[Log] A Gentleman as Yourself

Feb 23, 2007 12:36

Who: Niklo, R'dur, Rilkie, Trace
When: Day 26, Month 1, Turn 448
Where: Waterfall Pool, Ista Weyr; Candidate Barracks, Telgar Weyr
What: R'dur goes to Ista for flowers. He brings Rilkie home with him. Also, Alidaeth schmoozes on Eviath.

Waterfall and Pool at Ista
     Water cascades down from the heights above, to fall roaring into the crystal pool nearby. The dim light of the night is filled with mist from the sea and waterfall. On the black sand shore, looking out over the pool to the east, you can see small fish flitting about within the pool itself. Small ripples cascade away from where the waterfall plunges into the pool, near the plateau wall. Behind you to the east, the bay's waves crash against the black sand of the beaches.
     This place seems to be a favorite bathing place for firelizards, who skim up and down the sharp breezes that vortex and spin the mists high above. A shadowy niche behind the waterfall catches the eye, and path leads back to the ocean shore to the southwest.
     The dry winter season relieves Ista Island of its humidity, replacing it with light, buoyant air. As the sun sets, a gray blanket of clouds dominates the sky and a turbulent wind gusts violently, howling around the peaks of the Weyr.


Obvious exits:
Behind the Waterfall Trail to Beach

     Yellow-green eyes are brought out by naturally nut brown skin with honey undertones. Bands of bronze, small enough that they don't dangle, are spaced about a quarter-inch apart from earlobe to the top of her ear, but these are usually hidden by the hair which frames her face, a much darker brown than her skin and highlighted with bronze that is brought out by the Istan sun. Obviously not brushed for quite some time, her thick mane has formed what is easily a hundred and more slender knotted locks of hair that would be absolutely dreadful to attempt undoing - dreadlocks in every sense of the word, though far thinner than traditional. Nonetheless they seem well-kept, and add to her almost wild appearance.
     Dressed for comfort during the abundant work of weyrlinghood, Niklo's clothing consists of lightweight, sturdy materials. Her shirt is unbleached linen, short-sleeved and loosely fitted, cinched at the waist by a wide belt of black leather. Her grey trousers are slightly thicker material but cool nonetheless, loose and roomy for ease of movement, as well as a bit long to allow for upcoming growthspurts. The extra length is tucked into dusty brown boots, which, surprisingly enough, fit perfectly. On one shoulder the girl wears a knot of orange and black, Istan colors, with a thread of gold for her lifemate.

     A youth of what looks to be 12 years of age, and likely has yet to hit any growth spurts as he stands right around 5'. For his age he could be considered a little small, both in height and girth, but it only belies on the possibility of some hidden strength. Sandy blonde hair grows long and tangled, wavy but not curly, falling to just above his shoulders when let down, and seeming somewhat unkempt. It's generally kept tied up behind his head in a ponytail to keep it out of the way, and rarely is it let down. Light blue eyes look out from a face that shows his youth, a bit of baby fat still predominant though it's more then likely to burn off both face and body as he grows. He's neither overly handsome or ugly by general standards, but just a youthful cute with a likelihood of looking rather fair as he ages, his skin a nice tan color from being in the sun a lot.
     His clothing is nothing remarkable, but likely by the looks of things is hand-me-downs. Tan colored linen sleeveless tunic and work pants, patched in many spots giving it a myraid of shades, and just a bit to baggy for the youth. The belt is a different shade of tan from the rest, making it look just that much more odd, but it keeps the clothing on him at least. His boots are about the only thing that fit him, though by the wear it's more likely then not that they've been used by others before him as well.

     You see a young girl, clearly still in the process of growing into her own. She is lanky, thin and willowy, not yet tall but with long limbs that suggest future growth. They give her an odd, off-kilter impression, like that of a dragonet, but she seems to have learned how to move with grace despite the odds. Her skin is deeply tanned, and freckles sprinkled across her face that tell of time spent in the sun and days spent exploring with an unending curiosity. Her long hair, too, has been bleached by the sun to a light blonde. Her clothes are simple, plain cottons that blow in the breeze, and they do nothing for her face, which is quite pretty if not beautiful. It is here that you stop to really consider her, as her expression is almost constantly schooled in an introspective, thoughtful gaze. But it was her piercing, icy blue eyes that really catch one off-guard; they made it clear to all who looked at her that this was a girl who felt the weight of Pern on her shoulders, and she looked far older than 14 Turns, 2 months, and 23 days.

