[Log] And Be Careful

Dec 29, 2006 13:13

Who: I'daur, Rilsa, Shalyn, W'red
When: Day 26, Month 5, Turn 10
Where: Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
What: W'red and Tavaith fly for the first time.

Eastern Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
     Standing on the eastern side of the bowl, you realize why this is one of the most striking Weyrs on Pern. Arrayed around the north rim of the bowl are the Seven Spindles: high crownlike points formed of old volcano flows which were eroded to sharp spikes. The bowl itself is a rough ovoid shape, with a large lake taking up a good portion of the southeastern part. The bowl seems to slant down to the lake shore, and the soil becomes a little looser in that direction. From the east, the slight aroma of herdbeast and wherry hide rises from the feeding grounds. The northeast section of the bowl is full of activity: training of dragons both young and old goes on in a large clearing near the entrance to the weyrling barracks and dragon infirmary. Several small boulders dot the area to the north, forming a winding path to the ledges leading into the weyrleaders' quarters.
     The morning is clear, and the sun shines with a few small clouds floating past. A light wind blows and the spring air temperature feels comfortable.

Obvious exits:
Weyrleader Ledges Western Bowl Floor Dragon Infirmary Weyrling Barracks Weyrling Training Room Feeding Grounds Lake Shore

Zunaeth> Tavaith senses that Zunaeth intrudes toward the end of the weyrlings' lunch break to note, << If you want to fly, come to the bowl. >>

I'daur and Zunaeth are set up already at one side of the bowl, the bronzerider leaning against the dragon's side while they wait.

Dragon> Zunaeth senses that Tavaith warbles, brightly, << On my way big one >>

W'red wanders out of the barracks as Tavaith's mind voice calls him, some what excitedly, "Yes Tavaith what the problem now?" he sees, I'daur leaning against Zunaeth, as if waiting for some one.

"Did you bring your straps?" asks I'daur, straightening up and stepping over toward W'red when the weyrling comes out.

W'red looks at the Weyrlingmaster, "No sir, I'll get them quickly though," He turns and runs back to the barracks, collects the straps that have been made up and ready, waiting for this day, breathlessly arriving back in front of the Weyrlingmaster, "Got...them...now...sir." W'red is grinning broadly.

"Good, good," I'daur says, nodding. He gestures to Tavaith then. "Now, get 'em on him and we'll see how they look."

Shalyn props herself up on the former Stone of Lecture and pulls her knees up under her chin. She smiles at Oenoneth, "Yes it's always exciting, I still remember when it was our turn."

W'red nods, and indicates towards Tavaith, a little nervously he walks over to Tavaith and says softly, "Ok, now this is the day you've been waiting for, no nonsense, alright, or we'll be grounded again, bring your head down so I can get these on you," slipping the straps over Tavaith's neck, W'red tightens the buckles and checks to see they're tight, but comfortable, "There you go now remember no nonsense," W'red smiles as Tavaiths eyes whirl and he lets out a happy bugle.

I'daur waits patiently, watching W'red and Tavaith. Once the straps are in place, he steps forward to inspect them for himself, giving the leather experimental tugs to test its strength. Then, once he's satisfied, he nods once and steps back. "All right, mount up," he tells W'red as he turns to shuffle back to Zunaeth's side.

On Tavaith, W'red climbs up on Tavaith's neck, the soft hide warm and supple under his hands, Tavaith is warbling happily, W'red is shaking slightly as he is quite nervous. Tavaith's soft calming mind voice penetrates W'red's head, << Don't be afraid I will be here all the time >>

"All right," I'daur repeats as he takes up his post again by Zunaeth's side. "Once around the bowl. /Once/, got that?" He fixes the pair with a stern look, backed up by a matching one from Zunaeth. I'daur hesitates a moment, then adds, "And be careful."

Rilsa makes her way across the bowl in the general direction of the infirmary, carrying hidework under an arm. Seeing a lesson in progress, she pauses briefly by Shan and Shal to murmur greetings and give a nod to I'daur.

