[Log] Lose the Attitude

Nov 16, 2006 22:02

Who: I'daur, M'wen
When: Day 21, Month 11, Turn 9
Where: Weyrling Training Room, High Reaches Weyr
What: I'daur gains himself a new assistant

I'daur is seated at his desk still, looking restless. He takes idle turns at reading and copying out some notes for himself, but mostly, he's just seeming bored, fidgeting around and making a show of work.

Walking slowly into the training room, M'wen swings his head, seeming to not have been here since his weyrlinghood. Making a line for the desk occupied by I'daur, the brownrider halts in front of said desk, leaning against the far edge. Giving a low cough to announce his presense, if the Weyrlingmaster didn't already know, he begins with what could be considered a greeting. "I'daur."

"M'wen," I'daur replies evenly as he looks around at the brownrider. "What can I do you for?"

"It was brought to my attention you were in need of assistants," the brownrider smootly replies. "And I am here to express my interest in doing so."

"Uh-huh," says I'daur, nodding slowly, brows knitting. "Your Weyrleader mentioned this to you?"

"R'hin did indeed mention this to me." M'wen replies, arms planted on the desk. "What say you?"

"Can you give me a little better incentive to take you on?" I'daur asks dryly, arching a brow.

M'wen raises a brow, but answers readily. "I've been the candidate co-ordinator for this clutch and I know them all well, or well enough. I wasn't long ago a weyrling myself and still know many of the problems that they may face and be able to help them, or as much as humanly possible." Finishing, he gives an apparantly defiant look at I'daur.

I'daur's smirk is rather bemused, in counter to the look M'wen directs at him. "Are you always this confrontational when you're job-hunting, son?"

"You asked the question, I answered." M'wen states flatly, "If you don't want someone qualified, then be my guest to be swamped for the next turn of your life."

Public announcement: Shalyn's green Oenoneth will take to the skies in the next 20 minutes. Any who think they can catch her are welcome to make their way to the High Reaches Weyr living cavern. :)

"Well, then," I'daur says, straightening in his seat and leaning forward, apparently meaning to return to his work. "Guess I really will be your guest, then."

A faint tic appears in M'wen's cheek, though no anger is visible on his face. He stands from the leaning position, the clenched teeth loosening, an almost apologetic expression crossing his face. "I am sorry I'daur, perhaps she was right that I am stressing too much over the candidates." He doesn't explain who -she- is, but gives a friendly smile, "But you have still heard my experiences despite the fact my presentation of them left something to be desired." He gives a wry grin and leans back against the nearby wall, awaiting some sort of acknowledgement from the bronzerider.

"A little something," I'daur agrees, setting his pen down again to look up once more. "Can you lose the attitude, son? Because if you think they're stressing as candidates, then you've got another thing coming once they impress."

"I can, sir, to you at least." M'wen replies with a light grin, though most likely his response genuine. "I can believe it."

"Well, work on it, then," instructs I'daur. "You've been a weyrling; you know the basic drill. When the hatching comes, I'll put you out on the sands to lead the new weyrlings back--I'm planning on staying in the back on the ledges, getting them fed. It's... easier, that way. That suit you, M'wen?"

"I Can do that sir." M'wen replies, "Is there anything but congratulating the impressee's and leading them back to you that I must do? The latter half of my hatching is a bit of a blur I'm afraid."

Cocking a half-smirk for M'wen, I'daur shakes his head. "That'll do for now. Get their names, congratulate them, bring them on back to me. When things are finished, you can come on back and join us, and we'll get them settled the rest of the way."

M'wen nods slowly, "I can do that. I am sure." He stands to his feet, walking towards the exit, "Good evening Werylingmaster, I will be sure to keep a civil toungue in my head when we speak again."

m'wen, i'daur

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