[Log] The Forgiving Sort

Sep 16, 2006 00:59

Who: E'sere, Miniyal
When: Day 4, Month 6, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Where: Moutain Clearing, High Reaches Weyr
What: E'sere runs into Miniyal.

Mountain Clearing
     About an hour's moderate hike down a gentle slope from High Reaches Weyr, this large mountain clearing is shadowed by the peaks and spires that rise impressively in the distance. Roughly circular in shape, it has been used over the turns as a place for weary tithe and merchant trains to pause for a night's rest before continuing upwards. At some point in the distant past, a Reaches Weyrwoman had a small racetrack built here as well. It circles the outside of the clearing, bare earth packed down under a layer of softer soil.
     The rest of the clearing is given over to soft grass broken with rocky patches. Tiny white and blue flowers are scattered through the meadow, thickest near the center. The outer edge of the clearing is ringed in small redfruit trees. They aren't large enough to provide a significant harvest of fruit and the thin mountain air has stunted the trees somewhat, but if the season is right they do provide for a hungry traveller.
     It's a clear summer day and the sky above is a canvas of pristine blue brushed with wisps of white. It's not quite hot but the sun is bright enough to give that illusion.

Obvious Exits:
Long Mountain Trail (LMT) High Reaches Weyr (HRW)

The sun is just going down, shadows stretching out everywhere as dusk creeps up to make way for nighttime. There's little movement out here other than the waking of a few nocturnal animals. But they're off in the distance from where a more human figure trudges along. Someone was taking advantage of the good weather and is just now thinking of getting home before it's entirely too dark to see. Having neglected to bring a basket of glows for just such an event, Miniyal picks her way cautiously along the trail, a basket tucked under one arm containing whatever it is she brought with her for her day out. Contrary to what might seem the truth, she does do this on occasion.

E'sere has been outside himself, wandering around in the open areas around the Weyr. However, unlike Miniyal, he's not heading in just yet; no, the bronzerider is venturing further away, heading slowly down the path. Eventually, he rounds a bend and sees the only other figure out there: Miniyal, though she's not readily recognizable. Still, he lifts a hand to hail her, offering an easy, "Evening."

Miniyal pauses at the greeting offered and peers into the coming night to see who it was who spoke. These days it doesn't hurt to be extra cautious. Then again, were one trying to be cautious they wouldn't be out and about alone like this anyway. She drifts to a stop, a few more slow steps before she rests, hand on the top of her basket to continue peering at whomever it might be. A moment and then two passes before she nods once and decides that a quietly polite, "Evening," can be returned.

"Miniyal," says E'sere as he gets close enough to recognize her. He sounds surprised to find her, though his smile is welcoming. "How are you? Rather late to be out this way by yourself." Though he's doing the same thing. "Are you on your way back now?"

The voice finishes up the recognition problem and Miniyal gives a polite nod of her head. "E'sere," she returns, shifting her basket to her other hand. "I am fine. I thought it a nice day and since I had nothing that needed doing this afternoon I took advantage of it. I was just heading in, yes. I lost track of time. There's light enough to see by yet so I figure I am alright."

"It was a nice day, wasn't it," E'sere agrees. "Especially after those storms the other night. But it is late--I should probably be turning back myself. Do you mind if I walk with you, or did you want to be alone?" He cocks a brow curiously as he stops, glancing briefly back the way he came.

"You may as well, we're moving the same direction at roughly the same pace," Miniyal says after a moment. "It would be silly for one of us to wait while the other moved ahead several paces so I might be alone." Her shoulders shrug and she hefts her basket to start to walk once more.

E'sere shrugs slightly, cracking a smile at Miniyal's answer as he falls in step with her. "Would you like me to carry that for you?" he asks after a moment, a hand gesturing to her basket. "I... heard about your--retirement," he adds after a moment, delicately.

Well, there was hope he meant a silent walk back, but it appears Miniyal shall have to be social. A shake of her head at the question and a quiet, "No, I've got it, thanks." Glancing over at the comment she laughs. "I resigned my position. It's not as if it is a huge thing. My replacement has stepped up nicely and I am not needed in that capacity now. I'm content to go back to my work. Just one of the rest of the faceless group working in there."

