[Log] Birthday Girl

Sep 22, 2007 17:44

Who: Arezan, Carys, Edlyn, Ephara, Giremi, Tiriana
When: Day 31, Month 7, Turn 13
Where: Living Cavern, Telgar Weyr
What: Tiriana celebrates her sixteenth birthday in typical Tiriana fashion.

Living Cavern, Telgar Weyr
This huge cavern is sufficiently roomy to hold a large portion of the Weyr's population without feeling cramped. There's always a bustle of activity here. Fragrant dishes are constantly in prepartion for mealtimes: currently for the mid-day meal. Drudges are always present, either cleaning under Pierron's watchful eye, or helping fetch and carry. A myriad of glowbaskets and many ever-lit hearths make the cavern warm and inviting despite its size. The scents of cooking meats, baking breads and pastries, and the pungent aroma of spices hang mouthwateringly in the air. It is little wonder that those seeking to relax nearly always find their way here to do it. Dark summer blooms of vivid hue decorate the tables.
A short tunnel jaunts northward out to the bowl and the merry sounds of cooking, chores, and laughter echo from the kitchen at the southeast end of the cavern near the easterly passage to the rest of the lower caverns. Within the lower caverns is an entrance to the infirmary weyr to care for injured dragons and riders.

Obvious exits:
Inner Caverns Kitchen Bowl

Edlyn busies herself by sipping her klah and organizing her food before her. Greens are pushed ot one side, while the meats, and starches to another. She hhms, poking at it speculatively. At Ephara's admission, her grin pushes forward and she shakes her head. "Goodness, 'phara! You shouldn't even be tempted to steal now that you're here. And I dunno about luggin', but it sure beats dusting." She lifts a hand to her hair and brushes it back from her eyes. "I think I'm just full of the stuff still." She looks to Giremi, tilting her head to the side. "A harper that doesn't like to sing? Shells, that's different! I'm Ed - er, Edlyn." She blushes and pops some food in her mouth to chew.

Ephara waves her hand dismissively, "Ain't about the stealing! It's about the adreniline.. and the look on that looby farmer's face when his prized porcine is hanging from the tree from a rope under it's arms and legs. Don't wanna hurt the porcine, but they sure squeal a fit when they're flyin'!" she chortles in glee, mimicing legs waving in the air. Licking her lips, she empties her cup and goes for a refill, "Want something to drink, Harper?" She asks Giremi politely.

All that black dust on Carys and the fact that she's just picked up food with those dirty hands makes Giremi's lips purse with disapproval as he continues to alternate skimming the hide in his hands and peering up at the cluster of Candidates. "Giremi, Journeyman Harper," provides said harper for Edlyn and Carys' benefit. "Y'know, it's customary to wash your hands and face before sitting down to a meal." This is pointed out to Carys as the harper's face twitches a little, likely in revulsion at the girl's manners. "Well met Edlyn. Mind, I didn't say I didn't /like/ to sing. I like it fine. It's not my strongest skill as a harper though." Just a little stuffily said, that. Ephara's offer peaks his brows upwards yet again. "No thank you, I'd just finished my klah when you arrived."

Carys stops in midchew, looking down at her clothing, and observing her hands. "Oh..." she swallows her food really fast and licks her lips. "Sorry. I didn't think it'd matter, seein' as how I'm just gonna go back out there and break up more firestone when I'm finished." She eats a little more, looking at her feet. She watches Ephara go, wondering why she didn't say 'hi' back, and then finishes off the little thing she'd grabbed as a snack. "I guess I'll go wash up really quick, then." She darts off in a direction that hopefully leads to a scrub bin or something.

There's an extra bit of swagger in Tiriana's step as she saunters into the living cavern this afternoon, in what appear to be new clothes. As soon as she enters, she glances about for a seat; Giremi's high red head provides a convenient landmark for that, and she heads his way to drop into an empty seat by him and the cluster of candidates, though there's not so much as a hello for, well, any of them. "It's my birthday," she tells Giremi instead, expectant. "The least you can do is get me food."

Edlyn reaches into her pockets to pull out a bit of cloth to hand to Carys, but the younger girl is already up and running off to wash up. Ed's lips purse and she looks to Giremi with furrowed brows. "I don't know if you're Harper here or not, but you needn't be so hard on her. She's new to all this Candidate work." Her food is forgotten, though her klah is brought towards her lips for a sip. "Sometimes you only have a short break to shovel your food in." Sniff. Tiriana is appraised with lifted brows and a twitched smile. "Yes, he should also sing for you."

