[Log] Catfight

Sep 30, 2007 19:34

Who: Haisen, Tiriana
When: Day 1, Month 9, Turn 13
Where: Bowl, Telgar Weyr
What: Just another day in the life of Tiriana.

Central Bowl, Telgar Weyr
     A stony field is the center of this great caldera, the size of which is unmatched at any other Weyr--for the whole complement of all the wings at Telgar could rest comfortably within its towering cliffs. Shaped in a perfect oval, the rock walls seem ideal for keeping the usual chill winds stirring about. The ground is mostly made of pebbles and rocks, some hued the milky shades of old quartz, though there are patches where softer dirt and even trees sprout up from the ground. To the south, the bowl opens onto the living caverns and the Weyrleaders' quarters; the immense entrance to the Hatching Grounds lies to the northwest. Heading southwest will lead one back out into the rocky mountain ranges around Telgar's protective walls. Dragons may be seen, relaxing or fresh from feeding, to the north, as well as the soft lapping sounds of Telgar's lake touching the sandy shore. The Weyrling Barracks, always aflutter with activity, are to the direct west. If you're looking for the 'dutypair' to take you to an outweyr destination, they can be found here. The training grounds and the meadow are both covered with a blanket of pure white snow, though it is trodden down in dragon-wide paths where the dragons move.


Obvious exits:
Weyrling Barracks Southern Bowl Lake Shore Hatching Cavern Feeding Grounds Runner Pasture Weyr Entrance

     Haisen is a tall young woman with light brown-toned skin. There seems to be a rough quality to her with her small dark eyes that gives off a general hard stare. Her lips are thin and crude, though at the times that there's a smile on her face, it does much to soften her sharp face. She has long, dark brown hair that's wild and stragly - coming down passed her shoulders when untied. There's an overall air of quiet dominance in her, by the way she straightens her posture and the way her chin lifts in anger. She is lean in body, but definitely has the tone of someone who does outdoor work and lifting for a woman. Her beauty is the type that's only noticeable on those rare moments when she shows either femininity or vulneralbility. She looks to be in her mid twenties.
     She wears a beige cotton shirt, slightly fitted and could be laced up at the collar save for the fact that it's always undone. There's a very heavy-looking dark belt fastened haphazardly about her waist with small notches to indicate it being a belt used for tools rather than accessory purposes. Her loose fitting brown pants are also light like cotton, and the matching worn-looking boots are made with wherhide. The only jewelry worn is a small red bead necklace, its inscription hidden from view.

     Grown at last into her youth's promise of beauty, Tiriana is a strikingly pretty girl who looks about seventeen now. There's confidence in the set of her shoulders, her straight posture, and the often smirky tilt of her full and pouty lips. She has, too, her parents' height at five-foot-nine, along with a leggy, slimly athletic build; finally, she's filled out, pushing past the coltish stage of adolescence into a feminine, if never particularly curvy, figure. Tiriana's fair complexion is highlighted by eyes neither wholly blue or green, as well as the overabundance of wavy ink-black hair that reaches down to the bottom of her shoulderblades. A straight nose and prominent cheekbones round out her features.
     Though long not a girl concerned with fashion, Tiriana has of late improved her wardrobe to some degree. Today's charcoal-grey shorts are quite short indeed, with a faint plaid pattern woven into the material. Her knit henley shirt is a teal that complements her eye color, while her feet bear lightweight black shoes.

With the activities of the Weyr starting to pan down, it seems the perfect opportunity for Haisen to abandon the pastures for the bowl. In her usual attire including the worn coat, she stalks into the bowl with both hands in her coat pockets and looking every much the woman sneaking off into trouble. Her shoulders stay hunched against the Telgar climate as she looks to be making for the lake, and not caring either way that she's looking conspicuous.

Tiriana, for once, doesn't seem to be the one engaged in questionable activities. She's out in the bowl herself, enjoying a rest day in the cooling autumn weather by hanging out down closer to the lake herself. She's alone, with a definite loitering air of her own as she stands around and in boredom resorts to people-watching. Haisen is one of those included in the latter study, as the older girl nears.