Trace stops as Niklo speaks, "Well...yer mad at me right?" Okay, so he's not really had many friends before, and certainly none as good as he was with Niklo...he doesn't really know how it works. What he gets for being a loner. "I...well, I said bad things about dragons'n riders, I mean...it was wrong." Of course, Trace is still going to have issues until he gets over his natural tendencies, but at least he's well in the right direction.

Eyeroll. "'Course I'm mad atcha, dimglow." Pause. "Or I was." Niklo crosses her arms and taps her toe in the sand, fighting to keep from laughing. "I ain't now, after gettin' some time t'think it over an' all. I don't blame ya... much. I don't like yer way o'thinkin', but y'been doin' it so long an' never let anybody set y'straight," bare shoulders give a shrug, and she lets what she's saying trail off. "Point is, anyway, I'm still yer friend. Bein' angry don't mean I ain't anymore, y'know."

Down on the beach, Alidaeth lands, letting R'dur off before he lies down, nearly rolling in the sand as he luxuriates in the humid warmth of Ista. R'dur is already looking mildly uncomfortable as he treads the path, murmuring to himself as he goes, "This /was/ the way, wasn't it? They were just right up--oh!" Startled as he comes up nearer the pool, and finds people there, he freezes, glancing between Niklo and Trace. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to--to interrupt," he apologizes at once.

Rilkie ambles towards the waterfall, hoping to find a place of peace and quiet, where she can take a nap-- or at least /think/ for a minute. But then-- oh, shards. People! Disappointment passes over her face for only a second as she discerns the faces of those present, then flashes them a smile. "Evening," she calls brightly to both humans and dragons present.

"So...even though you were mad at me...we're still friends?" Trace asks, smiling a bit in relief...well that's good. He turns back to full face Niklo again, then his eyes widen and he ducks his head quickly again, going red once more. "I...uh...would like ta talk to ya about it s'more later...I think maybe you could explain some too...about dragons and everything." He says, then blinks and turns quickly as someone else comes by the waterfall, eyes looking the new arrival over carefully. "Hello." He offers, then blinks and nods to Rilkie as well. Really got quite...busy.

Busy indeed, especially for the poor weyrling trying to go for a nice quiet swim on a bit of her rare freetime! Having just gotten out of the water, Niklo's clothes is in a heap by the side of the pool and her golden lifemate perched on the rocks above the waterfall, while she herself is dripped wet and suddenly surrounded by company. Awkward much? Opening her mouth to reply to Trace, the girl catches sight of the newcomers and blushes brighter than her friend, taking one long step that places her behind him. He might be shorter than she is... but still. "Evening!" she manages to squeak out.

R'dur blushes a little, ruffling sheepishly at his hair. "Ah. I was just--I mean--oh! Telgar's duties, yes. Telgar's duties to Ista and her queens," he remembers his proper greeting after a moment. "I'm--I'm R'dur. I was just... Alidaeth and I thought that we could stop by for a few minutes. I was going to, um. Well, you usually have flowers here, all the time. And my weyrmate likes them."

Rilkie blushes on Niklo's behalf. "I don't think we've met," she says, unsure if this was the proper time for introductions. "I'm Rilkie. And I'm guessing your Niklo?" she asks, noting her lifemate's size and color. She nods to Trace, but in search of less awkward conversation, greets R'dur. "Welcome to Ista, then! We sure do, and wonderful juices, as well."

Trace remains where he is, keeping between Niklo and the others and using all his short and scrawny frame to block her from view as best he can. As Rilkie speaks, Trace remains quiet, letting her speak to the visiting rider as he glances behind him to Niklo, then blinks and quickly turns forward again, nodding his head slightly in the direction of her towel. If they move together...

Taking a better look at R'dur, Niklo's eyes widen and she offers a quick, awkward salute to the man. "U-uhm, sir!" the girl says quickly, catching Trace's gesture and as discreetly as possible moving sideways. Her towel, unfortunately, is further away than her pile of clothing... but even wet as she is, she appears to have no problem with the idea of taking whatever she can get.

