[Log] On the Wrong Foot

Feb 04, 2007 16:48

Who: Cyrra, D'rin, Haisen, Tiriana
When: Day 1, Month 11, Turn 10
Where: Bowl, Telgar Weyr
What: Haisen and Tiriana don't exactly hit it off.

Central Bowl
     A stony field is the center of this great caldera, the size of which is unmatched at any other Weyr--for the whole complement of all the wings at Telgar could rest comfortably within its towering cliffs. Shaped in a perfect oval, the rock walls seem ideal for keeping the usual chill winds stirring about. The ground is mostly made of pebbles and rocks, some hued the milky shades of old quartz, though there are patches where softer dirt and even trees sprout up from the ground. To the south, the bowl opens onto the living caverns and the Weyrleaders' quarters; the immense entrance to the Hatching Grounds lies to the northwest. Heading southwest will lead one back out into the rocky mountain ranges around Telgar's protective walls. Dragons may be seen, relaxing or fresh from feeding, to the north, as well as the soft lapping sounds of Telgar's lake touching the sandy shore. The Weyrling Barracks, always aflutter with activity, are to the direct west. If you're looking for the 'dutypair' to take you to an outweyr destination, they can be found here. The training grounds and the meadow are both covered with a blanket of pure white snow, though it is trodden down in dragon-wide paths where the dragons move.

PLAYERS: Zelindra Haisen Tiriana Cyrra

Obvious Exits:
Weyrling Barracks Southern Bowl Lake Shore Hatching Cavern Feeding Grounds Runner Pasture Weyr Entrance

For the day, Tiriana has been suckered into helping Brijana boss people around, a skill the two of them share. Now, though, it's nearing dinner time and the girl is free, and she's taken to loitering around the bowl, staring at people as they pass by, an intent frown on her face.

There seems to be sharp voices coming from the pasture, one female and one male. Sure enough, it's Haisen, in her favored shabby-looking clothes, walking hard in attempt to catch up with a clearly agitated stablehand. "...I'm not even askin' for much -shard it!" she cries, once she realizes the young man was too far off into the bowl to be worth chasing any further. Dark eyes glaring after the stablehand, she slows her walking to a stop before shoving both hands into her pockets. Furtive glances about the bowl gives her notice that she's not alone on the loitering bit, though she does look about to turn around and head back from which she came.

Peribanth flies low overhead and backwings for a landing, D'rin sliding off his back quickly, laughing, his long silver hair pulled into a braid so it will stay out of his face. The young man quickly looks around to make sure they didn't startle anyone with their abrupt landing, smiling as he notices other people around. "Hello!" His tone cheerful.

Okay, to be honest, Tiriana is mostly boy-watching. But loud voices will draw her attention under any circumstances, and it's thusly that she turns to stare at Haisen and her stablehand companion, curiousity evident as she turns to saunter over that way to eavesdrop. D'rin is noted only when he speaks up, and Tiriana gives him a dubious look before continuing on over toward Haisen.

Haisen takes a step back towards the pastures when the sudden interest from one of the loiterers get her attention. Eyes narrowing at Tiriana, then flicking over to the brownrider that lands with his dragon, she looks about to opt for not saying anything at all. Almost. "What're you starin' at?" she asks of her in a grumble, chin slightly lifting as she sends a wordless greeting over to D'rin. Her attention remains focused on Tiriana, however, since she seems to be the first to approach close to her proximity.

D'rin chuckles as he carefully unbraids his hair. He brushes through it with his fingers before he ties the thong low at the back of his throat. He watches the two women for a moment before he pats Peribanth on the neck and wanders over towards them, as Haisen did send a silent greeting. Peribanth, on the otherhand, wanders over somewhat close to the girls, where he lays down on his favriote patch of softer ground to relax for the time being. D'rin stops not too far from the women and gives a slight bow.