Heavy booted steps mark Haisen's approach as she nears the lake, head bowing after looking about every so often at those passing her. She might as well be loitering herself for she's not in a hurry to reach her destination, and this is proven by the fact that she catches the study of the young woman. She returns the study wide-eyed and coolly before something gets her to come to a stop right infront of Tiriana. "Got a starin' problem?" she sends her way as she looks the other over slowly. Whether recognition of the other has dawned or not, her face stays stony regardless.

"Got a problem with it if I do?" is Tiriana's brilliant retort, scathing in tone if not particularly cutting in wording itself. Of course, thusly greeted, she does not look away then, straightening slightly in return.

Shifting weight to her right hip with a raised brow - and casting a glance about in case there were some that were taking any close interest in the two of them - "I might," Haisen answers equally, only straightening to slip one hand from her coat to pull out her flask. Snorting and apparently taking the short verbal spar to mean an invitation, the worn traveler steps to Tiriana's side - not too closely, ofcourse - and joins her in the open loitering. "So," she adds after a moment, playing with the top of the flask as she eyes one of the passing cavern workers, "Lookin' to fleece someone out here, or yer just that bored?" It's put bluntly with no tact, and the woman shows no semblance of joking.

Haisen's flask pulls Tiriana's narrowing eyes from Haisen herself, as the younger girl lifts her chin slightly. "Bored," she answers. "Though, wouldn't object to anything else, just for something to do. What d'you want?" Since she's hanging around now herself.

Haisen lifts the flask as if she could see through it to gauge how much is left, eyes narrowing in her study. "Been a long time, runt," she simpers in that distracted manner, shaking the flask a bit before looking over at the younger woman. "Last time I saw ya was when y'were lookin' to knock me down. The narrowed eyes, the haughty demeanor...." and she pops open the lid of the flask with one thumb. "Gotten alittle taller, maybe. Y'must be Tiriana." Chin lowering with a pointed look, the simpering words turning on a bland smirk, "What, don' remember me?" she adds with small indulgence with the open flask going Tiriana's way.

"You want me to now or something?" is Tiriana's answer to Haisen, as she tilts her head slightly, questioning. Then: "I remember you. The one that always sleeps in the stables," she says, with a smirk, as she reaches to take the flask. "Here I was figuring you got killed out in 'Fall sometime, things the way they are now."

Releasing her hand on the flask once Tiriana takes it, "Funny," Haisen retorts dryly in a drawl, voice hazy enough to suggest she's already been drinking enough today as it is. "The harper said the same thing." Whether the comment of her sleeping arrangements was meant as an insult or not, the woman simply returns a brief-and-fake smile with "Maybe y'should give it a try sometime. It's rather comfy, despite popular belief." And despite the worn-looking clothes she has on, the straightening of shoulders could make her look like a Lord Holder's daughter at this moment. When one of the stablehands passes by with a nodded greeting, "Them Falls screwed up my plans," she speaks of it with little inflection, "but but I'm an optimistic girl. Ain' dead, and sure ain' lookin' to be. Bitran," she abrupt shifts the topic, nodding towards the flask. "It's strong."

Deliberately, Tiriana takes a long swallow of the flask's contents when she's warned. "I have a bed, a home," she answers Haisen's suggestion with a sniff. "Don't have any need to go crawling around in there more than I have to do in the day. So you talked to Giremi." That remark, once picked up, becomes the girl's focus, and she raises one brow slightly, mouth quirked smugly upward at one corner.

"Yeah, we talk," Haisen is quick to answer, watching the other swallow down the drink with a hard line to her lips - or maybe it's due to the jibe at her makeshift home. Flixking back her hair from off one shoulder, "Heard some.... interestin' things," she adds in a lingering tone of both amusement and non-chalance. Yeah, she's giving into Tiriana's focus, for once choosing not to rise to the bait of her previous words. Her arms come to a fold across herself and she takes to watching the younger woman now rather than those passing by them in the bowl.

Tiriana does not offer the flask back, either, when she lowers it. Haisen's words only intensify her smirk, as she affects a rather innocent--and unconvincing--air. "Uh-huh, all sorts of interesting things floating around the gossip mills. Anything you want me to set you straight on?"

