[Log] So I Can Move On

Oct 21, 2006 19:12

Who: E'sere, Sinopa
When: Day 19, Month 8, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Where: Sinopa and Citalth's Weyr, High Reaches Weyr
What: E'sere takes Sinopa back to her weyr to comfort her after Aivey's escape attempt.

North Weyr
     This is the sanctuary of High Reaches' senior Weyrwoman. It's been decorated in shades of blue and green with the occasional splash of sunny yellow for contrast. As with the Weyrleader's weyr, it's divided into sections according to work, leisure and rest. The desk and scroll-shelves take up a corner of the weyr with the sitting area in the opposite corner, brightened with hand-woven rugs done in a square key pattern. The bed is small but filled with soft quilts and sheeting.
     To the right is the archway that leads out onto the ledge occupied by the Weyr's senior gold. It's large enough for her and for a number of slightly smaller visitors. Directly opposite the entrance tunnel is a smaller tunnel hidden behind a thick curtain. The air is warmer around that curtain, hinting at the tunnel's destination.


Obvious Exits:
Northern Sky (NS) Hatching Sands (HS) Out (O)

E'sere's poor guards - the men likely have no idea what to think of the evening's events. Even the presence of the acting senior, acting as an escort of sorts for the prisoner, and the destination of the weyrleaders' complex seems to do little to soothe the men. Ever present they follow, exchanging looks and grumbles now and then. Sinopa lead E'sere and his guard entourage away from the storage room where Aivey's being stashed and towards the main portion of the weyr. Though, after a few moments and a little bit of distance the goldrider relaxes and eases up her grip on the bronzerider. "Thank you for coming," she says, her voice no longer so quaky and full of panic, "I'm surprised to see you out," her head turns to look at the bronzerider, "How ever did you manage?"

E'sere has the grace to look a little sheepish, glancing back at the two guards following. "I... told them I was going to you," he admits, glancing downward, "and gave them the choice of riding Morelenth with me or taking a... quicker way down." He turns to the guards and adds to them, "My apologies; I let my emotions get the better of me." He offers them a pained smile before looking back to the goldrider. "Are you are all right, Sinopa?"

Sinopa nods her head once in reply to E'sere's explanation, her eyes trailing over to the guards this time. And for once she's got full attention on them and what she says next is directed to them, "Thank /you/ for coming as well." Perhaps that will help ease the breach of protocol that occurred. Perhaps. Once more E'sere becomes the focus of Sinopa's attention and at the query her hand trails up to her neck and rubs at it, as though testing to make sure that it is, indeed whole and unpunctured. "I... yes. I was afraid," she admits, gaze drifting away in embarrassment, "but nothing happened, and I'm grateful for that. And.. fine."

E'sere tilts a half-smile to Sinopa, though it's an unhappy one. "I'm glad," he tells her. "I was scared, too--I didn't know what I was walking in to, or if she would..." He frowns, brows knitting. "How did it happen?"

"She's crazy," Sinopa points out, as if it weren't common knowledge by now that the other prisoner is a little off her rocker. "I... went in to see her. I had a question for her. She was... pacing and rambling on, confessing to murders and schemes." Here Sinopa pauses and fixes her gaze on E'sere, "Did you know that she claims to have been dosing you with fellis? Just before you were poisoned?" After a beat the weyrwoman continues, "And then she... well first she said she didn't want to brag, so the guards left and were waiting at the door. And then she pointed out that the guards were there, and I turned to look but..." here the goldrider blushes, embarrasment at having fallen for such a cheap ruse, "There was no one. And she... grabbed me and... gave me orders. She wanted me to take her somewhere else on Citalth."

"Oh, Sinopa." E'sere sighs heavily, rubbing his forehead with a hand as he moves to sink into a chair. "You let her get you alone in there? No /wonder/ she tried something. She /is/ crazy, Sinopa--you can't open yourself up to these things." He shakes his head, frustration evident in the gesture. "And... Yes. I knew. I mean, I knew already someone had tried that, but I didn't find out until recently she was the one doing it." His turn to look embarrassed.

Sinopa is the epitome of embarrasment right now - blushing faintly, head down and avoiding the gaze of E'sere and Co., and gently rubbing the back of her head. "It... /was/ stupid," she finally agrees in a small voice. "Her other visitors though... I've never heard of anything happening to /them/." There's got to be a little bit of defense in there, certainly, for there was some reasoning behind it. "And I was only going to be in there for a minute..." Sinopa's very much like a guilty child, caught doing something and in trouble. "Fellis, kidnapping, mayhem... I'm glad she's still in there. I hope this trial starts soon."

