(no subject)

Jul 10, 2005 21:45

I was going to write a post about the hair debacle of last week, then about the two days I spent at my grandmother's, then the hurricane that's headed straight for me. But instead, #1.

First best friend: Ashley from 1st grade.

First car: Technically, I haven't had one of my own. I drove my mom's Nissan a lot when I was first learning, and now I get to drive Jacy's Cavalier sometimes. But that's about it.

First screen name: brazenbronzer.

First self-purchased album: Oasis' (What's the Story) Morning Glory?

First funeral: My grandfather.

First kiss: Tyler, way back in junior high. Ah, the good ol' days.

First girlfriend/boyfriend: Brody, in... eighth grade? I think. Then we dated again in tenth, though briefly.

First pets: When I moved in with Jacy's family, and suddenly had about six dogs and a cat all at once.

First piercing/tattoo: I got my ears pierced when I was six.

First credit card: Don't have one yet--not eighteen. One week!

First enemy: There were a lot of people I didn't like as a kid, but the first real, true, out-and-out enemy I had was George, over the last couple of years.

First big trip: Key West, when I was just a few months old. The first one I remember is going out west when I was six, though. ;)

First musician you REMEMBER hearing in your house: I don't remember hearing many in the house, but the first one I remember ever hearing was Nirvana, right after my dad bought Nevermind.


Last good cry: A few days ago, when I broke up with Tanner.

Last kiss: Tanner.

Last library book checked out: Um. The Last of the Mohican (and the Cliff notes) for a book report year before last.

Last movie seen: Batman Begins

Last beverage drink: Coke! Okay, technically, Pepsi; but down here, it's all coke.

Last food consumed: Taco Bell.

Last phone call: My grandmother, to tell her yes, I made it home safely from her house last night.

Last time showered: This morning for church.

Last CD played: My Chemical Romance's Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge

Last item bought: Lunch at Taco Bell?

Last annoyance: My family keeps talking to me when I'm trying to RP!

Last disappointment: I dunno. Hmm.

Last time scolded: Today, when my aunt kept telling me to stop playing with my hair.

Last time wanted to die: Wow. Um. Been a while since I was quite that low.

Last shirt worn: My Washington, D.C., Hard Rock Cafe shirt.

50 Questions

1. What is your middle name? Josephine.

2. What color underwear are you wearing now? Blue and grey squares.

3. What are you listening to right now? Relient K's "Be My Escape"

4. What are the last 2 digits in your phone number? 82.

5. What was the last thing you ate? This was earlier, gah.

6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? A nice blue, maybe--or grass green. I dunno.

7. How is the weather right now? Wet 'n' windy.

8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My grandmother...

9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Height. And hair. Then eyes and other hotness-factors. Like body. Ooh. ;)

10. Favorite type of Food? Augh. I dunno.

11. Do you drink? No!

12. Do you smoke? Not a chance.

13. Ever get so drunk you don't remember what you did? No...

14. Hair color? Reddish-brown, after the hair debacles of earlier this week.

15. Eye Color: Hazel.

16. Do you wear contacts? Nope.

17. Single? Now, yep.

18. Favorite Month? I like fall: September, October.

19. Favorite Fast Food? I really love Subway more than anything.

20. Last Movie you Watched? Batman Begins--same as earlier.

21. Favorite Day of the Year? I don't really have one.

22. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Nope. No way.

24. Hugs or Kisses? Depends on the person offering.

25. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate all the way, baby.

26. Do you want your friends to respond back? Eh, I don't care. ;)

27. Who is most likely to respond? peppygrowlithe, perhaps? Because he already has! ;)

28. Who is least likely to respond? Ha. I dunno.

29. What books are you reading? Am planning on starting the Harry Potter books: I've got just under a week to read them all.

30. Piercings? My ears; that's it.

31. Fav. Movie? The Princess Bride

32. Fav. baseball team? Atlanta.

33. Fav. American Idol? Uh... I never really watched. I suppose I should feel some hometown loyalty for Ruben, but honestly I think he sucked. Clay was better, dorky though he was. And Bo was from Alabama, too, but I've never heard of him. Honestly, then? Probably Kelly Clarkson. I actually like a couple of her new songs. *gasp*

34. Any Pets? Lots.

35. AIM/MSN/YIM/SN? brazenbronzer on AIM. IM me!

36. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? Lots of butter, lots of salt. :D

37. Dogs or cats? I like both.

38. Favorite Flower? Uh...

39. What do you do when you wake up in the AM? Roll back over and go to sleep until the PM. ;)

40. Do you still talk to your best friends from elementary school? Nope.

41. What's on your desk right now? Technically, I don't have a desc. I have an end table, though, by my couch. On it? Two empty coke cans, a can of Cheese Whiz, four bottles of nail polish, a thank-you card I need to feel out, three pencils, two pens, a sharpie, a clock, and the cordless phone.

42. Rock Concert or symphony? Rock!

43. Play or Opera? Depends on which one.

44. Have you ever fired a gun? Yes. After the last rattlesnake ended up in the yard last summer, my uncle made sure Jacy and I knew how to fire one, just in case. So far, haven't actually shot anything, but.

45. Do you like to travel by plane? I don't mind, really. I'm more used to driving, though.

46. Right-handed or Left-handed? Left! Ha!

48. How many pillows do you sleep with? Just one. I sleep on the (two-seater) couch, and between me, whatever cat wants on me, my stuffed animal, and the blankets, there's only room for one.

49. Are you missing someone? A little, yeah.

50. Did you like this survey? Eh.
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