[Log] A Song of Heroic... Proportions?

Oct 04, 2004 17:00

Who: Aedajja, Dziban
When: Day 5, Month 9, Turn 199
Where: White Sands Beach, Southern Weyr
What: Dziban and Aedajja compose a song in honor of the jump back in time.

Aedajja wanders in, absently humming a tune, glancing around and waving a hand.

Dziban is several yards out in the water, cooling off by playing in the lake for a bit. Her clothes are in a pile back on the shore. She raises up from the water when Aedajja's movement catches her eye, and she commences waving enthusiastically, sloshing back toward the beach. "Hiya!" she exuberantly greets the greenrider once she's within earshot.

Aedajja watches a moment, then turns eyes downwards, a slight blush coming to her cheeks at the bouncing display. She uses the opportunity to slip off her sandles, digging her toes into the sand, befoer workign her way down to the pile of clothes.

Dziban doesn't really notice anything strange about Aedajja's behavior, too. She just calls out again, "Hey, 'Dajja," as she makes it to land and heads for her clothes. She delves around, tossing them around haphazardly until she finds what she's looking for: a big white towel that she uses to dry off with. "So whatcha doing?" she inquires easily, beaming at the other girl.

Aedajja sinks to the sand, sitting crosslegged. She grins, "Oh, just thougth I'ld come and rest a bit. Wing training and more wing training."

Once dry, Dziban gets dressed, nodding and keeping up her side of the conversation. "Yeah, seems like all we're ever doing now: drilling for this, practicing for that. I mean, I'm not actually doin' it, of course, but they still want everybody to know other stuff, too."

Aedajja laughs softly, looking up finally as you have some clothes on. She smiles, "Hey, have they had you practice lugging sacks of firestone in and out, in and out yet/"

Dziban grimaces. "Nope, haven't done that. They tried to explain the whole flamethrower thing for groundcrew to me, but, well. It wasn't working out too well. I nearly hit a friend of mine," she admits sheepishly. "Is that what y'all're workin' on now?"

Aedajja laughs, "No. Actually its formations and flying in them. I just happened to see a crew of kids doing it early this morning. Didn't look all that pleasant, but I suppose it kept them too busy to fight."

Dziban giggles. "I bet," she agrees. "Seems like the kids are always fighting these days." Like she didn't when she was younger. Or still do it, for that matter. "But the formation thing must be hard, you know what I mean?" she continues after a moment. "I guess it's for a good purpose, huh? Wouldn't be good if you got yourself killed the very first Fall, right?"

Aedajja nods, "Formations aren't that difficult, we did alot of it during weyrlin' training, but practice makes perfect I suppose." and nods, "Definately! Nor to crash into a fellow dragon and kill both of us. Not enough as it is."

Dziban makes a face. "Exactly. But at least we got all them oldtimers now. They really help out, don't they? I mean, they know what they're doing." Pause. "Even if some of them /are/ a bit weird. Well, a lot weird, actually, but."

Aedajja nods, "30 pair here is a definate help, and their experience and knowledge is even more important." and beams suddenly, "You know? I still can't believe we actually did it."

Dziban nods quickly, eyes widening. "Yeah, me, either. It's great, isn't it? I mean, we're gonna be in the records and everything for this. How great is that?" She beams, matching Aedajja's expression.

Aedajja laughs softly and nods, "Who knows we could end up in a song like Moreta and Lessa did."

"Ooh! We could!" Dziban gushes excitedly, nodding. "Hey, didn't you used to be a harper or something? You could write one about us. How we single-handedly saved all of Pern." She pauses thoughtfully for a moment, then questions, "What rhymes with 'Dziban'?"

Aedajja smiles, "Yes, I was a harper apprentice before Aeyanth found me. I was trying to think up a song and what rhymed with Aedajja to be honest." She frowns, "Dziban.. Dziban... No idea."

Dziban flops to a seat on the sand, nodding vaguely. "Good question. Hrm. Let's see..." She falls silent for a few seconds, mumbling to herself. "Ban. Man. Fan. Tan. Um... Back in time went Aedajja and Dziban, They went to get riders so they can... Shards. There's a reason I'm not a harper."

Aedajja laughs softly, "I can see that myself. But I think you'ld best mention at least B'asil in the song or people won't listen to it.'

Dziban nods reluctantly. "Yeah, I guess so," she agrees, then, despite her admission of her song-writing inadequacy, she duly tries again. "B'asil was a really little guy, He was only 'bout this high..." She holds a hand up to indicate a height well below even B'asil's stature.

Aedajja starts giggling, "Oh, I like that one. Or He was only 'about two feet high?"

Dziban nods. "That's even better!" she decides brightly. "He was only about two feet high, But bravely he led the riders back, In time to get the dragons they lack... Um. What else?"

Aedajja continues giggling, "The shortest hero of all time, I just can't think of another rhyme."

Dziban snickers. "That's good. Hey, maybe this isn't so hard after all. Maybe I should, like, give up hunting and go apprentice or something!"

Aedajja grins, "No, its easy to make rhymes, its harder to make a good song people would want to listen to."

Dziban nods. "Yeah, I guess so," she admits reluctantly. "But I bet I could still do it. Don't you think people would like our song? We just need a tune, some music and stuff, to go along with it, and it'd be great, right?"

Aedajja nods, "It would be great, but I think it would need to be alot longer. Songs aren't usually just 6 or so lines long."

Dziban shrugs slightly. "I guess so. We could work on it, I guess. Anyway, I guess I better be going. I'm supposed to be out hunting at the moment, so." She shrugs. "See you later!" She grabs up her stuff and trots back toward the meadow, waving awkwardly with her hands full.

dziban, aedajja

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