R'dur doesn't quite look at Niklo, letting her edge sideways in peace, while he focuses instead on others, blushing slightly. "I, ah. Not in a long time," he tells Rilkie apologetically, focusing in on her for a moment. "I don't have opportunity to visit often, but, well. I thought it would be the nice thing to do. It's nice to meet you, though. All of you." Awkward much? Oh yes.

Rilkie tries her hardest not to giggle as Niklo races for her towel, afraid of ruining a chance at friendship before she's even met the girl. Find something else to do... talk to R'dur! "Well, then, you'll have to take advantage of being here! I can't imagine there being quite a different place from Ista than Telgar... except for maybe High Reaches. It sure gets /cold/ up there, doesn't it?"

Trace tries to move as well as he can with Niklo to her towel, still not glancing back at her...not until he's sure that she's, ya know, covered. He remains silent still, just watching the other two carefully...neither of which he knows, or who seem to intent on meeting him just yet. Nothing wrong with that, right?

Close enough to satisfy her, Niklo reaches down to grab her shirt and tugs it over her head. This is long enough that she takes a step away from Trace and gives him a slight nod that she's fine now, before snatching up her trousers and yanking them on as well. Her belt and boots are left lying on the ground, and considering that fact that water is still beaded on her skin and dripping from her hair, she looks like a drowned rat. But at least she's decent, if not exactly happy. A glance -- borderline glare -- is sent in Rilkie's direction at the cheerful introduction and a grunt. Hmph.

"It does," agrees R'dur, still not looking to Trace or Niklo. "But I enjoy the cold, myself; I've always lived cold places. Alidaeth, though--my brown, Alidaeth--he likes it here, where it's tropical. He's enjoying your beach right now, actually. Visiting was, really, his idea--I think he just wanted away from the snow for a bit," the rider confesses sheepishly, glancing downward again and half-smiling.

Rilkie gives a soft laugh. "Understandable! All the dragons here love to sun... I'm sure there's something in dragon nature that says to bask as much as possible." She finally gives a cautious look in Niklo's direction, noting that she's now at least presentable. "I hope I didn't embarass you too much," she offers to the girl.

Upon seeing that Niklo is once again...'proper'...Trace relaxes a bit and lets her step to the side. His gaze looks over Rilkie and the visitor, but then still remain silent. He glances at Niklo and offers a small smile, then shrugs slightly. Who are these peoples anyways.

Niklo's response to her friend's smile is a very unhappy, very frustrated scowl. "This past sevenday's hated me..." she mutters to Trace, probably loud enough for the others to hear, though she doesn't really intend it for their ears. Rilkie's words get a full-fledged glare, but before she can make a rude comment she stiffens, deflates, and crosses her arms. "Go back t'sleep, Evi..." Oh great, now she's talking to herself.

R'dur looks finally back to Niklo and Trace, still blushing slightly but offering a small smile to the pair. He looks mildly uncomfortable still, though now Alidaeth is getting curious enough about the commotion to come investigate, lurking up from the beach to get close enough to see what's going on, nosy as ever. "I think you must be right," R'dur, meanwhile, agrees with Rilkie, nodding once. "At Telgar, when we have a sunny day, it seems like every dragon in the Weyr is out in the bowl or on their ledge, just because there aren't so many of them as here."

Rilkie gives a heavy sigh, giving up on befriending the goldrider for the time being-- at least this vistor seemed friendly. "I know," she says wisely. "I was there for a visit just recently. Began to wonder that I hadn't been tricked, and I'd actually stayed /between!/" She laughs at the memory. "Then I finally got lent a warm sweater, and learned to warm myself with klah and a good fire."

"It's not so bad." Trace says to Niklo, then shrugs slightly, at least, he doesn't seem to think so. As Niklo mentions the golds name, he glances up to the dragon for a moment, but then looks back to the other two again quietly. Well, they're...friendly...or something...

Eviath does not go back to sleep, as told. The young queen's head peers over the edge of the rock, a foot or two from where the water is falling from. Spotting Trace, and then the strangers, she lets out a cheerful warble and picks herself up as though preparing to come on down. Her rider, on the other hand, starts to shrug when she hears Rilkie's innocent *between* comment. Niklo visibly cringes, her expression changing suddenly, and she remains silent.

