[Log] What's to Do for Fun?

Feb 16, 2007 21:07

Who: Camerryn, R'dur, Tenli
When: Day 28, Month 12, Turn 10
Where: Bowl, Telgar Weyr; Candidate Barracks, Telgar Weyr
What: When Tenli has to run, R'dur gets stuck settling in her new candidate.

Southern Bowl
     Towering above, the bowl wall rises in a curving three-pointed arc as it shelters this southernmost point of Telgar Weyr's great caldera. Sloping down to the north to a slight degree, the floor of the bowl has been channeled so that runoff might drain down to the lake beyond. There are several strategically placed evergreens that serve to baffle the biting mountain winds away from the southern entrance into the Living Caverns. Drifts of snow and the heavy tracks of large dragon feet and bellies cross the expanse of the bowl. Rocks and crags are hung with the purest white. Northward, the center of the bowl spreads hugely, leading to the feeding pens, hatching grounds, weyrling barracks, the Telgar Weyr lake. The ground-level weyrs of the queenriders dot the mountain to the northwest. Use '+view queenriders' to view them. The murmur of voices and the clatter of pots and chairs drifts from the Living Cavern, where the evening meal is being served.
     The evening is clear, with a few small clouds crossing the twinkling stars. Through the whispy clouds you can see the stars. The smaller Belior shines in half moon while Timor shines brightly as a full moon. A definite wind can be felt and the winter air is cold.

DRAGONS: (Decarath) Iridith Peribanth

Obvious Exits:
Living Cavern Central Bowl Outer Infirmary Guest Weyr Records Room

Dragon> Iridith bespoke Alidaeth with << Yada yada, flakey headed rider can never remember her schedule. Will yours come and help with a candidate? Thanks! >>

If the flight bothered him, Camerryn doesn't show it. His cheeks are pink from the cold, but the whole experience seems to have exhilerated the boy. "So, that's Between," is his only comment.

"Aye, that's *between*," the old woman returns in the air as the green spirals down into the southern bowl, landing swiftly and gently. Tenli helps the lad out of his straps and off the green, and soon jumps off as well. "I still need that serving bowl though," she notes, impatience coloring her cheeks pink. Well, impatience and no small amount of embarrassment, "So we've called in for reinforcements to help y'get settled in."

Hurrying out from the living cavern, R'dur heads across the bowl to meet the green coming up, pulling up short and wringing his hands. "Ma'am?" he asks Tenli, hesitantly. "Alidaeth said--he said something about needing me?" He glances from the greenrider to Camerryn, brows knitting slightly.

"Ah," responds Camerryn, eyes going towards the vast expance of bowl. "Serving bowl, right. You might have better luck at, well, not a Weyr." He grins good naturedly. A slip, a slide, and he somehow makes it down Iridith's hide without bodily injury. *thump* and he's grounded once more.

"Aye, boy." Apparently everyone is a boy to her, even the Weyrsecond, and with an impish grin for the young brownrider, Tenli gestures to Camerryn, "A new candidate that requires a helping hand to settle in, maybe get him into a shower as he's dusty and smelly and runner dung covered." So she might be making some things up, but the grin turns to include Camerryn quickly. "I have- ah, business at the Reaches I left in the middle of. Thanks, doll, you're a dear really, sir." With that, off the sprightly old woman goes.

"Oh." R'dur is left blinking after Tenli, brows furrowing, before he glances sideways at Camerryn. "Ah. Hi," he offers after a moment, regaining some wits, at least. "I'm--I'm R'dur. The barracks are just in here, if you want to--This is the bowl, by the way. And that's the lake, and the living cavern, and, um. Those are the main features. I'm sorry. I'm not very good at tours?" He blushes.

Camerryn's grin is good natured. "Hmm, astounding! The bowl, you say?" It's obvious he's teasing, but he quickly sombers up. "No tour necessary. I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to figure things out for myself. But yon Tenli was quiet right - I'm filthy and smelly. Trust me, don't stand too close!" He made a show of pinching his nose, and then grinned widly. "After you, sir. Ah, and I'm Camerryn. Of... well, Telgar now, I suppose."

"This way, then," R'dur says, relaxing a breath and even offering a small smile as he turns to lead the way down to the barracks.

