[Log] Eggies!

Jan 30, 2005 19:00

Who: Alina, Auvree, Dziban, Jaeni, Kenrid, Lacey, Rowena, Tabima, Tarianel, Tirya, Vashir, Zora
When: Day 5, Month 2, Turn 200
Where: Weyrhall, Southern Weyr
What: Dziban and others attend a firelizard hatching.

---| Weyrhall |------------------------------------| Southern Weyr (#333) |---

Adobe walls rise from granite tiles towards the crossbeams that support the impressively high ceiling, which has been painted: azure skies and wispy clouds dominating the western side, ebony pinpricked with silver the eastern. Broad windows with deep sills face the courtyard: each decorated with stained glass. As the stars come out in the sky outside, a faint breeze meanders through, bringing a touch of coolness to the still-warm air. Inside is now a little warmer than outside as the walls trap some of the heat of the day.

On the south wall a 'tapestry' and two 'paintings' have been hung to add color to the walls and below these a long serving 'table' is placed near the kitchen entrance, laden with food and drink. Frequently replenished, the table is often a hive of activity as people gather to read the 'menu' posted on the adjacent wall. Throughout the rest of the hall trestle tables have been placed in parallel. Behind some are benches and yet others have chairs, padded with green cushions. In the remaining corner a heavy 'loom' sits, a task threaded and in progress when time allows.


People:     Aneirin     Dziban

Others:     Basket of Sand

Obvious exits:

Courtyard  Kitchen  Resident Lounge

Basket of Sand
     A woven basket filled with warm sand and firelizard eggs.
Green Gables Egg
Lake of Shining Waters Egg
Snow Queen Egg
Idlewild Egg
Patty's Place Egg
Echo Lodge Egg
Rock People Egg
The Great White Way Egg

Auvree has arrived.

     Auvree maintains a presence commonly referred to as wanton. Her lithe and attractive frame holds a careless confidence driven by an obvious, though whimsical, passion for life. Obviously well-used to work and activity, it is unlikely that her body would be considered a strain on the eyes. Shapely limbs suggest more stamina than strength and carry her with a graceful stride becoming of her spirit.
     Her long, dark hair has a way of looking right even when it's tossed up into a 'tail or when it's framing the smooth complexion of her face in airy waves. Her almond-shaped eyes are a modest but active hazel, fringed with long lashes and crowned by thin, arching brows. Full and pretty pink lips embrace an easily exaggerated pout on the young woman's tanned features beneath an appropriately perky nose.
     A simple, warm brown skirt of thin fabric, accompanied by a wide belt that rests casually on her hips, falls about to mid-calf, well above the sandals adorning her feet. Instead of an actual shirt, the young woman is covered by an off-white bikini top with what seems to be a more masculine shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbows, worn unbuttoned over it. On her shoulder is worn the green and black corded knot of a Southern Weyr resident.

     At some sixteen turns, Dziban has reached a height of 5'7" and gained a decent figure to go along with her new-found maturity. Unfortunately, she seems to care very little for her appearance. Reaching to just between her shoulderblades, her dark brown hair is curly -- and tangly and frizzy, too, as though she never brushes it. While her face isn't stunning by any means, she isn't ugly, either. Her lips are full, but chapped and bitten, often to the point of bleeding. Her eyes are sharp and intelligent, though their color is an unremarkable hazel. With her tanned skin (though still bearing a few freckles across the bridge of her small, snubbed nose), it's obvious she spends a lot of time outside.

Kenrid saunters over from the grey flagstones of the courtyard.
Kenrid has arrived.

     Kenrid is a young man, looking about 19 turns of age. An average looking man his features rugged and his skin starting to tan as he gets use to the southern climate. His lean frame is firm from working hard for a living, but not overly bulky. Dark brown hair is kept long, hanging down to just above his shoulderblades. His straight hair lacking any body is kept tied in a runnertail with a thin leather tie. His hazel eyes sparkle with a heavily hidden sense of amusement and humor, while crinkling at the sides in a warm smile and yet with a half lidded hint of shyness. Not the tallest person around he stands about 5'10".
     Pristine white melds with vibrant yellow in the simple form of casual and uncomplicated beach wear. A classic tee's bleached cotton body has a relaxed, but not overly loose, shape. The noticeable lemon shade of its crew neck and raglan sleeves serves to draw the eye upward, emphasizing Kenrid's broad shoulders. Sporty, yellow shorts ride low on his waist and stop just above the knee, a wide, white stripe running vertically down both outer thighs. Here the two colors are slightly darker than those of the shirt due to the lustrous sheen of quick-drying fabric. A solitary camp pocket is sewn onto the right rear, a strip of hook-and-loop material offering a secure close even while swimming. Suitable for any summer occasion, leather sandals finish off this comfortably stylish look.

Jaeni saunters over from the grey flagstones of the courtyard.
Jaeni has arrived.

Dziban, looking remarkably neat and clean, sits in the middle of the weyrhall. In front of her is a picked-over plate of food, now bearing little more than a few traces of sauces and a small pile of disgustingly smushed steamed vegetables. She looks a bit bored: there's no one near really close to her seat for her to chatter to.

Tabima enters from the grey flagstones of the courtyard.
Tabima has arrived.

Alina has arrived.

     A leather riding jacket with a Starflame Wing badge sewn into it is accompanied by a Wingleaders knot and worn over a dark green top. The shirt is composed of a light material, though sturdy and suitable for the Southern climate. It has a deeply sloped neckline that reaches down to a vertical row of cream-colored buttons securing it closed. Her shapely legs are covered with fitting wher-hide pants that are a dark brown color. The pants seem to be suffering from some wear and tear. At the knees, patches that are a dark brown are sewn on, to mend a rip or two. Along the seems a few repair jobs are clearly noticeable. The bottoms of the pants are tucked into high topped black boots that are tightly laced all the way up and showing signs of wearing at the toes.
     Jaeni reaches in height to about 5'6. She has a curvy figure, made more noticable the form fitting clothing she chooses to wear. Her hair isa dirty blonde, highlighted by the sun over many summers of Southern weather; the style is an angled cut of medium length, with wisps of hair sometimes falling into her face. Slightly angled eyes of a deep brown sit underneathe the arches of her dark blonde eyebrows. The nose is pert and the lips, small and shapely with a nice pink tinge to them. Overall her face has a rounded look, mostly to the cheeks.

