[Log] All Apologies

Nov 08, 2007 20:37

Who: Tiriana, Ziglan
When: Day 21, Month 2, Turn 14
Where: Lakeshore, Telgar Weyr
What: Ziglan comes to apologize, gets more than he bargained for.

It's evening, but the wind is calm, and though it's cold out it's bearable--at least by Telgari standards. Though bundled up in her coat, Tiriana doesn't seem too phased by the chilly air. She's down by the lakeshore, seated on the ground with her back propped up against a rock as she idly throws rocks at the still surface of the water, no attempts at skipping them made.

Along comes Ziglan who has made quite the effort at keeping himself out of mind and sight of Tiriana and most others. Bundled in a coat that's a half-size too large to be his own and marked by a brownriders knot and badge, Ziglan heads unerringly for the girl by the rock. The girl throwing rocks by the rock who he addresses just short of coming to a stop behind the rock she's resting against. "Got a second?"

The question makes Tiriana start slightly, her expression at once turning into a scowl as she jerks upright and twists around to glower at Ziglan. "What do you want?" she demands, brows knitting. She starts to push herself to her feet, the couple of rocks in her hand dropped as she rounds instead on the boy that interrupts her.

Ziglan's eyes narrow and closely follow Tiriana as she pushes herself up and drops those rocks. He waits just a breath or two longer before replying, "Wanted t'apologize." It's an agonized little allowance that fortunately only /sounds/ pained. Far easier is what comes next, "Been s'plained to me that you don't go and treat folks like that. Even if they're - y'know, girls." He tries an indifferent shrug, but it's a jerky and stiff movement, one that's in perfect keeping with his overall wary regard.

"You want to apologize," Tiriana repeats Ziglan, staring at him. Her hands go to her hips as she watches him, and her eyes narrow, too. "It's been months. What the hell are you playing at?"

"I'm slow." Ziglan dead-pans, "An' this is goin' fast for me." He fidgets in place before drawing his hands out of his jacket pockets and after fisting them together, drops them to his side and forces his gaze away from Tiriana. "Ain't up to anythin' 'cept apologizin'. It's like I said. An' if you don't wanna except you got that right." He shrugs again as though it didn't matter one way or another to him, but can't quite keep from looking back at her to gauge her reaction.

Tiriana studies Ziglan a moment longer, then takes a couple of steps closer to him, head tilting slightly. "I do got that right," she agrees, her mouth slowly curving upward in smug satisfaction for his apology. "So... how're you gonna make it up to me?"

It takes every bit (and then some) of Ziglan's newfound grown up-ness not to turn tail and run as Tiriana draws closer and rather unfortunately he's not able to hide that fact from her. His eyes are just a bit wider and the tense line of his shoulders is akin to a hair-trigger. In other words, just about everything about the boy is tight - including his words. "Already said I was sorry," he wagers cautiously, "An' s'not a whole lot else I can do." Dubious though he looks about that, it's his story and he sticks to it.

Tiriana snickers as Ziglan tenses, his fear so apparent even to her relatively unobservant nature. "Oh, there's plenty you could do," she assures him, leering as she enjoys his wariness. "You could do my chores for me for a while, or buy me something or... I don't know." She takes a couple more steps closer until she's right in front of him, unless he backs away. "Sure we can think of something, yeah?"

It's mighty uncomfortable to not back away, but Ziglan manages it. Even if it forces him to go a little cross-eyed as he looks at the girl. "S'not part of the apology." He at last replies. "If y'don't like it then you don't like it."

"Your apology doesn't count, then," Tiriana answers with a shrug as she starts to turn away from Ziglan then, though she doesn't walk away just yet. "So we're not square. So I might still have to go after you again sometime--since we're not even and all."

Ziglan's eyes narrow tighter than before as she turns from him and there's a soft, exasperated sigh before he reaches for her arm to pull her back around. If he's to get decked for it, there's no preparation or outward showing of fear... but that's mostly because he's too busy trying to land a kiss square on her lips before she's able to respond or prevent the attempt.

Tiriana's hands ball into fists as Ziglan grabs her arm; though the hold isn't that tight, she still winces visibly and doesn't really fight back as he pulls her back around to face him. And she definitely doesn't fight against that kiss, though; instead, she leans into it, reaching to grab his collar while she kisses him back, then moves to shove him back when she pulls away. "You think /that/ makes us even?" she retorts, sounding almost bemused by his bravado.

Ziglan wasn't quite expecting the reaction he receives and so when Tiriana starts kissing back, the poor boy finds himself neck deep in everyone's favorite creek. He does at least attempt to carry on as though he weren't but when she shoves him back he can't help but look a little shell shocked. It carries into his reply to her bemused retort. "Makes up for you punchin' me." He says, trying rather admirably to sound smooth and suave and anything /but/ uncertain. "An' if you ask I might buy you somethin' nice, now."

"Good," says Tiriana, smug as she smirks at Ziglan, though she rubs the arm he caught for a moment before folding her arms over her chest. "Do it." She moves to turn back again, and stride off if he has no further objections for her.

Ziglan smiles - once her back is to him, that is - and with time there might come to be a little cockiness in said smile, and not so much uncertainty and whopped-upside the headedness. Clapping a hand against the back of his neck, Ziglan watches her take those first few steps from him before turning to head in the opposite direction.

tiriana, ziglan

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