Ephara gets her juice and returns, watching Carys sprint off and Tiriana enter. She lifts her eyebrows and snorts, plunking down in a chair. "I know you." She says, taking a hard look at R'dur's niece. "You was in here the night I arrived." She rubs the side of her nose, leaning back. "Didn't quite catch your name though."

"It's ordinary manners to wash up before meals." Giremi quirks a look at Edlyn for the overwrought response but his entire manner changes the instant Tiriana appears in his field of vision and drops down into that chair, face splitting into a sunny grin that suddenly changes to abashed embarrassment as he flushes all the way up to his hairline. "It's your birthday? Today? Shells. Happy birthday Tiri." His smile returns brighter than before and he leans back in his chair. "Okay, I'll humor you today, birthday girl. Got any preferences?" Ephara's remarks bring a short snap of his fingers. "Oh and Tiriana, this is Ephara, Ephara, Tiriana. Teach her one of your favorite naughty songs won't you?"

"He sings boring songs," Tiriana dismisses Edlyn's suggestion with a wave of her hand, and a smirk as Giremi agrees with her order. "Not wherry. Or fish. I like herdbeast, and... I dunno, not picky about the rest. And dessert, I want dessert," she tacks on at the end, with a nod. Though, her brows knit at his instruction, and she glances at Edlyn and Ephara suspiciously. "What for?"

Edlyn flattens her lips into a thin line as /she/ is not introduced. Her food is once more a focus as she slices each offering into bite-sized portions. Systematically, she places bits into her mouth and chews. "Don't look at me," she answers Tiri, frown flashing, "I don't want to learn those sorts of songs. That's 'phara's type." Her shoulders rise and fall in a shrug.

Ephara sniffs, "The worst you know." She corrects it Giremi's wake. "I've heard all the tame ones. I need something to melt Leuxcais' ears." And maybe wither some other parts of his body, if she can manage, judging by the vengeful expression on her face. She lifts a fist into the air and brings it down emphatically. To Tiriana she explains, "I have a bet going with Leuxcais. He thinks he can find a song bawdy enough to make me blush, and I said the same of him. I know some terrible ones, but I'm combing the Weyr for some worse." She glances aside at Edlyn and jerks her thumb in the girl's direction, "That's Ed. She likes runners, but not naughty songs."

Stirring himself promptly after Tiriana's list of likes and dislikes, Giremi heads over to put a plate together for her. "Ephara needs one to win a bet," he calls over his shoulder, then he's busy rooting through what's available and after a moment, sticking his head into the kitchen for a word with the cook. When he returns from the kitchen, Tiriana's plate is noticeably more full than when he went in and some of the items on the plate aren't available on the general buffet. He's also got a covered bowl in his other hand. All of this is set down on the table in front of the Weyrsecond's niece followed by a rooting around in his pocket for a flask that joins the rest of the items. "There you go. One birthday meal." Settling back into his chair Giremi pulls his glasses off and tucks them into his shirt pocket and tidies his hides safely out of the way. "I'm not much of a bawdy fan myself, but I can look some up for you if you like, Ephara."

"Who's Leuxcais?" asks Tiriana, not terribly interested for all that question. She also notes, "Runners're nice. I work in the stables. Anyway. Um... There's one my daddy taught me, back at Ierne--I think he got it from the Weyrwoman or the weyrlingmaster, they were seacrafter types. It's my favorite, but I know bunches." Her lips purse thoughtfully as she lets Giremi arrange a meal for her; she apparently takes it as enough of her due not to have to say thank you as she digs in.

Carys returns from wherever she'd gone with a perfectly clean face, and clean hands to match. Although her clothes are still considerably dusty, she doesn't seem to be spouting any puffs of black firestone crud all over the place. She takes her seat back, looking up at Giremi with a rather awful look on her face which she quickly disposes of before speaking to him. "That better?" she asks in a forced tone of politeness. She really doesn't want to be nice, but she knows she has to. Then Rys looks over at Tiriana with a curious expression fixed on her little face, eyeing all the food with a raised brow. "You have to learn a bawdy song for a bet?" she asks Ephara. "Shards, that's pretty funny!"