     Neutral tones mark this Pernese woman called Tabima. Her hair is the color of sandy mud but unlike mud has depth of color thanks to highlights of light nearly dirty blonde and lowlights of dark chocolate through out its long length. Her hair is long by most standards, coming to just about her middle back. It has little body except for a slight wavy texture that starts at just below shoulder length. Only her bangs have been cut short, assumingly to keep them out of her blue almost green eyes. Sitting high on her forehead they help to define the heart shape of her tan face that is still filled out in places by baby fat. More baby fat is also still on her young body, hugging spots where nature is just beginning to fill out the curves of a woman. She looks to be 16 turns, 0 months and 9 days old.
     Red, black and gray provide some color to this otherwise neutral creature. Her high collar tunic has been dyed to a bright red although some spots still look faded and almost pink in color. Her long skirt has suffered much the same treatment only with black dye, leaving some spots slightly gray. Hugging what few curves her young body has, the tunic and skirt cover her from nearly head to toe. Only the tips of her tan boots can be seen below her skirt.

     Some people are known for a single prominent feature, one characteristic which stands out beyond all others and leads any description or memory. Alina, at least six feet tall, vibrantly red-haired and seemingly the perfect blend of delicate features and wiry strength, is not one of those people. Her perpetually wind-burned face and the startling jade green eyes dancing from within it is surrounded by ringlets of pure flame, fiery curls equaled by gracefully arching eyebrows. Her figure shows the signs of a dragonrider's life, limbs slender yet hiding whipcord muscles beneath their fragility, slim fingers and small hands roughened by weather. Her bearing speaks of the light and unflappably agile, the unbreakable swizzle stick.

Kenrid comes in carrying his own wineskin, heading for the table he grabs a glass to use and fills it up. Looking towards the basket he approaches and peers inside, "Oh, little eggies. Who do these belong to?"

Jaeni steps out of the kitchen, holding her hands up in the defensive position. "Look, ma'am. They're going to be starting the rotations soon. I'm still really sorry about all the mud. I had no idea it got that far into the building!" The Wingleader's eyes widen at whatever words are thrown out of her and she turns around, head down towards the serving table.

Alina isn't far behind the weyrherder, only she's minus wineskin and being flown dizzying circles around by a hyperactive green firelizard. "Ack! Eek! Jezara, get *off* me, shell shards girl what's with you? Yes I've been out flying, no you don't need to be so... whoops, heyla all. Uh-oh." This as Jaeni's words regarding mud and rotations reaches her. "Uh, I'm not here. Eggs?" Yay distractions!

Auvree finds her way into the hall quietly, stride lacking caution though she manages not to bump into anyone as she sweeps by the serving table for a roll of roast wherry. As she munches on her catch, she continues on toward one of the few people she recognizes past a face and settles down beside the other. "Hey, Dziban," she greets the other girl and smiles.

Zora saunters over from the grey flagstones of the courtyard.
Zora has arrived.

Vashir walks over from the bustle of a lounge decorated in Southern Weyr's colors.
Vashir has arrived.

Tirya strides over from the grey flagstones of the courtyard.
Tirya has arrived.

The start of some semblance of a commotion draws Dziban's attention toward first the eggs, then the kitchens, but the most pressing thing on her mind is her own name, uttered by Auvree. "Oh, hey, Auvree," she greets the other hunter brightly, offering a smile. "Gonna join me? Not that, you know, I'm not already done, but you know what I mean." She shrugs, eyeing emptied plate.

     Fairly tall of stature and charismatic of demeanor, this man draws attention if not respect from his very appearance and presence. Lean and trim, legacy of a diligence in maintaining physical prowess, he possesses a sharp jaw line and an aquiline nose. Black hair is kept short and slightly tousled in a rakish, nonchalant manner. Piercing, silvery cobalt eyes so light as to be almost white near the pupils, survey with careful analysis all which comes within their view, offset by an expressive mouth as equally suited to broad and thoroughly winning smiles punctuated with dimples as it is to disapproving and glowering frowns. He usually carries himself with a self-assured gait, that of a man who knows his surroundings. He stands about 5'11", and seems to be in his early twenties in way of turns.
     He wears fairly simple clothing, an undyed off white short sleeved shirt beneath a tunic of earthen color that match the slacks he wears beneath that. His boots look well worn, though in a decent state of repair. He doesn't wear much in the way of ornamentation, just a twine bracelet that encircles his right wrist that has a couple blue and yellow colored wooden beads placed on it that move freely over the twine and his Southern Weyr resident's knot, emerald green, light green and black looped under his arm with two knots.

     Gentle hues of honeyed gold paled by shadows in silken skin be this, the figure of Zora. A fragile slender body of delicateness, just a tinge, a small hint of roundness curves at her belly, could it be?. With umber hue softened hair. Cropped short for the requirements of her status, though with gentle curls about her visage accenting her facial features. Most commonly noticed are her dissimilar eyes. With a deepened royal blue differing the emerald green that opposes it. Fading from this focal point is a gentle face of Ovid shape. With full lips of soft rose to complete her facial silhouette. This woman does stand tall at the height of five foot six, but visually looks small by figure.
     Zora wears simple garments today, a soft blue tunic over a light blue sleeveless shirt, barely enough to hide the curve of her belly. She also wears darkened blue trousers with a matching belt, upon which her beltknife sits. Finally brown leather boots shod her feet, and her shoulder knot clearly present on her should, the black and green wingriders knot, with the green string of her lifemates color, and the patch of firedance wing.

     Tirya is a tall, clean cut figure standing at around six foot. Her body is lithe, and rather muscular and she holds herself in a confident manner with her chin raised and her shoulders back slightly. The girl's slim frame shows only a hint of womanly curvature through her modest clothing and her long limbs give Tirya the look of a young boy. Obsidian locks hang like silken strands about her face, cut shorter in the back and gaining in length as they approach her chin. Here, they are just a bit shy of her shoulders. The young woman's hair is lustrous and thick, setting off her feminine face. Her skin is of sun-kissed cream, just dark enough to be beyond a porcelain finish. Pale eyes of frosted jade are a startling feature, drawing attention to her face where they are joined by a small, pointy nose and pouting pink lips. High cheekbones finish out the neatly chiseled look and lend to a sullen and almost snobby appearance.
     The lean girl wears a simple tunic of pale cerulean over khaki colored breeches. At her shoulder rests a knot of emerald, light green and black which signifies that she is a rider of Southern Weyr. One thread of gold indicates the color of her lifemate. Brown boots complete the tidy yet uncomplicated attire.

Kenrid points towards the basket, "Yes, seems someone left those behind." He says in Alina's direction before taking a seat. Nibbling on a meatroll between sips of wine as he looks towards Jaeni's way. "How many times you going to do that?"

Tabima enters, from the Kitchens, with both of her hands wrapped firmly around a steaming cup of something or other. She shakes her head at Jaeni on her way by without stopping. She wanders around, settling her cup on one table then picking it up and keeping right on her way. Finally she settles at one table near to Dziban's.

Vashir slips into the weyrhall, grinning a bit as he does so. He wanders over towards the table where Jaeni might be sitting and on the way past attempts to tousle a bit of her hair. It's all in good fun, though and he waves a bit at the others gathered about.