"They probably weren't one naive young goldrider, either," E'sere notes gently, looking up, offering a half-smile to Sinopa. "But you're all right," he repeats, half to reassure himself. "You're lucky, Sinopa; she could have hurt you out of spite when she realized we weren't going to let her get away. She already thinks she's dead--might as well take someone with her." He falls silent a moment, biting his lower lip. "I'd still like to speak to her myself," he admits after a moment. His mouth sets grimly. "We have... unfinished business."

Even the guards shift uneasily at the notion of allowing their charge to visit with the other prisoner. Surely the recent events do not do much for their mood and out-take. "I'm sure you do, but... I passed your request on to the Weyrleader. I don't believe that you will be allowed to visit her." There's a brief pause before the acting senior adds, "Especially not after this." Yeah, Sinopa's managed to ruin it for everyone, and Aivey of course. Or is it Aivey that ruined her own chances at being allowed visitors? Hmm. "I'm sure the trial will take care of her for you..."

"She's certainly no threat now," E'sere points out quietly. "They'll be watching her, and I'm not foolish enough to send the guards away. As a favor to me, please, Sinopa? She's... She's hurt me, Morelenth, my Weyr, and a lot of people I care about. "

"I don't understand why you want to see her so badly," Sinopa admits. "As... dangerous and crazy as she is, I'd rather not have you hurt her or enact some form of revenge. That's... that's not quite like you."

"I... I don't rightly understand it myself," E'sere confesses, lips pursing. "She nearly killed me, had me virtually addicted to fellis, has hurt my friends, threatened my Weyr. She's taunted me even now--she had Vanya tell me I should /thank/ her for /not/ killing me. Confronting her is just... something I have to do, for myself. So I can move on."

"I'll... I'll see what I can do for you," Sinopa replies, her dark eyes having watched the bronzerider as she listened to him. At that statement of support for the bronzerider, the guards shuffle uneasily. "But," she interjects, "I don't believe your request will be granted. You know what was strange? She said that she thought you would make a fine weyrleader."

"Taunting me," E'sere repeats, nose wrinkling miserably. "You can't just... let me yourself? J'cor isn't going to do me any favors, but you--you /know/ me, Sinopa. You don't have to pass the buck to him; you're /Weyrwoman/ in your own right."

That seems to hit the mark, for Sinopa straightens at that and looks straight at E'sere. "I'll... see if I can arrange it, like I said," she replies firmly. Nothing new there, but something in the weyrwoman's posture and eyes may indicate that the bronzerider just might get his request yet.

"You shouldn't even have to tell him," E'sere adds earnestly, with a hopeful smile dawning across his features, "if you don't wish to. How soon, do you think, Sinopa?"

Sinopa nods in reply and is silent a moment, formulating a response and thinking over the options. "I can look into it tomorrow. I'll see what can be arranged." In other words, if anything is going to happen it will be soon.

E'sere's smile broadens in gratitude for the woman. "Thank you, Sinopa," he tells her, relieved and sincere. "It... it means a lot to me."

Sinopa merely nods in response to E'sere's thanks before she takes a step back and then turns to address the guards. "Well, how shall we do this? I'm sure that you're very anxious to all be back at Morelenth's ledge, I'm very sorry for the delay." Well, not really, but it sounds good. "Would you rather that Citalth and I return E'sere to his ledge, or would are the three of you capable of returning yourselves?"

E'sere hesitates, glancing back to the guards. They're still unhappy-looking, and E'sere's smile tightens slightly, wry. "Would you mind, Sinopa? I think it'd be... easier on all our nerves, if you took us, please."

The reply from E'sere prompts Sinopa to look over at the bronzerider. "If your guards don't mind?" A glance back at the two, "It's no trouble at all."

"Much obliged," offers one of the guards, the other only nodding. They look relieved to be heading home, and relieved indeed to have the Weyrwoman's escort. E'sere stands himself, offering the goldrider an arm, as chivalrous as ever, for all the happenings around them.

Such familiar gestures are comforting in times such as these when there's been troubling circumstances afoot. The chivalrous gesture earns a bright smile from Sinopa, who takes the bronzerider's arm. Progress is resumed towards the bowl where Citalth has been waiting, impatiently if the twitching of her tail is any indication of the dark gold's current mood.

E'sere offers his own smile in return when Sinopa takes his arm, and they move out to the gold, piling on her to head back to his ledge.

e'sere, sinopa

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