[Log] Nice Hat

Oct 10, 2006 22:43

Who: Daurian, Katric, Zoma
When: Day 26, Month 7, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Where: Beach, Western Islands
What: Katric bugs Daurian and bonds more with Zoma.

On a Western Island, Beach
     The island's south-facing beach is long and narrow, tapering in broad curves to the east and west. The grey sand slopes up toward a short, rocky precipice. The cliff is about the height of a tall man, and several paths have been worn or cut into it. They lead to the treeline of a tropical forest, tall and shadowy even in the brightest sunshine.
     Three islets are visible to the south, separated from the big island by relatively calm and shallow sea. The two nearest islet frames the silhouette of the farthest one and could be reached by capable swimmers. The third islet is far beyond the other two, a mere shape visible out to sea. Boats await at the shoreline for fishing and travel to the islets.
     The wet season is marked by heavy grey and black clouds that hang perpetually in the sky. Some days, the covering is so thick that even midday feels like evening. Occasional fat droplets of rain leak down: a promise of the downpour to come.


Obvious Exits:
Narrow Path (NP)

Rare as ever is that span of minutes somewhere between mid-day and mid-afternoon more commonly known as lunch when Daurian's duties are at their most lax. Smack dab in the start of it, Daurian is settled on the beach, his food well within reach though not yet touched as he works at loosening the knot tying a trio of blades around his waist. They're carefully set beside him as he takes his meal into his lap and begins to eat.

In the days between learning to weave reeds into hat-form with J'lor, Katric has taken to wearing the work of his hands almost constantly; and if the hat makes him look a little silly sometimes, well. At least his skin's not in danger of burning. In fact, after peeling off the burn of earlier, he's even started to get a little tan. Strutting through camp with his meal, he heads beachward to sprawl out facing the water, his final seat near Daurian.

Given the once over Katric is greeted with where Daurian's eyes linger on the man's hat, it's safe to assume the native knows who his lunch partner is, if not by reputation then by the hat Katric's taken to wearing. He continues eating his meal, waiting until he's two swallows down before finally greeting the newcomer. "Nice hat."

"Thanks," replies Katric, unbothered. He sets up his plate in his lap and takes to eating himself, sparing Daurian only a look before he glances back at the water. "Made it myself," he notes. "J'lor taught me. You want one?"

"No," Daurian replies with a half shake of his head, "Could make one if I did. Besides-" There's an obvious look at the hat and a mock-impressed comment of, "It'd just look bad on me." He pulls apart the remainder of his meal, spearing a juicy piece of fruit and chewing it, "Seen you around lately. How're you liking the island?"

From down the beach comes a tall, stick of a figure. Far enough away to not really be noticed but getting closer. She is silent at least as she moves so there's no annoyingly loud singing or whistling to interfere with conversation. Zoma seems, actually, unaware of any conversation going on. Just out for a walk.

Katric directs another look at Duarian, intently cocking his head. "Hmm. Probably," he agrees after a moment, nodding once, turning back away. "It gets better," he notes in answer. "Not so bad as it was to start with, when I was just getting used to things. Lots better, now that I don't have to worry about getting burned." One hand absently reaches up to touch the brim of his hat. He seems as ignorant of Zoma's approach as she is of their eating.

"Hazard of the island," Daurian replies with a shrug of one shoulder. More food disappears until his plate is clear and set aside. The knives are taken up and pulled out, one by one, Daurian's attention mostly on them despite continuing his conversation with Katric. "J'lor got you doing anything special?"

It seems as if Zoma will keep walking, far enough away to not even bother with a hello, but voices carry and so her head turns and she squints, trying to see who is talking. Since her eyes betray her she has to rely on her ears. A grin forms and she angles towards where the two men are. Still saying nothing.

Katric shrugs. "Not really," he confesses. "Why would he? S'not like he's the leader here or anything. He hasn't talked to me since then, anyway." Another shrug, and he continues eating methodically, quickly. He still hasn't noticed Zoma. Instead: "Mostly, I just work on healing. Or testing out some of the plants that are native out here," he tells Daurian.

Daurian's study of his knives is ignored at Katric's reply. He looks in the other man's direction, "Good thing you're a healer, I suppose." Sliding one cleared knife into its sheath, Daurian works on the second, "J'lor's got plenty to teach, saying you listen to him." A pause, "If I were you, I would." At last, Daurian looks toward Zoma, quietly following her progress toward where he sits with Katric.

Zoma arrives then, where the two are enjoying their meal. "Nice hat, little man," she informs him with a wide grin in place. "I saw it and though, there's only one man who could pull that off and it's my own little brother." Without waiting for an invitation she flops down into the sand, giving Daurian a nod. "He can teach you a lot in how lose control," she remarks with a rich laugh.

"Thanks!" Katric tells Zoma cheerfully, looking up at her. In short order, he's done with his meal, having apparently wolfed it down. "Like what?" he asks Daurian then.

Daurian looks toward Zoma, his expression mild but most definitely not approving of the woman's words. Looking back to Katric, he replies, "Everything you could want to know about this island. Why we're here. Anything else you could want to know." Dedicated and nothing short of it, Daurian tucks the second knife away to focus on the third and final one.