Dark eyes can't help but to drop straight to her flask. "Oh," and Haisen flicks her glance back at Tiriana, the smirk getting a steely look, "Y'want to set me straight? Is there somethin' I should /know/?" This time, the traveler doesn't give in, adding then, "Y'should take it easy on the liquor, youngin'," with open sarcasm. "Y'drink that all down and then ya owe me."

"I don't owe you nothing," Tiriana spouts back at once, as she takes another drink. After that, though, she does shove the flask roughly back at Haisen. "Well," she says then, thoughtfully, and folds her arms across her chest. "I'm betting the harper already set you straight on a few things, at least?"

"Temper, temper," Haisen responds dryly, deftly catching the flask and attempts to peer into it and shake it. Then, satisfied as she corks it closed, "No wonder the harper is drawn to ya. Y'like /me/." Dark eyes fall on Tiriana again as she pockets the flask, this time with a smug little smile. She settles the coat about her protectively then, more out of habit than out of feeling any intimidation as she adds in, "He told me enough. Don' think it's about 'settin' me straight', though. Poor harper," and she shakes her head for merely show, as if the man was suffering from a tragedy.

"I'm nothing like you," Tiriana retorts, warnings of temper ignored in favor of her usual bristling. "Don't think this has anything to do with you. And--and--" She scowls outright at Haisen's commiserations for Giremi, mouth setting into a thin line. "I told him how it was. S'his fault if he's too dumb to know better," she finally says stiffly.

Haisen bares teeth this time, though the forming scowl underneathe it isn't easily lost. "Oh really," she returns with narrowed eyes. "Nothin' at all? Y'don' love the taste?" and she places a hand over where the flask is hidden in indication. "Havin' trouble holdin' your tongue? Don' matter much where ya lay your head, Tiriana. I'm just the more 'worldy' one is all." It's then that her last gets a rather terse "Maybe y'didn' make it clearer? I find this hard to believe...." and trails off, looking at the other in silent prompt.

"I made it clear enough," Tiriana retorts, shaking her head. "I told him flat out but he doesn't listen." Her pause then is as much sulky as angry, before she asks, "Worldly?"

"Uh-huh," Haisen puts forth non-commitedly with a few nods, disbelief apparent. "How about a 'No, I don' love ya', so beat it'? Always worked when I used it." Stepping closer in the pause then, "Yeah, worldly," she repeats with a one-shoulder shrug. "Been around and then some." After a brief moment, studying the young woman steadily, "Y'don' seem the type to string men along," she adds evenly. "If'n ya don' want him, then drop him. Ain' about savin' feelings. Get me?"

"I told him that," answers Tiriana, before pausing. "Fine, not so much the beat-it part but I told him the rest of it. He knows." She shrugs herself, apparently intending to brush the matter off, except that she can't quite manage it. "You just want him back for yourself. But it won't work, whatever I do," she states flatly, smugly.

Blink. Haisen flat-out stares Tiriana down, before her chin lifts slightly and the arms folded infront of herself visibly tightens. "Do I?" she returns, flat. "What would--ah." Eyes that were narrowed suddenly widen a bit, both brows going up as if something had dawned on the traveler. There's a small hacking-like chuckle as her head drops, then, "So this is a young girl defendin' her crush against...who, me?" and a hand moves to gesture at herself. "Please. It's obvious y'don' know the whole story. Ain' lookin' to steal your....man." She adds just that small little catch before the last, the mockery low but apparent.

Tiriana flushes faintly, spots of red in her cheeks in irritation at Haisen's words. "He's not mine, I don't want him," she persists in insisting, hands balling at her sides. "Just... you can't have him either. Because I'm the one he, well." She doesn't fill in the obvious blank there, though.

"He /what/?" Taking another step towards Tiriana, Haisen prompts without hesitation and seems eager to keep the other on the defensive. "Yer the one he, what, loves?" The smirk turning a hollow coy, "And what makes y'think I want him? What do /you/ know, huh?"

"Yeah, he does," retorts Tiriana. "Anyway, I just know you had something going back before you ran off, and, well. Don't think you're going to just waltz back in here and pick up where you left off, because you're not." The 'so there' is palpable in the end of her words, if not audible.