Edlyn bites her lip to hold back a smile at Ephara's empathetic response. "I dunno who this fellow is, but I'm guessin' he's going to lose the bet." She shakes her head, sending her hair to falling in her face again. Deft fingers reach up to part her hair and push it as firmly behind her ears as she can. Her eyes linger for a moment on the plate of food before Tiri, assessing the contents from the look of it. Her food is pushed away from her, half finished. "I just can't seem to get much of an appetite for this Weyr food," she comments to Ephara with a half-shrug. "Runners are a lot of work - but you can teach them to do some interesting thing," Ed answers Tiri with a wider smile. Her voice rises in response to her passion for the beasts. "I taught one back home to turn circles and rear up on command. We were workin' on gettin' him to kick out too, 'fore I came here." A nod of approval is given to Carys, "You look much better. Hope your food isn't too cold."

Ephara has taken one of those instant dislikings to Tiriana that people sometimes do. "He's a Candidate." She replies flatly. "And that's okay, I probably know it." Turning to look at Carys and ignoring the 'turnday girl,' she shrugs, "I know lots of bawdy songs, I just want to know the worst one. I think I'll write my own though, to play on my pipe." She shrugs for Edlyn, having no interest in runners. "The foods alright. Better than some, not much different than the fare anywhere else.. well.. some of it at least. We've fresher at home." She admits.

A little distracted, Giremi doesn't immediately notice Carys' return, her actual address to him is what lifts his gaze to the Candidate and he smiles. "There. Much better. Now you won't be eating firestone grime along with your food. Or getting it in anyone else's besides." The harper listens to the various contributions to the conversation before remarking with some surprise: "Really? The food here doesn't suit you? I guess I've always felt pretty fortunate about the variety of things available. And when the bakers get going they make some very nice treats."

"I said I work in the stables. You think I don't know what to do with them?" Tiriana sneers at Edlyn, snorting. "Circus tricks for traders," she dismisses the tricks. Then, giving Ephara a look as well, she raises her brows slightly and shrugs. "Fine, I won't teach you the one I know. Maybe I'll teach him 'stead. And go back to your own hold if you don't like ours." She bristles slightly at the insult to her home, as she stabs a piece of meat on her own plate with her fork.

Carys purses her lips and nods in response to Giremi's comment, and then looks over at Edlyn with a smile. "Thanks. It doesn't much matter if my food's cold or not, I'll eat it either way and still like it. It's keepin' me alive at least." Then she smirks in Ephara's direction, letting out a little chuckle. "I bet you could write a really good one. I wonder if Leuxcais is taking this much time to find a bawdy song to sing to you?" After her question she proceeds to take big portions of food and shove them in her mouth. Manners? She's still learning. Then she casts a curious glance over at Tiriana, entertained by her reaction to Phara and the stabbing of the meat.

"We've better wine, but I guess that's family pride or something," Edlyn answeres Ephara with a bemused smile. Seems the other girl's attitude towards Tiri is noted. Her attention is drawn towards Giremi at his response, she simply shrugs. "I'm not saying it's not /good/. It's just not home, you know? Shells, some of the things on the menu I have never tried before." Her nose wrinkles and her lip curls in mild distaste. "I'm not much of one for adventerous eating." Ed's eyes narrow as she shoots a steely gaze in Tiri's direction. "Well aren't you just a know-it-all. I hope a stallion tramples you." She slams her klah down on the table and rises. "I've got better things to do than chat." Squaring her shoulders, Ed pulls away from the table and stalks out of the caverns.

Edlyn has disconnected.

Giremi eyes Tiriana sidelong with a slight frown and clears his throat a couple of times, but doesn't actually manage to say anything. He nods absently at Edlyn's exclamation then makes wide eyes as she stalks off. "Well then. It's never a day in the living cavern without someone's temper firing off," he murmurs under his breath and pulls his hides towards him again. "Writing your own? You sure you want to Stand Ephara? Sounds like you could make a stab at Harper."

Ephara watches Edlyn and smirks at Tiriana, "Bitter tongues do bitter enemies make." She says with more wisdom than her Turns. "So how old are you now, Tiriana, 4? You must be, only children know everything. They start forgetting as they grow." She finishes her juice, leaning lazily backwards in her chair and folding her hands across her stomach. She watches Carys thoughtfully, wrinkling her nose at the heavy smell of phosphine that permeates from the other Candidate. For Giremi, she shrugs, "I ain't gunna Impress, but I dunno if I wanna be a Harper either. I like to play my pipe, and sing, but to be stuck at that Hall for Turns, drudging my life away." She shudders. "I'd much rather travel Pern selling my wares and hearing the tales. I wasn't meant to stay one place forever. These bones just don't idle well."

