[Log] Modeling

Sep 22, 2006 01:52

Who: E'sere, Essdara, Vanya
When: Day 18, Month 6, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Where: Vanya's Room, High Reaches Weyr
What: E'sere stops by Vanya's room and runs into her and Essdara trying on party clothes.

Vanya's Room
     There isn't much a person can do to disguise the fact this room is little more than a cave. The walls are stone, smoothed by hand or by some long-forgotten or long-gone machine used by those who first built the weyr. The door is solid wood, sturdy, the fixtures utilitarian. The basic furniture is all there -- bed, table, two chairs, wall shelves and a wooden storage chest. Simple. As is the occupant, since there is little in the way of fancy knickknacks or personal possessions. The bed has plain sheets, two down-filled pillows, and a warm, woven blanket in dark green. The chest holds clothes, and more blankets as a bastion against the cold, High Reaches winter. A glow basket hangs from the wall over the bed, another sits on the table, glows replenished whenever needed by those unseen people who perform this task.
     On a shelf above the table are a bottle of ink, writing instruments, sand and some already prepared hides. Very rare and precious paper documents are carefully arranged on another shelf, held down by a polished stone collected from some place. Yet another shelf holds vials and bottles of lotions, astringents, and other containers of herbs and oils. The only luxurious thing here, if it can be called that, is a hand-made rug that lies beside the bed on top of a thick layer of reeds. Stone floors are notoriously cold on bare feet. A black cloak hangs on a peg by the door, a basket, leather satchel and two pairs of boots sitting on the floor beneath.


Obvious Exits:

     In her late teens, Essdara is tall for her age and sports an atheltic physique and slight curves. When left loose, her auburn hair falls to her shoulderblades and is usually seen pulled back in a ponytail. Her bangs frame her heart shaped face tidily, falling long enough to just cover her thin eyebrows. Her face is delicately shaped with slender eyes, a narrow nose and small, dusty-red colored lips. Her eyes are a pretty wood toned shade of brown with amber flecks.
     Beautiful and elegant are two words that describe the dress Essdara wears, one clearly designed by a master's hand. Made of emerald green and ecru fabrics, the gown perfectly enhances the girl's youth, while adding a dash of maturity in the cut and style. The off-white sisal cloth has a natural sheen to it that glows in it's own right, not eclipsed by the darker fabric. An emerald green over dress has a deep scooped neckline that reveals the chemise and it's three-quarter length sleeves that are finely stitched with matching green embroidery along the top, and drape beneath loosely enough to allow for lifting arms while dancing. Over the darker gown is a layer of richly embellished cloth with ecru embroidery, the intricate and delicate dips and swirls decorated with tiny and beads. The skirt has a satiny finish, light and billowing, flowing over slender hips to the floor, a short train trailing behind her as she moves or dances. A wide, matching sash wraps around her just beneath the bosom line, tied in back, the ends draping to the floor. The leather slippers have been dyed to match the emerald dress.

     There is a quiet dignity about this young woman. She appears to be in her early 20s, and exudes a rather studious appearance. Her long, black is hair pulled into a neat braid that hangs to the middle of her back. Hazel eyes that tend toward green are vaguely almond in shape, and set into a rather angular face. Her chin is slightly pointed, and her nose is on the narrow side, accentuating her cheekbones. A bit on the taller side of average, Vanya's figure has matured into slender curves in bosom and hips. Arms, legs and feet are in proportion to her height, though her fingers are long and tapered, perfect for delicate work. Her posture isn't the best, and she tends to slouch, probably because she's tall. There is an air of calm confidence about her, and her voice is pleasantly husky.
     Dark, wine red fabric glittering with golden threads clings to Vanya's slender figure, the color flattering to her fair complexion. Obviously crafted by a weaver of some skill, there are advantages to having a brother in the craft. The overdress has a sleeveless, fitted bodice laced tightly up the front to just beneath her bosom, the skirt left open to reveal a lighter weight, black underdress with long, flowing sleeves, flounces at the wrists. A band of gold trim lines the edges of the overdress. The simple underdress has a low, scooped neckline which exposes Vanya's slender throat, around which is a lovely, gold necklace set with gemstones that match her upper dress. A pair of matching earrings dangle from her ears, and her hair is worn atop her head, with curling tendrils that hang down her neck. On her feet are black leather slippers.