Tarianel enters from the grey flagstones of the courtyard.
Tarianel has arrived.

Zora trudges into the hall, looking as tired as ever, and not too happy as she gets a glass of juice from the serving table, and hunts for a seat at the emptiest table that she could possibly find in a crowded weyrhall. She doesn't bother to wave or greet anyone as she trudges along to that empty seat over there in the corner.

     There's a certain presence to Tarianel that's often overlooked, for behind the fresh-faced innocence there is a spirit that's hard to discern. Standing just less than six foot, her figure is nothing exceptional, and even prone to more roundness than is normal. Blonde hair falls in lazy waves to her shoulders, curling from her temples and high forehead to reveal the childlike exuberance found there, dark honey at the roots and brighter champagne at the ends where it has been captured by the Southern sun. Blue eyes, bright as though the heavens themselves were captured, are perhaps her most prominent feature, smudged with kohl to further enhance their appearance. Her high cheekbones are chiseled planes that are perhaps a little too sharp for her face, sweeping back from the corners of her mouth that is wide and curvaceous, and her nose, also angular, complements the rest of her face.
      Amber, like a drop of sunlight captured, then shadowed and polished, is mimicked within the waistcoat that lies over an almost transparent, short-sleeved tunic, of creamy ivory. Abstract patterns stylized in rich cinnamon thread contrast sharply with the ochre, the varied shapes following the neckline of the waistcoat, curling around Tari's neck. Bubbles of amber have been cleverly crafted into buttons, securely fitting the waistcoat to her body. Cinnamon is also reflected in her snug-fitting wherhide pants and highly polished ebony boots complete the outfit.

Alina ends up near Dziban's table, searching for a seat amid a gathering crowd. "Seat, seat, where'd they put the... oh, there you are." Not spoken to any person, oh no--spoken to the chair itself just as Lina drops into it. "Someone left eggs in here... wonder who they belong to." She echoes Kenrid's sentiments even as she's nodding around to various recognizable people as they walk in. "Heyla, and heyla and... sheesh. Busy in here."

Jaeni grabs a glass of water and hearing Kenrid's voice directed at her, looks over to the man. "I didn't -do- anything. There are still some harsh feelings left over from the... incident. That's all." She clears her throat and takes the glass of water over to sit by Tabima and Dziban. When someone messes up her hair, she turns her head up quickly. "Hey! Did I say you... Oh. Hi." This part said to Vashir.

Auvree settles herself down as she stuffs the last of the wherry slice into her mouth and nods her head. Then she smiles again and replies to Dziban, "Of course. Long as you don't mind or anything. You kinna looked like you might be thinking on something," she points out.

From the basket of sand, Snow Queen Egg spins about in the sand.

Tarianel wanders in with Audra nipping at her hair, "Oh get off you nuisance, I'm heading that way and no one will hurt them you stupid creature."

From the basket of sand, Patty's Place Egg vibrates faintly, making the sand that has built up around its sides trickle away.

"Thinkin'? Me?" Dziban scoffs to Auvree, shaking her head. "Nope, nothing of the sort. I was just sittin' here, mostly. What's going on over there? I heard eggs. You think--?" She shoots a curious look over at the basket and those around it, then to Auvree again. "Now I'm all curious."

From the basket of sand, Echo Lodge Egg wobbles like crazy.

Audra flutters over to where the eggs are wobbling in their basket, and perches lightly on the handle. Curiously she tilts her head and looks in and then she humms softly, encouraging the eggs on their way.

From the basket of sand, Green Gables Egg trembles once, and is still.

Vashir just gives Jaeni a broad smile as she turns around to scold him, and shrugs his shoulders helplessly. He then arches a brow as the basket seems to have a bit of activity in it. "Hey, Jaeni. How's it going?" He asks, then his attention drifts a little more thoroughly over towards the basket of eggs.

From the basket of sand, Rock People Egg rocks in the sand, developing fine lines up its sides.

Alina glances up, first as Jaeni sits down nearby. "Heyla Jae, oh great, I forgot about that mud mess incident thingie... almost anyway. Shell shards, can't get away from it I guess. Heyla er, weyrwoman," she adds as that glance caught the entering Tarianel and Audra. "They be your gold's? Not Isaranth's, I mean hers." No sooner is the last word out of Lina's mouth than she's turned again, turned to notice... "Hey, did somethin' just twitch?"

Tabima nods by way of greeting Jaeni and suddenly a hand goes up to rub one temple with a sour look crosses her face but it fades quickly. "Hello Jaeni. Still doing the chores in here?" She asks and she takes a sip of whatever is in the cup. She tips it to take a drink and a slight odor comes from the cup, a not to pleasant one at that.

From the basket of sand, Patty's Place Egg rocks in the sand, developing fine lines up its sides.

Auvree laughs at the other hunter and shrugs, but her attention is drawn over to where the basket of firelizard eggs has been settled. "Looks like, maybe. Wanna get closer and make sure? I love watching the looks on peoples' faces when shells start breaking." The young woman grins and gestures her head toward the eggs.

Tarianel nods to Alina, "Audra's been bugging me like crazy to finish up with the paper and hustle over here, I made her wait so long I thought I'd finally better."

From the basket of sand, Rock People Egg spins about in the sand.

From the basket of sand, The Great White Way Egg gets to rocking so much that it can't stop, perhaps in response to mama's low hum.

From the basket of sand, Rock People Egg gyrates in the sand, knocking against one of its neighbours.

Zora glances over at the spot that has everyone elses attention. "Hmm" She mumbles but doesn't leave her seat yet if she ever will. She is totally uninterested, and looks as though she just wants to be left alone. She is looking really grumpy today.

The kitchenworker's know what's up - there's a firelizard hatching about to occur! They come out of the kitchen with large bowl's of scraps - less mess if they are prepared, after all.

Tirya ambles in and wanders over to the gathered crowd. "What is all the commotion?" she murmurs, peering about and scratching lazily at her shoulder. "Oh no!" she notes, laughing at the sight. "More of the little beasties?" is her amused statement.

Dziban nods quickly to Auvree, already abandoning her plate. 'Mad scramble' might be the most accurate term for what follows: the girl dodges her way through a couple of people until she's close enough that she can get a good long long. She glances over her shoulder, gesturing wildly for Auvree. "C'mere and see. They're rocking already. Sure does happen fast. It's been turns since I saw a hatching properly. Firelizard, that is. How about you?" she rambles, growing excitedly, her speech speeding up.

Jezara chooses this moment to join in that hum, a shrill soprano that sets Lina to clapping a hand to the ear nearest her green's muzzle. "Aieee! Jeez Jezara, in my *ear*! Ooh, makes sense then, and... uh, congratulations? I think? Ooh yup, that hum can only mean *one* thing." And she's clambering to her feet, the better to edge toward the basket of quiveries and the humming gold. "Indeed Tir, eggies be hatching in here!"

