[Log] Was She Serious?

Feb 09, 2007 19:06

Who: G'avon, I'neph
When: Day 7, Month 5, Turn 448
Where: I'neph and Dioscuth's Weyr, Benden Weyr
What: G'avon drops by to relay a message.

I'neph's Weyr Late Spring. Partly Cloudy. 64F / 18C.
     The ledge to this weyr is unremarkable, as it is the general size and shape of the weyr inside. It's the decorating scheme that deserves all the attention. Whoever decorated I'neph's weyr apparently thought it needed to be some kind of den of iniquity, for that person has left touches here and there in reds and ambers and purples that really just scream Love Shack.
     All of it is salvaged, but arranged artfully so that frayed corners and occasional stains aren't immediately visible: little kerchiefs of sheer cloth to drape over glowbaskets paint the whole room in a reddish haze; upholstered throw pillows here and there in patterns of red, gold, and deep purple; a hearthrug woven in geometric pattern of the same predominant colors.
     A few other little touches here and there--sheer red curtains to drape the bed, a chipped glass candy bowl with colorful candy beans, a bottle of brandy and two glasses to go with it. Of course, the piece de resistance is that crushed velvet crimson coverlet she procured for the bed, exactly the kind of furnishing that any decent young woman would recognize as a 'bad sign.'

-- Players --
I'neph.........6', athletic; olive skin, dark brown eyes & hair; mid/late 20s. Cute but worthless.

-- Dragons --
Dioscuth.......Bronze dragon.

-- Exits --

[DTU] To Dioscuth, Klioth politely intrudes on your thoughts. << Mine says he will submit his sweep report at your rider's convenience. >> There's something else G'avon wants to talk to I'neph about, too - something amusing.

[DTU] To Klioth, Dioscuth, interest piqued, offers an image of Klioth landing on his ledge now, his own version of a 'come on by.'

Klioth wings to a landing on Dioscuth's ledge
Klioth has arrived.

I'neph is at present sprawled out on his bed on his back, doing absolutely nothing. Surprise! He /looks/ like he's been working, though, because a few of his old tools are scattered around the floor, along with one chair that looks like he's been working on it. Dioscuth is out on the ledge.

Klioth lands neatly on the ledge and folds his wings, so as not to crowd Dioscuth. He gives a rumble of greeting, and G'avon leaps lightly from his neck and, with an airy wave the the bronze, strides into the weyr. "Hey," he says casually to I'neph. "How's it going?"

G'avon hops down from Klioth's neckridges.
G'avon has arrived.

"Hey," says I'neph, sitting up and blinking at G'avon. "What're you doing here?" Apparently, Dioscuth didn't relay that much, to judge by the rider's perplexed look.

G'avon looks out toward the ledge, surprised, and then back at I'neph. "Sorry. Dioscuth said we could come on over. Uh... sweep report? Nothing happened. But," and now he grins rakishly, "I met someone afterward who wanted me to give you a message. A Healer named Will? You know her?"

"Oh." I'neph looks at G'avon, then shrugs. "Have a seat?" he offers one of the other chairs which is not currently tipped over on the floor. Then, brows furrowing, he looks back to G'avon. "Yeah...?" he answers warily.

G'avon flops down comfortably in the chair. "Thanks," he says, noting the response with a smirk. "Not good news? Ha. She said to tell you she was doing fine and she enjoyed meeting you or seeing you or whichever it was..." so he wasn't paying that much attention to the actual message. "You want her, she's willing. Asked me to sneak her up here to 'surprise' you. Y'want me to?"

Mouth opens, mouth closes. I'neph just looks at G'avon for a long moment before he finally gets words to come out, the second time around. "Was she serious?" he wonders. "Or just dicking around again?"

"Pretty sure she was serious," G'avon says with a slight shrug. "What's the deal? You like, involved with her, or?"

"She's a bitch," gripes I'neph. "Total bitch. Keeps screwing with my head, and nothing else." Pause. "Sneak her on up."

"You got it," G'avon says, grining. "No sweat. Just looking out for your interests. You'll owe me one, now," he notes with a laugh. "So what else is up, anything?"

I'neph's nose wrinkles. "Yeah, sure," he agrees without much enthusiasm. "Not much, really. When you goin' to bring her?" Back to talking about himself.

"I'll go look for her later. Whenever I see her and she's free, I guess," G'avon answers. "I'll have Klioth send Dioscuth a warning first. You ought to, you know, take off your shirt, muss up your hair like you just got out of bed - girls eat that stuff up."

I'neph eyes G'avon. "What, you think I don't know that?" he asks, just a little testily. "I know what girls like, man. Not like I'm some kind of, I dunno, teenage virgin or whatever."

"Shit, you really /are/ in a bad way," G'avon says, laughing. "I'll go get her now. Man! You owe me," he says, and heads for the ledge, still laughing.

i'neph, g'avon

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