[Log] Catching Up

Sep 17, 2006 00:32

Who: E'sere, K'rom
When: Day 6, Month 6, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Where: Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
What: E'sere runs into K'rom.

Northern Bowl
     The bowl floor is a broad expanse of gravel and dust, packed flat over decades of dragonweight landing on it. Kept free of vegetation, the only color variation across the vast hollow of the bowl are the dragons, in good weather often found sunning on low ledges or sprawled along the floor itself. The well-worn, charcoal-grey walls of the bowl are nearly vertical, far too steep for even the most adventurous climber to attempt. The rim of the bowl, marked by a rainbow of perching dragons at all times of the day, is topped with massive stone spires that stretch upwards into the blue vault of the sky. There are seven in all, great black fingers of stone that seem, from where you stand, to touch the clouds.
     A number of tunnels breach the walls of the bowl, leading to various indoor parts of the Weyr. To the southwest, a vast tunnel entrance descends to the baths, curls of steam seeping out on colder days. On the northern face of the stone, a huge gaping maw betrays the presence of the Hatching cavern. Somewhat more modest tunnel entrances lead to the living caverns and the versatile classroom chamber to the west, and the Weyrleaders' complex to the east. In the distance to the south, the vast grey-blue of the lake stretches off to meet the southern wall of the bowl.
     It's a clear summer day and the sky above is a canvas of pristine blue brushed with wisps of white. It's not quite hot but the sun is bright enough to give that illusion.


Obvious Exits:
Dragon Baths (DB) Living Cavern (LC) Classroom (C)
Hatching Cavern (HC) Weyrleaders' Complex (WC) Southern Bowl (SB)

It's lunchtime and most people are still eating, but Kie ate a quick lunch and is out by the Bowl looking at the water, sighing a little. He seems lost in thought, but a small smile touches his face as he nods. Kie starts walking along absently, his eyes unfoced as he hums.

From his ledge high up on the bowl wall, Morelenth takes flight, the dark bronze gliding into the air and slowly downward toward the bowl floor. When he's almost there, however, poised to land by the living cavern's entrance, the sinuous dragon curves back toward the middle of the bowl again, destination amended. He lands carefully several years from K'rom, crouching as his rider starts to dismount.

K'rom stops, blinking as the bronze lands near him, looking up in rocgnition at the rider and nodding His greeting is curt and polite, and slightly suprised, "Greetings E'sere. Nice to see you today."

It is currently early summer. It's a clear summer day and the sky above is a canvas of pristine blue brushed with wisps of white. It's not quite hot but the sun is bright enough to give that illusion.

"K'rom, afternoon," E'sere says when he's on the ground, glancing over at the weyrling. "How are you? Nice day, isn't it?" he makes small talk while he turns back to Morelenth, sending the bronze off toward the feeding grounds before he turns back to K'rom.

K'rom smiles a little, nodding at E'sere, "Yes, it is a nice day. Everything has been going well, thanks, just sort of....busy but in a good way." K'rom nods at E'sere, "How are things with you?"

"Oh, they're well, very well," E'sere answers K'rom breezily, grinning. "But, I can imagine you have been. How is weyrlinghood treating you--and our good weyrlingmaster? And your Iusath, she's well, too?"

K'rom nods at E'sere, "Iusath is good. She's napping currently. I like weyrlinghood, although it's hectic and I have to live in the barracks now." Kie takes a breathe, smirking, "And R'vain is the same....like his reputation in some respects." Kie glances at E'sere, "I'm just glance things are somewhat calm right now."

E'sere grins, nodding. "So it is. It's a very busy time period the entire time. Morelenth--well." He shakes his head on that note. "The weyrlingmaster does his best, though, and with Tavaly helping him, I have high hopes for you, even if... Well." He won't speak of that, either, only offering the greenrider a half-smile. "You'll adjust, though, and things will get better. What's she like, Iusath?"

K'rom smiles fondly as he speaks of Iusath, "She's very much the little lady and very outspoken. She's very curious and tends to be....forgetful at times. I'm still getting used to having her presence with me all the time."

"It's a big change," E'sere agrees lightly. "Morelenth is rather like me, in most regards, but he's almost... more me than I am, if that makes sense." He wrinkles his nose slightly at his explanation. "He tends to be--moodier, the more extreme version of my moods. But, he's usually happy to talk, so if Iusath ever cares to, or you need something, you're welcome to speak to him."

