[Log] Eleven of 'Em

Nov 18, 2006 22:22

Who: Ashenna, Bayan/B'yan, Charis, Dassah, Eleria, Felix, I'daur, Imariel, Josilina, Kasiese, Maja, M'wen, R'hin, Samialla, Shanlee, Steorra, Tavrie, Wilf/W'red
When: Day 28, Month
Where: Candidate Barracks, High Reaches Weyr; Weyrleaders' Ledges, High Reaches Weyr; Weyrling Barracks, High Reaches Weyr
What: Before the hatching, I'daur sends the candidates onto the sands; during and afterward, he gets the new weyrlings settled in.

Steorra grins and chuckles at that description "Yeah I think that would pretty much cover it" and she reaches over for her robe that is folded neatly on her press to give it another look over.

Imariel giggles and puts a hand over her mouth as the others play the game. She fingers the robe on her bed, smoothing the material over the coverlet. Her eyes are dancing with mirth at the other candidates, and seems that she's enjoying this game. Of course, she hasn't been called on, either.

It sets the walls of the Weyr to vibrating before it really becomes audible: a deep, anticipatory hum that rises slowly in volume until the air itself seems to thrum with the noise. The dragons are humming. Only a minute later, High Reaches' weyrlingmaster shuffles into the barracks and stops, his expression neutral as he observes the candidates. "Get dressed," he announces simply. "It's time."

Charis looks up from her cot, hearing the humming noise outside. She blinks and hops up, "Its time?" she squeeks out. She looks around at the others, finding Dassah and then Eleria with her eyes. Fumbling with her robe she eventually gets undressed and into it, trying to figure out if she's got it on backwards

Bayan, sitting on his cot all this time and busy writing out a note, looks when the humming starts. His jaw tightens as he sits up and grabs for his white robe wordlessly.

Time! Imariel freezes for an instant, and then she's up off her cot, modesty forgotten as she begins to strip off her regular clothes and don the white robe of a candidate. Her shoes are kicked off, and the sandals put on. Fortunately her hair is already braided, and it only takes her a matter of moments to pull off her earrings. The robe goes on easily, and then she turns to look at the Weyrlingmaster. Moving to the end of her cot, she stands there, shivering with nervous energy.

Shaking hands soon have Samialla dressed in her traditional robe, since the girl has been sat in quiet, wide-eyed anticipation for some time. Now the time has come, and she stands (albeit with some effort, and with trembling legs) beside her cot. One hand seeks out her plait to fiddle with the end, while the other wraps around her stomach. The girl's eyes dart about, searching for her Standing buddies.

Shanlee's eyes fly wide both at the odd humming sound and the sudden appearance of the weyrlingmaster. At his words, she silently reaches for her robe and pulls it over head. Eyes sweep across her fellow Candidates as she tugs her clothing off from underneath the robe, hands shaking ever so slightly.

Dassah looks over at Charis while the others play, watching her with a guarded expression of mixed confusion and something unreadable. This is wiped away as the humming startes, and she sighs. She stands and moves to her press, opening it and drawing out the white robe from within and changing quickly into it.

Steorra goes rather pale rather quickly as she hears the low humming noise from outside. She shakes it off quite quickly however and she nods "It's time" her voice carries a mix of emotions as she begins to change into her robe. Once she has finished she slips on her sandals and makes sure her hair is neatly tied back in a runner tail, not really looking about at the others.

Ashenna does startle a little when the humming starts, but she doesn't pale or stumble. She puts on a little secret smile and unfolds from the middle of her cot. Her robe's in her press and she doesn't much bother with modesty as she trades what she's wearing for the shapeless white thing. Her sandals are dug out too and she starts wiggling her feet in. "For what it's worth, I would have picked Trial."

Eleria quickly puts away her sketch pad and slips off her cot to get undressed and dressed along with the others. Her gaze focuses on I'daur for a moment, then shifting around to other faces as her steady hands pull her robe over her head.

Wilf looks around the barracks as all the other candidates seem to suddenly sit up, and then notices the humming he walks over to his cot, to put on the robe lying there waiting.

Kasiese makes quite a close call in falling from her cot. The letter falls from her fingers as she stares at the weyrlingmaster in disbelief. It's what? Could you repeat? Of course he can't. With a small sound of wordless trepidation, the healer reaches into her press with shaking hands and retrieves the poor, shapeless, undecorated sack that's supposed to settle for clothing and starts tugging it on. Sandles next, and the young woman stands nervously fidgeting and tugging at the ends for about two seconds before falling heavily back to a seat on her press.

All of the color drains from Tavrie's face, leaving her far fairer than she normally is. Brown eyes open wide and her mouth seems to freeze in a slightly odd, open position. "Oh no," she breathes, looking more than a little panicked. The young woman moves numbly to get herself ready, tipping Ardon off her lap as if totally forgetting him. The little bronze gives a squawk of protest and surprise, but curls up again and preens. Her hair is already braided tightly, but her robe is retrieved and her shoes pulled out from under the cot. Tavrie hurries to get herself dressed and presentable.

I'daur's movements are quick but unhurried as he watches the candidates, then moves to step aside from the doorway. He takes a few steps through the barracks to skim over the candidates' attire, offering corrections here and there, before he nods and moves back to the doorway. "Everyone ready?" he asks, chin lifting as he looks over the assembled group once more. Then, a curt nod. "Follow me," he says, and turns to lead the way toward the sands.

On the ledges, I'daur pauses again, looking once more over the candidates as he takes a place by the little entranceway to the sands. "Find you someone to stand with," he tells them. "And get out of the way of the hatchlings if they get too close." Another look, another nod to himself. Then, motioning them forward toward the entrance, he says simply in parting, "Good luck."

Charis stands nervously and seems to find her way over to where Eleria is standing, "Ya ready for this?" Her robe hangs on her, a bit big, looking like...well a sack of course. "Umm, did ya want to be my partner?"

Samialla shuffles her way towards Dassah, Imariel, and Shanlee. "Can I stand with you?" She whispers urgently to the three, looking pale and worried.

Steorra heads towards Shanlee and Dassah with a smile "ready?" she says a little squeek of nerves hidden in the tone of her voice.

Dassah sees that Charis has moved to Eleria's side, and so her gaze looks round and she moves to Shanlee, "Please?" Is her simple request, offering hand. Still, gaze travels towards Charis and she seems inclined to draw Shanlee over towards the beastcrafter.

Felix is stuck to Dassah and Shanlee as close as possible. She's chosen her partners, whether they like it or not. Meep!

Bayan is silent as he steps near Wilf, eyes focusing on the entrance to the sands before looking his and Sedor's way.

Kasiese looks around nervously before sneaking closer to Charis: "I'm standing next to you," she warns. "If I faint, please don't leave me to die."

Imariel is quiet as she joins the others, but nods at Samialla. "Of course you can," she says, reaching for the girl's hand, if Samialla allows it.

Shanlee's eyes are wide in her face, just nodding mutely at the weyrlingmaster, before taking a step closer to Dassah. Right now it was her experience of such things that made her feel a little more secure. Shan whispers "Sure Samialla" and smiles wanly at Kasiese.

