Tagged by druidsfire...

Jun 04, 2005 17:37

1. Favorite scent: Hmm. I dunno. Depends on what mood I'm in. ;)
2. Favorite way to relax: Listening to music and RPing.
3. Favorite movie you own: The Princess Bride, duh.
4. Favorite movie you don't already own: Right now, SW3 is a favorite.
5. Favorite male movie star: I don't really have a favorite; it depends on the movie and stuff.
6. Favorite female movie star: See above.
8. Favorite clothing store: I'm not picky, long as the stuff's cute.
9. Favorite non-clothing store: Virgin Music Superstore. Which is nowhere near me. Woe.
10. Favorite cartoon character: Darkwing Duck was my favorite when I was a kid. I don't watch many now, though.
11. Favorite CD you own: I don't really have a favorite. I listen to music based on what mood I'm in, or sometimes on what memories I associate with a particular CD.
12. Favorite CD you don't already own: I have my eye on a My Chemical Romance one, if that counts? ;)
13. Pass the torch to five of your favorite LJ friends!: jaeni, stabbitydeath, rajazad, vineliese, kidaraine


List your current six favourite songs, then pick six other people that have to do the same. [ed. note: This is a hard one! These are some songs I've been listening to a lot lately, not necessarily my all-time favorites. I couldn't even begin to come up with a list of those.]

1. Farmhouse -- Phish
2. Be Yourself -- Audioslave
3. Right Where It Belongs -- Nine Inch Nails
4. Stop Crying Your Heart Out -- Oasis
5. Short Skirt / Long Jacket -- Cake
6. Suicidal Dream -- Silverchair


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