K'rom nods at E'sere, smiling a little, "Thank you E'sere, I will keep that in mind. She does like to ask a lot of questions...."

E'sere quirks a brow. "Oh? Like what? Does she pester you all the time with them? I imagine that would get old rather quickly. Morelenth, fortunately, is usually one more to watch and listen until he understands, rather than try to get me to explain everything for him."

K'rom chuckles softly, "Well, she doesn't quite understand human relationship at all and keeps asking about little things. She has definite opinions and can be philosophical at times. But, really she asks more out of curiousity of different things since most things since new to her every day."

Grinning, E'sere nods. "Ah, relationships. I don't think any of them really understand those," he commiserates. "Though--how is N'ka?"

K'rom pauses just slightly and cocks his head, "N'ka is well. I don't get to spend as much time with him as I'd like to, but that is to be expected. N'ka is a good man."

"So he is," E'sere agrees, musingly. "A very fine man. I'm sure he's very proud of you, for all he must be looking forward to when you'll have a weyr of your own. It will go by faster than you think it would now," he adds reassuringly.

K'rom blinks at E'sere for a moment and smiles, "Well, N'ka asked me to move back into his weyr when the Weyrlings move out of the barracks.....as his weyrmate." Kie sighs a little, "Until then though, there's only a few hours I can spend with him."

"Really now!" E'sere says, brows arching in apparent surprise. "Congratulations. I'll have to get you something--a weyr-warming present, for when the time comes."

K'rom smiles broadly and nods at E'sere, "I was suprised by it, but am happy. Thank you, a present would be well-received." Kie chuckles softly, "I am glad he asked though."

"About time, if you ask me," E'sere says easily, shoulders lifting in a shrug. "I would have expected him to do that a long time ago. But, I guess that's his choice, his reasons. Anyway. I'll shop around, see what I can come up with. I've a few friends in the crafts I might have to call upon," he notes with a smile.

K'rom bows slightly to E'sere, "I greatly appreciate that E'sere. Friends are important, especially those in the crafts." Kie looks around some, "I've been trying to convince him to get more furniture."

"Furniture?" says E'sere, arching a brow. "Hmm. I have a good friend from my Caucus days who makes excellent furniture--very nice pieces. He made most of the things in my weyr, except the bed--that was a gift from my uncle, Lord Anshuman. I could probably get you a discount with him, if you like."

K'rom giggles a little, shaking a head at E'sere, "I happen to know someone. A relative in fact, but that is appreciated. Thank you. He's finally gotten a new table for his weyr, which is good!"

E'sere nods. "Well, if you change your mind. Family is good--perhaps you can get it entirely free, in that case?" he suggests. "My family has always been very good about that." Then again, his family's all rich.

K'rom smiles and nods, "I think it would depend on the piece and the cost of the material, but if it does cost, it won't be much." Kie smiles then, nodding. Family is good and respectable.

E'sere nods slowly, quirking a smile. "Right. Well, that's good at least. I suppose I'll have to think of something else to offer myself now, though."

K'rom shrugs, msiling, "Well, I'm sure you'll think of something. You seem to have good ideas."

E'sere's grin broadens. "Thank you. I do try," he says, laughing. "They don't always work so well, though, but thank you."

K'rom looks at E'sere curiously, and smiles. "Do you have much plans for the rest of the day?"

Cocking his head slightly, E'sere studies K'rom. "No," he answers after a moment, simply. "Why?"

K'rom shrugs. "Just curious. I have some classes this afternoon and time with Iusath." Kie sighs then, "I probably should be headed back to the barracks soon...."

E'sere cracks another of his easy smiles, nodding. "I understand. Don't let me keep you. I have a few things I need to get done before dinner myself." He grimaces slightly, then shrugs. "But, anyway. Like I said, if you ever want to talk or need something, please--just have her bespeak Morelenth."

K'rom chuckles and nods, "I will. I need to try that more, so it'll be good practive for her. Thank you E'sere." With that, Kie bows, smiling at E'sere and heads towards the Southern Bowl and Weyrling Barracks.

k'rom, e'sere

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