Tavrie steps up along side Bayan. "Here it is, our turn to roll. These are the high stakes, Bayan," she tells him, looking nervous as can be.

Wilf is glad Bayan has stepped closer, but his eyes are focused on the entrance to the Sands

Bayan quirks a brow at Tavrie, "Perhaps I played my hand to quickly," he muses slowly, giving her a nod before looking to Wilf, "Looking pale," he notes wryly to him.

I'daur waits while the candidates huddle around with their friends, patient. Then, when they've reached some semblance of order, he steps back again and ushering them onto the sands. He takes a place at the back of the line, lingering in the doorway until they're all through. Then he goes about the business of setting up for the aftermath of the hatching.

Eleria smiles gratefully at Charis and nods, "it'll be my honor and I'm as ready as I'm going to be I think." She takes the other girl's hand in her own and straightens her shoulders at the entrance to the grounds, chin up, eyes bright and twinkling.

Ashenna heads for Tavrie's side and laces her fingers through the free hand, thinking to smile after the fact. "If you don't mind," she says. "I'll try not to get sweaty hands or anything."

Charis nods to Kasiese, not quite sure that her voice is still in there somewhere. She looks over at Bayan a moment before smiling at Eleria. She takes a deep breath and squeezes her friends hand, "Will be fun regardless."

Samialla takes Imariel's hand, smiling shakily and taking a large breath before the candidates go out onto the sands. This is *it*.

Tavrie is too nervous to laugh or giggle as usual, but she smiles and walks out with Ashenna.


I'daur is waiting, P'mar and his green already settled to eat, when Maja brings back another. "Eniolth," he gets the dragon's name, and seems slightly less concerned with the girl's. "Come have a seat over here," he says, gesturing and moving to hand off a bucket of raw chunks of meat in the process. "And feed him. Remember to chew; don't let him choke."

Eniolth leads his weyrling into this area, his gaze sweeping the room before settling on the old guy with a soft snort then moving back to his Weyrling with an approving look.

Ashenna follows Maja in, just a little heavy-footed, with eyes only for the brown padding along beside her. I'daur's instructions get her to, at least, shake herself and she nods, sitting where she's told. "I didn't expect it to be quite like thi--he's the weyrlingmaster," she answers Eniolth. "Here. Here, you're hungry..." She offers up a slab of meat.

I'daur leans back to watch while Ashenna starts feeding Eniolth, watching them and his other charge mildly. "Ashenna," he finally puts a name to the girl, aloud. "Ashenna and Eniolth, P'mar and Raneth. Thank Faranth there's only eleven of 'em now."

Eniolth gives an unimpressed snort at her answer to his query but takes a piece of the offered meat. Opening his mouth, it just drops out with a splat on the floor. Cocking his head to the side, he gives the offending piece a kick to the side.

Ashenna blinks at the fallen meat and the path it takes across the floor. "You have to *chew* it for it to stay in your mouth. Hold it with your teeth. Like this," she says and very nearly demonstrates on another slab. Fortunately, she only mimes gnawing on the meat. "Try it again."

Kaylith lifts her gaze to view Maja as the rider begins speaking to -her- rider, blinking briefly. She's all too happy to be lead away, pacing Shanlee with encouraging little nudges along the way that probably do more to hinder than help the newest greenrider's movements.

Okenith happily trots along with Samialla, nudging on ahead if she doesn't move fast enough. He's eager to get fed, after all, though when he gets to the ledges, he stops, glancing back to his new rider for guidance.

Eniolth has only to see something once to get the most basic of things so he follows suit. Realizing just how good it is, he starts to get into the whole chewing and swallowing process. Even as he partakes in his first feast, his eyes rove from person to dragon in the area.

"Okenith and Kaylith," I'daur greets the two as they arrive, led by his assistants to the ledges. "Come in--here." A bucket in each hand, both brimming with raw meat is offered to the two girls, Samialla and Shanlee. "Have a seat and get to feeding them. What were your names again? Don't feed them too fast, or they'll choke up.

Shanlee giggles as Kaylith pushes from behind, coming to a stop finally on the Ledges Shan turns and folds her arms around the little green's neck hugging her to herself. Standing slowly, Shan turns to the Weyrlingmaster "Shanlee Sir, and...." she takes a seat and reaches for a bucket "thank you." She smiles affectionately at Kaylith "Yes an egg, but now a beautiful dragon" and offers a lump of meat to her.

Samialla giggles at the nudging, moving along at a quick trot. She can feel her dragon's hunger too, and looks eagerly at I'daur as the Weyrlingmaster hands out buckets. The girl moves forward to take one, then looks down at Okenith. "Okay then Okenith. You mustn't eat too fast though, okay?" Looking up at I'daur's question, she offers her name without hesitation. "Samialla, sir." Hearing Shanlee's voice and name has her beaming in her friend's direction, before she gets to guiding Okenith to a seat, where she sits down.

Ashenna says "Mind your tongue," Ashenna warns Eniolth fondly, even as she readies another chunk of meat. Her attention shifts to the arrival of the new pairs and she beams. "Shanlee! Samialla! Come sit by us!""

Kaylith turns whirling eyes on I'daur, viewing the Weyrlingmaster with wide-eyed wonder. But of course, her attention doesn't last for long - it's drawn by the buckets held by the bronzerider, and she begins pushing forward, muzzle seeking out the source of that very delicious smell, straining towards it before Shanlee's touch soothes her into rumbling warmth. Eagerly, she opens her maw, all but snapping at the meat offered, gulping it down in one shot.

I'daur nods once, lips pursing. "Shanlee," he repeats. "And Kaylith. Samialla and Okenith. All right. How's it coming, Ashenna? P'mar?" Looks to those weyrlings who impressed first, as he checks up on their progress, shuffling forward to look over them. P'mar is quick to answer positively, removing I'daur's attention from him for the moment as he looks over the trio of girls.

Eniolth gives I'daur a dismissive glance at his approach resuming his feasting after a long silent conversation with his lifemate. Suddenly, he lifts his blood stained maw from the proffered meat and shifts. He shifts again, twisting his head. His eyes start to whirl a bit redder in irritation.

Shanlee grins up at Ashenna and Samialla "Congratualtions you two.." she nods at the brown and blue "and to your lifemates" As Kaylith's jaw snaps shut, Shan quickly pulls her hand back "Kaylith! Slowly, you nearly ate my hand too" she scolds gently, why was she SO hungry, her own stomach rumbled. "Here you go love" and Shan holds out another chunk, a chuckle escapes her throat as she peers up at I'daur and she drops her voice "Yes, he is isn't he?" then quickly raises her voice "Fine, I think?" and hands over another chunk.

Ashenna tilts her head, as if considering something. "I guess it would be." She sticks her tongue out, eyes crossed trying to see it, and gives up. "Right. Forget I said that." Another startle and her gaze shifts to I'daur. "We're doing fine, thank you, si--r." Distracted again. "Where does it itch?"

Okenith sits straight in front of Samialla, eyes for her only--well, for her and that bucket of meat, which he proceeds to try to stuff his nose in in his eagerness to abate the hunger raging over him.