From the basket of sand, The Great White Way Egg can't wait any longer and shakes violently, tumbling itself out of the basket and onto the hearth, well prepared for the event with a bit of cushioning sand from the basket itself.

Jaeni looks down at her glass of water and places it down on the table. Pushing her chair back, she nearly presses it right into someone else. "Um, excuse me. I know the eggs are nearby... but..." No response. "Move it!" The bluerider says in stronger tones and the person finally shifts away. She sends a smile up to Vashir as she stands. "Ah, just the usual. Plus this little hatching as well." There's a nod to Alina, "Yes, it starts to tomorrow. You're on the very first shift at night." Jae winks to her.

The The Great White Way Egg wobbles a little more, then cracks open.

Modest Matthew Bronze
      Stillness surrounds this hatchling, born of peacefulness and echoed in his subtle coloring, like camouflage, of dulled bronze tinged green with the patina of age. Rustier shades mark the crevices of his spare frame, delineating the contours of haunch and shoulder, tipping the blunted neckridges down his neck like the well-used tines of a plow. Talons are deepest brown, rich loam tilled to release its minerals, a film of frost dimming the bronze of his belly still more. Wingsails are opaque, drifting whorls of smoke puffed from a winter's eve pipe clinging to the thin membrane, held firm by 'spars of burnished copper.

Tarianel laughs, "Congratulations? For more empty stomachs? Somehow I think not, though they occasionally have their uses" she adds to Alina.

Rowena walks over from the bustle of a lounge decorated in Southern Weyr's colors.
Rowena has arrived.

     Of middling height she stands out little in that department which is probably good for a girl of sixteen Turns. As for body build she leans towards the trim side; not overly thin like some or homely like others, just trim which suits her lifestyle quite fine. No part of her body really stands out as being strong or weak; every appendage in harmony with the others. Her once fair-skinned self is now tinged by the inevitable tan that the Southern Continent brings.The crescent shaped scar framing the corner of her right eye stands out now, more so than ever. A pale patch on tanned complexion happens to have that affect. Hair cut off at shoulder blade length more often than not it is pulled back so as to not hinder her vision. Two colors make up the composition; amber and fawn mixed harmoniously to create the illusion of highlights. Her eyes are the run-of-the-mill blue variety flecked by tiny spots of hazel which congregate around the pupil.A half sleeve length off white mens shirt bedecks her upper body. Cinched tightly about her torso a rust colored bodice holds to her, acting as a barrier for the much too big shirt. A long skirt of the same shirt color drops to just above ankle length. Yet another skirt is placed over that matching her bodice in color. This skirt only comes to just below her knees and is gathered at her hips while the rest drapes across her front and back like a heavy curtain. As for footwear she wears whatever she can find, which currently happens to be a pair of old boots that once belonged to her aunt.

Auvree follows Dziban quickly, dodging several people before getting a spot where she can see the eggs and breaking shells around the taller girl. "Been a while for me, too," she nods, still smiling and her gaze settled on the basket. "You gonna give it a go?"

Vashir seems distracted as he goes and picks out some pieces of meat to try for one of the little beasts. He then tries nudging his way closer to the basket, to hold out the piece of meat in offering for the new hatchling. He grins at Jaeni, though beyond that he doesn't say anything regarding, well.. anything.

Tabima rolls her eyes as fellow workers show up with many bowls. She nods to Jaeni with a slight chuckle. "Just give me my Tuber Peeling Students and I'll be happy." That said she slips into the crowd and towards the eggs just in time to see a little bronze hatch from his egg. With a slight smile she manages to snag a piece of meat and joins the group offering it out to him, albiet silently.

Kenrid gets up as eggs begin to crack, following others over. He peers over a couple shoulders. "I thought Aysel was singing about something on the roof. Anyone have some meat?" But then the kitchenworker arrives and he waits his turn to grab some scraps. "That's a pretty one." Making little clicking noises as he holds out the meat carefully.

Modest Matthew Bronze Hatchling recovers slowly from his sudden entrance into the world, wobbly body sprawled in the remains of his egg as he blinks, looking about. Slow seems to be the order of the day, and shy. He peeks around at the giant forms hovering over him and cowers back - until something greater drives him into righting himself: Hunger. He creels, eyes whirling with red suddenly as his stomach lurches him to his feet. Who needs courage?

Audra continues her low humm, chirping at the little bronze as he hatches. Tarianel grabs a glass of water as someone passes with a tray nodding her thanks to the server.

Alina begins over one shoulder to the weyrwoman, "I dunno, they can be pests but I like 'em--eeeew!" the reason for the disgusted noise is revealed as bright eyes roll toward her sister. "Blast it Jae, I was afraid you were gonna say that one. Ick, and ick, and--" pause, sniff. "Ick. Why's that smell... really icky? Oh well, might as well--" and her reach and acceptance of a handful of meat tidbits is made that much quieter for her gazing at the smoky bronzeling. "Wow."

Rowena enters as calmly as if it were a regular day occurance but upon seeing the eggs she hurries off to grab a small packet of uncooked meat. Finding a spot where she can actually see. Smiling at the little bronze and nodding briefly to those about her she readies herself, as best as possible.

Zora just wanted to watch but some very tall person got in her way. Grumbling she gets up and heads toward the basket, shes grabs some dry meatrolls to munch on along the way. She finds a nice seat not to far away to sit and watch the little hatching, and she munches on her meatroll, having just a bland time.

Dziban shrugs. "Why not? Mom'll kill me if I bring anything elsehome--she's still mad about the canine that time--but really, it's only a little thing? How much trouble can it be?" And with that imperfect reasoning, she snatches up a bowl and several pieces of meat from it, offering the remainder to Auvree, if she's interested. "You want some, too?"

Tarianel giggles at Alina, shaking her head, "This is why I am perfectly happy with Audra and no more for me. Feeding them can be rather icky, though at least Audra fishes on occasion."

Jaeni reaches over to a passing kitchenworker and snags a few pieces of meat. She slips through the throng of people towards the eggs and grins as she takes sight of the bronze hatchling. She holds the meat out tentatively and wiggles it to him. Over her shoulder she responds to Alina, "But you'll be on it with me! I'm going to be directing that first shift." She grins at the greenrider and looks around for Tabima. "I've got some good prospective students!"

From the basket of sand, Idlewild Egg vibrates faintly, making the sand that has built up around its sides trickle away.

Vashir wiggles the piece of meat at the bronze hatchling, waiting to see who it seems to favour. He's rather quiet about it all, moving slightly out of the way as Jaeni scoots her way towards the throng of people. "C'mon little guy, get some meat, you know you want it." He says with a bit of a chuckle, then flickers his gaze towards Jaeni, "I'll be sure to come and make a large mess, just for you."

