[Log] You're Her Booooyfriend!

Aug 27, 2006 20:00

Who: Acadia, Aesir, Amira, Balinne, Caitlyn, Charis, M'yr, Reighley, Shimshon, Zahava
When: Day 1, Month 12, Turn 8
Where: Bowl, Fort Weyr; Landing Field, Beastcraft Hall
What: Reighley attends the Beastcraft Hall's gather.

Center of the Fort Weyr Bowl
     The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, featureless plain surrounded by steep mountain cliffs, stretches out around you. It is approximately oval in shape, about 2700 meters along the long axis running southwest to northeast, and about half that distance across the short axis. You stand in its approximate center. The soil of the bowl is somewhat sandy.
     To the northwest is the large cavern used for the Weyrling barracks. To the west is the fenced off area where the Weyr's herds are kept, and the lake shore is to the southwest. To the northeast can be seen the ledges for the junior queens and the weyrleaders. The large entrance to the Hatching Grounds can also be seen to the northeast and to the east are the Lower Caverns.


Obvious exits:
Flight Cave Tunnel Infirmary Living Cavern Weyrling Barracks Northeastern Area Lake Shore Feeding Grounds

Aesir smiles a bit as he blushes softly at Acadia's dress. "You look quite nice, you know." He murmurs before he hurries over towards Acadia and her dragon. "And you, yes you look quite nice as well." He murmurs to the Green.

M'yr comes from the northeastern area.
M'yr has arrived.

Soldreth comes from the northeastern area.
Soldreth has arrived.

Zahava walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns.
Zahava has arrived.

Acadia smiels and twirls so Aesir can see her dress better. "Thanks. And you look good too. New outfit for the fair?"

Aesir smiles once again as Acadia swirls around before he nods, tugging at his tunic. "Yea, one of my last marks went to this." He shrugs. "Wanted to look good for you." He winks.

Standing in the midst of the bowl, Reighley twirls her dress--a floweredy dress that strains to make her look even her twelve and a half turns--and fidgets, setting teeth to her bottom lip as she studies the dragons in the area, many of which are already taking off. It's one familiar green that gathers her lingering attention, however, and after several more seconds of indecision, the girl sets off after Acadia, waving broadly. "Acadia, wait! Can you--oh!" She pulls up short when she notices Aesir with the greenrider, staring at him. "Um. Hi."

M'yr preceeds Sol, laughing loudly at something they just shared, Sol warbling to his lifemate. "It's not what you said it's how you said it, silly dragon.", he chuckles, walking toward the gathering group. "Well, now..." he grins to Acadia as he approaches, but leaves it at that. He must have overheard Aesir's last words. "G'd day, everyone, Reighley, you're looking fabulous today!"

A flash of red cloth signals Zahava's arrival as she steps out of the living cavern just behind a group of taller male riders, her skirt the only sign of her until they veer off to the left, and she continues on out into the bowl, pulling her shawl tighter around her shoulders against the cool autumn air.

Turning to look towards Reighley, Aesir looks down at her and smiles. "Oh, hello." He says to the younger woman before he turns his attention back to Acadia. He seems as if he were about to speak to her when M'yr speaks. He nods to the other man. "Good day." He says. "Shall we go Acadia?"

Soldreth is definitely excited, knowing full well the group is off to something that's bound to be fun, the bronze shuffling from side to side, eyes whirling in anticipation. He whuffs toward Aesir, head lowering to peer at the lad curiously. M'yr smacks his mount's side, chuckling. "This should be an excellent evening to get away for a while, don't you all think?" The red color draws his dark eyes, grin widening. "Red becomes you, Za. You look very nice in that color. So! Are we all ready? Anyone need a ride? We should get going so we don't miss the dance!"

Acadia waves to Reighley and the others and says, "Yes, Aesir. I'm ready. Uh, Reighley? Do you need a ride?"

Reighley's cheeks pinken as M'yr approaches, the young girl ducking her head. "Thank you," she answers him, a slow grin spreading across her features. Idly, she reaches up to tug at her hair: for now the braids and their ribbons remain intact, though the habitual nature of that little gesture suggests one reason they usually aren't. Reighley glances back to Aesir as he speaks, and from him to Acadia, brows arching slightly. "Weeeell... Yes. If you and Inneth don't mind?" she tells the rider.

Zahava's steps slow as she nears and she dips her head at M'yr's compliment. "Thank you, M'yr. You look very nice today, yourself," she counters with a smile. "And, I could use a ride," she adds, humor now leaking into her expression. She glances over at Acadia, Aesir and Reighley, and gives the trio a polite, friendly nod as well.

