[Log] A Friend in Need

Nov 20, 2006 23:00

Who: K'tric, Shanti
When: Day 24, Month 10, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Where: Forest, Western Islands
What: After K'tric runs off, upset at not being allowed to help the recently returned Cassiel, Shanti comes to find him.
Notes: Takes place while E'sere is shepherding the other weyrlings, after Cassiel returns.

Kasvatuth> Kasvatuth projects to Toth, << You're coming? >> Her mind brightens again, from hits duller colors to more typical pinks and yellows. She interposes a picture, too, of a distinctive rock formation a little ways into the forest from the settlement, noting, << We're here. >>

Shanti approaches the rocks Kasvatuth has sent her to, taking care over the terrain until she finds them, and finds the greenrider withing them. She stops near him and looks ovre, genuine concern on her face. "You ok, K'tric?" She queries softly.

K'tric is indeed seated where Kasvatuth promised, just beneath those rocks with his knees pulled up to his chest and arms lopped about them as he stares ahead unhappily. The green is huddled at his side, eyes yellowy still, but calming at the sound of another approaching. She croons to draw Shanti over, and after a moment K'tric lifts his head to look at her, brows knitting. "What are you doing here?"

Shanti kneels down next to him, butt resting on her heels. "She says you need a friend, and so I am here." She says, simply. "It's a lot to take in, what happened out there. She looks really beat up. Are you ok?" She repeats the words, a bit more firmly, watching him carefully.

K'tric just blinks, looking at Shanti still. "They hurt her. The ones on the mainland. They did this to her," he says. But, this is calmly relayed; he sounds more upset when he adds, "Did you see, she wouldn't even let me help!"

Shanti nods softly. "They did. And she won't be the last. She's... A warning, most likely. That we aren't to be ignored anymore." As the kernel of his distress is revealed, though, she can only shrug. "She was hurt, K'tric. Very much so. Seems to me she wanted someone she knows, someone she trusts, to help her. It's not a slight on you, but when you've known someone a decade or more..." A soft sigh. "And as bad as as she looked, a woman's touch might be beneficial."

"What's the point of being a healer, if they don't want me healing?" K'tric asks, still frowning. "Why--why--you didn't see the way she looked at me. She hates me. I--I don't..." He gives up and shrugs. "I don't understand how they could do that to her. It's a warning, but... If I wanted to send a warning, I would have killed her. Fellised her--it's like going to sleep. I wouldn't--torture someone."

"Wouldn't you?" Shanti sounds surprised. "But she doesn't hate you, K'tric. She might hate strangers. But not you, specifically. How could she hate someone she doesn't know?" A sigh. For a moment, she is distraced, a frown tugging at her lips. "No, she won't." She says to herself, distractedly, before turning her gaze back on K'tric. "If they killed her, then we wouldn't know what they had done, what they will do."

"I'm a healer," K'tric says. "I might do things that hurt people, but I don't do them for that reason. I don't /want/ to hurt people. The ones who did this... They did. I can't understand that." He shakes his head. "She met me, once. Right after I arrived. Her and Derek, while I was still taking care of Donavon."

"Does she know?" Shanti inquires, curiously. "And you aren't a healer, anymore, K'tric. You are a dragonrider. While your skills are important, never forget that before anything else, yuo are Kasvuteth's rider." She sighs and looks down. "I don't know why they want to hurt us. But they do. They always have. Before, we could be ignored. BUt now we've stolen from them, and they can't let that pass.

K'tric straightens slightly, lowering his knees and brushing his hair back habitually. "I know," he mumbles unhappily, nodding once. "Who... who do you think it was?" he asks next. Then, reconsidering: "Well, you'd not know any of them, would you? I doubt I do, either--I only know the Reaches and the Hall."

"You're right, I don't know." Shanti says, with a nod. "I'm not sure I want to. Anyone who would do this is someone I only want to see from the right side of a loaded crossbow, if at all." She rests a hand on his shoulder. "J'lor, he'll take care of this. He'll know what to do, and he'll tell us. He'll tell us why, too, when the time is right. I trust him." She sighs. "But, I admit, I am afraid."

When Shanti touches his shoulder, K'tric shifts to try to lean companionably up against her. "I hope so," he echoes. "And I hope it wasn't anyone from the Reaches. They--you know they had a queen helping them, to keep Chiavelth quiet. What if--Sinopa's not... She couldn't do this. But... Lexine? Or the ones from another Weyr--I don't know them well. I don't understand--why would the dragons go along with this? I can't see Kas doing it."

"Nor Toth. I'm keeping much of it from her, but she knows. And she is angry." Shanti sighs. "And it could have been anyone, but I hope it wasn't the reaches. The Weyr I remember, it wouldn't condone this kind of thing. But you'd know it better than I." She gives his shoulder a brief squeeze. "Better?"

"The Weyr wouldn't," says K'tric. "But the people leading it might. We should ask E'sere; he might know. He knows all the leaders." He nods once, firmly, and then manages a small smile for Shanti as he answers her latter question, "YEah."

Another squeeze. "THen I should head back. Toth is still worried, some, and I don't duobt Riseli could use some comfort. Don't stay out here too long, ok? And if you need something... Kasvatuth knows how to find Toth." She makes her way to her feet, looking down at him with a sad expression. "I'll see you soon, K'tric.

"We can go back, too," K'tric says at once, getting to his feet and hovering close to Shanti as he does so. Kasvatuth gets to hers as well, pressed close to the young man's legs. "I don't want to stay out here by myself. Just me and Kas."

Shanti smiles warmly to him. "Good. Being alone isn't worth it when you have friends." She turns, walking abck towards the clearing. "E'sere, he'd be the one to ask. But I'll wait for J'lor." There's unspoken respect in that simple statement. "C'mon, they'll all be happy to see you back."

"Okay," K'tric says simply, as he falls in step with Shanti, Kasvatuth trotting along beside, looking relieved herself.

Kasvatuth> Kasvatuth projects to Toth, << Thank you, for sending yours. >>

Kasvatuth> Toth projects, << As is needed, we shall be here. >>

toth, k'tric, shanti, kasvatuth

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