On Tavaith, W'red rubs Tavaiths neck, "You heard I'daur, once around the bowl, slowly and carefully, remember Eniolth," Tavaith's hindquarter muscles bunch, and with a powerful lunge and a downward stroke of his wings, they are airborne, W'red is holding on to the straps very tightly, nervously, as he feels the power of Tavaith under him. Tavaith is crooning pleasantly as he takes to the air this is all he has been waiting for, W'red reminds him, "Once around the bowl," W'red's voice is not as steady as normal but he is relaxing a little, as they get to the half way point. "Nearly there Tavaith," he says softly, as they near the point where they started W'red, says, "Ok Tavaith now try and make this look as good as you can," as they come in to land. Back winging as if he'd done this a hundred times, Tavaith heads in to land close to where they took off, with a bone jarring 'thwump', that's how it feels to W'red, they are back on the ground.

I'daur is tensely silent while Tavaith is airborne, his shoulders not relaxing until the brown lands again--in that state, he fails to note Rilsa, eyes locked on his weyrling. Once Tavaith is on the ground again, I'daur heads back over. "Feel all right still?" he asks, glancing between the two.

Rilsa watches the flight silently, her eyes narrowed as she observes the brown. Once the dragon lands, there is an audible sigh of mild relief that can only be heard by those close to her. Without speaking, she watches the dragon from a distance for signs of strain but manages to smile warmly, applauding the first attempt.

Shalyn applaudes happily for the new flying pair, "Yay W'red! Way to go Tavaith!" she whistles loudly.

On Tavaith, Shaking slightly, W'red nods at I'daur, "Yes, sir, Tavaith is a natural at this, he kept telling me it wouldn't be a problem. -I- wasn't so sure but am much happier now that we have done it," Tavaith is crooning happily as if he knew all along it would not be a problem.

"Well, he's a dragon," says I'daur, smirking slightly. "Most of them are naturals, if they're careful and take it slow. Give it on more lap around, and we'll call it a day." He retreats again to let the young dragon have room again.

On Tavaith, This time W'red is more prepared for the powerful take off, as Tavaith bunches his hindquarters, and with the powerful lunge and downward stroke of his wings they are airborne again, "Remember, only once, if we listen to I'daur and take it slow we'll soon be able to do this whenever we want to." Tavaith croons as he circles the bowl once more, W'red is much more relaxed and actually enjoys the second short trip around the bowl, and before he realises it Tavaith is back winging to land again, still with a 'thuwmp' but it seemed a little gentler this time.

"Good," I'daur says, gesturing W'red down once Tavaith lands again. "That's enough for today. You'll do this every day, a couple of times around the bowl--no more--until we've got him conditioned to do a little more. After we finish everything else for the day, until we've got everyone ready to fly--then we'll incorporate it into our routine. Understand?"

W'red climbs down from Tavaith's neck, using the foot straps, and then his foreleg, and is back on the ground. "Yes, sir," W'red gives a quick salute to the weyrlingmaster, "Can we fly by ourselves or must there be someone here? Either yourself or one of the assistants or perhaps Rilsa," he gives his mentor a quick wave.

"I'd prefer someone there, just in case," I'daur says, nodding once. "At least for this first little while."

W'red nods, smiling, "Sure thing, Sir, I'll always make sure someone is available when we're ready to go everyday."

Turning back to Tavaith, W'red rubs his muzzle, proud that the young dragon has done so well and actually listened, without arguing.

"Good," says I'daur, nodding. "Practice it daily for now, a couple of times around--I'll let you know when you can start increasing that. You did all right, so go on and finish your lunch break."

From afar, to I'daur, Shalyn, Shanlee, and W'red, Rilsa apologizes for her idle but is back again.

"Thank you Sir," W'red turns to go Tavaith trundles along behind him, warbling and crooning, to anyone that would listen.

I'daur watches W'red and Tavaith a moment longer, then turns back to the barracks himself, heading to his usual training room haunt.

shalyn, zunaeth, rilsa, tavaith, w'red, i'daur

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