Zoma's head tilts back and she laughs merrily, unconcerned with not being approved of by anyone. "We're here cause we lost. Same as little man." Into her pouch a hand dips so she might pull out her cards and shuffle them, over and over. "Yea, little man, none of the rest of us know nothing about this place." A glance at Daurian and she smiles brightly at him. "Lighten up with the whole 'he's the best' deal. He's a man same as anyone else."

"I know why you're here," Katric notes with a shrug, setting aside his plate. "I mean, I remember when it happened. And I'm doing fine figuring out this island on my own--you should see the experiments I've got going up at Derek's cave. We trapped a couple of rabbits, and I'm testing out herbs on them to see what kinds of effects the indigenous ones have on them. We're going to try a goat next." His eyes fairly light up as he discusses the experiments. Then, he pauses. "I didn't /lose/," he defends himself belatedly. "I just... haven't won yet."

Daurian looks between Zoma and Katric, his expression continuing to deepen into heavy lines of disapproval. Tucking the third and last knife away, he reaches for his plate and stands, "Got work I'd rather be doing." No further explanation comes. Daurian steps away and continues walking, seeking to put distance between himself and the pair.

Shuffle, shuffle go the cards. Zoma looks up at Daurian and grins wide at him. "Good little worker man. Would have fit in so well back on the mainland. G'bye!" Shaking her head she looks at Katric, curious. "What about these experiments, little brother?"

Daurian has disconnected.

"See you," Katric absently tells Daurian, most of his attention focused on Zoma. "Well, I wandered up on his cave--Derek's, I mean--the other day, and we got to talking, and I mentioned there were lots of plants here on the islands I've never seen before and I don't know what they do. So then he suggested the rabbits. I'm not entirely sure they're enough like humans for it to be /totally/ accurate, but so far they're going well."

"Oh, well, I'm not sure you'll get any humans to try it on even from Derek," Zoma says with a grin and a wink. "Seriously, rabbits are at least. . .creatures. Like us, yes? Dunno. Not my thing, knowing that stuff. Still, sounds like you've at least found a way to spend your time which is good. Will make it go faster, yea?" Shaking her head she shuffles the cards again and absently because to check each one. "So, what'd you think of him?"

"Derek?" queries Katric, watching Zoma shuffling the cards intently. "I liked him. He reminds me of Donavon a little, I think, except lots older. Anyway, I decided that when I have all this research done, and I go back to the mainland, I can show it to them and they'll take me back. I mean, this is valuable stuff here, you see?"

Head nodding, not looking up from her cards, Zoma listens with a cock of her head. "Nice. I'm sure they will be quite happy. . .umm, little man? If you do practice on humans I wouldn't be telling em that. Cause they don't seem the type to really appreciate that sorta dedication and all. You find something good though you feel free to stop off and visit my brother on the mainland sometime." A shrug of shoulders and she still doesn't look up.

"They just don't understand," Katric notes mournfully. "If we didn't test stuff on people, we'd never be able to save /any/body. You think we learned what fellis could do, and numbweed, and all the other herbs out there, just by looking at them?" He shakes his head, frowning. Then: "What's the deal with your brother?"

"Ferthan," Zoma says without bothering to repress the snarl of rage at the name. Her head glances up and she meets Katric's eyes a moment to let him see that rage there. "My little brother. I loved him, Kat. With every breath of my body I loved him. More than I could have loved any child of mine. And he betrayed me. When I kept him safe, kept him happy. He lead the guards right to me."

Katric's answer is to knit his brows, to frown deeply, studying Zoma with that intense green gaze. "Ferthan," he repeats slowly. Then, for several moments, there's silence. "People... I don't see how they can do that sometimes," he notes eventually. "I wouldn't turn my brother in. But... He would have me."

Zoma shoves her cards roughly into their pouch, a sign of her emotional distress. "He lead them right to me, but I didn't tell. I could have. How would he have dealt with knowing his father and his sister were involved? Would his pretty little betrothed have stayed with him then? You don't betray family." Her words come a bit quicker, heavier in their intensity. "You don't betray your blood. And if you do there must be retribution."

Katric studies Zoma, much as he must study his rabbits: a curious look, intense and staring as he tries to piece together all the clues. "What are you going to do?" he finally asks.

Zoma laughs bitterly and shakes her head, taking several deep breaths. "Nothing, little man," she answers with what appears to be all good cheer returned to her. "He's there and I am here. I will die here without ever seeing him. But I will wish him and that thing he married nothing but ill will until my life is over." Shrugging her shoulders she glances up and down the beach.

"But if you /could/ go back...?" Katric prompts, still watching.

Zoma's eyes light up with childish glee and she smiles brilliantly. "I'd see my family again." So simple.

Katric nods once, though still not looking away. His expression grows thoughtful, and he notes, "I'm going back someday."