"If you're sure," concedes E'sere with a nod. "Ah, is he? I haven't had an opportunity to speak to Navan, or occasion to make use of the records lately, either. I'm sure you're very proud of him, though--and you made sure everything was nicely in order, too," he tells her lightly, almost teasingly. More seriously: "Do you really wish to--or think you could--be one of them again? To be honest, I don't think you ever were--of all of them, you're the only one /I'd/ know remotely."

"I recommended him in the first place when the position was offered to me," Miniyal says with another of those indifferent shrugs. "He'll do a fine job. There could be no one better in that position." A few more paces are walked as the question is given some thought. "I think I can do it quite well if I am allowed," she answers then. "I've no desire to be more than that right now. I was not suited to the task. I am suited to remaining quietly in the corner."

"If you're /allowed/," E'sere repeats, bemused. "Must you have permission to do so? I think you underestimate yourself, Miniyal." He does shrug, though, as though dismissing the matter. For a while, he's content to walk in silence. Then: "How is Ganathon?"

"People seem to think I should be doing more," Miniyal answers, missing the dismissal of the subject or just not playing by the proper conversational rules. "So, yes. But it will all work out soon enough." The question, coming as it does after silence, catches her somewhat unprepared. Her answer is therefore short and mumbles. "Fine, I suppose."

E'sere looks regretful at once, grimacing. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to pry. Only--I visited him the other night, and... We talked, but I'm not sure we said anything. We don't talk like we used to, anyway," he admits.

Miniyal's head cocks to the side and she doesn't look over this time, looking ahead. Well, looking down to try to watch her feet. "There's nothing to pry into. It's good people go to see him. He could use the company. Even if, I suppose, it is just polite social talk that means nothing." She starts to say more, but instead thinks better of it, shaking her head and walking onward.

E'sere cants a sideways look at Miniyal, nodding slowly. "I know. I... Well, I've known him my entire life, and as much as I hate what he's become, I can't stop thinking of him, still. I've tried to speak to him when I've time, but that's not often. I wish we could still talk the way we used to, when we--when I, at least--felt like I could trust him."

The laugh that follows that remark is more wry than anything else. Other than brief, it dying out nearly as soon as it's been given. Walking along, Miniyal shakes her head. "You're saying that to the wrong person, E'sere. Trust isn't an issue I can speak of with any great authority. Even when speaking of Gans." Who is not G'thon or Ganathon it seems to her as easily as the other name slips out. "But you can still be kind to someone you don't trust."

"Gans," repeats E'sere, brows arching slightly. Then, easily, he moves on, nodding. "I suppose you're right, though. I can't forget what he did, bringing Yevide here and trying to send me away, but. Well. I suppose he was trying to do what he thought best, the same as you or I?" The last words lilt slightly, a hint of question to them.

"I cannot forget what he did either," Miniyal answers as she switches her basket to her other hand along the walk. "But, one reaches a point in their life where they have two choices. You can either forgive someone what they did or you can carry the grudge." She pauses here, a smile nearly becoming visible. "Forgiveness is not easy, but I carry around enough weight as it is and see no need to add to it. If you wished to set aside what he did you could. But that is your decision to make. I have not yet forgiven him for his actions, but I am trying."

"I'm not very good at forgiving," E'sere remarks with a wry smile. "I get that from my mother. So how do /you/ do it, Miniyal? Try to forgive him?"

Miniyal has no answer for that question for some time. She switches her gaze from the ground to the sky and the back. Finally she glances across at him and shrugs her shoulders. "I do not know. There are few who have bothered with me. For whatever reason. So, my choice is to accept that this time it will be different or to give up. I'm not ready to give up yet. On him or myself." Back to looking down at the path she pushes hair behind her shoulder when it gets in her face. "I can sink to the level of those who wreck this weyr now or I can rise above them. I would not do my parents the disservice of sinking to the level of beasts in a pen."