"When were you there?" R'dur asks, curiously cocking his head. "Do you have family there, or came to see the eggs, or...?" Alidaeth, close enough now to watch, looks up as Eviath wakes, crooning his own chittery greeting at the gold--definitely an invitation.

"A friend of mine went on an errand," Rilkie explains, "And invited me to come along. She does that, now and then, since I like poking around new places. I meant to stay one night... it turned into a /sevenday!/" She still seems incredulous as to the fact it had happened. "I offered to lend a hand in the nursery, since that's what I do here, and, well..." she tries to think how to phrase it so as not to sound an insult. "You needed quite a bit of help there." She laughs. At Eviath's warble, she looks up towards the dragon, but completely misses the expression on her rider's face.

Dragon> Alidaeth senses that Eviath's rich, bright tone is made fuzzy by the partially-lifted gauze of sleep, but the questioning note is clear nonetheless, << Mine says you are a stranger. Why are you here? >>

Alidaeth> Eviath senses that Alidaeth answers smoothly, << I came to see you, of course. Ista always has the most beautiful queens--I think it's because of the sun. It makes everything brighter. >> And then, on an entirely different note: << What do you think of this one? >> He flashes an image of Rilkie.

The word doesn't register until he sees the look on Niklo's face, then he frowns a bit and reaches over to take her arm gently, light blue eyes looking her over carefully, filled with concern. "Hey, it's okay." He says quietly to her. He seems different talking about it this time...it doesn't seem to sting him or upset him as it did before. Something really has changed with the boy.

Niklo closes her eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath, exhales, then nods at Trace's words. The strange expression remains on her face, but she forces a smile all the same. "Y'hitcher head or somethin', Trace?" she attempts to tease, "Yer a whole new person, allava sudden." Eviath, meanwhile, swoops down on the gathering and lands a bit away, neck arching proudly at Alidaeth. She then tips her head to one side, snorts softly, and proceeds to stare at Rilkie curiously, cobalt eyes whirling fast.

"You didn't, ah," R'dur hesitates, frowning. "You didn't meet an Ysalia, there, or a Raija, in the nursery? Because if they were giving you a hard time or anything--well, I mean, Raija is only a turn old, so she can't really help it, but Ysalia just turned six, so..." He wrings his hands, studying Rilkie worriedly. Alidaeth, meanwhile, croons happily as Eviath comes down to join him; he's quick to scootch a little closer, and tilt his head to admire her, fawning over the Istan gold.

Dragon> Alidaeth senses that Eviath wavers in surprise at the older dragon's words, threads of pride and uncertainty twining. She blossoms into sureness at his question, however, with a hint of dismissal, << I know little of her. She does care for young ones, which is good? Patience is needed for that. Patience that mine does not have! >>

R'dur's words don't register for a moment, since Rilkie's all eyes on the little gold-- staring back at her intently, then at the interaction between her and the bigger brown who seems so absorbed by her. After a moment, though, she seems to process them. "Oh-- yes I think I did. Honestly, though, each and every one of them was a handful! Minus the tiniest babes, who at least slept for a bit of the time." She smiles, her expression making it clear that she doesn't mind rambunctious tots at all.

Alidaeth> Eviath senses that Alidaeth returns dryly, << Mine has too much patience. If only yours could fix that. >> But he shrugs the thought off, and instead notes, << I think I'm going to take her with us. For our eggs. She can take care of one of them, then. >>

Trace shakes his head slightly, offering a slight smile, "I told ya...I talked about some stuff with Balinne...and I want ta talk to you some too. I think...I understand a little more now." He says, releasing her arm before looking back to Eviath and the visiting dragon, "It's...not like I thought."

The young gold stares at Rilkie a moment longer, swings her head around to the closer-moving brown, and rumbles what almost sounds like quiet laugh. Her eyes whirl, amazingly, faster still and she lifts her head a bit so she can watch the blue-eyed girl from a different angle. Niklo shakes her head, though she's smiling in earnest now. "Well," the gold weyrling sighs, "Guess I gotta thank her, then. An--" attention shifts to her dragon, "Evi, what IS yer prob'lem?" Green eyes flick almost accusingly to R'dur.