It was as if Tiriana has said something of interest to the traveler, for she halts her advancing steps with her stare shifting to something more thoughtful despite the familiar scowl. With a disdainful snort as she looks away, "I see why y'have such a hold on him," she returns dryly, feigning resignation. "A shame yer a coward, too." Dark eyes trying to meet hers, "Y'need not worry about my poor, little heart," she adds, giving into a small swagger in step as she moves back. "Ain' one for gossip, but, it was I that kept anythin' from happenin' with the harper." Lopsided her cold smile becomes, "I'm afraid you'll have to find somethin' else to fight with me over, runt."

"What's that supposed to mean? I am not," the younger girl answers the challenge of coward. Tiriana is plainly seething as she stands her ground, glowering at Haisen. "And don't call me runt, either. Doesn't matter who stopped it, anyway, 'cause... Well, it just doesn't. Still true, you can't now."

"It means," Haisen answers without preamble, "that yer lettin' the man linger after ya instead of cuttin' it off. Afraid of hurtin' his feelings, maybe?" Another hacking-like chuckle and the woman is pulling her flask free again and popping off the lid. "Don' screw him up is all I'm sayin'," she drops the words bluntly now, all pretenses of coy and smiles vanishing into the stony gaze. "I ain' havin' him knockin' on my stall door late at night, cryin' about /you/. Either drop him or be with him. To shards with the lingerin'," and she punctuates this with a long pull from her flask.

"It's called," Tiriana says frostily, "friends with benefits and he knows it. And it's a perfectly valid way to be." She folds her arms across her chest again, head shaking. "He screws himself up, and it's not my fault. And don't think you can tell me what to do, either, because I don't owe you anything. So you can just stay out of it and go back in your pen where you belong."

The flask is getting shoved back into the folds of her coat as Haisen takes takes hasty steps to put herself in Tiriana's proximity. The glare biting, "It shardin' is yer fault," she growls low, now letting her anger simmer through with the other. "I'ma tell ya plenty to do, too, since ya can' deal with it on yer own. Just givin' warnin, and if ya wanna settle this physically.." a hand sweeps over towards the lake, then the other in the direction of the pastures as she adds, "Pick yer place. Hope y'can hit like y'can speak."

Tiriana is, in point of fact, rather better at hitting than speaking; she has quite the strong punch as she aims one fist squarely for Haisen's jaw, with no further warning as she initiates the long-time-coming fight. No other time or place needed, she throws herself into the brawl with little regard for the fact they're standing in the the bowl in the middle of the afternoon, with however many witnesses.

Perhaps Haisen did not expect the hit from Tiriana to come so fast. Perhaps it's because she isn't altogether sober, either, so the punch connects into her jaw perfectly. Being set back, the woman shoves out a curse and aims a balled fist towards the other's stomach. If only she was purely sober, then perhaps her hits would be more sharper and cleaner. As it is, amongst the shocked stares of passing workers and riders, the traveler is jumping back on Tiriana with a few aimed punches - and all the time attempting to grab her hair - all for the sake of a dirty fight.

Tiriana is not a calculating fighter; she's the short that throws herself headlong into the fray and mostly has to hope she can cause more damage faster, as she tries to do now. Taking her hits, she returns in kind with quick blows before attempting to knock Haisen over, onto the ground. She has, unfortunately, quite a lot of hair, though, and it's easy enough to grab.

Haisen takes a good hold of Tiriana's hair and yanks, hard. Scrabbling herself, her other free hand is both trying to deflecting some of the oncoming punches and trying to land some of her own at the young woman's face. A couple of the stablehands have gathered to the side by now, pointing towards the fighting traveler while one of them is seen running in the direction of the pastures. But with her momentum high and running from the liquor, Haisen looks far from calming down and stopping, and she proves this by trying to aim a sharp hit to Tiriana's side - perhaps hoping this and the hair-pull would have the young woman going down to the ground. It's clear a few of Tiriana's hits have made purchase: her upper lip looks to be getting very red and by the panting it's possible that Tiriana might have gotten her in the mid-section as well.

