[Log] Awkward Questions

Nov 23, 2007 19:11

Who: Edlyn, R'dur
When: Day 26, Month 4, Turn 14
Where: Bowl, Telgar Weyr
What: Edlyn embarrasses R'dur, who gamely tries to answer her questions anyway.

A moss-colored spec appears in the sky above the Bowl. It is not a lazed descent to the ground, and so Arenith's long-limbed and awkward body is easily discerned as she and Edlyn land neatly near the weyrling barracks. Edlyn dismounts, laughing as she slaps Arenith's shoulder and leans briefly into the green's hide with a one-armed hug. "I know, sweets. We don't belong in there any longer."

Heading toward the barracks now, though, is R'dur, waving slightly as he sees Edlyn and Arenith there. "Hi, Edlyn. I was just going to have Alidaeth ask about you. How are you and Arenith doing? You moved out, didn't you?" he asks, as he adjusts his course a little bit to meet the greenrider, with a small smile for her.

Edlyn removes her helmet and goggles, all beaming and fresh from the crisper air. "Yeah, we did. I have the nicest Weyr. I have most of my things moved in from back home, and Arenith loves her new couch." She looks around and then steps closer to R'dur, face drawing down into a contemplative little frown. "But, can I ask you something, R'dur? I mean, eh," she hesitates, unsure as her finger reaches up to pluck at her lower lip. "I mean, are you still like a mentor to me?"

"I bet it's nice; there are a lot of nice weyrs out there," R'dur agrees, smile strengthening. "And it's good to have your own space to decorate yourself. Although Brijana decorates ours," admits the brownrider, with a shake of his head. The latter question surprises him, though, and his eyes widen a moment. "Of course. Until you graduate," he tells her, brows furrowing. "And, I mean, if you ever need something even after that, I'm, well. You know. What's bothering you?"

Edlyn lifts her hand to scrub at her forehead, then brushes her hair out of her face with a sigh. "Well, I just.. I mean, I'm going to graduate soon - which is great... and Arenith is almost fully mature." Pause. "And you know, that.. that.. means certain /things/." Here a blush rises to her cheeks. "I know the basics of it, but I didn't feel like asking in class. I mean, well, what happens if she.. chooses someone /else/." From her expression, this idea seems to fluster her greatly. "I know she likes, well, Mecaith, and all -- but, I mean.." here she falters, and looks to him.

R'dur's mouth opens and then closes again. "Oh. That," he says, without much enthusiasm as he ascertains Edlyn's subject. A flush creeps up his own neck, and he ducks his head sheepishly. "That," repeats the rider, and runs a hand through his hair. "Well. I hate to really tell you but... I mean, you don't really get--you don't get much choice. I mean, even if she likes--Mecaith, she's not going to just... throw herself at him without him, ah, earning it," he says delicately. "I'm sorry."

Edlyn nods her head, "Well, that's what I thought all right." Her lower lip is drawn in and chewed on as she looks to Arenith who is engrossed in an examination of the rock-strewn ground. Ed looks back to R'dur with a thoughtful expression. "How do you and Brijana.. uh.. deal with... those sorts of things, then?" Her hand reaches up to rub at the base of her neck. "I know that.. it's part of Weyr life. But. Well. I don't want /her/ choice, to, mess up mine."

With a deer-in-the-headlights look, R'dur stares at Edlyn and flushes bright red. "Um. We, er. Hope to Faranth he loses?" he admits, quite awkwardly as he ducks his head and doesn't quite meet her eyes. Gamely, despite his embarrassment: "But if he does, then, well. You go on, and understand it's just... It's the dragons, and it really doesn't have anything to do with you. Although I know that's hard to accept."

"I guess you get used to everything, right? It's just all new. So, well, it occupies my thoughts. Once it's," here her own freckle-dusted cheeks light with red, "over I suppose then I'll know how to handle those sorts of things." She nods, then shifts subjects again. It seems there's a lot on her mind today. "And well, how does weyrmating work, anyway?"

R'dur blinks, brows knitting. "Well. However you want it to, really? I mean, some--some people will keep separate weyrs, or not, or be... be however--exclusive they want to be or, or, you know. It's... a pretty flexible thing." Pause. "It is easier, once you, you know. Get past the first, ah. Anyway."

Edlyn nods her head and flashes a smile at him. "Oh, okay. I won't bother you anymore, R'dur. I know that.. well, it's.. kinda an awkward question. But. I had to know, you know?" She shrugs and looks over to Arenith. "She and I will get out of your hair and let you go about your day now."

"No, no, it's okay," R'dur says, though sounding relieved. "I don't mind. I mean, it's--it's not comfortable, but, you know, however it helps talking... Well. I'll see you later, Edlyn. HAve a good day."

Edlyn reaches out and offers him a flippant embrace. "Thanks again, R'dur. I'll see you." With that, the green weyrling offers a wave and heads over to Arenith. "C'mon, dear. Time for a bath." And so said, she and Arenith walk towards the lake.

edlyn, r'dur

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