"They won't. They like me," Tiriana shoots back at Edlyn, "because I don't try to make 'em act like dumb show ponies." She offers the exiting girl a superior look, before glancing sideways at Ephara. "Sixteen," she answers frostily. "And you better watch your mouth, /candidate/, or I can have you kicked out of there fast. Since you're not gonna impress anyway, we'll just put you back on the road."

Carys notices Ephara watching her, and watches her back with a look of '...What?' on her face. The smell of firestone doesn't seem to be getting to her much. Maybe it's because she's distracted by food and listening to the constant bickering. At Edlyn's exit she rolls her eyes and mutters, "Girl drama..." She lifts her eyes Giremiwards and studies him for a moment. "Is part of your job recruiting or something?"

"Ladies, come now, let's be civil?" Giremi's suggestion is made mildly as his gaze flicks betwen Ephara and Tiriana. "Also, Ephara if you /are/ interested in learning more, how to play other instruments for instance, or some of the archiving, let me know, or just come by. Sometimes the Hall takes apprentices at a higher entering level if they've trained before arriving and then it's a shorter time to Journeyman ... and posting out to wander to different holds, halls and Weyrs." He smiles a little and nods Carys' way. "Actually yes. Journeymen're supposed to keep an eye out for possible Harper talent at postings."

From afar, to Carys, Giremi, and Tiriana, Ephara cackles, "Saved by the daddy. No diapers for me."

Ephara spits back, "I live here, ya tart. Mind your own mouth if you want mine to be civil." The look on her face has 'you're an idiot' writen all over it. More politely she tells Giremi, "I would certainly enjoy learning a more complicated instrument than my pipe. I love learning new things." Then she can't help but jab Tiriana just a bit more, "Well, I may not Impress, but I have a chance of it." In her head she is obviously thinking that it is more than she can say for Tiriana, for who would want that trollop?

Carys just nods at Giremi, saying, "Oh, I see. Well how long have /you/ been a harper then? Long time?" She looks quite disappointed when he tells them to be civil, wrinkling her nose and pouting a bit. She was amused, in a very sick way. Then Rys looks up at Ephara after finishing what was left on her plate, and asks, thoughtfully, "So wait...if you don't Impres, and I think you probably will, then you might be a harper? I haven't thought of what I might do. Probably stay here and help in the kitchen or something. Or go back and live with A'son at Reaches."

"Hey, hey," Giremi tries conciliation again. "Enough of this. Here, why /don't/ I sing and then you can both make fun of me instead of sniping at each other?" There's a slight nod for Ephara. "Third door down the left hand corridor in the crafter quarters, or you can usually find me in the Records most afternoons, cataloging and such." He takes a deep breath, lets it out and stacks his empty mug and plate, then tips a look over at Carys. "Let's see, seven, no eight turns now since I apprenticed, but only three since I walked the tables and posted here."

Tiriana just rolls her eyes at Giremi, ignoring his cautionary words. Really, ignores them, because at Ephara's words she's pushing her plate back and then her chair, deliberately. "You wanna go at it, then? I can kick your butt, you--you stay out of this," the latter, heatedly, to Giremi as he tries to defuse the situation.

Ephara laughs outright at Tiriana, "I ain't stupid, stupid. I fight you, I get kicked out. Nope, I'm gunna sit right here and enjoy my juice." The girl grins infuriatingly back at Tiriana and then says with breathless inthusiasm, "I would love to hear a song, Harper. And no offense, but I couldn't stick around five turns learning and three more just sitting here. Especially not in that moldy Records Cavern." A light shudder runs down her spine. "Too much time indoors. Give me open air and beautiful sky."

Carys eyes the girls, waiting to see if Epha will jump out of her chair and pummel her or not. When she declines, Rys feels somewhat relieved, but disappointed yet again. Looking up at Tiriana, "Oh sit down, you've already made enough of a scene to give people something to talk about for a sevenday." She leans back in her chair, folding her hands behind her head comfortably.

Giremi's voice is mild but there's something rarely found in his manner: a bid for grasping at some kind of authority. "I'll sing and then let's go have a drink over at the Hold or convince someone to take us to Ista, eh, Tiri?" That last is more cajoling than anything else and one of his hands reaches for the young woman's arm. "Doesn't have to be that long, but do as you will, Ephara."