Auvree watches the hatchling with her nose wrinkled in light amusement. She grins at Dziban's reasoning not knowing one way or the other about what having a 'lizard means. "Sure," she says, accepting a few pieces and gesturing them out in a similar stance to what many others have taken. "Thanks. Think these things'd be a nuisance when you're trying to be quiet?"

Rowena grimaces slightly at the thought of the feeding bit. It couldn't be as bad as a baby could it? Picking a select piece of meat she places it flat on her palm with a little bit sticking out over her fingers, holding it a safe but tantilizing distance in hopes of peaking the bronze's interest.

Modest Matthew Bronze Hatchling manages to get upright and then resists his hungry briefly to once again look at the crowd, cringing away from the noisier of them and taking halting, deliberate steps forward. He seems to be warring with his stomach, each faltering step slow and hesitant but soon the smell of raw meat overcomes him and he creels again as he flaps his wings to dry them. Just in case he has to fly away, see.

From the basket of sand, Echo Lodge Egg rocks in the sand, developing fine lines up its sides.

From the basket of sand, Rock People Egg seems to feel the need to follow the leader. It too shakes violently and topples to the hearth.

The Rock People Egg wobbles a little more, then cracks open.

Indomitable Davy Blue
     Energetic blues coat this hatchling's hide, the varied shades of an ever-moving ocean's waters moving inexorably towards an unsuspecting shore. Abyssal colors are prominent, though they lighten over haunches and shoulders to aquamarine, the more brilliant turquoise of a tropical bay tipping each wave-like neckridge. Foamy brine washes down his back and legs to talons of sandy hue, backwashing against his belly to splash even paler spray onto his sides. His wingsails are azure blue, a sunlit sky unmarred by even the wispiest of clouds, their color pure against the support of seaweed strewn 'spars of driftwood, sanded smooth by the eternal pounding of ocean's heart.

Tabima seems to realize she left her cup as she turns back to look at it, still steaming and probably smelling. She shifts her weight to her opposite leg and wiggles the food in her hand slightly. She looks up in the general direction of Jaeni. "Good! I'll expect a good first class! I want plenty of tuber peelers in the Kitchens before I end up with that job again." The meat has stopped wiggling as she speaks and she starts wiggling it some more for the bronze hatchling.

Kenrid looks over at Vashir, "Ever impressed one before? Admit I am a little leery of making Aysel jealous. But he could use a playmate." He then looks over the new blue. "Nice coloring, haven't seen one as dark as aysel."

Tirya chuckles in a good natured fashion and then goes to sit down and nibble at a few meatrolls. "Silly creatures," she says, scanning around for Striad a moment and then shrugging to herself. The young woman watches the group with interest as she takes care of her own belly.

Tarianel curls her fingers around her glass and takes a sip. She's sat close to the basket of eggs, but not too close, allowing the others to crowd in and try to impress one of the hatchlings.

Alina is jostled, shifting position and likely squishing the meat snippets held in one hand as she tries through the crowd to speak to her wingleader. "Yeah well, that's not so terribly bad but... I'm *so* gonna have words with J'fil and D'cin after this be done with! The punishment I mean, but the--oooh." The hatching of the latest blue is glimpsed as a tall brownrider steps out of Li's way. "Looks like Varanth, he does. Sort of." In prelude to offering, Lina proceeds to collect the squished meat. "Eew, eew... I'm all scuzzy now..."

Rowena 's attention is quickly turned to the new blue and a deleighted giggle escapes her. "I have a weak spot for new born creatures," she admits to any who happen to be listening to her. The hand with the meat offering remains where it is as she digs about for another should she end of needing it.

Indomitable Davy Blue Hatchling is not afraid at all by this new adventure - he's up in an instance, shaking off egg goo with a violent shiver of his entire tiny body before he looks around with interest. He creels, a happy sound that seems to say 'Now, what mischief can I get into?" or perhaps it's a plea for food, as his eyes whirl a hungry red. It's been so loooong since lunch, after all!

Zora fumbles with her meatrolls, and watches as another egg hatches. The fine colored blue catches her attention, but she really couldn't care less to try to entice it with the spiced cooked meatroll that they probably wouldn't be interested in anyway.

Vashir shakes his head at Kenrid, "Naw, never before." He answers quietly, wiggling the piece of meat towards both the little creatures that've tumbled out of their eggshells. Little guys sure got their pick of the people.

From the basket of sand, Snow Queen Egg vibrates faintly, making the sand that has built up around its sides trickle away.

Dziban grins, taking a seat on the ground, then sprawling out and earning herself a nasty look or two from a pair of residents she displaces. Then, all too enthusiastically, she flops her first piece of meat around in the air and the general direction of first the bronze, then the blue. "He's kinda pretty, to be so... well, ugly. They're not exactly cute when they hatch. Or when they grow up, either, come to think of it." She pauses, frowning, then shrugs, not particularly concerned. It doesn't stop her haphazard efforts to attract the attention of a hatchling, at any rate.

Jaeni continues to wiggle the meat for the hungry little bronze. When he cringes from the noise, she smiles a bit at his reaction. Turning her gaze on Vashir momentarily, "Well, I certainly expect you to come by and make a mess." She grins at him and turns back to the hatchling. "I can't say they'll be /good/ students. But they'll be students, Tabby." Jae looks over as Alian approaches and laughs, "Afraid of a little meat, sound like you never butchered as a weyrling before."

Alina snorts, finishing picking the worst of the meat squish from her fingers and gazing disgustedly down at the decidedly red band of her normally gold ring. "Yeah I did, 'tisn't that, it's just all over my hand. Ick. Students for what? Did I miss somethin' again?" If those scraps are wiggled between energetic fingers, Lina's not doing so consciously.

Auvree laughs quietly at Dziban's words and manner as she wiggles her chunk of meat toward one hatchling then the other. "I think I like the littleness of them most. They're like babes all the time," she muses with a girlish lilt to her voice. "Guess that might not be the greatest thing, though, too" she grins at her own remark.

Modest Matthew Bronze Hatchling moves slowly past all the hands holding meat, creeling occasionally, veering away from the scarier ones - the loud ones, the ones that wobble meat at him too violently. He seems to be on the verge of panic and flight despite his hunger until suddenly he stumbles and falls right onto a hand that smells like tubers - but the meat it holds smells better still and he takes a huge chomp, creeling muffled as hunger has its way and makes the choice for him.

The Modest Matthew Bronze Hatchling glances up at Tabima.

From the basket of sand, Lake of Shining Waters Egg spins about in the sand.