E'sere's smile is soft, and he nods once. "I understand. I... Mm. For all I sympathize with their motivations--I don't want those Igenites here any more than they do--I can't support their methods. Causing more people harm just to get at a few? That's unforgiveable." Again, he lapses into silence as they continue walking. Then, earnestly: "I... Do be careful, though, Miniyal: I think, of all their grudges, they hold the biggest against him."

"Resorting to violence is the last refuge of the pathetic," Miniyal agrees with a nod of her head, still watching where each foot goes. So intent on being careful where she walks she missteps all over with her words. Not that this is anything news. "I am not pleased with seeing my home stolen. As for being careful, E'sere? Careful is how I've lived up until now. Careful would mean abandoning a friend and I was raised better than that. If they try something, so be it."

"Oh, I'm not asking you to abandon him," E'sere is quick to correct, shaking his head. "I'd not ask that at all. I only... Well. Issa has visited him, and been hurt. T'zen visited him and was hurt. A body's appeared in his room once already. I have suspicions, ideas, on who might be to blame, but that's all, and until I can track them down, I want everyone to be properly watchful," he notes, grim.

Miniyal comes to a stop at those words and she turns so she might peer into the gloom and see his face. "What will happen will happen. From what you said there's nothing to be done about it now, is there? I've already visited them." Her chin tilts up and for once there's no hesitation in her words. "He is my friend and he has few enough of those in this weyr these days. I am still working on being a forgiving person, E'sere. If these people continue to harm him then I shall have to go back to what I do best." She resumes walking then, smiling a moment. "Perhaps if those with suspicions acted more swiftly on them we would not have to worry about it. Do you? Act swiftly? Or do you linger because you cannot forgive him?"

E'sere takes a couple more steps when Miniyal stops; then, he pulls up himself and turns back to regard her in silence. He doesn't start moving again until she does so, letting her catch him and then falling once more into step. "I... I've very little information to go on. A few rumors. They aren't talking to me like they used to," he confesses. "I'd like to think I'm doing everything I can, that I'm working as quickly as possible to squash this threat."

Yet another shrug at the words as acknowledged. "So long as you can accept that then," she says lapsing back into silence. "But you really needn't worry about me. If there's one thing this weyr has these days it is plenty of dark corners and nothing goes on in those I don't know about." Another silence that lasts for a shorter period of time as she laughs softly. A sound she doesn't bother explaining.

E'sere quirks a brow as Miniyal laughs, but he smiles himself at the sound. "I suppose not. I've lost track of those places since I impressed--now I just hide out in my weyr, though it doesn't do a lot of good. Morelenth is always telling people to stop by," he notes lightly.

Miniyal shifts her basket to her other hand once more. "The trick with hiding out is know where no one else knows about. Which would be a problem in your case. Some of us have not that problem." Another glance at her feet and a squint to try to see the path before her once more. "Perhaps I shall have to poke more into those dark corners and see what I hit. I'm tired of my home being dangerous and if no one else seems prepared to stop it I might have to. If for no other reason I'm rather sick of watching my friend be hurt."

E'sere's eyes widen slightly, and then he knits his brows. "I'd not recommend that, not at all. These people are dangerous; leave it to guards and those prepared for such things, like my friends. I think you're better served by--being a friend, to Ganathon."

Miniyal comes to another stop and looks around to get her bearings. "I shall walk on alone I think. I do thank you for the company. It is certainly safer to walk with you than alone." That's total sincerity there by the way. She even affords a brief glimpse of a smile. "And I appreciate your warning, E'sere, but this is my home. I've lived nowhere else. Sometimes we must risk ourselves to do what is right. That does not change my friendship. A true friend does everything within their power to help someone they care for."

"I suppose you're right," E'sere concedes after a moment, with his own wry smile offered to Miniyal. "I'll let you go on ahead; I'd like to stay out a little longer, I think. Good night, Miniyal. Give him my regards, when you see him again, please."

"I shall," Miniyal answers with a bob of her head before she once more watches her feet and continues on her way until she's just another shadow.

miniyal, e'sere

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