Zoma glances away from inspecting the water wash up onto the beach to cast a furtive glance towards her adoptive brother. "So you keep saying, little man." Facing him fully she smiles again, expression merry. "I wish you luck when you do. You'll make me proud I am sure, sitting back here rotting on this jail."

"Where're you from?" Katric asks abruptly.

Out come the cards again, shuffle shuffle. Zoma doesn't answer at once, perhaps having some tiny inkling of the importance of the question. Her moods shift so suddenly from one to the other even he should not be surprised by this sudden, pensive look cast his way. However, in the end she shrugs her shoulders and flips a card over to look at. "Right around Fort. Parents got a bit of land there by the hold proper. Out of the way and all. But still not bad."

"I know Fort Hold," Katric notes, nodding again, once, curtly. Then, grinning: "Shouldn't be too much longer now. The eggs ought to have hatched a while back--surely they've gotten rid of Yevide and J'cor by now. I bet they're just waiting for Citalth to rise and give us a new Weyrleader before they come get me."

A quiet laugh gets more carried off by the ocean wind than heard, but Zoma is grinning as she looks at Katric. "You're lucky, little man. I'm going to miss you when you're gone." A pause and then she looks around, as if curious about the island. "You know there will be eggs here, yes? And you're of an age to be standing."

"I'll probably be gone by the time they hatch," Katric notes apologetically. But, shrugging, he adds, "But yes, I know. If I'm here, I guess I'll /have/ to stand, but. I don't think it'll come to anything--I /am/ a journeyman, after all. When I get back to the mainland and show them my research."

"You think a little dragon will care?" Zoma asks with a teasing grin. "Besides, bet your lady friend would think you looked fine flying down to her on your own dragon. Still, you're right. You'll be gone by then. Pity. Bet some little thing would love you. You might be the rarity, a useful rider."

Katric ponders that a moment, tapping his lips with a finger. "I could /between/ home whenever I wanted to see her," he muses. "Or back here to see you, when I get back home for good. The dragons /do/ care, though--that's why no one searches journeyman." Not because, y'know, they're actually advanced enough in a craft to be useful. Katric asks next, "What do you mean, a useful rider?"

Zoma blinks a few times and glances over. "They wouldn't let you come back here, Kat. We're not supposed to be seen or heard by those living back there. Just sit out here and quietly die off til no one remembers us." Flipping over another card she shakes her head and then shuffles again. "Anyway, different out here. And, yer not a journeyman right now, are you? As for the other? Ain't many of them worth anything is all. Fighting thread is it and if they hadn't always been around being a drain can't say as we wouldn't have come up with another way."

"I can be discreet," Katric protests. "You know, come in the middle of the night or something--there's enough time difference it would work fine." But, he shrugs, frowning slightly still. "I... I don't have anything against them," he finally notes.

Zoma lifts her shoulders in a shrug. "Not everyone does, Kat. Not sayin' you should. Despite what that goldrider said I ain't out to change your mind on things. Just be sure you see all sides cause people like her won't want you to. Yer my little brother now, yea? I'd love to see you again after you're gone, but I won't be holdin' my breath. You'll have a whole new life and all. It's what I'd rather you had. No getting in trouble for me."

"I won't get in trouble," Katric says solemnly. "I've never done anything wrong--nothing no one else hasn't done, anyway. You just have to... stand up for the things you believe."

"Exactly right," Zoma agrees with a fierce nod of her head. "For what is right. Like what we did. We were trying to make things better. People just didn't see it. Just, well, don't. Get in trouble I mean. I don't want to see you dropped off here again." Setting her cards in her lap she puts her hands on her hips and gives him a sister look. "Or else you are in so much trouble with me!"

Katric has to grin at that, ducking his head. "Don't worry. When I go, I'm gone," he promises. "I won't let them send me right back again."

Zoma beams, pure approval in smile form right to him. "Excellent. I'll miss you sure, but you have a drink some night for me, yea? Play a real game of cards with a full deck and win a hand for your big sis out here."

Katric nods. "Okay," he tells her. "Except... I don't really know how to play?" Big, hopeful grin.

Zoma laughs quietly and shakes her head. "I bet you're foolin' me, little bro. Bet you think you can win a loss of some chores off your ole big sis. Ain't gonna happen." She takes the deck and begins to shuffle it. "You tell me what you wanna learn and I'll teach. Missin' nine cards, but in this long that ain't so bad, yea? We make do. Wish I had a real deck again. S'all I really want." Other than her psychotic desire to torture her brother to death, of course.

"Nine cards," repeats Katric, nose wrinkling. "I don't know--teach me whatever you know. My brother never played cards with me--he didn't really care for gambling, but, well. He's not here, and it's something to pass the time with, right?"

"Exactly. Alright, we'll start with something simple then, yea? I won't even make you bet this first time out. Cause I'm nice." Zoma grins and finishes shuffling before she begins to lay out cards. If he doesn't ask for the missing card? She won't share. Not cheating, just a valuable life lesson.

Katric nods absently to Zoma, watching her closely as she deals and starts to explain the game. He's a quick study, picking up the card game easily as they continue playing along for some time.

daurian, zoma, katric

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