Dragon> Alidaeth senses that Eviath's amusement ripples through her melodic alto, << The only thing she fixes is my straps, and that keeps her quite busy. I grow quickly now, you know! >> Her pride in this bursts through brightly, before tapering off to surprise, << You will take that one away? >> Brief thought, then acceptance. << Take her for your eggs. She will do well. >>

"Ysalia is--well. And Raija--well." R'dur breaks off, grimacing, and at Niklo's words, looks around sharply. "Alidaeth! Don't bother her, please!" he tells the brown. To the gold's rider: "I'm so sorry--he's--don't let him--I'm sorry. He--what?" He glances back from Niklo to Alidaeth to Rilkie, and back to his dragon confusedly. "Really." A sigh, then another glance at the younger girl. "Ah. Alidaeth wants to know if--if you'd like to come back to Telgar. With us." Pause. "As a candidate."

Alidaeth> Eviath senses that Alidaeth, smug, notes, << You'll be grown soon, and it won't be so hard. You should have seen /mine/ trying to make straps. I still laugh about it sometimes. >> Smirk. On Rilkie: << I will take her. She'd better agree, or I'll take her anyway. I think she'll do good, too. I'm glad you agree. >>

Rilkie cocks her head like a firelizard who's been sent an interesting mind-image, looking back at the gold dragon and her softly whirling eyes. She's been around dragons all her life, but never inspected by one quite this closely. Suddenly, at the spoken words of the rider, the reverie between girl and dragon is broken, and her head nearly whips to look back at R'dur. "A /candidate/?" One would think shed'd never heard the word before. She takes a moment in silence to process this, then responds carefully, "Why, yes, brownrider, I would be /honored/ to stand on Telgar's sands."

Dragon> Alidaeth senses that Eviath just plain laughs, warm sun reflecting brightly off still waters. << It is certainly a good thing she accepted, then! Though I believe no one could refuse such a gentleman as yourself. >>

The boy smiles a bit at Niklo and shrugs slightly, "Well...yeah, I already did...I think." He says, then turns his attention back to R'dur as he hears the riders words, then blinks and looks to Rilkie, automatically wrinkling his nose at the thought. He remains that way for a moment, the raises his hand to rub his nose with a grumble...some old habits, and lifelong thoughts, are hard to break apparently.

Alidaeth> I bespoke Eviath with << Do you really? >> He preens at the idea, pleased. << Thank you. You are too kind to me, Eviath. I will have to come visit you again, soon. >>

As Rilkie accepts the offer of candidacy Eviath lifts her head and trumpets loudly, to which her rider eyerolls. "S'that's what got her all riled up," Niklo grumbles, crossing her arms. A helpless shrug to R'dur's words and she adds under her breath, "Evi, we're gonna have a real long talk 'bout Search an' how y'ain't t'get involved..." But the young queen seems oblivious, even as she quiets down.

"Really?" R'dur seems surprised that Rilkie would so quickly agree, but he's certainly pleased, breaking into his first true smile of the evening. "Oh, that's wonderful. Really, wonderful. Thank--I mean, congratulations. Yes. I, ah. You'll need time to pack, of course, but whenever you like, I can take you? Though, Bri--Brijana, I mean, my weyrmate--will be upset if I'm not home soon," he adds sheepishly. And, he adds quickly, to Niklo: "I'm sorry if he was bothering her. He's... Well. I'm very sorry. And we didn't mean to intrude, either, really." He blushes, just a bit.

Dragon> Alidaeth senses that Eviath doesn't even attempt to hide her eagerness, << Do come visit! I would enjoy your company very much, and you could tell me of where you are from. Of your eggs, as well! Though I should like to see them myself better. >>

Alidaeth> I bespoke Eviath with << Then come! >> His encouragement is grand, the offer welcoming. << Come see them--come see /me/--soon. At the least when they hatch. They will let you do that, won't they? You are old enough, certainly. >>

Rilkie can't help but laugh at R'dur's surprise, though it may be an odd moment for laughter. "Of course!" she says. "You can't help but think how you'd respond to such a question when you're weyrbred. And, well, I never imagined it'd be a Telgari dragon asking. But yes, of course." She pauses to think over what preperations she'll have to make. "There's little I own that I'll need at Telgar. Will I be able to get more appropriate clothing from stores, do you think?" She tosses an apologetic smile towards Niklo, unsure of what to say.