Aesir looks towards Reighley and then over to the others, waving at them before he moves up and motions for the younger girl. "Ladies first, of course." He tells her, looking towards Acadia and giving her another smile. "After you, of course."

M'yr replies easily to the Assistant Headwoman, "Then come mount this rascal if you like, Za, and anyone else who needs a lift!" Turning easily to Sol, he makes ready to mount.

M'yr uses Soldreth's offered foreleg to scramble atop the bronze.
M'yr has left.

Zahava uses Soldreth's offered foreleg to scramble atop the bronze.
Zahava has left.

Acadia says, "We won't mind at all, Reighly. I'll pull you and Aesir up in just a moment!" With a fluttering of her skirts and help from a couple of extra straps she manages to mount Inneth.

Acadia climbs onto Inneth's neck.
Acadia has left.

Aesir climbs onto Inneth's neck.
Aesir has left.

From Soldreth's neckridges, Hampered a bit by the long skirt, Zahava still manages to scramble up behind M'yr on Soldreth, even managing not to lose her shawl in the process. Once settled, skirt arranged to allow her to stradle the bronze, she tells him, "All set."

You climb onto Inneth's neck.

     Reighley is mounted on Inneth's asparagus-hued back, smooth hide flowing into her wide-sparred wings. She croons softly when you are in position, in assurance she won't let you fall.


From outside Inneth, Soldreth bugles loudly, his powerful hindquarters dipping as he prepares to spring. M'yr turns back to Zahava, making sure she's secured, flashing the red-clad woman a grin. Back to peering down at the ground, he squints, waiting for any latecomers, finally giving Sol the signal to rise.

From outside Inneth, Above the center of the bowl, Soldreth wings up from the Center of the Bowl.

From outside Inneth, Above the center of the bowl, Soldreth disappears into Between.

Acadia checks on her passengers. "Everyone ready?"

Reighley, small and clumsy, hampered by her own dress, manages after a couple of false starts to get herself aboard Inneth as well. Of course, as soon as she's up there, she bites her lower lip, hands tightening in the straps. "I--I've never been /between/ before," she admits abruptly. "It's not--/bad/, is it? I'm--I'm ready."

Aesir looks back towards Reighley and reaches out and touches her shoulder with his large hand. "You'll be fine, you know?" He tells her before he looks back to Acadia. "I'm ready." He swallows, looking a bit nervous himself.

Acadia says, "Just hang on, and hold your breath just before we go between. You'll be fine." In response to a gentle kick, Inneth takes off.

MBH - Landing Field
     This rather large field's grass is in a perpetual state of flatness, appearing heavily trampled and crushed under the weight of the turns. Dragon sized indentations mar the ground, as do animal hoofprints and wheel ruts. Some attempt has been made to keep the grass looking alive, but constant use has kept the grass short and patchy. Safely located away from the animals, this field seems safe for use by dragons. To the Northeast is a small, three-sided barn that has been converted into the Master Leara Memorial Dance Hall and Classroom.
     The south side of the field is bordered by a thick hedge and the main road lies off to the east. To the west is a low door with a sign outside reading 'The Lounge', while a neater door to the north appears to lead to the kitchen.

Obvious exits:
Lounge Kitchens Main Road

From outside Inneth, Amira nods, looking at the drunken riders as well. She watches Shimshon pass and pats Zelieth's shoulder. She heads toward the gather, looking around.

From outside Inneth, Balinne heads straight for the dancing square, and is haulted by M'yr. "M'yr! And Zahava!" she all but squeals, her steps becoming a bouncy skip towards them. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

From outside Inneth, Zelieth cranes her head down and blows a heated breath at Amira. Thanks for the pat.

From outside Inneth, Charis puts her glass down on one of the tables and follows the man over to the dance area. She bumps into Balinne as she passes by her, "Umm, sorry ma'am. Din' mean to bump ya ma'am. She nods politely to the riders b efore continuing on.

From outside Inneth, M'yr's assisting Zahava, both arms held out to 'catch' her as she lands, just in case that skirt should become tangled in the straps. He's just about to say something when Shimshon ambles by. Laughing, he raises an arm in a snappy salute to the Craftmaster. "Scurvy? Shards, Shimshon, that was last week! The healers have cured me of that! Fort's duties to the Beastcraft! Good to see you again!" Oops. Here comes.. Balinne?? "Woo! Is that Balinne?? How have you been??" His grin couldn't be bigger.

"You see? Aesir says before he turns towards the young woman. "There you are. You see? It's okay." He chuckles and sighs softly himself before he looks to Acadia. "Well, shall we?" He dismounts.

Aesir climbs down from Inneth's neck.
Aesir has left.