Tabima gets shifted into by others and she is forced back a step but still close enough to be offering her food to the little bronze. She has apparently taken note of the blue as her eyes glance over him. Her head shifts as she looks at the little bronze and waggles her piece of meat at him. "As long as they're there, Jaeni. Once I have them, they'll have no choice but to be good students!" She smiles over her shoulder, and then her hand has something on it. "Oh!" She looks at the little bronze and feeds him her meat.

Modest Matthew Bronze Hatchling has left.
Tabima watches as Modest Matthew Bronze Hatchling flies over.

Indomitable Davy Blue Hatchling races around the circle of people, sniffing at interesting smells that seem to come from all around him. But he just can't find the right /smell/ to ease his hunger and creels impatiently, almost stomping his little feet in a rhythmic dance - his next creel sounds somewhat like an indian ululation as he goes on the warpath for his dinner!

From the basket of sand, Green Gables Egg spins about in the sand.

Kenrid grins over at the pair of female hunters, "They may be very helpful with your job, train them to scout ahead for a good kill. I have heard of explores using them. A;though some say trouble ain't worth it." His eyes drifting down at other eggs start to crack, "Oh, hey, looks like the bronze has found a home."

Dziban gives Auvree a look like she thinks the other girl's crazy. "What? They're /nothing/ like babies. Trust me. Babies are /terrible/. My mom's a nanny, you know, and I've got a ton of siblings, anyway, so I know all about babies," she says incredulously, pausing in flinging about meat to gawk. Then, as the bronze disappears, she glances around: "Hey! What happened to--Oh." She sees Tabima and the hatchling, and grins crookedly.

Shards of a The Great White Way Egg has left.
Tabima gathers up the Shards of a The Great White Way Egg.

From the basket of sand, Echo Lodge Egg doesn't shake so violently as its predecessors but it, too, doesn't seem content to stay in the basket. With a shudder and a roll, it plops onto the sanded hearth.

Vashir grins at Tabima as she impresses the little shy bronze, but continues just holding out the piece of meat between his fingers for the little blue that's hatched. He shrugs his shoulders at Jaeni, "I'll try not to make too big of a mess, but no promises." He says, tugging a chair closer so he can sit down. It gets so tiring standing there.

The Echo Lodge Egg wobbles a little more, then cracks open.

Loquacious Mrs Linde Green
     A patchwork of colors compromises this hatchling's hide, as if every scrap of fabric in shades of green were used to stitch it together - every verdant shade covers her from blunted muzzle to tail's tip, each separate square delineated by thread-thin lines etched into the colorful backdrop. Absinthe is prominent across her haunches, while jade graces her shoulders, and each neckridge, as sharp as a fishwife's tongue, is a different shade of verdigris as well. Only her talons show any consistency with a solid pearly tincture, which reflects the brilliance of a belly coated in peridot. Wingsails stretched taut by mossy spars are quilted as well, though here different colors are seen, embroidered patterns of tiny blossoms dotting the variegated backdrop.

Alina blinks, looking from bronze to blue to bronze again as the smoky little hatchling finds a companion in the kitchen assistant. "Oops, there goes the one gone," is the sing-song statement as those smooshed scraps continue their unconscious dance. "Luck to you, hopefully yours doesn't sing like mine. that is *loud*."

Rowena blinks owlishly at the rather sudden impression and the rather raucous blue on the table. A quick congrajulatory wave is sent Tabima's way as her attention is taken once again by the blue and the sudden hatching of yet another. so many things to pay attention to! Swiping back a loose strand of hair with her meatless hand the other remains at its tempting distance, an occasional little shake given to attract attention.

Kenrid grins down at the green as he offers out the meat, "I don't think they ugly. Maybe not as cute as a canine pup, but, hey, they have a mother too." Offering the meat a little farther he dangles it, letting it wiggle like a worm as he starts to coo softly.

Jaeni grins as Tabima bonds with her new friend. "Good work, Tabi!" She calls over to the girl. When Alina speaks about the blood on her hand, she glances down at her own. Yep. The meat juice got onto her to. The bluerider raises an eyebrow at and sighs. "You know, Lina, you might have a point." She smirks over to Vashir, "You're supposed to make a mess..." Eyes sliding over she takes notice of the blue and wiggles that meat him instead.

"They say" Tarianel begins to the greenrider, "that they only sing if you teach them too. So, the question is - did you Alina?"

Auvree can only shrug at Dziban's reply since she has a lacking experience with babies in general. "I suppose. But babies are cute until they get to that annoying stage where nothing is right. I guess in comparison to dragons, lizards are kinna cute like that, too." She shrugs again and bobs her chunk of meat at the hatchlings.

Tabima offers her little bronze a fresh strip of meat as he finishes off the first one with some speed. "I got one!" She speaks, still feeding the little one in front of her as she tries to get him to move with her away from the browd. "Thanks!" She calls over towards Jaeni and Alina at once. "Sing? No thank you." Her little bronze attacks the fresh meat with great joy.

Loquacious Mrs Linde Green Hatchling shakes off her egg goo and shell fragments with a hurried shake, glaring at the offending articles as if they did it just on purpose. Then she begins to creel, looking around all of the large forms. And doesn't stop creeling - it sounds as if she's scolding and has no intention of letting up anytime soon.

Lacey saunters over from the bustle of a lounge decorated in Southern Weyr's colors.
Lacey has arrived.

From the basket of sand, Snow Queen Egg vibrates faintly, making the sand that has built up around its sides trickle away.

Alina pinkens slightly, that much less contrast to her fiery hair and the... smoosh marking her hand. "Thought so Jae, thought so. Uh... maybe I didn't teach her but I do sing. Sorta. Guess she caught on. Wow!" This as the next of the eggs explodes and that mottled verdant green spills out. "Shells, Kiri in miniature!"

Zora watches as a interestingly color little green breaks out of it's shell, shes actually interested in this one, though she doesn't dare try raw meat to entice her as it's already started to make the greenrider sick. instead she offers a spiced meatroll toward the green hatchling, waving it back and forth trying to attrack the greens attention.

Dziban shakes her head persistantly. "They're only cute when you can hand them off to their parents," she answers, still grinning. By now, her arm's getting tired, so she swaps hands and resumes with renewed rigor shaking the uncooked meat at first one hatchling, then another, unable to fully focus her activities.

"I wouldn't want to make too much of a mess, you might hold it against me, and then where would I be?" Vashir asks of Jaeni, before grinning at Tabima. "Congratulations, Tabima.." He says, still holding his piece of raw meat out towards the little hatchlings. Even the green's creeling doesn't seem to stop him from being interested in the little beasties.

Lacey adjusts her kerchief, then checks her blouse is neatly tucked in and all is presentable before launching into the crowded hall. She carries a business-like air about her as she targets in one a victim, a young scamp of a weyrchild. Uncerimonously, the girl dumps four dust-rags on his lap and gestures to the lounge. "Very funny, now off with you and clean it up."