Candidate Barracks
     This cavern has a rather low ceiling, with many openings for air, since this becomes an abode for a large number of people before every hatching. Every inch of the floor is kept clean, although little of it can be seen due to the many rows of cots that fill most of the space. The central part of the cavern is rather dim, as most of the glows are on the walls. Little decoration is evidenced except for a few personal effects. You wouldn't call it uncomfortable unless the unusually low ceiling for a weyr makes you claustrophobic. On the wall, scrupulously maintained, is a list of Candidates and their assigned chores for the day. Tampering with it is rumored to be an offense punishable by death or latrine duty for the rest of one's life.
     The normal ruckus of the barracks is almost constant.


Obvious Exits:
Lower Caverns

"These are the barracks," R'dur announces when they arrives, glancing around. They're still mostly empty. "You can take whichever cot you like. Where did you say you were from? Camerryn?" He tests the name, hesitating.

Camerryn whistles in appreciation. At the size? Maybe. "Very nice," he decides, and quickly claims the one closes to the door by giving it a dusty handprint of a pat. "Ah, well, that's the tricky part, see," and he gives R'dur the same wink bestowed upon Tenli so recently. "Harper's where I was born and raised, High Reaches is where your greenrider got me. But if I had to pick, I'd say Harper."

"Oh." R'dur pauses, blinks, then shrugs, offering another small smile and not pressing that subject. "Well. Um. Oh! A'ran is the candidate coordinator--he's a brownrider here, with Orvieth. And the rules are simple. You're not to drink, or fight, or play pranks, or, um." He blushes again, then gets out, "And no sex."

Camerryn raises an eyebrow at the last one, and perhapes just to be mean, decides, "No sex, hm? Darn. What's to do for fun, then?" But then he's quiet, and studious. He nods his head in understanding, and tosses his bar of soap towards his cot.

R'dur, uncomfortable, clears his throat and doesn't answer that question. "You, ah... We post the chores here," he says, a little too loudly, as he gestures to the board. "And... Oh, right. You wanted a bath. The bathing cavern is just outside the door, to the right--you can't miss it."

"Big cave with water, got it," and Camerryn gives a sloppy salute towards R'dur. "I'll be sure to scrub well before I attempt to navigate the halls, rest assured."

"Good," says R'dur, before he can catch himself; as soon as he realizes what he said, he blinks and his eyes widen. "I'm sorry. I didn't--I didn't mean it like that; I just meant--I'm sorry." He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly a moment, then asks hesitantly. "Do you... do you have any questions or anything?"

Camerryn just grins. When all is said and done, he shakes his dusty head. "Nope. Oh, well, is there a curfew? Do I have to be back here at a certain time? And can I eat only dessert if that's all I want to eat? Sometimes, I just don't feel like wherry."

"Curfew. Oh, right. Yes," R'dur remembers, nodding. "I believe it's ten o'clock, though don't--don't quote me on that. You'd do better to ask A'ran that," he apologizes. "And, ah. You can eat whatever you like, I suppose, though... I'd not recommend it, myself." A shrug.

Camerryn's chuckle likly means he was joking, at least about the food. "I'll be sure to seek him out, never fear." He rocked a bit on the balls of his feet, and gave the barracks another glance. "Anything else I should know? Not that I mean to rush you, sir, but sand up the butt isn't terribly pleasant."

R'dur's mouth opens, and then closes again at Camerryn's latter words. "Ah. No. No, I suppose not," he agrees when he finds his voice again. "I think that's all, though. I mean, if you have any questions, you can ask one of the others, or A'ran, or, you know, me, or just about anyone in the Weyr, and it's not very hard, anyway, and I really hope you like it here, but don't let me keep you. I'll let you get on with your bath."

"Alright then," decides Camerryn. He leans over and grabs his bar of soap once more, saluting R'dur with it. "To the baths I go, then. Thank you very much for the... ah.. tour." And, if it's clear he's allowed to do so, Camerryn will for the door, hands in his pockets and his stride bouncy enough that one might not be surprised to hear him whistle.

"Good night," R'dur offers in parting, as he turns to leave himself, heading back out to the bowl.

r'dur, iridith, tenli, camerryn

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