"Coward," sneers Tiriana, triumphant herself. "Never thought I'd meet somebody chicken enough to be scared of /R'dur/ though." That seems to amuse her enough to settle ruffled feathers, though she sneers at Carys. "Oh, keep your nose out of it--none of your business." She shrugs away from Giremi's touch, but at least falls silent, albeit with an ugly look for him. "I'm not going anywhere with you right now."

Carys looks horribly amused when Tiriana tells her to mind her own business, and she starts laughing. She pushes her dish away, putting Ephara's cup on top of her plate, and then kicks back again. "Kinda funny how fast you two got to fighting, isn't it?" She really doesn't get when to shut her mouth.

Giremi's lips press together a little at the further trading of barbs and then he sends a long-suffering look Carys' way. "Never a dull moment around here," is what he finally says though, aiming for a lighter tone, and doing a passable imitation of not taking that ugly look to heart. "See you around Ephara." He nods politely as the Candidate departs then turns back to tidying up the area of the table he was occupying. "Fine then, no birthday present for you, Tiri," the harper continues in the same mild tone of voice as he gets his things together.

Arezan walks in from the bowl.
Arezan has arrived.

"But look at her run," Tiriana says loudly as Ephara leaves, pointedly ignoring Carys this time around. Though, Giremi's words set her to seething again, and she spits back at him, bitterly, "I didn't want anything from you, anyway." With everyone at the table left in some degree of anger at her, she scowls, shoulders stiff as she reaches to pull her plate back toward her and continue eating.

Carys just raises her brows and grins, letting off a bit of a stretch before she stands. "Alright, well...hope you don't get too fat after eating all that food," is all she says before nonchalantly walking outside to the bowl to finish her chores. She chirrups, "Bye!" over her shoulder.

Carys walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.
Carys has left.

Passing her as she leaves and he enters, Arezan inclines his head a bit as Carys breezes out, sidestepping to leave her ample room. Neither gesture is noticed as she's looking over her shoulder at the time, but who really expects adolescent girls to be observant of their surroundings anyhow? Not Arezan it seems, as he simply ambles on over to the meal table for a plate of mid afternoon snack food - meatrolls, fruit and a mug of cold cider.

Giremi only nods as Carys departs and carries his dishes away then returns and quietly sits down, perhaps thinking better of the impulse to leave. He does shoot an uneasy glance Tiriana's way briefly, then draws his glasses out of his shirt pocket, perches them on his nose and goes back to reading, outwardly calm at least.

Tiriana's silence has a sulky edge to it, as both she and Giremi lapse into silence, the latter to read, the girl herself to continue eating, stabbing her food viciously. Then, finally: "Daddy said he's gonna come bring me stuff later. He promised Alidaeth."

Arezan carries his laden plate on one upturned palm with the cider in the other as he moves away from the bustle near the serving table. There's an empty table near Giremi and Tiriana so that is where he settles his food, dropping neatly into a chair that faces the pair. A stretch of tabletop divides him from the preoccupied lad and the pouty girl, but if either should prove interesting enough his position should allow him to join the conversation. In the meantime he flicks a cloth napkin open, smooths it across his lap, and begins to cut his fruit into small bite sized pieces. Tiriana's declaration draws a quick glance, one dark brow slightly lifted. "What sort of 'stuff'," he asks in a patently obliging tone.

"I'm glad Sh'drian will be coming to celebrate your birthday with you. That should be a nice treat." Again with quiet, mild tone from Giremi, eyes lifting from his hides as Tiriana addresses him. Arezan's query turns his gaze that way next and he shoots the young man a somewhat distracted smile. "Good day."

Finally, someone who will humor her more. Tiriana gives Arezan a rather wary glance, his fruit-cutting in particular even a raised brow before she shrugs it off. "Birthday presents. It's my birthday today. He's going to bring me stuff from all my family down south," she asserts. Giremi, well. He's mostly ignored, the younger girl's chin lifting superciliously.

The harper gets a smile in return, though Arezan's is more formally polite. "Crom's duties to Telgar and the Harpers as well," he offers lightly, almost offhandedly. "And a happy birthday to you as well. How old are you... sixteen turns?" Apparently he is aiming for charming today, this said with a smile that curls the corners of his mobile mouth, brows lifted.

"Harper's and Telgar's to you," Giremi musters his manners though the charm Arezan lays out Tiriana's way earns a slight frown before he sets down the hides he was reading and holds his hand out towards the Crom hold man. "Well met. I'm Giremi, the Weyr's harper and Tiriana, Weyrleader Sh'drian's daughter of Ierne and niece to R'dur, Weyrsecond here." The harper tries a smile on for size, though it's directed towards Tiriana, not the fellow from Crom.