Indomitable Davy Blue Hatchling doesn't plan to stay hungry forever. Since he can't get what he wants, he'll go for what he can get, like any ravenous little boy. He races around the circle again, just because he's so full of energy after being crammed in one tiny space for so long, before finally pouncing on a delectably jiggling piece of meat - like a fish after a warm he's caught - hook, line, and sinker - by Rowena.

The Indomitable Davy Blue glances up at Rowena.

From the basket of sand, Idlewild Egg rocks in the sand, developing fine lines up its sides.

Kenrid glances at Zora, "Teach one to sing along with your flute playing? Maybe you will have more luck than Alina." A slight grin comes up before he offers to the green again. Hearing a familiar voice he gives a little wave to Laey with his free hand. "Wanna try for a new friend?"

Indomitable Davy Blue Hatchling has left.
Rowena watches as Indomitable Davy Blue Hatchling flies over.

Tarianel nods to Zora, "They do like to sing, odd though that is, you just have to be a little patient with them."

Jaeni is still wiggling that piece of meat at the blue, when she looks over to the green that has just hatchced out. The bluerider is unable to stiffle quite a few giggles at her reaction to the world. Noticing the blue's impression she turns the meat over to shake it at the green. "She's nearly as cranky as Arawn is." Jae notes to Vashir he gets her attention again. "Where would you be?" She grins slyly and shakes her head. "I don't know, I might have to have a talk with you in private or something." She smirks at him before looking back to the hatchlings again.

From the basket of sand, Snow Queen Egg wobbles like crazy.

Alina smirks in an aside to Vashir as that meat wriggles toward blue, toward green, toward blue again and then avoids the blue as it seems he's found a Rowena to latch onto. "Oops, uh-oh, there goes another one--where'd you be Vashir? In with us, clearin' up the mess!" She wishes, according to her briefly sour expression. Someone's not liking the idea of serving detail.

Shards of a Rock People Egg has left.
Rowena gathers up the Shards of a Rock People Egg.

"Hey, I didn't make the mess in the first place!" Vashir retorts to Alina with, before realizing he might be a little too loud to be attracting any of the hatchlings with that tone of voice. He then smirks at Jaeni, and hmms. "That sounds promising..." He says, trailing off and looking at the other egg that's wibbling like mad to see what might pop out of that one.

Lacey continues on her way, now that the unpleasant task is behind her, she can enjoy her evening. Or she would if she didn't stand there with her jaw flapping in the breeze. "'Lizard hatching?" The girl's swift to find any scraps she can find, making sure that they rest in a bowl until she's close enough to be part of the action. "Excuse me, excuse me.." Dimples and sweet talking, apologetic giggles and serious wriggling later and she's within viewing range of the little creatures. "Mess? where, Vashir?"

Loquacious Mrs Linde Green Hatchling still hasn't stopped her fussy creeling, wobbling her plump body around the group and making sure every one is lashed on the sharp end of her tongue for unnamed transgressions, a nails against a chalkboard sound that is only made more frenetic by the hunger staining her whirling eyes almost crimson. Of course, she'd have to stop scolding long enough to stuff her face...

From the basket of sand, Lake of Shining Waters Egg dances in wild circles.

Zora smiles toward Kenrid, adn nods. "Yes, Jovan practices with me all the time, I would love to get him a singing partner." She offers to both him and Tari as she glances toward the weyrwoman. After which she continues offering that spuicy meatroll to the little green, after all shes the only one with something that smells and tastes better then just plain raw meat.

Rowena blinks owlishly at the sudden attack upon the meat in her hand. As the blue devours the offered food her slow reaction promptly falls away. "Wow-I...wow." Pausing in shock all she can do is smile silently and stare.

From the basket of sand, Idlewild Egg has been fairly rambunctious in its movements but reticent in actually doing anything about it. But finally, finally, it succumbs to the need to rock and roll and tumble onto the sand, splitting open to release its cramped resident.

Alina's face then squishes up a bit, an obvious flinch from that ear-irritating creeling the green's emitting. "Youch, shells, that's a noisy one!" Flinch, flinch, making the meat she holds wiggle that much more. To notice or not to notice. "Nowhere yet Lacey, the mess that was. I didn't either," the last to Vashir. "I'm stuck clearin' up anyway."

The Idlewild Egg wobbles a little more, then cracks open.

Hospitable Mr Harrison Brown
     Short and squat and brown all over, at first this little hatchling seems easy to dismiss or pass over. Yet despite what seems to be uniformity, there are subtle nuances that require a second look -- the shades of his hide are not immutable but rich in differentiation, from the sorrel of his shoulders to the sienna of his haunches and the umber of tail's tip. Sangria neckridges are tipped with loamy color, a plowshare's tines digging into rich soil, echoed in sharp talons' earthy hues. Wingsails are patterned with the natural whorls and knots found in crosscut wood - oak, pine, and mahogany - stretched taut between 'spars of supple ash, grayish brown.

Tirya goes home.
Tirya has left.

Kenrid chuckles at the scolding green, "Think you can train that voice, Zora?" He wiggles the meat a bit more, "Come on cutey, come yell at Aysel and but that blue in his place."

Jaeni continues to wiggle the meat at the green hatchling, and she's really unable to stop herself from giggling. "Cute little thing, quite a temper." She comments to someone nearby. She shakes her head to Alina, "Nah, he can't help you guys." Smirk to the Scribe as she looks at him fondly, "Better sound promising."

Auvree twists her wrist around to maybe make the chunk of meat look more lively as though it might seem more attractive in the eyes of a hatchling. "Can they even see all this? Or does it take a while. Like a foal?" she doesn't seem to be questioning anyone in particular, but seems curious all the same as she watches the hatchlings from beside Dziban.

Loquacious Mrs Linde Green Hatchling pauses of a sudden - she actually stops creeling long enough to listen to her stomach doing some scolding of it's own and, as if she understood the words that the beastcrafter spoke she calmly steps up to him and snags his meat with a little chirrup, perhaps as if to say "Why yes, I'd love to spend my entire life scolding the both of you."

The Loquacious Mrs Linde Green glances up at Kenrid.

Rowena walks toward a stained, wooden door leading to the resident lounge.
Rowena has left.

Dziban, wincing at the shrill noises the green hatchling makes, pleads, "Somebody impress that thing and stuff its mouth full already? It hurts my ears!" As if to prove the point, she rubs at one ear with her free hand, even as she glances sideways at Auvree quickly. "I dunno, really," she admits. "Maybe? Hey, she just--ooh, good." She beams at Kenrid and the green.

Loquacious Mrs Linde Green Hatchling has left.
Kenrid watches as Loquacious Mrs Linde Green Hatchling flies over.