From outside Inneth, Balinne squeaks, and manages to stay on her feet at the bump, for all her hurry and bustle. She laughs, and gives Charis a bright smile. "I'm fine, so it's no worry! Balinne, please," she finishes, wincing at the 'ma'am' bit. "And M'yr! Look!" She gives a nice little twirl to show off her dress. "I finally found a use for it."

Fortunately, /between/ is a quick thing, Reighley's eyes screwed tightly up as she clings desperately to Inneth, not breathing until they're safely out the other side and landing. Then, quickly, she slides down the green's neck gracelessly after the man, eyes widening as she stares at the scene around them.

You climb down to the ground.

Shimshon laughs softly at the people. Dang, Shim's in a good mood today. He catches some rather busty vintner from Tillek by the hands and at the call of Swing Your Partner, Do-Sa-Do, Shim and the hot girl step into the line and join in the fun. People are stomping enough to make the floorboards squeek, but it only adds to the height the young lads get in their hops. On the grass, more dancers line up, sashying with all their might.

It is a good thing Zahava didn't need that hand that M'yr was saluting with. She only uses the other one to steady the last little bit down Soldreth's side. "Balinne," she greets, once her feet are on the ground. "You look lovely."

Acadia climbs down from Inneth's neck.
Acadia has arrived.

Kintryth swoops down from the sky.
Kintryth has arrived.

M'yr squints at Balinne's dress, obviously exaggerating the look. "Hmm. That isn't the cloth from one of my SAR contraptions, is it?" he teases with that big grin and wink. "You do look lovely, yes, and Zahava's amazing in red, isn't she?" Shimshon's dancing catches his eye, his boot tapping with the music. "This is going to be a great night, I can tell!"

Aesir's hand reaches up to help both Acadia and he was going to help Reighley down, but she managed to get doqn quite quickly on her own. "Ah well." He murmurs. "Here, shall I help?"

Caitlyn climbs down from Kintryth's neck.
Caitlyn has arrived.

Acadia slides off Inneth and has to hastily twitch her skirts back into place. She takes Aesir's arm and says, "Let's look around a bit, and then dance, shall we?"

The dance caller back at the Master Leara Dance Hall and Classroom, who's got a sharding great voice, calls out, "Allemande Left with your left hand. / Back to the partner for a Right and Left Grand." There are a bunch of people who don't have a CLUE as to what all that means, but between the locals and the aficionados, everyone sorts out how this part of the dance works.

Amira avoids the group of people forming nearby. She heads instead toward the music. She finds a place to stand on the edge of the dancing square and watches the people trying to find out how to dance to the music.

Charis falls from walking behind the Master Beastcrafter and instead stands on the side to watch the group do the dance, gray eyes falling on each of them in turn with a small smile on her lips. She doesn't recognize anyone she knows in the large group so she tries to make herself seem smaller to not get in the way.

Kintryth backwings, the tips of his pinions whipping little vorticies of grit up from the landing field. Once settled, the blue neatly flips long wings to his back, then offering a warble of greetings to his assembled kin. Slapping his nearst 'ridge affectionately, Caitlyn undoes herself from the harness, then slides nimbly down the dragon's proffered foreleg.

Aesir nods towards Acadia and holds his arm out to let Acadia take it and he walks around the faire with the young woman. "Well, it's certainly nice here." He offers, smiling at Acadia. "Did I tell you that you looked quite nice."

Zelieth offers a warble to Kintryth, her normal brassy greeting silenced. She's sunning on the edge of the grounds, away from the crowd, and is looking rather shiny- with /oil/ that is.

Kintryth gives a long, lazy eye to Zelieth, as if cautiously gauging her current mood. Once satified, the blue chuffs softly to himself, then turning his head this way and that to study his surroundings.

Balinne laughs, and shakes her head. "Oh, you know well enough that the stuff you make your contraptions out of is not nearly as good quality," she teases, picking at her dress. "I adore this dress, but never find a time to wear it. Now all I hope for is a dance or three, and my evening will be perfect!" She bobs her head at Zahava, the happy grin only growing. "You look great! Gosh, it's been a while."

It's not hard to get down, after all, though it is to do so gracefully; Reighley is left hastily smoothing and straightening her dress, eyes wide as she gawks at the spectacle. "There's so many--I've never--" She breaks off as she turns to look at Acadia and Aesir again, brows arching at the man's words. Slowly, a small smirk creeps into place as she observes the pair.

Zahava throws a sidelong glance at M'yr and smiles, though the expression is muddled with a bit of fond relief. Then she turns back to Balinne, grinning. "Looking like that... you'll probably have all the dances you can handle, Balinne," she remarks.