Essdara blushes more. "Like I said, Vanya... I will simply be happy you think so." She nervously runs her hands down the front of the emerald-colored gown she wears. "And I will trust your instincts on how to accent that and make it more appealing. Not, I hasten to add, that there's anyone I much feel the need to impress... But last such thing, barely anyone even noticed I'd tried." A slow look over the healer. "Though anywhere near you, Vanya, and i certain;y won't be seen. You are nothing short of stunning."

"Nonsense!" Vanya says regarding the last, doing a few adjustments on her dress. "Being noticed isn't all it's made out to be. Be yourself, Dara, and never let anyone make choices for you. Or, if that's unavoidable, then take their choices and make them your own. Look at me. My chin is too sharp, my eyes aren't really any color, and are these the hands of a lady? No, and it wasn't my choice to be a healer, but I took my mother's choice and /made/ it mine. I'm content with what and who I am, though there's always room for improvement. I don't apologize for being a good healer or an honest person." She finishes dressing and then twirls around. "I'm not beautiful by a blood's view, but I am to you. It's up to me to make the choice who I believe. That's your choice too. Don't define yourself by someone else." She unbraids her hair as she says the last, letting it fall loosely down her back.

After his visit to the healer's room just a couple of nights ago, E'sere easily makes his way toward that room again, navigating through the lower caverns at an saunter, no hurry. He has no problems finding the correct door again, though, upon finding it closed, he steps forward a moment, regarding it until the voices on the other side tell him that yes, someone's home. Then, he lifts a hand and raps his knuckles against the door twice, stepping back again to wait, refolding his hands behind his back.

Essdara looks down at the healer's vehemence, blushing all the more. "I try not to, but I fear, Vanya, most people are probably nicer to me than I am to myself, so it's best to listen to people who might actually like me." A glance up, "Any holder who thinks you aren't attractive is blind. I know at least one person who is." A teasing smile, briefly, but before she goes on there is a knock. She turns towards the door curiously, "Oh, didn't know you were expecting someone else?"

Vanya combs a hand through her hair, about to speak when there's that two rap tattoo on the door. "Just a moment, and let me see who it is," she says, moving forward. "It might be I'm needed for work." She opens the door, then sees the tall figure outside. "Wingleader," she says, a bit of a surprise in her voice, and slightly widened eyes as she steps back. "Won't you come it? Dara and I were just ... well, trying on our party dresses, so please excuse the disarray." Then, remembering who's in the infirmary. "Everything's all right, I hope? With T'zen, I mean?" Closing the door behind him when he does.

"Journeyman," E'sere returns title for title, grinning as Vanya opens the door. "I'm not interrupting, am I? I'm sorry; I didn't realize you had company. Good evening, Essdara." He offers the cook a brief nod and smile in greeting as he follows the healer's instructions, stepping in. He glances over both of them then, taking in their attire, and then quirking a brow at Vanya's latter words. "As far as I know, yes..." he notes slowly, the arch of that eyebrow curious.

Essdara's expression change is, to be certain, dramatic. From open and expressive, to cold and withdrawn in the mater of moments. Her greeting to E'sere is polite, if not warm. "Good evening, Wingleader. I am glad to hear T'zen is well. I had the pleasure of talking with him some yesturday morning, it's nice that he is recovering again." A glance to Vanya, and back to him. "It has been a while, though, since we spoke. You are well, I hope?"