Lacey crouches, her reluctance of playing with the bloody scraps overcome by her eagerness to impress. Dangle she does and she croons in her most charming manner. "Hello... sweet little sturdy one, don't you look like you've got a mind of your own?" Quoting her mentor, Dalphen, the assistant Headwoman chimes at Kenrid and Zora as they discuss the green. "Yelling and scolding just are not as efficient as a firm word in a genteel tone."

Hospitable Mr Harrison Brown Hatchling sits in the puddle of egg goo and shards of shell and looks down at it as if he isn't sure where he is or how he got there. And then he lets out a short, sharp creel of irritation - who caused this mess, and whose going to clean it up? He stares accusingly around at the humans hovering and then creels again as he gets up and shakes himself off. Hmph.

From the basket of sand, Snow Queen Egg trembles once, and is still.

From the basket of sand, Lake of Shining Waters Egg spins about in the sand.

Alina sniffs, mock misery in Jaeni's diretion, "Well shells. Never mind, I know it. Wishful thinking and junk." This as the usual sunny smile returns and green eyes sweep over the recent brown in all his wooden shaded glory and that shrill-creeling greenling who's found a friend in Kenrid. "Uh-oh... should I pity aysle 'n' you now, or wait till that one starts to glow." Wiggle, wiggle, that meat dances between long fingers, dribbles and drips quite ignored by its carrier.

Vashir grins broadly at Alina, shrugging his shoulders helplessly. "Seems I can't help even if I wanted." He says, amiably, watching the capricious green chooses Kenrid. There's a bit of relief in his expression, and he smiles at Kenrid. "Congrats, I think.. I hope you like noise.." He says, then flickers his gaze at Jaeni for a moment with a shrug, "We'll have to see just how promising." He winks, and then looks back at the eggs that're hatching.

Kenrid jerks back his fingers as the green nearly takes the tips as the meat is grab. "Hey!" But he quickly grabs another for offering as the green comes closer, lowering his other arm for her to crawl up on. "That's a good girl." He grins at the others, "Hey, being yelled at is not new to me. But thanks."

From the basket of sand, Green Gables Egg rocks in the sand, developing fine lines up its sides.

Shards of a Echo Lodge Egg has left.
Kenrid gathers up the Shards of a Echo Lodge Egg.

Jaeni looks over her shoulder at Vashir and wrinkles her nose, "Yeah, yeah. How promising it is depends on how much of a mess you make." Alina's reaction gets a laugh. "I know, you're in a lot of pain over this temporary duty..." Then she winks at her friend and when she looks back, the green has impressed. There's another giggle as it latches onto Kenrid. There's a look at her piece of meat and she again shakes it out, this time to the brown. "I think this is getting a little air dried... This meat that is. Too much shaking and wiggling."

Hospitable Mr Harrison Brown Hatchling grumbles in soft little creels as he takes his first few steps, concentrating on movement before food, since the first will get him to the latter much more quickly if he doesn't fall flat on his face. He pauses once, peering around again, and gives another of those short, sharp creels - a bark of laughter or perhaps a harrumph. Either way, it sounds pretty opinionated. But he moves towards the scent of meat unerringly - likes his feed, does this little guy.

Lacey wriggles the dripping offering, cooing and crooning the entire time. Not gifted musically, she rivals the dulcet tones of the brown, not the most pleasant of duets. "Come, little one.. you and I, I'm sure we'll get along just fine, if you'd take the chance of getting to know me?" The mention of messes however makes it hard to focus and she frowns in concentration. Good thoughts! "Nice little brown." Says she through gritted teeth, trying to ignore Vashir and Jaeni.

From the basket of sand, Patty's Place Egg has been fairly quiet, tucked in its little next dreaming dreams and not really paying attention to what's around it. But even it must roll with the times - or at least out of the basket. It does so, with a soft plop.

The Patty's Place Egg wobbles a little more, then cracks open.

Ethereal Anne Gold
     Red-gold like an eternal sunset graces the hide of this hatchling with vivid color, lit from within by a never-ending store of energy that quivers along the slender form, as if perpetual vibrant motion. Subtler aureate shades glow along her tiny neckridges of peaches and cream, like a young girl's complexion, while dreams pattern her haunches and shoulders in fanciful designs, whorls and curlicues that shift with each movement -- racing thoughts that cannot be stilled by mortal hand. Tiny talons are iridescent, not of the earth, and match the opaque stretch of nacreous wingsails supported by gilded filigreed spars.

"I'll get a couple more pieces, hold on a minute." Vashir says, not taking Jaeni's away but squirming out from around the basket to try and procure a couple more fresh pieces from under the pile of meat that was brought out. Fresher stuff in the center, you see. He then squirms and presses his way through the crowd to hand a piece to her and has another for himself. "I'll make a large mess, if you keep that up, Jae." He says, then holding out the piece of meat towards the newest hatchling.

Alina returns that wink, snickering openly at her friend as the good-natured banter continues. "There's worse things we could've landed with, you're probably right. Like... a lot of things." She doesn't elaborate, struck as she is by a sobering moment that silences her and turns her back, the better to cast eyes to the meat that's not so drippy as before. "Better than bein' all dribbly though, air dry that is."

Kenrid steps back from the table to make room for the others, grabbing a little extra meat to feed the scolding green. At least when her mouth isn't full. Kenrid stays close enough to watch though. "Oh, look at that gold."

Rowena enters from the bustle of a lounge decorated in Southern Weyr's colors.
Rowena has arrived.

Zora frowns, and brushes off the fact that the little green chose someone else. But no matter, Zora will try again. She waves her meatroll at the brown hatchling, and then spies the gold one. "Wow, shes so pretty, for a firelizard." She smiles, though she more then likely doesn't stand a chance at either Zora kindly offers meatrolls to both the brown and the gold hatchlings.

Jaeni is holding out that piece of meat and while she is offering it to the brown, she's trying to figure out if all the juice really has been shaken out of it. "Oh, thanks, Vash." She grins and accepts the meat from him. Out of the corner of her eye she catches Lacey's reaction and laughs. "I'm sorry, Lacey. We won't mess the place up anymore." The meat is held out there, in limbo to the opinonated brown. "Like, latrine duty, Alina?"

Alina is bumped into, jostled sideways by an overeager weyrboy with fish in both hands and a need for extra space on his mind. "Oof, jeez!" when she's wormed her way back, there's a new ethereal red-gold in the picture, and the efforts of meat-wiggling fingers become conscious ones. "Wow, and wow... never seen a hide like that before." Those scraps are squirming, equally within reach of both hatchlings.

Dziban remains stretched out on the ground, waving meat lackadaisically now, boredom mounting. After several more seconds, she drops the meat on the ground and abandons it to whatever hatchling or person might be interested in it. She dusts off filthied hand, lingers a few moments more to watch, then wanders off.

vashir, rowena, alina, tirya, kenrid, jaeni, zora, dziban, tabima, tarianel, auvree, lacey

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