Shanlee looks fondly at Kaylith, "It's alright love, just be careful, is all" she listens carefully and nods "I am too" and peers into the bucket, as she hands Kaylith another chunk "Don't think I can eat this though"

Kaylith looks momentarily contrite, but that doesn't stop her reaching for the next offered gob of meat with nearly as much enthusiasm - she's -hungry-. Her chubby tail swings back and forth behind her with a hint of impatience, oblivious to anything else right now except her lifemate and the food that's awaiting her.

Eniolth rumblechuckles as he watches his lifemate try to stick her tongue out and cross her eyes. At her question, he lifts his tail, then turns his back, flicking his back with it. Once more he turns, lowering his head toward hers.

Samialla looks about to giggleagain, this time at Okenith's stance, but then the blue's trying to plunge his head into the bucket and she gasps. "No, not so fast!" She gets her hands on his snout to ush him away as gently as she can, then removes one hand to grab some chunks of meat. "Here, eat these. Little bits at a time, okay?" She takes on an almost motherly tone, holding her hand palm out to offer the meat to Okenith.

That look, those whispered words--I'daur knows when he's being talked about, and that, of all things, brings a small smirk to his lips. He nods to Shanlee and Kaylith once, then glances to Ashenna. "Good to hear. Let me grab you some oil--" those buckets are nearby, too; a couple of steps there and back, and I'daur sets the bucket and a paddle for applying it down by the brown weyrling. "Have at. Make sure you get all of him," he tells her, taking a step back to observe.

Kaylith cants a brief look towards the Weyrlingmaster as he approaches, staring up and up at the man with very wide, whirling eyes. You can just -tell- she's impressed by him. The draw of meat soon distracts her once more, however, and she's nudging Shanlee with her shoulder, as if to remind the girl she's here. Not that it'd be easy to ignore her.

Shanlee pulls a face "I prefer mine cooked thanks, but you go ahead" and tips out two large chunks for the little green. She looks up at the weyrlingmaster and drops her eyes at his smirk, Shards, did he know she and Kaylith had been talking about him. "Here you go, want some more?" she asks Kaylith, and smiles as her shoulder gets nudged.

Okenith rumbles unhappily, almost sulky, but he does pull his muzzle back, withdrawing to study the meat and then Samialla. When she offers him food the proper way, he snaps it up and moves to swallow at once, too quickly: it results in a coughing hack, and the prompt spitting-up of the meat again, toward Samialla's lap, as he dislodges it again.

Ashenna murmurs a thanks to I'daur and sets the meat pail aside, for the time being. Eniolth may be newly hatched, but he's still bigger than she is, so she stands to take up oil and paddle, slopping it along his back. "There, right? That's it..." She scratches him a little bit with the edge of the paddle, too.

Eniolth isn't as impressed with the Weyrlingmaster as his clutchsib is but that is his nature. He fights the man, you know. However, his lifemate has drawn his attention from the others by the delightful ministrations with the oil. He rumbles in satisfaction. This is life.

Samialla jumps as Okenith coughs up the meat, which lands with a dull squelch in her lap. A brief look of disgust contorts her face, but then it's replaced by a look of intense concern. "Oh, Okenith...you need to chew! Chew it!" She's not angry, just worried, and scoops the meat up from her lap to offer it again. "Chew it, okay?"

Carulith butts his head against Steorra's hand, looking wistfully towards the buckets of meat.

Oh, great, says I'daur's expression. A pair of criers. He pastes on a grim smile for Tavrie and Steorra, nodding to both as they come in. Again, he greets them by dragon's names: "Carulith and Nabrimeth." And again, he's a pail in each hand to offer the girls, motioning them to free spaces on the ledges, which are beginning to crowd. "Find yourself seats and feed them--not too quickly," are his usual instructions, before he glances back again to check over his other charges.

Shanlee's eyes go wide and forgets what she was doing "Tavrie! You impressed Gold?? Oh that's wonderful - Congratulations!" as Steorra joins them "and Steorra! Oh what a darling little blue - Congratulations!" Kaylith's plaintive little voice draws her attention back however, and Shan grins holding out more meat for her, still so hungry, must eat!

Steorra looks down to Carulith as she is butted "Oh yes i'm sorry" she looks about for the buckets and when she is given one she turns to Carulith (though she is blushing slightly at the criers comment) and takes one of the pieces of meat from the bucket "Ok now here you go, please remember to chew" she says calmly to the little blue, wiping away tears with her free hand.

Nabrimeth traipses up the passageway at Tavrie's side, and despite the excited tremor that causes her back haunches and tail to wriggle in a decidedly unqueen-like gesture as she spies others of a similar size, she seems loathe to move from her chosen's side. She does, however, croon a bit more insistently and rubs her neck along the diminutive girl's side, eyes coaxing.

Ashenna keeps spreading oil, since she's clearly doing something right. She pauses though, briefly, and lectures, "No shaking up."

Okenith does not look happy about that chunk of meat's efforts to strangle him. Still, when Samialla offers the meat again, he reaches for it without hesitation--but this time, he chews, and his whirling eyes light up when it works this time: he swallows without a problem, and eagerly reaches for more.

Carulith seems happy enough with the meet offered, it seeming to disappear in an instance as the blue attempts to force his head into the bucket, despite the fact that its a -bit- small. As his more invasive techniques fail, he returns to repeated nudges until more food is given.

Tavrie looks dazed as she comes in, still trying to come to grips with things and looking at life through new eyes. "Thank you," she mouthes numbly here and there, grinning awkwardly at her friends that are already here and coming in. Tavrie's surprise turns to a calm joy when Nabrimeth croons and she looks around the room. "Come, lady. Let's see to your belly, shall we?" Tavrie tells the little gold, her sense of humor returning as her fear ebbs. Tavrie wanders over to a bowl of meat and picks up a peice, offering it out hopefully. "I'm sorry, I didn't expect..." she begins, then shakes her head and drops the comment. "This will fix your emptiness," she offers.

The tension in Samialla's frame melts away as Okenith eats happily and without further incident. "That's it...see, you just have to take your time." Smiling with relief, she reaches into the bucket for more meat, which she again offers out on her palm. Her lap smells of the meat that was spilled there, but she doesn't care: her thin face is glowing as she looks at her blue adoringly.

Steorra looks down to Carulith as he tries to fit his head inside the bucket "Now now, how would that look if you have an accident already" she shakes her head at the little blue and takes out another piece of meat "I can just see you walking round with a bucket on your snout, then how will you eat?" she tries to sound firm but she is far too busy smiling at the little blue.

"How's it coming?" I'daur asks as he makes his way through again, back to the trio of Ashenna, Shanlee, and Samialla. "Good? Okenith--no, Eniolth, then Okenith, and then Kaylith." He points to the brown first, corrects himself, then moves to the blue and lastly the green as he works on learning names.

Nabrimeth rewards Tavrie's hope with a sunny uptilt of her neck that voraciously grabs at and chews her first meal down. She even swishes her tail charmingly as they pass by I'daur, though the mischievous glint that flitters through her hunger-stricken eyes as they spy the bronzerider's feet fleeting speaks of a desire, perhaps, just -perhaps-, to try and trip the old man up.