There's a look of utter relief on Vanya's face as she moves swiftly to clear a chair. "That's good to hear," she says as she quickly places things on top of the chest. "Oh, no, not at all," she adds, regarding the interrupting comment. "As I said, Dara and I were just enjoying a little dress rehearsal for the up-coming party. You'd asked last night if I had a dress, well, this is it. My brother's work, as is the dress Dara's wearing. She needed something pretty, so I let her have this one." Vanya moves her gittern and gestures with a hand. "Won't you sit?"

E'sere isn't stupid; there's no way he can miss that shift in expression. Still, his smile doesn't falter, and in answer to Essdara, he nods again. "I've stopped by to see him a few times myself, although I've not had a chance in a couple of days. I'm glad to see him improving, too. I'm well, also--how are you doing?" He pauses then to glance at Vanya, to step forward to seat himself--though not until one last appraising look is cast on both women. "You look lovely," he tells the healer. And, looking back to Essdara briefly: "Both of you. Your brother does good work, or perhaps it's just his models." He grins.

Essdara smiles. "Thank you, sir, for the compliment. I would be lost without Vanya's help, I fear when it comes to looking pretty I have not had much experience." A slight incline of her chin, "She mentioned you were teaching her to dance? A worthy goal, one I had offered myself. I am glad that you were more convincing than I was on that score." A brief stroke of a hand over the dress. "Her brother does very good work, though to be fair I was not the intended owner of this finery, simply... A convenient place to send it." A look to Vanya, "He was well when I was in this morning. I've taken to eating breakfast where I can chat with him, and Tavaly when she is awake. Even if, now, he tries to pach what I am eating."

"In my case, it's definitely my brother's work. I cannot say the same for Dara. She's the advantage of youth over me, and that always wins out," Vanya says, smile fond for the girl. "You flatter me, E'sere," she adds with a faint blush, setting the gittern on the bed, sitting, leaving the other chair for Dara. "He tricked me into it, actually, and quite well, too. I planned to have you give me lessons, too, so I wouldn't have to bother him so much. I'm glad to see his feet survived." Vanya also notes the expression change, but makes no comment. "Well, that's a relief. If his appetite is improving, then he's over the worst. That's good to hear."

"You're welcome," E'sere tells Essdara lightly. "And yes, yes, I did. I only capitalized on your weakening her in advance, though, I'm sure. She's really quite good--don't let her tell you differently--once you can get her to relax and stop trying too hard." He casts another smile at Vanya, leaning back in his chair comfortably. "Anyway, it might not have been made for you, but it still suits you very well. That color is striking on you," is added absently to Essdara.

Essdara carefully settles into the offered chair. "Well, to be fair, there isn't long to go until this party, and I am sure that you haven't mastered it in one evening. So, plenty of chance for learning from us both." A look to E'sere, "And you, Sir? You will be attending, I am sure? If so, you will have to save me a dace, if you wouldn't mind. I do enjoy the activity, and so rarely get the chance to indulge." To his compliment, a smile. "And thank you, I am glad you like it. I admit, it would be nice to make a head or two turn on the night."

"Dara, you will undoubtedly turn a few heads, and have plenty of dances. As for me, I've promised two, but am likely to spend the rest of the time sitting in a chair with the aunties," Vanya notes with a smile. "Unless the harpers only play slow dances which I can now do, thanks to E'sere's patience and well-shod feet." It was only natural to drop the title use after that initial time. "How is the wing? I haven't heard of serious injuries, at least. And, my best to Morelenth, of course. He's well, I trust?"

E'sere casts another look over Essdara's dress from his chair before nodding his approval. "I'm sure you'll have no problem with that," he agrees with Vanya. "And yes, of course, on both accounts--I'd be happy to dance with you. And I've my own new clothes to wear, though I dare say I'll be outshone many times over by my dancing partners." He grins at the pair a moment, then slides eyes back to Vanya. "They're doing well, quite well--Morelenth, too. We're gearing up for another 'Fall in a couple of days, before the party; but we've been flying quite well lately, and I don't anticipate any injuries."