Shimshon? Knows how to dance this stuff, and for all he's a short, barrel chested fellow, he looks almost graceful in his dancing. The hand touches, switches, turns and such come to him as easy as one eats a bubbly. He's gravy, baby.

Acadia blushes as she sees Reighley's smirk. "Yes, we're on a date. We'll see you later when it's time to go home. Have fun!" She smiles to Aesir and says, "Yes you did. That means we'd better be careful so the dress doesn't get messed up tonight. Same for your clothes."

M'yr extends an upturned palm to Balinne, a gesture of askance, just before an exaggerated bow. "Then may I have this dance, Greenrider?" His usual teasing twinkle emerging from dark eyes that stray toward Acadia and her escort.

Caitlyn strides with purpose towards the small knot of people, recognizing Balinne, Zahava, and M'yr, and gives them a wave of greetings. "Hello, you rowdies! Did you just arrive?" Golden brown eyes glint with good humor as she surveys the group, nodding politely to the others she knows nothing of.

The caller keeps up his patter and callings, like you do, "Gents to the left, ladies to the right, come on back and /Promenade Home/." The dancers all seem to know to line up left and right before coming back to walk counter-clockwise around the big circle, turning left and right without ever actually changing direction. Ain't everyone purty today?

Caitlyn strides with purpose towards the small knot of people, recognizing Balinne, Zahava, and M'yr, and gives them a wave of greetings. "Hello, you rowdies! Did you just arrive?" Golden brown eyes glint with good humor as she surveys the group, nodding politely to the others she knows nothing of.

Charis glances over at the group now forming and smiles a little bit at the easiness they have with one another. She watches them for a few minutes before stopping one of the servers to take one of the beverages offered. She sighs softly looking back at the dance floor and chuckles as she watches Shimshon.

Amira finds a nother wallflower next to her and spends a moment deciding whether or not to talk to her. "Hi," she says fand fairly quietly, apparently hoping she won't be heard.

Aesir chuckles a bit as he leans over and whispers something to Acadia and he grins at her, winking before he moves along with Acadia. "Well, please lead along. I've never been to one." He offers to her.

"You're her booooyfriend," Reighley singsongs to Aesir, smug in her regard of the pair. "Don't mind me, I won't get in the way. You better be nice to her, though, because I'll tell... somebody if you're not," she adds to the man. "See you later."

Balinne laughs, and answers, "Well, if Zahava doesn't mind, I might take that offer... Caitlyn!" Dancing can wait, apparently, and Balinne gives an enthusiastic wave to her clutch sibling. "Caitlyn, oh, I have to tell you something. And we just got here ourselves. Not even had a chance to sample the wine."

Acadia mutters to Aesir, "... mother must... Let's..."

Balinne laughs, and answers, "Well, if Zahava doesn't mind, I might take that offer... Caitlyn!" Dancing can wait, apparently, and Balinne gives an enthusiastic wave to her clutch sibling. "Caitlyn, oh, I have to tell you something. And we just got here ourselves. Not even had a chance to sample the wine." (repose for Cait)

Charis has very good hearing and catches the quiet 'hi'. She turns her head, gray eyes locking on the young girl, giving her a half smile. "'ello. 'ow are ya tonight?"

"Of course not," Zahava says hastily, glancing quickly at M'yr. "I think I'll just go find where the wine is," she says quickly, taking a step back. Then, she catches sight of Caitlyn, and waves to the Istan Bluerider.

M'yr withdraws his hand, untaken, brow arching so briefly it may not be seen, yet he maintains that wide grin. "Hoy, Cait, good to see you too!"

Acadia enters the BakerCraft Gather Tent.
Acadia has left.

Aesir enters the BakerCraft Gather Tent.
Aesir has left.

Shimshon and his hot girl partner make their way around the ring, girl on the outside, where all the folks not dancing can see the tall, chesty woman and the shorter man who's got a hot chick on one arm. Go Shim.

"BALI!" Cait calls out to her green clutchsib, stepping up to the woman and giving her an affectionate squeeze around the shoulders. "Well, what's doing?!" Zahhava gets another grin, and a chirped-up, "Zah, it's been awhile! Well, since the Fort festival, anyway..." A bark of laughter.

Amira recoils slightly when her greeting is heard. "I'm fine. What about you?" Her speach is disjointed as she searches desperately for words. "I'm Amira, from Ista Weyr." She says this quickly, glad to find something to say.

The caller shouts out, "Gents, squire your partners, round we go, bow your your partner and do-sa-do!"

acadia, shimshon, amira, zahava, charis, balinne, m'yr, caitlyn, aesir, reighley

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