[Log] The Last Weyrling

Jul 24, 2007 23:23

Who: I'daur, Talien
When: Unknown
Where: Weyrling Training Room, High Reaches Weyr
What: I'daur meets with Talien.

Weyrling Training Room, High Reaches Weyr
     This large room was cut deep into the cliff side and is lit only by glows. There are two large stone tables running east and west. Behind each table is a stone bench for the weyrlings to sit on, not very comfortable admittedly, but wood is too valuable to use for this purpose. At the north end of the room is a smaller stone table and chair, used by the WeyrlingMaster. Behind that lies a map of the northern continent, the areas that each Weyr protects carefully marked.
     On the east wall is a detailed depiction of a dragon's wing with the anatomy clearly marked. If you look at the west wall, it's covered with many Wing formations. In the back of the room are a couple old, scratched up couches. Originally they were in the colors of High Reaches Weyr, one black, one dark blue, but now it's a little difficult to tell which is which.


Obvious exits:
Bowl Weyrling Barracks

There are fourteen weyrlings. I'daur has had thirteen meetings. There's only one left now: Talien's. Finally, after a healthy dosing of alcohol, he sends Zunaeth to call Svodriyth to send in his.

In good enough spirits, Talien has made something of an attempt to clean herself up before visiting the Weyrlingmaster. Svodriyth lingers within sight, though just beyond the door and his presence is something which adds steel to Talien's spine. Walking a little straighter and prouder than ever before, she enters and greets I'daur with a cool, "Svodriyth said you wanted to talk."

"Trying to do meetings with everyone," says I'daur, with a shrug and another drink. Apparently he doesn't feel like he's had enough yet. "Trying to... y'know. See how you're adjusting. So." Pause. "How are you adjusting?"

"How're /you/ adjusting?" Talien counters after watching him down another drink, "That's not the stuff..." She sniffs delicately at the scent and immediately scrunches her nose as a disapproving frown surfaces. Dropping down into the nearest available seat without so much as a by your leave, she declares, "Didn't take you terribly long, did it?" And slowly, oh so slowly does the better half of Talien slink into the room. Stomach low and against the ground, the blue seeks a stealthy approach into the room.

Talien uses every bit of control to not turn around and look when I'daur pins her approaching blue. Svodriyth stops just as soon as he's made... as though now falling still will suddenly render him invisible. "Ok." Talien says after a small pause - tone and tactics having changed, Talien offers, "It's different but I like it. Me and him get along great. We agree on lots of things."

"Like what, that I'm an asshole?" drawls I'daur, as he gives Svodriyth a frown and then just shakes his head, writing the blue's oddities off as weyrling strangeness. "So, if you're doing all right, and he looks healthy, guess that's most of what I wanted to know."

"Yeah, that was one of 'em," Talien agrees without skipping a beat. "'course it was kinda obvious from the start." She glances from the Weyrlingmaster to the blue, who is still frozen statuesquely in place. "Anyways, it's not about you, remember? So we got this problem, see, and I think... we think," Correcting herself quickly, Talien glances aside to the blue, "We think it's something you can help with."

I'daur is still watching Svodriyth absently, as thought trying to see just how long the blue can stay in that position. "What's that?" he asks, brows furrowing as he glances back at Talien expectantly.

Talien is watching I'daur watch Svodriyth and it's a safe bet to assume Svodriyth is watching I'daur watch him which defeats the whole purpose of his stealthy sneak. And so he remains still; Talien, not so much. "Alright, so this problem.... we're like, suppose to learn from you, right?" Talien doesn't even bother checking or waiting for I'daur to confirm, "And you're suppose to answer whatever questions we have, right?"

"Right..." says I'daur slowly, eyes narrowing suspiciously as he looks at Talien and waits for her to actually explain.

"Well...." Drawing out the word and the explanation, Talien allows I'daur's suspicion the chance to build before continuing. "I told Svodriyth all about how I was your assistant. Before him, I mean. And I told him about the other weyrlings you taught... the ones I helped with. Kinda. And he was thinking you oughta let some of us do that with each other. Kinda like what I did with them and you, only now it'll be more like all of us and you." And if that weren't confusing enough, Svodriyth's stock-still position breaks as he breaks into a somewhat fast paced lumber; one that has a destination of I'daur in sight.

"What?" says I'daur, as he really looks at Talien for the first time in a while. "You want to... We have mentors, you know. And me and Emilly. You're gonna have enough to take care of with Svodriyth, not to worry about everybody else." Pause. "Though, appreciate the concern," he mutters, too.

"Mentors," Talien dismisses them with a psh and casual flip of her hand, "They're just there to talk of you want to talk an' I got Svodriyth for that... they got theirs and, no offense? But we're gonna tell them stuff we won't /ever/ tell any of you." She allows a meaningful look without truly bothering to explain the meaning of said look; Svodriyth continues his lumber, apparently choosing to play chicken with the weyrlingmaster as he skirts the side of Talien's chair. That he clips it with his hip in passing is of no consequence to either him or Talien. "So I think it'd be good. You know, for one of us to spend the day doing everything you do. I know it helped me." She beams then, with quite the 'proud mother' look as Svodriyth plants himself before I'daur.

"Helped you," says I'daur, lips pursed. "I'll think about it, anyway," he promises her. "But you'll still be busy. You know how it was for 'em last time. But everything else--it's going all right for you?"

"Yeah, I know." Talien agrees reluctantly enough, and even more reluctantly to his last, she says, "Yeah. Better'n alright. Me'n Svodriyth are dandy, like I said." Talien draws forth her most winning smile and it is, at least, quite genuine. Svodriyth, having finished his inspection of I'daur, turns and slinks back to Talien's side. He lifts his head when he reaches her elbow and Talien offers the briefest of taps to it before the blue continues on out of the room.

I'daur eyes Talien. "Did you just say... 'dandy?'" He eyes her and then shakes his head. "All right, then. Well, glad to--hear it. You'll tell me--Emilly--somebody--if you need anything else?" He looks dubious about this.

"Did I say what?" Talien asks after a slight pause, "Dan-da-what?" I'daur now receives the very same stare he'd given Talien, "I didn't say anything 'cept me and Svodriyth are alright." She eyes his drink and shrugs, "Sure... you'll be the first one I come to, sir." Talien makes an effort to emphasize that title and as she stands, there's even a salute to match.

I'daur does not look very convinced, but he nods all the same and offers a lazy salute back. "All right," he tells her. "Thank you, Talien."

"Sure," Talien says again, "Anytime." Dismissed, Talien turns to leave and makes it as far as the door before stopping again. She hesitates before turning around to say, "If you think it's a bad idea that I got his and Lon- his old couch..spot - thing, just... y'know, let me know and I'll get another one." Another pause brings, "Oh and if I'dyn says anything about me or N'thei liking each other... he's so totally lying 'cause he didn't hear half of what we were talking about." And on that lovely note, Talien leaves.

talien, i'daur

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