"I'll promise, Vanya, you won't be sitting on the sidelines. The slow dances are the hard ones... The other, not so much, we can always teach you on the floor." A look back to E'sere, "I look forward to it, then, wingleader. Is Tavaly flying, if I may ask? She hasn't looked much better than T'zen lately, but I know keeping her on the ground would be challenging, though I am sure someone as clever as you could find a way."

Vanya nods. "I'd still like to observe a drill, but I don't want to distract your wing before a big 'fall. I also haven't had opportunity to talk with the Weyrlingmaster on watching their training sessions. I can't seem to find him when I have time, and, again, I don't want to interrupt important work. I'm sure that wouldn't get me on his good side." She lets Essdara speak for a few minutes. "Tavaly? -- the woman who sits with T'zen so often? I've seen her, but been loath to disturb her vigil for introduction. She must care for him a great deal."

At mention of Tavaly, E'sere grimaces slightly, nodding. "I've not decided yet; I'm hoping she'll be well enough to, but if she's not, I'll ask Citalth to ground Immath," he tells her. To Vanya: "Of course, I understand," he tells her. "After the 'Fall, then? I could even introduce you to our good weyrlingmaster, if you like--or perhaps Essdara could?" A glance to the cook.

The faintest of pink ears at E'sere's comment, and a nod. "I could, Vanya, yes. I see him relatively often, as I mentioned. He has been helping me with some private lessons, getting me into better shape and things of the like. I'd be happy to introduce you?" A pensive look at E'sere. "I am glad you are looking out for them. Vanya, yes, Tavaly is T'zen's weyrmate, and they are very much in love. It's been intense, if good, for them both. But T'zen is a bit of a daredevil, and I think this is the first time she's seen him hurt. Heck, a first for me, too, he's got the luck to go with his skill. Have they caught whoever did this, do you know, E'sere?"

There's something in the way E'sere says "good werylingmaster" that trips something in Vanya's head, and remembering his vague references the other night about the man. "Time for some clarity here," she says, slowly looking from one to the other of her guests. "What's up with the weyrlingmaster? I've heard more than one vague reference to him followed by a sly laugh or a snicker. I like to know what I'm up against. Not all surprises are good ones." She puts both hands on the bed and leans forward, pinning them both with a pair of very greenish-hazel eyes that don't seem like they'll accept anything but the truth. "But, yes, I do want to meet him, and would appreciate the help. And, E'sere, after the 'fall, unless there are injuries. Or, maybe, that would be good too, save you or Morelenth are up for it."

"It's in the job description," E'sere tells Essdara with a light smile. "As for T'zen, well. He's still lucky, if I'm any judge--he looked terrible for a while there, so. And no, Essdara, they haven't, to my knowledge." His smile tightens reflexively, then relaxes at Vanya's query. "Oh, I don't really know him very well," he admits with a shrug, brushing off the question. "We're not close friends or anything. And I'll probably give the wing the day off after the 'Fall, especially if it does go badly, in which case when we do pick up again, Morelenth and I would be happy to show you what we do." He offers her another small smile.

Essdara nods, a simple reply to E'sere's comments on T'zen. She turns her head towards Vanya, and offers a thin smile. "There are many rumors about R'vain, Vanya. Most of them bad. Some, I admit, have a basis in truth. Others do not. What /I/ know is that he is someone I trust, and who has never done anything to harm me. I owe him much, and would advise ignoring those people who don't know him but are still happy to laugh at him behind his back." A glance at E'sere and back to the healer.

Vanya nods. She'll accept this, and just leave it lie. For now. There's a story there, but she can see this isn't going nowhere. "Thanks. From the way I was seeing things, it was like he was pretty unapproachable. I'll take you up on it, Dara. If I can see what the riders do, the kind of moves they need to make -- especially as they're being trained -- maybe I can see how better to treat them when -- if! -- they get hurt. Speaking of hurt," she says, looking at Dara with a canted head, "how's the leg? No longer hurting?"