Tavrie laughs warmly, seeming to relax more and more. "Yes, this is what you would call dinner. Though it isn't to my liking," she admits. "Chew carefully so you don't bite your tongue," she warns the young one. "After you eat this, I think that I'm supposed to oil any spot that itches," Tavrie speaks aloud, trying to piece things together.

Shanlee looks up at I'daur, "Kaylith Sir" and gives the little green a gentle rub above her eyeridge. "I think she'd eat everything in sight if I let her."

Carulith gives an apologetic look as only a dragon can before the next offered piece of meat disappears as well. He croons softly, still looking very much ravenous.

"We're good," Ashenna promises the weyrlingmaster, though she squeaks half a second before Eniolth stretches out a wing that comes very close to bonking into someone else. "Careful," she warns him, tapping him on the back. "No, I know, but there are others around. I'll get it..." She moves to oil the brown under the wing.

Steorra grins down at the little blue "Don't worry love, there is plenty here" she says looking at the meat in the bucket and taking another piece and offering it to him "even for your appetite" and with a little chuckle she reaches to scratch an eyeridge.

"Kaylith," I'daur repeats again, nodding. "And, you're right about that. Don't let her." That being his sage advice of the day, he circulates around further, checking on the latest arrivals. "When they're done eating, let me know--or just grab the oil yourself," is added over his shoulder. "Nabrimeth, Carulith. How are they doing?" he asks those two.

B'yan strides in throwing further glances at those within before turning to the little bronze. "Alright, I get to feed you," he drawls absently, looking at the other new weyrlings with mild interest.

"You." I'daur greets B'yan auspiciously, eyeing the weyrling he's actually met with a brief frown. Then, a nod, and he says, "Jaireth. Here you go. Don't feed him too fast, and make sure he chews. Find yourself a seat--somewhere." He hands off the meatpail easily, turning to gesture to the ledges, which are beginning to fill up with weyrlings now. Then, he glances back to the two girls he was talking to before the latest arrival.

Tavrie continues to feed scraps of meat to Nabrimeth, stroking her head with one hand and offering out food in the other. "Ooooh! I hope I won't overfeed you. If your belly starts to feel uncomfortable, please tell me," she frets over the newly hatched dragon. Already, her eyes are scanning for the oil, mind thinking ahead to prepare for the next step.

Jaireth hurries to keep up with B'yan, though by the time they've reached the ledge he's settled back into something of a devil-may-care stroll. But for all his cool, he still tails his new lifemate, coming up close to him once he stops, raising his head with definite interest at the talk of feeding. Everyone else he more or less ignores, but for a few off-hand looks.

B'yan blinks at I'daur's sudden calling of him before frowning. "You don't look too happy to see me," he drawls wryly to him before picking up a meatpail and stepping away and turning to Jaireth. Finding a place by Tavrie and her own lifemate, "Don't get greedy or something," he warns the hatchling before starting to feed him some scraps.

Jaireth snorts somewhat messily, opening his mouth wide for the meat, and there's certainly nothing mannerly in the way he scarfs them down, just barely chewing in his haste, a few shreds of meat falling out of his maw here and there.

Tavaith paces W'red with an efficiency of movement, the scent of meat drawing him onwards as much as his rider's encouragement. The occupants on the ledge are given a brief look over, then dismissed, attention going to W'red with a sharp flick of his tail.

"Tavaith," I'daur hails W'red and the brown, leaning over to grab another bucket and push it off on the latest weyrling to make his way in. "Find yourself a seat and get to feeding him--but not too fast. Don't want him to choke." Absently, he adds in a drawl to B'yan, as he helps the two greenriding boys get oil for their dragons, "I'm never happy to see the bronzeriders. They're trouble."

Tavrie looks over at Bayan, a parental smile on her face as she watches Nabrimeth eat. "See, there you go. Now you have a new schedule," she tells him. "Congratulations, Ba - B'yan. He's a striking fellow," she offers. Nabrimeth finishes her meat with a swallow and turns to appraise the pair for just a moment before crooning gently and nudging Tavrie's shoulder. The small woman laughs and nods, then hurries over to get some oil and a paddle. "We can fix your itches, love," she agrees. "Though I'm not sure if I know how to do this correctly," is admitted as she begins to fumble through oiling the auroral gold's neck.

Samialla is hardly halfway through the bucket of meat when Okenith suddenly snaps a glance back at his flank. There's an irritable snort, and Samialla almost upsets the bucket in her rush to kneel beside him, running a hand over the affected area. "An itch? We'll oil it...and oil you all over. Then it'll be gone." She leads the blue towards the vats of oil, grabbing a paddle and getting into the task of slathering oil on the blue's hide. "Better?" The whirl of bright green eyes is a yes.

W'red Moves over to a seat, and sits down, taking a large chunk of the meat from the bucket he gives it to Tavaith, "here you are this should help with that large hunger of yours," he says gently

"Hey!" B'yan cries at the little bronze and his messy manner before lowering his voice. "Do it slowly and -chew-! I don't want to get in trouble already," he adds gruffly before I'daur's answer to him get his lips to twitch. "Trouble, eh?" and looking over at the arrival of W'red, "I think you'll have more than some mere bronzeriders to worry about," he notes in mild amusement. He simply thin his lips at Tavrie and looks at the queen, "Congrats with you and yours," he says with a curt nod before Charis's arrival cause him to pause in the feeding.

Eniolth makes a low chortling sort of sound and Ashenna's cheeks pink for the first time that anyone would probably recall. Not that the new weyrlings are paying attention. "Well, you can just listen to me, then, until you decide if he's worth it." She finally spots Tavrie and waves over the brown's back. "Tavrie! Congratulations!" W'red and B'yan get waves too, then she blinks at the newest arrivals. "Shells. More..."

Shanlee laughs as Kaylith waddles over to inspect the little bronze and brown, her bulging belly all but scraping on the ground "Kaylith, come back here - you need to be oiled" and Shan scratches at her shoulder. Green eyes come to rest on the two new male riders "B'yan, W'red - congratulations, they're......handsome lads" she grins and reaches for a bucket of oil and a pail as Kaylith, shoulder twitching wanders back over to her.

"There's no art to it," I'daur reassures Tavrie as he passes her, on his way to check on some of the newest-made weyrlings again. "You just get it everywhere on them. Qeteth? Whuaith?" He stops to study the pair of blues and their girls--he's given up on human names for now. Instead, moving to hand off meat again, he offers the same instructions he has before, with mechanical familiarity: "Sit. Feed them. Not too fast or they choke."

Charis moves into the room in a daze, the blue following her, "I can't believe you picked me." She seems lost, "Umm food?"

Qeteth follows after his new rider, creeling loudly for food.

Jaireth gives B'yan a look that's a little sheepish, and maybe even a little defiant, but nevertheless he obeys, chewing his food more thoroughly and making less of a mess while doing so. He continues chewing for a little, but it's not long before he's nudging B'yan again, whuffling and snorting a little - with his mouth full, no less.

Steorra continues to feed Carulith, happy that there are no more attempts to fit inside the meat bucket, she takes another piece and hands it to the little blue and makes sure he chews properly before reaching for another one. New arrivals cause her to look up briefly "Oh congratulations B'yan.. W'fred oh everyone" she calls happily finally able to take her eyes from Carulith.