Despite an involuntary yelp as her hair's tugged, Tiriana is dogged, even as she gets pushed down; she grabs a hold on Haisen that's intent on making sure the other girl ends up on the ground with her. Of course, that's also about the time the bravest and burliest of the onlookers (those not sniggering at the catfight, anyway) intervenes to loop an arm around the younger girl's waist and haul her back, still struggling and spewing a steady stream of curses at her opponent.

Haisen goes down when Tiriana gets ahold, her long coat definitely not an asset in this fight as one of her intoxicated booted feet slips on the tail of it. She keeps a strong hold on her hair, intent on pulling her further down to the ground as she tries to slip in a punch aimed for the side of Tiriana's face. The liquor was winning more than she, however: her face was now splotchy red from both the activity and the weather, and her own hair was more of a mess as it covers the sneer on her face. It's when she's bearing teeth as she tries to latch onto one of Tiriana's wrists with her free hand that she feels strong arms wrap around her own middle and tug, completely setting her off-balance. "Shard it, Hais-" a deep burly male voice is heard in the scuffle behind her as she struggles against this new threat trying to take her away from Tiriana. Haisen's not at the point of sharp swear words yet, but she's getting there, saving her energy for the blows she's still making.

Only when it becomes clear that she's not getting loose does Tiriana's fighting slow and then cease, her posture stiff to the point of quivering with withheld energy. Still, when her holder dares to slacken his grip slightly, she doesn't move, and while he stays close he lets her jerk away and dust herself off superiorly. Giving both him and Haisen filthy looks, Tiriana affects what dignity she can. Well, except for one last call of, "Bitch," that she just can't help.

The man struggling to pull Haisen back tugs again sharply as one of her punches manage to get him in the chin. "Let-her-go!" he yanks her back with enough force to finally offset the drunk traveler and send her pitching to the side. Abruptly letting go of Tiriana's hair with a sharp curse, Haisen takes one hand a shoves the man back before she tersely bites out "M'done, Jesko." The look she sends Tiriana's way as she sits up is far from done, but atleast the woman's not making anymore grabs for her. Shoulders straightening as she runs a hand over the blood on her upper lip, Tiriana's one word retort swiftly earns a lunge from the woman - a lunge that Jesko halts by grabbing at both her shoulders and holding her down. Her lunge failing, Haisen sets to sneering instead. "This ain' over, runt," she grunts out low, her hand now pressing into her own side briefly.

Tiriana just laughs when Haisen lunges at her and is unceremoniously pulled back, a mocking smirk at her lips, though one's plainly busted and she's goint to have a nice shiner in the morning. "Sure it ain't," she answers, and the man beside her scowls and claps a hand on her shoulder. "We'll go talk to your uncle," he tells her, and when she scoffs at that threat, he adds, "And your aunt." Tiriana glowers herself at that, though with one last smug and disdainful look cast across Haisen.

Haisen tries a few manuevers to get from under Jesko's hands, but it's clear that the man has more strength than she. She throws a glare back at him and the man stares back defiantly. Looking over at Tiriana, "This isn't Bitra, Hais," he states, squeezing one shoulder tightly enough to get her to still. "I told you this isn't a place to fight." Haisen tosses one more look before she latches a hold to his arm and grunts, "Let me up." In equal defiance, she doesn't respond to his words. When he reluctantly does so, she painfully gets to her feet and tries to non-chalantly brush the dirt off her already-dirty coat. Sending the bruised-lip smirk at Tiriana when she hears the other man threaten to talk to her relatives, "Yeah," she sends in a drawl, favoring a hand on her left side. "Go tell that uncle of hers. Yer lucky I let ya off easy," she sends Tiriana's way then. Nevermind the fact that she was drunk and was lucky enough to land -a- punch for that matter.

"Please, like I'm scared of him," says Tiriana, while she is, rather unceremoniously dragged by one arm along in the other man's wake. "Next time," she promises then, with a swollen-lipped smirk as she picks up her heels and follows more willingly.

"Yeah, next time," Haisen agrees low and leveled before Jesko steps forward to take her arm. With him and those two stablehands looking on at her, the woman scowls at them and stumbles off in the direction of the pastures with them cautiously in her wake. Whatever parting words she has is lost, but the lingering look towards Tiriana's back is enough to convey her meaning before the sullen traveler is gone.

haisen, tiriana

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