On this subject, E'sere falls silent, choosing to ignore Essdara's pointed look in favor of watching Vanya, and finally casting the cook another glance when the healer asks her about her leg.

"He'll be happy to help." Dara says, with confidence. "Tavaly, she works with the weyrlings as well. So if you really can't find him, just ask her, though you might have to wait a bit." The question softens Dara's expression significantly. "No hurting at all, thank you for looking at it. I shouldn't have pushed myself so hard, but I hated feeling like I'd lost so much when I was hurt. Thank you, very much."

"My pleasure, Dara," Vanya replies. "It's part of my job to see everyone in the weyr is healthy, and there are many things I can be accused of -- might even be guilty of, even -- but dereliction of duty isn't one of them. While I'm here, weyrfolk will have the best of care." She smiles. "Of course, with some of these riders, I might have to resort to a whip, bribery or taking advantage of their wingleader's to get them to behave and take care of themselves." She grins. "If that doesn't work, well, a healer has a few tricks up their sleeve that no one might guess." There's a twinkle of mischief in her eyes as she gives E'sere a wink. "Amazing what we have at our hands than can render a patient more cooperative."

One of E'sere's brows slides upward at Vanya's last words, the corners of his mouth twitching into a smirk to match it. "Well. I feel certain I speak for the entire contingent of High Reaches' wingleaders when I say we are /highly/ susceptible to being taken advantage of in the name of--healing our riders," he counters.

Essdara snorts softly, "Or any other name." She says, though hopefully too quiet to hear. A wider smile to Vanya, amused. "If that is the kind of treatment I can expect, Vanya, you can be sure I won't be going out of my way to avoid being hurt. And beware, with some of the riders, whips are the exact wrong way to fend them off." A soft laugh. "And, to be honest, it's not only riders you should worry about. Folk in general at the weyrs have a certain... Instinct towards pretty and kind young women."

It's Vanya's turn to snort. "Healers aren't seen as pretty young women, Dara. They're sometimes seen as a piece of furniture that can walk and talk, or someone to be feared and mistrusted. In short, ignorable, and quite /not/ the kind of person who's eagerly sought out for any reason other than their profession. Oh, we're wonderful when they're hurt and we can ease their pain. Afterwards? Vanya? Who? Oh, the healer wench. Well, I didn't really notice anything special about her." The tone, the nose in the air, are perfect imitations of some holder. "Sad, that. If they'd listen more, they'd hurt less." She pauses. "Not that I've had anyone here treat me with less than respect, I'll grant that. But, this is my first experience in a weyr. And, I've not met all that many people here, save for injured riders who have been respectful of my skills, and patient to when I talk their ears off about my rather unorthodox ideas about healing." Another glance at E'sere, and a smile. Another smile to Dara. "And cooks who send me extra sausages for breakfast."

"Ssh, don't scare her off!" E'sere stage-whispers to Essdara with a grin. Though, that expression sobers briefly at Vanya's words. "I can't speak for the other people you've met over the turns, but myself--and Essdara here, too, I'm sure--don't see you that way. It's regrettable if anyone does--they certainly don't understand what they're missing out on," he tells her with a reassuring smile.

Essdara shakes her head softly, "You aren't ignorable, by any definition of the word." Dara says, echoing E'sere's sentiment. "You are many things. Warm, vibrant, pleasant, pretty, attractive... But not furniture, and not someone to be taken for granted. Anyone who sees you like that, Vanya, isn't anyone worth worrying about to begin with." A warm smile, genuine. "And I'll pay attention even if they don't."

The expression on Vanya's face softens, and for a moment there's a hint of what she might have been had some events in her life not happened. "Nor, as I said, has anyone else here done that. Not even Lady Bailie, or some of the other caucus students I've met. It would surprise me if that kind of attitude was allowed, let alone condoned or encouraged." She pauses a moment, eyes thoughtful. "I was disappointed and kind of nervous about being sent here at first. Now I've spent a few days here, gotten to know a few people, I feel kind of lucky, to be honest. People listen to new ideas without instantly assuming it's a threat to their hidebound reality, or see them one step above a revolutionary. At least those I've spouted off to have, and no one's made me feel less than human for having the temerity to be born a woman with a brain." She looks to Dara. "Good. Tell the cooks to stop cutting up meat, cutting up vegetables without washing hands, knives or chopping blocks," she grins.