"Sixteen," affirms Tiriana with a nod, poking at her food and then pushing it away. Giremi's smile, of course, is only met with a dark look on her part. "I can introduce myself, you know. I'm sixteen, remember?" she tells him testily, apparently determinded to take offense at everything today. Deliberately, she turns back to Arezan. "I'm Tiriana," she tells him herself. "Who're you?"

That slightly lifted eyebrow is dropped, a satisfied nod bobbed instead before he waves on hand expansively. "Really I might have guessed even older, but you do have to be careful with ladies, you know. You have a certain maturity about you." He even manages to say it drily without even a hint of teasing, though something glints in those pale eyes. "Arezan, record keeper at Crom Hold," he returns, eyes flickering first to Giremi and then to Tiriana. The latter gets another beat or two or of an assessing glance now that her family is more amply outlined. "Sounds like it should end up being pretty good 'stuff' in that case. What kind of gifts do Weyrleaders give their kids these days? You don't look like the fancy dress or rare book sort."

"Proper manners," indicates Giremi with another slight smile, then he looks away off across the cavern as if considering something. There's a movement of riders out of the cavern that narrows his eyes a little, then he looks down at the hides he'd abandoned and carefully realigns the pages with each other. "Records keeper? So you must know the Records room at the Hold well?" Professional interest from Giremi.

Tiriana apparently takes Arezan's words at face value, leaning back in her chair to smirk at the older man. "I am mature," she agrees, nodding. "And... different stuff. Marks, and drinks, and my gran always sends cookies, and now mostly clothes 'cause I'm so old." Her nose wrinkles, not apparently thrilled with that, for all she adds, "Made Bri promise to take me to buy lots of them, though. She always has good clothes." The mention of records elicits no notice at all from her.

The mention of proper manners stretches Arezan's smile into more of a lopsided smirk and he inclines his head slowly. "But of course." To that last he simply dips a quick nod, spearing a cube of redfruit and lifting it without putting it in his mouth. "Indeed. My father was an Assistant Steward so I've spent nearly half of my life in them. Was there something you were wondering about them?" The fruit finds its way between his teeth and he chews, swallows, then neatly dabs his lips before turning that lingering smirk on Tiriana. "Marks and drinks sound good, and a trip to... would that be Boll to the main Hall? If so, that sort of shopping trip would be the best part I would say. Though I suppose as a weyrb... ah, a resident at a Weyr, you have ample opportunities to travel. Not to mention better stores from which to choose even your more basic wardrobe." Her current attire gets a flick of a glance, a dismissive sort that seems to indicate that his former words are true even if she doesn't make use of it.

"I'm always interested in other archives," confesses Giremi, tapping the neat sheaf of hides in front of him with the knuckles of one hand. There's a pause and then he looks over at Tiriana and makes an attempt at another conciliatory remark. "I'll bet there will be some really nice new things for you to look lovely in."

Tiriana shrugs her shoulders at Arezan. "How should I know, Bri's the one that knows clothes," she tells him bluntly. His glance over her seems to get through to her that he's a little disparaging, and her shoulders set as she shoves her chair back and stands. "I'm going home," she announces, and without further ado turns to exit.

It seems that the charming route would have been the best to stick with, and Arezan blinks once as Tiriana turns to go. The surprised expression is here and then gone again quickly enough, replaced instead by that lopsided smirk. "'Twas nice to meet you, Tiriana. And happy birthday." Rather than waiting for a reply which is pretty obviously not forthcoming, he shifts in his seat a bit to better face the Harper. "As am I. I was hoping to poke about in the records here actually but I wasn't sure of the protocol. I'm always on the lookout for interesting tidbits, especially any concerning Crom." Nonchalant, he settles back into a lounge while nibbling at a meatroll. "Would you happen to have seen anything like that?"

As Tiriana flounces off, Giremi clears his throat and offers over. "Happy birthday, Tiri. See you ...later." Then he looks back over at Arezan considering the request. "Well I'd say good thing you fell in with me then. I've catalogued the entire Records Room here and can tell you precisely where everything is." He gets a look like he's reviewing every hide and paper in the room mentally. "I don't recall off the top of my head if there's anything on Crom in particular, but most Hold-related documents are shelved together."

tiriana, carys, edlyn, giremi, arezan, ephara

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