"What's it look like?" retorts Tiriana, stopping and putting her hands on her hips. "You?" D'rin, when he doesn't speak up again, is ignored in favor of studying Haisen.

"Do I know you?" Haisen returns coolly, eyeing Tiriana. "You were comin' at me like I owe you somethin'." And if she's flicking glances towards where that stablehand had gone off to, then so be it. She pulls her hands from out her pockets to mirror her stance, though by now her attention travels over to the brownrider. "Hey," is her now-verbal form of greeting, cordial at best despite the rude one she initially gives Tiriana.

D'rin smiles a bit at Haisen and Tiriana. "How are you beautiful ladies doing on this fine day?" He is somewhat cautious as he hopes that the two are not about to argue. "I hope that I am not disturbing anything...I just happened to notice you and thought that perhaps I could spend some time with you..." He gives a dashing smile. "As you both seemed like people that would be intersting to know."

"Just seeing what all the shouting was about," says Tiriana with a shrug, then a smirk. "Didn't seem to be doing you a lot of good, though, did--?" She breaks off when D'rin speaks, and gives him an are-you-crazy look. "What the hell you talking about?" she mouths off at once, brows knitting.

Haisen starts to cough, though whether it's natural or not is up to those present. A scowl forming as she looks D'rin over, and seeming to deliberately run a hand over her worn-looking shirt, "I'm peachy," she answers him in a flat tone that clearly states that it's not the case. Tiriana's return words gets her jaw to working before a shoulder lifts up fractionally. "I probably said the wrong thing," she states crisply about the stablehand as her shoulder now drops. "Keep forgetting none of you are like how it is in the Holds." Back to glowering at D'rin, though there's a very faint lip curl at Tiriana's words to him. "He must not be seein' straight..." she adds right after her in a mumble, a brow raising at him.

D'rin blinks a bit as the two young women speak. He shakes his head slightly. He looks over at Tiriana. "I just thought that I would come over here and speak with you two beautiful ladies...as I don't really have much else to do today..." He traces the scar on his face thoughtfully with one hand before he speaks again. "And I assure you that I can see just fine...So you needn't be concerned...I see well enough to see things as they are." Peribanth streches his wings as he lounges not too far from where D'rin and the two young women are. The brown relaxing on a bit of soft ground.

"None of us?" Tiriana rounds back on Haisen, frowning. She seems to be about to make more of that, but then she's looking back at D'rin, then Peribanth. Then, to the rider: "Borrow your weyrmate's dragon for the day or something?"

"Misplaced compliments won't work on me," Haisen seems to dismiss the very words of the brownrider, her dark eyes lighting on the man evenly. "Try it on some flower-coddlin' holder girl sometime. But it's good that you can see. I imagine that kind of thing wouldn't bode well for the Weyr, uh?" Her tone stays flat as she says it, shifting her attention over to Peribanth intently. When Tiriana rounds back on her, she's quick to retort "Ya weyrfolk, right? Stitched on a different cloth from the likes of me," and she says as though simply stating a fact. "Which will make my job easier." With a pause given, she looks from Tiriana to D'rin, "Lookin' for someone by the name of Melin. Blue eyes, curly blonde-lookin' hair.... any of you seen her here?" she inquires heavily.

D'rin sighs a bit as he frowns. "M'Lady...Even if I could convince Peribanth to let me ride another dragon...I doubt very highly that Vylana or Kelith would consent to the idea...Vylana and Kelith are perfectly suited to each other and frankly Kelith is a bit picky about who rides her, so no. I could not borrow my weyrmate's dragon even if I had her permission to do so." He smiles sweetly. "And I honestly don't see why you would think such a thing." Peribanth bugles softly as if insulted that it could be suggested that D'rin is not his rider. The young man then looks towards Haisen. "And no. I have not seen anyone matching that description around...Though I haven't been on the gound for that long. She could be around..." He pauses. "Might I inquire as to why you are looking for her?"