Tavrie spins around at the sound of Charis' voice, eyes glinting with joy as she sees another of her friends. "Oh, Charis! Congratulations. What's his name?" she calls, still trying to drown Nabrimeth in oil as she smears it all around.

Tavaith eyes the food offered carefully, before he takes it, swallowing it down. Finding it satisfactory, he opens his maw for more, eyes fixed firmly on W'red, oblivious to the compliments or comments being sent his way.

Qeteth makes a side trip before his rider can reach the meat bins, however, lurching sideways to unstealthily snatch a piece of unguarded meat from a (slightly) older blue sibling, sated enough to want oiling over meat. That meat is bolted down, and creeling starts anew.

"Yes, food. For him. Don't eat it yourself," I'daur explains to Charis, squinting dubiously as he eyes her.

Whuaith leads Felix onto the ledges, not one to follow behind. He has the decency not to creel, though quietly and persistantly bats at Felix's legs with his sky blue tail.

Qeteth takes advantage of his rider's question and oh-so-brief distraction to haul himself up on his haunches and stick his nose into a meat bin, trying to take what Charis is being too slow to deliver.

Charis looks behind her, not seeing her lifemate she looks around quickly, "Qeteth, no. Don't do dat. Come over 'ere." She picks up a bowl and looks over to Tavrie, "Name's Qeteth." She moves back over to the creeling blue

"I hear you, I hear you," Felix is murmuring to herself as she leads her Whuaith on into the little weyrling place. And she, being a little weyrling, takes the meat I'daur hands over with a curt little nod for the affirmation of Whuaith's name - so much in that name - and promptly flops down to begin feeding her new lifemate. Unpracticed at such a task, she watches the others for a moment before starting. "Okay, now, nice'n easy." Please?

W'red keeps giving the ravenous brown chunks of the fresh meat, "slowly now, you don't want to choke, on it," W'red is oblivious, at this point to all the others and only has eyes for the brown in front of him.

B'yan is watching Charis curiously before he gets yat another nudge. Almost scowling before he catches himself midway, "You don't see the other ones choking because they're that hungry, eh Jaireth?" he notes idly, then feeds him some more of the scraps. "Pretty greedy like my little green, Pheet," he notes to him before looking over at W'red. "A brown you got, hm?" he drawls, grinning as he looks over at the hatchling.

"No more?" I'daur asks, as the stream of weyrlings finally ceases. He takes a head count, a deep breath and waits until the last ones are settled in to eat before he leans against the stone wall to study the eleven weyrlings gathered for a moment. His rest is short-lived, before he's straightening again and shuffling through their ranks again, checking up on them again

Qeteth snorts as something brushes against his hindquarters, causing him to lose his prevcious balance...the bins /are/ designed to keep over-hungry noses out, after all. He goes back to creeling louder and louder at his rider.

Maja has finally arrived on the ledges for good- no more pacing back and forth. The excitement and nervousness surrounding a hatching still has her panting, and the heat of the sands has covered her in a layer of sweat. "Eleven, then."

Charis shakes her head and rolls her eyes at her blue, "Come over 'ere Qeteth." She finds a spot to sit and offers out some slimy dripping meat for him. "See I'll give it to ya."

Qeteth relunctantly leaves the bins behind to follow after his lifemate. Mouth is wide open.

Jaireth doesn't turn down the scraps, certainly not, but he continues to nudge against B'yan, and then against the ledge, rubbing a foreleg against the stone. His tail, however, always active, flips to poke and tease any nearby clutchmates.

Shanlee dips the paddle into the oil bucket and one hand scratching at her shoulder, the other busies itself, slathering Kaylith's should with oil. Perhaps if she put enough on Kaylith, she'd stop itching herself. Kaylith's eyes close in near ecstasy as her lifemate oils her.

Charis laughs at Qeteth, offering up the meat to him, "See, 'ere it is. Don't eat fast. I've got plenty." She cants her head a bit, "You sure are nice lookin."

"Girls, you okay?" I'daur asks as he drifts past Ashenna, Samialla, and Shanlee again. He pauses to look over their dragons, then hobbles on past: with the way dealing with the weyrlings has kept him moving, he's starting to limp more pronouncedly. Noting Maja, he veers her way. "No injuries out there?" he asks her. And, hardly waiting for an answer: "Make sure they all get oiled good." A pause, then. "You did good. Where's the other one?" And he peers past her for his other assistant.

Qeteth wolfs down the food offered, then pauses as at the complement. He lifts his head a bit, so as to better show off his blue-iness.

Eniolth gets poked. His tail twitches and he pokes back, with his own. He tilts his head to eyeball his bronze clutchsib. Bigger? Badder? Eh.

B'yan nudges Jaireth back, "What's your problem?" he grumbles before he adds more scraps to his maw. "Awefully active, too. Looks like you and I are going to have a talk sometime today," he notes to the little bronze as he feeds. He looks up when Maja enters, not saying a word for the moment before he sends glances to the other weyrlings' way.

W'red eventually takes notice of some of the others, "B'yan, yes," W'red mumbles still concentrating on Tavaith, the total confusion that is going on around him is slowly starting to penetrate his mind. He is slowly taking note of all the other dragons and their partners and looks around, still in a bit of a daze. he offers more meat to Tavaith.

Nabrimeth watches Jaireth with an amused look, bottom jaw dropping ever so slightly in a draconic grin as she moves to tease him right back, looking pleased with the prospect of play. "Hey!" Tavrie objects as the gold's movement causes the oil to spill. The woman laughs and shakes her head.

Charis laughs at Qeteth, "Uh 'uh. Now I see 'ow its gonna be with you." She offers more of the meat to him screwing up her face I'daur having to tell her to not eat this stuff. "I'm glad dat you like it. This is gross"

Steorra hands Carulith the lastpiece of meat, looking at the empty bucket and then at the little blue "Oh yes oil of course.." she looks about and takes a paddle and oil before getting to work on the blue hide "Right now, lets see if I can stop the itching... at least for a while" she says and begins to cover the blue hide carefully.

Maja shakes her head, commenting quickly. "No, sir." No injuries. "Yes, sir, thank you. He's--" she looks back behind her, waving around. She's not really been keeping track of him.

M'wen's been lurking just inside the entrance to the passageway, watching the goings on's on the ledge with interest, though not taking the initiative to join the group. Hearing I'daur mention him, though indirectly, the brownrider ducks into the group, brow raised, waiting for I'daur's instruction.

Qeteth oh so happily returns to eating, trying to stuff as much into his belly as he can. His midsection is becoming perceptably rounder by the mouthful.

B'yan leans toward W'red, "Them talking in your head kinda makes you feel all..." he pauses, looking for a word, "...crazy, right?" he asks furtively before straightening up in time to see the play between Nabrimeth and the bronze. "Don't even think about it," he's quick to warn Jaireth, passing Tavrie a pointed look before grinning.

"Carulith, right? What's your name?" I'daur asks of Steorra as he moves on past, not lingering overlong on Maja, except to offer her another nod to her. "And Nabrimeth? There you are." The weyrlingmaster glances away from Tavrie when he sees M'wen out of the corner of his eye, straightening to look at the brownrider. "Well, don't just stand there," he tells him. "Make yourself useful, son. We'll move 'em to the barracks as soon as they get done oiling, all of them."