"That, I would attribute to the Caucus, to some extent," notes E'sere, lifting his shoulders slightly. "Having so many different people with so many different histories and cultures forces us to become accepting. Plus, we /are/ a Weyr--we aren't quite so hidebound as any number of Holds or even crafts out there." He smiles slightly, observing Vanya a moment. "I suppose it must feel like a breath of fresh air to you," he remarks after a moment.

A light shudder. "I see anyone working without washing hands, Vanya, you can be sure they will hear about it. That much I can promise. And the weyr can be very forward thinking, yeah. Not many places woulda let a girl my age have the role I did. Usually stuck as an assistant till older." A look to E'sere with a nod. "The caucus helps, people are learnign to think, and to consider an idea before they think about the source. I was opposed to it for a long time, but I confess I've changed mty mind there."

"Quite, E'sere. A refreshing breath of fresh air." Vanya stands, the soft fabric rustling as she moves to the chest at the foot of her bed, moving a few things as she lifts the lid, pulls out three glasses. Fairly good quality, but certainly not high table suitable. "Forgive me, I've been a poor hostess. I do have some juice to offer, and I've failed to offer it. The glasses are clean, so can I offer some? I'm afraid I don't have anything stronger. I have to admit I've not acquired a taste for spirits." As for the other topics. "Then I believe I've stumbled unwittingly into a place which rare, indeed. I have to admit, as much of a traditionalist as I am about many things, change is a very necessary thing. And, quite bluntly, seeing women riders as well as men, well, surprised me, but seems a good thing."

"It's an ongoing experiment," concedes E'sere, inclining his head slightly to Essdara. "I was part of the inaugural class, and it's changed quite a bit since then, from what I see of it. There's always something we can improve on," he agrees with Vanya. In answer to her offer, however, he shakes his head, smiling politely. "No, thank you; I'm fine. No spirits at all? Well. I'm sure we can find at /least/ one out there you can appreciate--you don't seem the type to have tried many, if you don't mind my saying so," he tells her, smirking slightly.

"Juice would be lovely." Dara says, smiling. "I admit, I can drink wine, but usually choose not to. It's a dangerous slope and one that has done nothing but ill for me. So, juice is preffered." A nod to E'sere. "Sefton has, I think, changed many things. He's an interesting person, the headmaster, and while I can't say I like or trust him, I have certainly learned a few things from him and do respect him. Woman riders... Well, there are still many who oppose them, even now. But my parents were both riders, and most of my friends of either gender, and I've never seen anything but good come of it." A slight chuckle. "I even stood myself this last time, though admittedly not by my own choice, entirely."

"Wine a few times, at weddings or gathers, but most was too ... acidic for my taste," Vanya admits, accepting his declination with a nod, then looking to Dara. "Also, it was discouraged at the Hall. One must have a clear head when someone's life is at stake. I've seen the effects of alcohol on people. It robs the reason and tends to make a person foolish, though Master Simbum said alcohol removes the inhibitions and allows the true person to emerge, good or bad." She moves forward to the table, sitting the glasses down, and pouring some redfruit juice into two of them. "I'd hate to see what might emerge from me, so I prefer to remain blissfully ignorant of that -- probably safer for all concerned." She hands a glass to Dara, and smiles down at E'sere. I will certainly try what you suggest." Glancing at Dara. "You stood? That's interesting. Many I know would envy that."