Dragon> Eviath bespoke Alidaeth with << By the time they hatch, we should be free to go where we please without an escort. >> Her pleasure at this thought is obvious. << And I'm sure mine would like to see the hatching, in any case. Though I might convince her sooner. Which would be lovely! New places are fascinating, really fascinating. >> >>

"We have things, of course," R'dur says, blinking in surprise at the very idea of not. "Of course we will. Though it's late, so you might have to make do with some extra blankets tonight, but first thing tomorrow you can talk to the headwoman, or one of her assistants--my Brijana is one of them--" there's no hiding the pride in his voice then "--and they can get you set up properly. I can help you move, if you like...?"

"She's just trying ta be friendly I'm sure Niklo." Trace says, tossing his friend a sideways grin before he turns to watch the rest of the goings on with the dragon and the new candidate. He seems a bit unsettled and shifts his weight between his feet...yep, still not quite sure.

Alidaeth> Eviath senses that Alidaeth asks slyly, << Speaking of new things... Have you ever seen snow? You would find it very fascinating, I think. It's fun to play in, and knock people into it, and throw it on them. I'll show you when you come. >>

Niklo hrmphs. "Still," the girl replies, giving her lifemate the evil eye. But she lets it drop for the moment, instead stepping forward to look the older girl over briefly then blurt out rapid-fire, "Don't fight, even if it's a real good reason. Touch all th'eggs y'possibly can. Don't try gettin' in a hatchlin's way -- they'll trample y'flat. Don't mess with th'boys, be real nice t'everyone y'don't know, 'cuz they might turn out t'be the weyrlingmaster an' y'really don't wanna be on their bad side." Pause, then she adds, "Oh! An' whatever y'do... don't bet! N'matter how sure y'think it is!" Sage nod, then she steps back again.

Rilkie grins. "I'd be honored to have your help. It won't take long, I promise. Just a couple special things I own I don't want to leave behind... really, stay here while I run to fetch them, and then I can return with you to Telgar?" Enthusiasm and excitment are in her every word, and in the fact she can barely stand still. She turns her head towards Niklo as the goldrider begins to spout advice, nodding at each instruction. When she's done, she manages to mumble "Okay," to the girl, overwhelmed by all these things she hadn't yet considered.

Niklo's listing of rules and advice makes R'dur blink, and stare at her a moment, and finally offer a small smile. "Yes. That's... Well. That's pretty much it, I think. Thank you," he tells Rilkie, then Niklo, rather bemused. He nods once to Rilkie then, with a small smile. "Okay. Alidaeth and I will wait here," he agrees.

Dragon> Alidaeth senses that Eviath recoils mentally at the very mention. << That white stuff from High Reaches? If that is snow, then yes, I have seen it and it may stay well away from me! >> The young queen's stiffness softens slightly and she adds in a more subdued manner, << Amidst that white stuff was the young pair in stone... >>

Trace watches Niklo as she steps forward and issues forth her directions, scratching his head a bit as he watches her...ooookay. He doesn't say anything, but instead crosses his arms over his chest and just watches silently.

Alidaeth> Eviath senses that Alidaeth says soothingly, << Telgar has much better snow than the High Reaches. I've been there; theirs isn't so impressive. >> Pause. It takes him a moment to rifle through R'dur's memories to the right one, and it's enough to quiet him, too. << Oh, >> he says simply. << I'm sorry. >>

Rilkie runs off to fetch her things, a bit breathless, knowing the sooner she gets back, the sooner she'll /between/ to Telgar.

Niklo can't help but grin at both R'dur and Trace's expressions, giving them both a shrug. So maybe she overstepped her bounds there... she had to say it. After all she'd been there, not too long ago. "What?" the goldrider wrinkles her nose, still grinning, and watches Rilkie run off. "Figgered I'd pass on what I know..." No harm in that, right? Another shug.

"I understand," R'dur replies, nodding once. "Though, I'm not sure how much will really sink in right now. I know it wouldn't have on me, when I got searched." He smiles again, shakes his head wryly at the memory of that incident. "And, um. Really, I am sorry for interrupting, and Alidaeth bothering her," he adds, as though he hadn't apologized for that enough already.