Charis holds the food back, "Slow down there little guy. You'll get sick." She notices his bulging middle, reaching out with her clean hand to rub it. She looks around the room, smiling at the others being off to the side by herself for now, not having anyone to converse with for the time being. "I can't believe you picked me" she says softly

Shanlee has covered herself with as much oil as seems to be on Kaylith by this time, but if the silly grin on her face is anything to go by it doesn't faze her in the least. Laying the paddle down, Shan can't help but reach out and use both hands to thoroughly rub the oil into the little green's hide. Kaylith, nudges her midriff and shifts around so her lifemate can better reach her. "Kaylith, keep still, there's already more oil on me than you" Shan chuckles as a splash of oil from her tails splatters her face.

Jaireth catches wind of Nabrimeth's play, and all but ignores his rider to twitch his tail back at the gold, dancing it right in front of her before whipping it quickly back towards himself. B'yan gets a sideways look and an annoyed, gruff rumble.

Finally emerging from the heat of the sands, R'hin's got a faint sheen of sweat to his forehead as he escorts Josilina into the cooler ledge. Pale eyes flicker around the room, before focusing on I'daur with a slight tip of his head, as if in silent query.

Steorra nods to I'daur "Yes sir Carulith and I'm Steorra" she says, no sign of tears now just a big beaming grin as she tries to get as much oil on the dragonet as she can, though it is getting a little messy.

Maja starts over towards Ashenna, bending down briefly to inspect Eniolth. "In the future, focus more on the wrinkles and dips in -- in Eniolth's hide." Then onto another pair, with more critisism.

Josilina closes her eyes, briefly, as she and the Weyrleader emerge from the sands into the cooler outside. But soon she's all attention for the spread of weyrlings, though she hangs back with R'hin, looking also towards I'daur, eyebrows slightly raised.

Charis blinks, "Itchy?" She looks over at someone else, Shanlee being the closest person. "Umm Shan. 'e's itchy? Oil just like da firelizards right?" She really doesn't wait for an answer because she can see the others, instead jumps up to find a bucket of oil to bring back over. "Ok Qeteth. Lets work on dat." She dips the oil with the paddle and lathers some on him

W'red glance up as B'yan speaks to him, "Yes it does I'm not sure whether, I'm thinking or he's talking to me very confusing," he gives B'yan a big grin. Tavaith, nudges him again, "ok, I'm going as fast as I can," he turns his grin to the brown.

"Steorra, good," I'daur tells the bluerider with a nod, fixing that in his mind. Then: "Boys?" I'daur greets W'red and B'yan and Charis as he turns to them--he must be going by the color of their dragons, to include the latter one. "How's it coming?" For the moment, he doesn't notice, or at least doesn't acknowledge, the presence of the Weyrleaders; he's more focused on the weyrlings themselves.

Ashenna says "Enough of that," Ashenna scolds the brown. "No, it doesn't much matter who started it." She's not really cross, as her tone shows. She looks across at Maja and nods. "Yes ma'am.""

Qeteth leans into Charis' rubbing, then headbutts her. He is done eating at the moment - anything else and it probably won't fit anyway - but he is itchy now!

Nabrimeth's funny little lunge left her spread awkwardly for a moment so she shifts back to her haunches and nudges Tavrie. Finished with the oil, she makes sure it is out of the way of both Nabrimeth and Jaireth. Tavrie appraises her oiling job and looks over her new lifemate lovingly, she reaches out to rub a headknob, looking thoughtful.

Charis looks up at at I'daur, "Ummm, 'e's itchy now. Got a full belly though which is good." She looks over at B'yan and W'red with a smile, "Congrats you guys." She looks back to Qeteth making sure to get his muzzle and ridges

Qeteth rumbles as the oil is rubbed into his hide, making him all shiney and much more handsome than any of the other young dragons present.

Josilina grins a little crookedly, murmuring back with a laugh. A little more loudly, though still in an undertone, "We should leave them be. We'll have plenty of time to see them when they're not busy being hungry, and itchy, and completely overwhelmed." Despite her words, she does try and pick out those new weyrlings she knows, flashing them broad smiles.

I'daur eyes Nabrimeth and Jaireth a long moment, lips pursing, before he turns away to look at Charis. It hides the smirk. "Good, good. Both of you," he adds, including B'yan in those words. And finally, he takes notice of the two dignitaries, straightening to face them, offering a snappy salute. "Weyrwoman, Weyrleader."

W'red glances up as I'daur, asks, "ffine for now Sir" W'red says as Tavaith takes another piece of the meat, nearly the last and then he'll oil him. "Ok Tavaith, just a few more, and then we can get rid of that itch," he says as he sees Tavaith's skin twitching.

Maja mills around more, stopping briefly at another pair and scolding them for meat engulfed too quickly. "We may have a problem in the future," she notes, then moving on. Josilina's entrance catches Maja's eye more than R'hin's, and when I'daur salutes Maja stops in her place and does the same.

Charis says "Yes you are very 'andsome Qeteth." She dips the paddle in the oil and smooths it over his hide, making sure to get his wings as well. "I bet you are faster than da rest of them too huh?""

Kaylith croons happily as Shan's hands rub along her hide, her gentle whirling eyes rest on something interesting, Oh look more tall people, and stretches out her neck to wuffle at the Weyrleaders. Taviath however, distracts her, he still had meat. Kaylith shudders as an itchy spot is rubbed, warbling conversationally to Taiveth, she looks at his bucket hopefully. Maybe he'd share?

M'wen shrugs at I'daurs request, meandering into the small groups of weyrlings, scouting out for a few people in particular. Stopping by B'yan, he throws the man a friendly smile and mutters, "Who would've thought it?" Watching over the bronzeriders oiling with a critical eye, but finishing he look over with a grin and nod. Finishing the rest of the distance between him and the newest goldrider, M'wen murmurs something with sounds suspiciously like 'I told you so.' He gives a smile, and asks in a louder voice, though still just barely over a mutter, a faint hint of wory in the tone, "How're you doing?"

Ashenna should salute. She knows that. She doesn't, though, when Josilina catches her eye. Instead, she waves, beaming.

The murmured words earn an amused chuckle, R'hin's eyes shining as he answers dryly. "Then we must do our utmost to keep him." He gives a nod of agreement with Josilina's words, eyes roving around the ledges with an almost proprietary air. The Weyrleader returns the offered salute sharply, an air of respect audible in his voice as he addresses the Weyrlingmaster. "We won't keep you long, I'daur. We just wanted to make sure all was well."

Qeteth holds out one wing, then the other. Of course he is the fastest. Of course he is the most handsome. And - yawn - of course, of course, of course.

I'daur automatically reaches over to nudge a pail of oil toward W'red, even as he looks back to the Weyrleader. "Yes, sir. It's going well," he affirms. "No major mishaps yet. Getting ready to move them back to the barracks."

Tavrie turns her head at the sound of a familiar voice and beams up at M'wen. "We're alright, I think. She's happily full and I've just finished oiling her," the young woman bubbles. "Did Maxeoth see?" she immediately wants to know, thinking of the brown. Nabrimeth croons and looks up sweetly at M'wen, though might think she has a mischevious undertone playing along her draconic muzzle.