"For some people, it can do that," E'sere agrees with Essdara. "I've always tried to be careful of that, to never to drink more than a glass--or perhaps two--at a time, and save that much for semi-special occasions--like visitors." He gestures to himself and the cook then, casting another smile to Vanya. He adds, "I'll admit, it seems like most everyone here champions tea, which I've never been particularly fond of myself." He shrugs lightly, however. "We've a decent-sized contingent of female greenriders," he adds after a moment. "Most of them are very responsible and capable, and I never mind flying with anyone who is that. I'd suggest a Benden, by the way, or--well. We've none of Nabol's vintages now, but if you didn't care for the acidity, stay away from the Tilleks--I've never been particularly fond of those myself." The latter advice directed at the healer, absently.

Essdara snorts, softly. "Not the true self. The true self has to have barriers, filters between their thougths and the world. Drinking robs of those. We all have thoughts, now and again, that are inappropriate, or rude, or crude. Those barriers are what keep us from just blurting it all out. Still, a glass or two here and there, that's enjoyable if the vintage is good. But few enough ever stop at that point." A nod, at Vanya, her attention very carefully seeming to be focused on her. "And yes, I did. The weyrwoman asked me to, and I was in no position to refuse, all things considered. She's been good to me, and we used to get the chance to spend time together. The closed-minded fools who sow dissent and chaos around my home took that from me. Standing was my small way of saying where my loyalties remained."

"Oddly enough, even being from Ruatha, I never tried the Benden vintages," Vanya admits. "I was only ten turns when I left, after all, seldom returning. I went home for Rappa's becoming a Journeyman, bit rarely otherwise," she explains. Sitting back down, she regards the wingleader. "Wise of you. Moderation and balance are good watchwords. As is responsibility and capability. I would work with any healer, indeed, anyone who exhibited those qualities. They would have my respect." She turns her regard to Dara, then, brow knitting a bit at the rather impassioned last comments, but addressing the first. "A very insightful approach that would earn you the respect of Master Simbum, who is a Master Mindhealer. If he ever visits, I will make certain you meet him. He would appreciate those comments. He was interested in exploring what he called addictive personalities, the fact that some people exhibit more tendencies to become dependant on substances, activities and even people. I've actually got one of his papers on such with me and possible treatments for those so addicted, if you'd like to read it. As for the political situation here, well, I'm a healer not a politician, and I tend to avoid it as much as possible."

"Loyalty is an admirable thing," is all E'sere will say on that subject. "As is that," he adds wryly to Vanya's latter comments, with a dry smile. "But--if you'll excuse me--I should probably be on my way. I've drills in the morning and hidework calling my name tonight, unfortunately--and I'm sure both of you would like the opportunity to change into something more comfortable, to save your dresses for the party." He gestures at their formal attire as he reluctantly stands and stretches slightly.

Essdara looks curiously at Vanya. "I would very much like to read that, yes." She comments. "I admit I am wary of anything that has such properties, as I deal poorly with temptation. And I envy you being able to ignore such things. Would that I could." She looks, finally, back to the wingleader. "Clear skies, then, E'sere. I admit, I do desire a return to comfort and casuality. It's been interesting to speak with you again, and I do look forward that dance. Enjoy your hidework, and do look in on T'zen soon."

Vanya sets aside her glass and stands. "I'll not keep you, than, E'sere, but it was nice of you to drop by. Feel free to do so again. You did promise to let me take advantage of you for another dance lesson before the party." She smiles warmly, escorting him to the door when he moves that way. "My best to Morelenth. I bid you a good night, and wish for you and your wing all safety in the upcoming 'Fall. I will be there for your people should it, Faranth forbid, be necessary." She nods then to Dara. "I'll see you have it before you leave tonight, then. And, yes, the dresses are nice, but warm. A chance to change will be nice."

"Good night, Essdara. I will--I'll find you at the party, if you don't corner me first," he tells her with a smile as he takes a few steps to the door. "So I did," he tells Vanya, bemused. "I'll come back when I've a chance. And I'm sure we'll be in good hands should we need it. Good night, Vanya." He offers her a last smile in parting before he turns and slips out, sliding the door to behind him.

essdara, vanya, e'sere

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