"Well, maybe you should go back there," Tiriana replies snidely to Haisen. "And if you think I'm going to help you now, you got another thing coming." Smirk. She just rolls her eyes at D'rin and notes, "Don't need the life story, man. Just wondering where you hid /your/ green." She snickers.

Cyrra attempts to skirt the group of people, hair hanging down to block her face and steps soft and quick. Pausing, she shoots a glance in the direction of Tiriana, then she continues on her way. Well, she would have if it weren't for Peribanth cutting off her easy route towards the living cavern. Here, Cyrra pauses, trying to skirt around the dragon which brings her a little closer to the people than she'd like.

Haisen blinks. She did not just hear 'M'lady'. That alone causes her scowl to deepen, and when D'rin answers her query for search, she ignores part of his own. "Heard she was comin' round this way," she continues on, shaking her head. "Tried some of the major Holds already." Tiriana's refusal to answer, and snide retort, gets the traveler's full bearing. "You wanna match crude word for word?" she bites back at her in a low growl. "Then keep on talkin' that way. I'm not here for your benefit, girl. Just as soon's I find her, I'm outta here." Just then, a familiar face looms by and she snaps her head in Cyrra's direction. "Hey you!" she calls, stepping toward the girl with a raised voice.

D'rin steps back, a bit hurt when it is asked where his green is. His actions seeming a bit more concious than they were before. The young man forces a good natured smile. "Pardon me." His voice is soft. "I did not mean to offened you." He pauses for a while, as if he is unsure of what to say next. Peribanth croons gently when Cyrra gets near him, his eyes wirling happily as he streches his neck to greet her. D'rin turns to see who Haisen is calling for, smiling when he sees Cyrra. "Hello there." His tone gentle. "I was hoping that I would find you here..."

Tiriana, unimpressed, regards Haisen with a little smirk. "Oh, yeah? Like you were really terrorizing that stablehand?" she asks, her voice syrupy. Though, she stops again when Haisen calls out to someone else, and she looks around sharply to find Cyrra; when she does, she hurries over to stand herself by the older girl, folding her arms over her chest and glaring at the other two.

Cyrra freezes when she finds herself torn into the fray. Wide blues eyes fill with a look of terror as she's yelled at, turning like saucers on Haisen. The jittery girl backs up a pace or two, finding herself meeting Peribanth since he is stretching out to greet her. One hand pauses on the brown, patting gently in a reassuring manner to return his greeting while she steadies herself. Cyrra calms somewhat when she finds herself guarded by the younger girl, her eyes loosing some of the wild look. "Tiri," she says softly, face rather deadpan.

"Terrorizing?" Haisen bristles at the very word, the echo coming out louder than is necessary as she stares down Tiriana. "You haven't even /seen/ terrorizing, you-" she stops, dark eyes smoldering at her when D'rin also takes notice of Cyrra. With the sudden movement of Tiriana moving to stand next to the girl, her gaze flick between the girls guardedly. To Tiriana, "I'm not about to warn you again," and then she adds over to Cyrra, "Hey, you asked that uncle of yours about Melin yet?" she asks, not bothering to shield her intimidating stance against the group. But atleast she's not yelling anymore.

"C'mon, then," taunts Tiriana. "Why don't you show me then? And don't you talk to my sister like that, either." Her hands are balled into fists at her side, D'rin ignored again.

Cyrra turns to look at the large brown dragon head that appeared beside her, smiling in a sweet manner and offering to scritch at his eyeridges. She concentrates on him for a minute, finding it easier then facing the people. Hiding behind the people and her hair, she decides to answer Haisen. "No ma'- Haisen," she confesses, head dropping a little farther. The young girl shifts her weight from foot to foot in an edgy manner, pulling her hand away from Peribanth and running her fingers over the hair ribbon tied around her wrist, finding the embroidered shapes to be comforting.