Josilina returns the salute, her's a little less snappy, but she has a warm smile for the Weyrlingmaster and his assistants. "Right, we don't want to interrupt," she agrees with R'hin. She gets a little distracted, returning Ashenna's wave, and waving to a number of weyrlings she doesn't even know well, but she returns to the conversation at hand to add, "Do let us know if there's anything we can help with. Though I'm sure you have it all in hand. They look like they'll be a good group."

B'yan looks over when he starts to oil Jaireth, sending him a dramatical sigh. "Apparently I wasn't thinking at all," he drawls wryly, looking over at the bronze. "I never had a fondness for bronzeriders, so this -must- be ironic."

W'red gets a full bucket of oil, while Tavaith is chewing the last piece of the meat, on his return W'red starts to cover the little brown in oil, starting with the places where the skin was twitching, slathering on large dollops of the oil rubbing it in gently as the brown croons with pleasure..

Steorra finishes her oiling, quite glad that she has managed to get more on him than the surrounding area and of course herself. Carulith croons happily that his itching has gone.. well at least for now and he sets about looking over his clutchsibs.

"Take your time, take your time. I'm sure they can rest here a while, if need be." R'hin allows with a genial nod towards the space. A few of the weyrlings that catch his eye earn a nod, and Kaylith's wuffle earns a grin from the Weyrleader. "Do let them know they're welcome to join us in the living caverns when their lifemates fall asleep. I'm sure a lot of them have family waiting to see them."

Shanlee reaches out a hand to gently steer Kaylith away from the bucket "You've had enough love, remember....I know when you're hungry and when you're just being greedy" Bending to move the almost empty pail over, Shan all but slips in the excess of oil. "Yes Kaylith there alot of 'big' people here" she chuckles as she reaches out a hand to catch herself and grasps a neck ridge for support, her feet skidding out around her, she lands with a small thump right next to Kaylith. A bugle of alarm has Kaylith craning her neck around to see where her lifemate went, here one minute, gone the next. "Uh, Sir - Ma'am" Shan offers from her oily sprawled position on the ledge to the Weyrleaders

Maja finds B'yan, finally, after transversing the entire room and critisizing anything she found needed work. "A bronzerider who wasn't all that eager to Impress. It sounds familiar," she remarks to him, then looks down at Jaireth. "Don't forget the crevices-- oil them well, they dry quicker."

B'yan sets the meatpail aside then when it looked like Jaireth didn't want anymore, then continues to slowly oil with very little experience. He watches the Weyrleaders idly, his lips thinning again before Maja appears. Her words draw a look her way, "Ironic, really," he drawls dryly, looking R'hin's way. "Someone must be finding this hilarious." With an aplogetic grin, "Guess this means I'll have the give the bottle of wine up, huh?" he asks, putting her instructions to action with his oiling.

W'red lets out a chuckle as Shanlee sprawls on the floor, "in the barracks you will have to clean that up we don't all want to be sliding all over." He turns his attention back to Tavaith, "See you can use to much oil," he grins at him and rubs a hand across his snout playfully.

M'wen nods slowly, "I couldn't have kept him away if I tried. He was hiding up in the upper ledges watching everything, humming along with the rest." M'wen looks at the gold, a faint look of wonder, "Wow, she's beautiful Tavrie...I told you that you had it in you, I'm not making these things up you know." He gives a grin and lets out a small chuckle.

Steorra now finally finished with the feeding and the oiling gets a chance to take in her surroundings and of course notices the weyrleaders "Sir, Ma'am" she says with a pleasant and pleased smile. Shanlee's slip causes her to spin round and she looks worried "are you ok?" she calls and while her back is turned the little blue takes this as his oportunity to adventure... 'ooh what's this?' seems to be the permenant expression on Carulith's face and before Steorra can turn to stop him he has knocked the oil all over the floor.

Maja smiles for the first time this hatching, directing it at B'yan. "There's more than one," she notes, "and the wine-- if you've gone and bought it already, I'd be glad to find a more willing home for it." She looks briefly at I'daur, and back to B'yan. "We'll be going to the barracks soon-- I hope-- before the dragonets fall asleep and we have to carry them there."

Tavrie just shakes her head in wonder. "I don't know what others see in me, but, well, her I am and here we are," she says with a helpless shrug and a sheepish grin. "Oooh," she seems to remember for the first time since coming in off the sands. "My family...I wonder what my father thinks," she says, pursing her lips. For her part, Nabrimeth looks up coyly and rustles her wings when she's complimented. Tavrie laughs and nods. "She's very beautiful, inside and out," she affirms.

W'red looks up as he hears the bucket fall, more oil on the floor, he glances over at B'yan, "looks like the girls can't help but spill oil every where." He gets a nudge from Tavaith, "yes I'm nearly finished, I know you're tired, just alittle more and you'll be ready to sleep".

Shanlee laughs sheepishly "I'm fine" a slight blush on her cheeks. "Guess that was too much oil then" she notes wryly. "It's okay Kaylith, I'm down here" Shan manages to get herself onto her hands and knees, and gingerly stands testing the surface beneath her sandals. Kaylith cranes around nudges her lifemate in encouragement almost sending her sprawling again. Finally reaching a standing position, Shan holds onto Kaylith for support and pulls a tongue at Wilf "I'll do what needs to be done...." her eyes drift to Kaylith "anything for her" she murmurs.

B'yan gives a small chuckle, glancing at Maja. "More than one?" he echoes before shaking his head, "I can point out the ones who aren't laughing..myself included," and Jaireth suddenly nudges him and almost makes him spill the oil. Frowning at the bronze, "Barracks, right," he says to show that he was listening, boring his hazel eyes off into a staring match. He smirks a bit at W'red's comment before pointedly looking in those girls' directions, "Clumsy they are," he notes to him lightly.

Josilina watches the weyrlings a moment more before glancing at R'hin, eyebrows raised. "Shall we? Or, well, I think I ought to make sure someone's in the living cavern, at least. And I don't want to crowd them, either," she adds.

Charis sits back against the wall now, Qeteth finally settling down as he inspects his newly oiled wings, crooning softly at Charis. She finally turns her attention to the group around her, Bayan gets a smile from her. "Can't believe ya impressed a bronze Bayan. Congrats to ya." she says with a chuckle. Shanlee's green gets more of an inspection though, the pretty tones on her hides

"Well then they were right weren't thay?" M'wen replies to Tavrie, "whether or not you agree, no need to doubt yourself on a night like tonight." He pauses to consider her question, though it sounded a bit rhetorical, "Well you can see them soon at the feast? After Nabrimeth goes to sleep? I'm sure they'll be proud?" He just nods his agreement at her assessment of the dragon.

The various greetings earn an easy grin from R'hin, though his attention is more on Josilina as he murmurs in agreement, "I suppose we ought to make an appearance." He sounds, unsurprisingly, reluctant about that, shoulders straightening briefly. A nod is given to I'daur first, then M'wen and Maja, beginning to step past weyrlings and oil spills in order to safely navigate off the ledge.

