[Log] The Hair Guy

Feb 21, 2007 20:40

Who: Adria, Andoran, I'neph
When: Day 15, Month 6, Turn 448
Where: Bowl, Benden Weyr
What: Adria takes pity on I'neph and talks to him very briefly.

Southern Bowl Early Summer. Cloudy. 70F / 21C.
     The primary feature of this end of the mile-long bowl is the Weyr's lake, which takes up nearly a quarter of the bowl's capacity by itself. About two dragonlengths deep at the deepest part - which is safely nestled along the wall of the bowl, far from the shore - the water is fairly clear for all that it's warm. Even in the winter, the water never really dips below "chilly," heated as it is by the Weyr's internal thermals. Occupying the southwestern corner, the southeastern finger of the lake dips into what would be the feeding grounds if the fence were still standing.
     The tunnel to the weyrling barracks opens on the eastern side of the bowl, just north of the patio-like overhang that serves as the Weyr's stables - for all that the Weyr has stables at the moment. Almost directly across from this on the eastern wall is the tunnel leading in to the lower caverns, meeting up with the road out of the Weyr.

-- Players --
I'neph.........6', athletic; olive skin, dark brown eyes & hair; mid/late 20s. Cute but worthless.

-- Exits --
Northern Bowl............[N] Weyrling Barracks........[E]
Feeding Grounds..........[S] Patio and Garden.........[SW]
Lower Caverns............[W]

Dioscuth is currently toying with the beasts in the feeding pens with one of the browns in his wing--no doubt there's some sort of competition involved. I'neph is down at the lake, however, scuffing his boots in the dirt at the shore and looking bored as he mostly just stands there, and occasionally glances expectantly around at the bronze.

Chiyath leaps from her ledge, making a slow decent across and down to the bowl and lake's edge. The green only offers a distracted warble for the dragons competing over food, more interested in the water. As Adria dismounts, she steps back easily to watch the green move off into the darkened lake, then glances up to see I'neph. There's the briefest flicker of sympathy before she calls over, neutrally, "Evening."

An increase in noise, draconic and herdbeastian, from the feeding pens heralds a kill: Dioscuth is crowing over it, too busy lording in his apparent win to pay Chiyath any mind at all. I'neph doesn't look around at the bronze, though he does shoots a glance sideways at Adria when she speaks up. "Hey," he returns. "What're you doing out?"

Adria glances over I'neph's shoulder for a moment, towards Dioscuth and the others. "The Harper and I are to meet with the Weyrleaders," she explains easily, though there's an anxious sort of energy about her despite what seems to be an entirely agreeable mood. With a slight smile, she continues, "Chiyath wants to swim while I'm off at that. How are you?"

"The hair guy?" I'neph says, holding his hands about a foot from either side of his head. "Why?" His nose wrinkles, as though he can't fathom that at all, and he regards Adria dubiously. For all it was his question, he doesn't seem to be very interested in the answer.

Trying not to look too amused, Adria nods. "Andoran. The hair guy." Gauging I'neph's expression, she just offers, "The records. Or lack thereof. We have to sort all that out." That's the truth - maybe not all of it, but likely good enough. A pause, then; "Why didn't you just ask me about the competition?"

"Huh," says I'neph, sounding uninterested again. Records, how boring. He brushes that subject off in an instant, and instead furrows his brows. "Competition?" Blink. "Oh, right. That," I'neph remembers, glancing back over his shoulder at Dioscuth once, then to the water rather than Adria. "I dunno. It was Dioscuth's idea," he says with a shrug.

Adria's cunning plan seems to be working - and as I'neph moves away from the subject, she relaxes. A little. Arching a brow at the bronzerider's near-complete lack of interest, she looks Dioscuth's way. Bemusedly, "Really? Does he often come up with these sorts of ideas?" Though she's likely too polite to ask, her tone implies - and you just do what he says?

Andoran comes out of the tunnel from the lower caverns.
Andoran has arrived.

"If it's some kind of competition?" says I'neph. "S'always him. I'm not competitive." He lifts his shoulders again in a vague shrug; the meaning behind Adria's tone seems to roll right off his back. "So he mentioned it to Klioth, I think, and, well. Y'know." Another shrug.

Adria is out by the darkened lake with I'neph nearby - the bronzerider looking rather bored, as usual; the greenrider looking rather thoughtful, as usual. Chiyath is in the water and Dioscuth butchers up the feeding grounds with a few browns. Curiously, Adria asks, "I can see that. If you're not competitive, why bother doing it, though? Not that I mind. I'm just - I don't understand."

"Keeps him off my back," I'neph says at once, the answer almost practiced. "S'easier than dealing with him whining about not getting to prove his prowess, you know? Besides, he's always gonna come up with /some/ kind of competition--might as well make it a useful one. Right?"

Andoran walks with a purposeful stride, eyes seeking in the less-than-ideal light conditions, apparently on a mission. The sound of dragons munching and voices speaking attracts his attention and he steers a course that way. "Good evening," he calls ahead to announce his presence.

"Well, that is a point," Adria concedes to I'neph, regarding him a moment at the too-quick answer. "But you could always just tell him to shut up." Like that works so well with Dioscuth's rider? She's about to continue, then she heads the voice, noting, "And here's the Harper. Right on time. Evening!"

"Hey, it's your hair guy," I'neph says, lowering his voice a couple of notches to Adria when Andoran hails them. It's also a convenient change of subject, because he doesn't offer anything else on what they were just talking about, instead offering Andoran a lazy grin and a lifted hand in greeting. "Hey."

Andoran clears his throat a few times, then musters a smile for I'neph. "I'neph, how are you?" he says politely, letting the 'hair guy' remark slide by. "Indeed, I shouldn't like to be late," he addresses Adria. "I'd also like a brief word with you Adria, perhaps as we walk across the Bowl?" so saying he offers the greenrider his arm in gentlemanly fashion.

Adria takes the offered arm with a grin over at Andoran, seeming in a decent mood for all the seriousness the occasion warrants. "Of course," she agrees - though something about her expression is a bit wary. What -now-? With a look over at I'neph, she asks, "If you'll excuse us? It's nice to see you. I haven't seen much of you lately."

I'neph just looks at Andoran, and then at the harper's offered arm, brows arching as if to say, 'did you really just do that?' But Andoran did, and I'neph just shrugs, starting to turn away and drift over toward the feeding pens. Dioscuth is still there, wolfing down his kill in a race with the brown of earlier. I'neph offers a vague sort of "See you" to the other pair as he wanders off.

Yes, he did and he looks utterly unfazed by I'neph's look, no doubt confident in his own command of etiquette. "Clear skies, I'neph" Andoran says amiably and moves off with the greenrider.

adria, i'neph, andoran

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