Haisen rolls her eyes at the brownrider, arms coming to fold across her chest with too-sweet of a smile. "What is with this place?" she states tartly with that smile, seeming to size D'rin up as if preparing to take him on. "/I/ have no reason to get upset? Who said I was? You?" Then eyeing his position to the other girls, "If you think I'm about to stand here and let some --some little girl-" and a sharp brief look is thrown over at Tiriana, -"try to call me out without sayin' anythin', then you got another thing comin'." The words are spoken with that sweet smile, a glint in her eyes. Another sharp look tossed Tiriana's way, looking about to pass D'rin aside and bring those taunts into fruition until her eyes fall on Cyrra. The sweet smile finally falls from her face and she returns the stare to the brownrider. "Compliments and a hero complex," she drawls low at him in a dry tone. "How sweet."

D'rin sighs a bit as he shakes his head. "I don't stand in for the younger one. I have a feeling that she would do well enough on her own..." He blinks. "You are acting like one of my sisters or neices who is upset because someone isn't telling you what you want to hear." He pauses a moment for a breath. "I call that a little upset. And you are right, the little one is just that. A young girl. Perhaps you do well to remember that. It isn't right to treat someone younger than you as such. The example that you are giving is none too favriable." He shakes his head a bit as he smiles gently. "As to the compliments...They were sincere. Though you don't believe me. It doesn't matter. You are a beautiful woman and should act as beautiful as you look." He shrugs. "But as to this Hero complex you speak of...I honestly don't know what you are thinking. Anyone in their right mind would stand up for one such as she. To frighten her is not right. She doesn't deserve such things..." He grins. "Besides...Peribanth likes her and I would rather that I stood up for her than him...and she is a sweet girl." He grins. He has one of his embriodered ribbons tying his hair back in a low horse tail. "So if you could just explain things calmly?" Peribanth's eyes half close in pleasure when his eyeridges are scratched, enjoying the company. The dragon peers at D'rin and Haisen when Cyrra's hand goes to the ribbon.

"That's it." That announcement is accompanied by Tiriana shoving past D'rin, heading for Haisen. It's good fortune that one of the Weyr's matronly cooks has just arrived to snag her by the collar before she can really do anything. "You. Your aunt is looking for you--you left the room all in a mess," says the woman, and without a backwards glance sets off with Tiriana still held by one arm and tugging back the other way. Unfortunately, the other woman is too heavyset for her to do any good as she's hauled off, muttering things that promise to get her mouth washed out, too.

Cyrra blinks in a dumbfounded manner as words are volleyed this way and that. She takes a step forward, reaching for Tiriana's arm when she moves to challenge Haisen, but her fingers only find open air. Thankfully, the cook huffs in and spares her having to try again. Cyrra's hand comes to her mouth, covering it in a slightly appalled manner as her sister makes an ungraceful exit. She stands there, now between Haisen and D'rin, looking forlorn. She watches her sister until she is out of sight, for all the world appearing to be a child that was just accidentally left somewhere.

That does it. Haisen, obviously finding something said sour by D'rin, takes a step back from him as if he had just threw the first punch. "Who the shards are /you/ to be givin' me a lecture?" she retorts back at the brownrider. "If I wanted to be lectured to, then I would've asked!" She doesn't answer to any of what he says either, though the deep disguested scowl being sent his way is probably answer enough. Something gets that scowl to melt right into an anticipated leer. When Tiriana started heading for her, the traveler tenses up, both hands clenching into fists at her side. She says nothing, a challenge filling her eyes as she watches intently and waits for her to attempt the first blow. When the cook comes to drag her away, Haisen relaxes somewhat, keeping her eyes on Tiriana's exit. She raises some fingers and waves them tauntily at her as she gets dragged off, "I'll be seein' you, foul-mouth," she taunts aloud in an overly sweet voice, ignoring anything done by D'rin and Cyrra.

haisen, tiriana, cyrra, d'rin

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