Steorra looks to Carulith "Yes I know what it is, you could have asked...." she says looking at the oil on the floor and learning to watch her new lifemate a little more closely. B'yan's comment get's a glance over "He was just interested" she mutters, not keen on being called clumsy.

"All right," I'daur announces after a few more moment, looking over the weyrlings again. "Ready to move to the barracks. Get them up and moving again--they can go to sleep for good when they get to a couch then--and you can head off to the feast. Or the baths," he adds, eyeing a few of the messy people.

B'yan raises a brow to Charis, tipping his head to Qeteth with interest. "So you're talking to me again," he drawls, more pleased with that than the congrtulations she gives. "I can't believe any of it either," he adds blandly. He turns when M'wen speaks to Tavrie, then gives a sad nod to Maja. "That was to be good wine," he notes in a equally sad tone. "I suppose weyrlings can't drink, hm? A shame."

"Your life is so hard," Josilina retorts to R'hin's tone, keeping her voice low and smiling. As I'daur gives the call to go to the barracks she nods to the Weyrlingmaster and his team before heading for the steps, a little hurried to keep ahead of the mass movement.

Charis chuckles softly to B'yan, "Well I can't ignore ya for the next two turns can I?" she says with a wink before standing up, trying to persuade Qeteth that it really would be better to move to the barracks.

Maja shakes her head 'no' to B'yan as she leaves him, weaving back around the ledges to help wake and ready the dragonets and weyrlings for the move. "Get him up, get him up," she notes to one rather sleepy pair.

Ashenna shakes herself. Eniolth's sudden lethargy, now that's he's fed and oiled, was lulling her to sleep as well. "Moving?" She plunks the oil paddle back in the bucket and gives the brown a nod. It smears her shoulder, but that's a small price. "Come on, sleepyhead." She stifles a yawn with the back of her hand.

B'yan gets to his feet, rubbing at his robe as Maja shakes her head at him. "Torture," is all he says in her direction, before adding, "I'll tell you what torture is much later, Jaireth. Or better yet, we'll learn of it in new ways in the near future." He gives a half-bow to Charis and her words, "Oh, I'm sure you could have," he drawls in open amusement. "We need conflicts in our lives, now don't we?" and with and motion to the bronze, he begins to follow after Maja.

Tavrie gives a slight yawn, covering it quickly and looking around. Nabrimeth is looking full and sleepy, though she seems to be fighting the feelings and trying to keep herself awake. "Alright, Nabrimeth, we'll be going to find our couch soon," she echoes, more than willing to follow after I'daur.

Steorra yawns and is a little shocked by it but then she realises and looks down to Carulith "Yes we're moving to where you can sleep.. no we're going straight there you can have a look round once you've rested" she's learning to be a little firmer as the blue, as tired as he is, is still looking about his surroundings for more adventure... or trouble as Steorra would put it.

W'red look up quickly at B'yan's last comment, "I had forgotten about that," he grins "well when we graduate in a long time, we will just have to make up for it."

Shanlee nods at the Weyrlingmaster trying to affect a look of nonchalance over the sight she must be. Shan nudges Kaylith "Come on love, let's go find you somewhere to sleep that meal off". The little green's eyes whirl sleepily, but at the mention of somewhere new she perks up and her eyes whirl faster. New? New was good, could be fun, and her little paws start to shuffle around impatiently. Want to go, want to see new things. "Alright, alright - calm down" Shan chuckles.

"Maja, will you take the lead," I'daur tells the woman. "M'wen, fall in with the middle, make sure they're not all tripping over each other. I'll take the tail end and keep the stragglers moving." He motions then for them to set off, lingering himself while he allows the weyrlings to fall into line and trundle off to the barracks.

Maja quickly takes a spot near the door, glances back behind her to see that at least some might be following her, and heads out.

Kaylith nudges at Shan's back, were they here, was this it, she peers around at her clutchsibs and bounds over to Qeteth, splodging oil as she goes. Play? Kaylith nudges him, eyes whirling blue a pleading look in them. "Kaylith! Behave! Why aren't you tired like the others?" Shan frowns slightly, maybe she hadn't had enough to eat? She certainly could feel her dragon's sleepyness in there somewhere.

I'daur, trecking into the barracks at the tail of the line, watches the weyrlings a moment. Then: "Find yourselves a cot and a couch, and settle in. You'll be here for the next nine months of your lives," he tells them evenly. Then, while he watches them move to do that, he adds, "Two things, for tonight." Two fingers are held up. "No drinking, no sex. And be back here by ten, or Maja and M'wen will drag you back." The fact that this makes three things doesn't bother him. Finally, he wraps up with, "Congratulations, everyone. Now go party."

B'yan strides in with his charge, blinking at the pointedness of I'daur's words. He flicks a glance at a few of the other weyrlings before shrugging, looking about with Jaireth for a couch.

Shanlee muffles a giggle behind her hand as the Weyrlingmaster speaks, then quickly turning to eye Kaylith as she splats along behind. "Where would you like to sleep?" Shan gives her little green the choice. Kaylith lifts her muzzle and peers around with interest. This must be here, this was new, could be fun and Kaylith cranes her neck around to peer at her clutchsiblings, Ah, they were 'here' too and she pads over to a depression in the floor and plops herself down.

Ashenna finds a couch for Eniolth, though she has to actually climb into it before the brown will follow after. And even then it's a chore. Maybe it's fatigue, or still not having the knack of wings and a tail and balance, but he wobbles when he lifts a foot and ends up sprawling on the ground before the couch. Not for long, mind. He picks himself up, gives a shake and gets it right on try two. He meant to do that.

Charis walks into the barracks with Qeteth rumbling and complaining about being tired, "yes I know ya are tired dear. 'ere's a couch for you. Just crawl up there an go ta sleep. I'm goin ta get somethin ta eat now. That slop you get I won't like." She grins and rubs the blue's belly affectionately.

B'yan looks to the little bronze when he just hops onto a couch at the far back. "Yeah, get some sleep," he tells him. "I need to eat a bit...clear my head..." and he turns toward the entrance, looking at those heading off.

Ashenna perks up in the couch. "Ooh, food?" She climbs out of the couch again, turning back when Eniolth lifts his head. "Sleep. I'll be back. I just. Hungry." She heads out.

Maja waits for the majority of the dragonets to fall asleep before she also heads out and towards the party. Vesereth is around, overseeing these events curiously, and stays to watch over his kin.

W'red follows the others out to go and feed himself the brown plopped down on the couch and almost immediately fell asleep.

I'daur isn't off to the party. No, once he settles the weyrlings in, seeing the dragons off to sleep, he turns, heading to his office in the next room, where he settles at his desk. And while it might be forbidden for his weyrlings, it's not for him: he has a bottle at the ready in said desk, and he settles in for a drink himself while he nominally continues to chaperone.

W'red changes quickly before heading up to the living cavern fortunately he was careful with the oil and is clean.

maja, jaireth, eniolth, whuaith, m'wen, okenith, kasiese, charis, carulith, tavrie, tavaith, eleria, kaylith, bayan, imariel, qeteth, josilina, nabrimeth, wilf, b'yan, samialla, steorra, i'daur, felix, shanlee, dassah, r'hin, ashenna, w'red

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