Dragon> Alidaeth senses that Eviath is uneasy, despite the older dragon's soothing words. At the forefront of her rider's subconscious are memories of their most recent lesson, and therefore they are the first the young queen remembers when trying to think back. << What is done is done. It cannot be undone, no matter how sad. But, >> a flicker of brightness, << I would like to see better snow. It might help clear mine's mind of the bad. >>

Alidaeth> Eviath senses that Alidaeth reiterates easily--the memory is too distant for him to cause so much horrow, though it sits uneasily at the back of his thoughts--<< Then come to Telgar, and I'll show you. We have nothing like that at /our/ Weyr. >>

Trace steps forward then, smiling a little bit as he looks between R'dur and Eviath, then shrugs back to R'dur and says in an overly loud aside, "Don't worry...she's spoiled anyways." Yes, he's teasing the dragon. Miracles upon miracles...

Rilkie returns, nearly breathless, a paltry few items hugged close to her chest-- mainly the handknitted garments she's so proud of, and a few hides inscribed with who-knows-what. She's smiling, though, and pauses to catch her breath as she rejoins the group by the waterfall. "I'm ready," she says, "Unless Alidaeth would like to spend more time in the sun before departing?"

Dragon> Alidaeth senses that Eviath's thoughts flip-flop easily to the more pleasant, and her agreement is immediate, << I certainly will visit you and your home as soon as I am allowed! You make it sound most interesting, and I am sure Niklo would like it well also. I thank you for the suggestion! >>

"I... think I'd better get him home," R'dur admits, with a look to Alidaeth, still schmoozing with Eviath. The man wrinkles his nose slightly, then steps over to the brown's side, reaching to take Rilkie's bag from her and offer her a hand up onto the dragon, before handing her back up to her again so he can mount. Before he does so, though, he tells Niklo and Trace, "It was good to meet you. Have a good evening, both of you." Then, he's climbing aboard, too, and Alidaeth, after giving Eviath one last adoring look, is backing away, giving himself enough room to take off and then, once airborne, go /between/.

Alidaeth> Eviath senses that Alidaeth offers in parting, just before he disappears, << I await the day. Good night, Eviath. >>

Candidate Barracks
     This cavern has a rather low ceiling, with many openings for air, since this becomes an abode for a large number of people before every hatching. Every inch of the floor is kept clean, although little of it can be seen due to the many rows of cots that fill most of the space. The central part of the cavern is rather dim, as most of the glows are on the walls. Little decoration is evidenced except for a few personal effects. You wouldn't call it uncomfortable unless the unusually low ceiling for a weyr makes you claustrophobic. On the wall, scrupulously maintained, is a list of Candidates and their assigned chores for the day. Tampering with it is rumored to be an offense punishable by death or latrine duty for the rest of one's life.
The normal ruckus of the barracks is almost constant.


Obvious Exits:
Lower Caverns

When Alidaeth drops them off in the bowl, R'dur offers Rilkie a hand down again, then moves to lead the way through the caverns to the candidate barracks. He stops just inside the door and gestures around. "Welcome to the barracks," he tells the girl. "You can choose whichever cot you like. And, ah. The rules. They're simple: don't fight and don't drink and don't, ah." Blush. "Don't have sex." R'dur does not look quite at Rilkie.

Rilkie looks about the barracks, taking them in, noting which cots have already been taken. She walks to the closest unclaimed one, sets her things down, and turns to look back at R'dur. "Oh, don't worry, I know," she says, smiling. "Known plenty of candidates in my time, and they all grumble about those same three things!"

R'dur nods to Rilkie, offering a small smile. "Good. We post chores here, too," he adds, pointing out the board. "And if you don't have any questions, I should get home--Bri will--oh! I forgot the flowers!" He sighs, rubs his eyes a moment. "The whole reason I went to Ista. Oh, well. Ah. Anyway. Welcome to Telgar, Rilkie. I should--well. Good night."

Rilkie gives a soft laugh. "I'll see if I can have some sent up," she says. "If anyone visits me, that is-- I'll have them come again with flowers the next time. Thank you, R'dur, and good night!"

"Good night," R'dur repeats, then slips out.

niklo, r'dur, rilkie, eviath, alidaeth, trace

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