlyn, gay, c'mryn, ronari, ileste

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