[Log] Self-Preservation as Motivation

Aug 26, 2006 20:57

Who: E'sere, N'ka
When: Day 20, Month 4, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Where: E'sere and Morelenth's Weyr, High Reaches Weyr
What: N'ka stops by to clear some things up with E'sere.

E'sere and Morelenth's Weyr
     This narrow ledge is longer than it is wide, fanning out on either side of the entrance into the weyr. The stone has been deeply scored by the passage of countless dragons over the turns. Its location is optimal; natural outcroppings of the bowl wall keep the wind from raking the ledge's surface and the sun reaches the rock to heat it for most of the day.
     Inside, E'sere's weyr is laid out like any other weyr, dragon couch at the fore and rider quarters at the back. However, the decor is not typical bachelor pad: E'sere has instead taken some care in choosing furnishings--a rich dark wood desk and chair, matching padded chairs in a small seating area, and his large bed at the back--and decorations, mainly expensive-looking tapestries hung from the walls.
     It's a clear spring day and the air is fresh, and cool. The smell of damp earth, rich and ready for growing, is brought in by the slightest of breezes.

Obvious Exits:

Typically, E'sere is to be found in his weyr after dinner, working while the evening stretches on. There are hides on his desk to testify to that effort, but at Sevath's announcement, the bronzerider pushes aside the hides and turns to pull out the bottle of wine--a Tillek vintage, but one of their better offerings--as well as a pair of glasses. Setting the items on his desk, he leans back against it to await his visitor's arrival, while Morelenth on his couch turns eyes to the ledge as lookout.

Sevath settles himself, one whirling eye regarding the resident bronze calmly. He kneels and N'ka dismounts. There's a hesitation, and N'ka waits before officially entering. He gives Sevath a fond pat, squares his shoulders, and walks in. "E'sere?" he asks, needlessly it's rather plain to see the bronzerider is in. "A word with you?"

"N'ka, please, come in," E'sere says smoothly, beckoning to the brownrider. He gestures toward the chairs in his seating area. "May I offer you a drink? It's a decent Tillek--one of the best I've come across from the region. Not so biting." Straightening, he turns to begin filling the first glass, asking casually as he does so, "So. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

N'ka waves off the offer of a drink, though he's eyeing the bottle. "Please," he says, though manages to hold back the urge to roll his eyes. "E'sere, I know you're behind those rumors. That bit about being drunk was a nice touch, though we both know it was a lie." He holds up a hand to stave off any protests, even if none were going to come, and continues, "I didn't come to discuss that, however." He does take a seat, his fingers laced together atop one knee. "I came to continue our discussion on Igen."

E'sere stops at the first glass, setting the bottle back down and turning to regard N'ka from against his desk. He takes a small sip of his wine, brows arching at N'ka's first words. When he lowers the drink again, he only frowns slightly at the brownrider, not disputing. "I'm not sure, N'ka, we've much left to discuss at this point. Our business is at an end, no? What else can I do for you?"

"I didn't come to ask something of you," N'ka clarifies, chosing his words carefully. He pauses, as if considering what to say next as his eyes fix upon the empty wine glass. Finally, he meets E'sere's gaze again and says, "I came to tell you that... well, some of the things you said hit home. High Reaches belongs to it's own. Not to Igen. I just came to tell you that I agree with you. I don't know how exactly you are planning to get rid of J'cor, and I'm not sure I want to know... but I won't try to stop you." He shrugs. "You already know I spoke to him. I didn't mention your name."

E'sere smirks slightly, toying with his glass idly. "That much is obvious. If you had, he'd have tried to exile me by now, rather than just spy on me," he remarks evenly, stepping forward to sit opposite N'ka. He leans back in the plush chair, cocking his head slightly as he continues to observe the other man in a brief silence. "That's quite a change of heart to have so suddenly--and under such circumstances. I'm not sure I'm convinced," he finally notes.

N'ka lifts his hands, palms up. "You don't have to. I'm not asking for you to trust me. Just thought I'd let you know so you wouldn't feel the need to dig up more nasty rumors about me." He slaps his knee with one palm, and settles back into his chair. "But if you're suggesting that I'm working for J'cor?" He snorts. "All I can say is that if I /was/, I would have had him oust you the first chance I got. And that has already passed me by."

E'sere lifts his shoulders slightly. "The first chance is not always the opportune moment," he says simply. "But I can believe self-preservation as motivation easier than I can simply rethinking the issue. Tell me, N'ka: why did you speak with the good Weyrleader? I'm sure there's very little," the bronzerider drawls, "you could tell him he could not already figure out for himself. He's not a fool, whatever other faults he possesses."

N'ka stares blankly, his mouth a thin line. It takes him some time before he finally comes to a conculsion. "I was brought up to respect tradition, and the rules that are set forth. Rules are clear: The Weyrleader is chosen by whoever flies the Weyrwoman. Yevide, despite being a foreigner, became Weyrwoman when her dragon rose." He pauses, and his fingers tap at his knee while he considers the next answer. "I haven't found him a bad man, J'cor. Despite him being Igen, he seems to have the Weyr's best interests at heart - not that I'm privvy to his thoughts. And. I don't like tricks. If you're going to stab him in the back, I'd at least prefer him to be on his guard when it happens." He drums his fingers again.

"He has his own best interests at heart," E'sere says bluntly. "Do not think for a moment if he--and Yevide--had had any chance of becoming the Weyrleaders of Igen, they would have ever entertained this silly notion of a coup at High Reaches. A bad man, perhaps not. But not the best man, either. Ganathon has put ideas into their heads for which they are going to pay the price--while he thinks to escape free. You don't like tricks? Good. I don't, either," announces the wingleader, frown deepening. He leans forward earnestly to stare at the brownrider. "I don't like my Weyrleader--a man I trusted--going behind my back to send me to Igen in trade for his whore. I don't like my Weyrleader forcing my Weyr to accept a foreigner as their Weyrwoman, when the Weyrwoman Diya is already so in everything but name. That, N'ka, is tricks. Yevide is not our rightful Weyrwoman, therefore J'cor cannot be our rightful Weyrleader."

N'ka throws his hands up again, and sighs. "Well, I am but a brownrider, sir," and that title is stressed. "So what do I know of the politics of things? I follow orders. It's what I was taught to do, and it's what I'm good at." He motions towards the empty glass, and mutters a low, "I'll have a glass of that now, if the offer still stands." He waits, a tilt to his chin. "Who, exactly, would you see take his place, E'sere? Yourself?"

Obligingly, E'sere sets his drink down on the table and rises, stepping back to his desk to pour the second glass. "I don't dispute that," he remarks as he does so. "Only, chose carefully whose orders you do follow. As for myself..." He returns with glass in hand, offering it to N'ka. He doesn't immediately return to his own chair, however, instead lingering by N'ka's. "I would see the Weyrwoman Diya return to lead us, and whichever bronze should catch Nenuith as our Weyrleader. I will not lie to you: I would like to be that man. But I am prepared to support anyone who can win the position legitimately, as I once supported G'thon. There are many other good men here, good bronzeriders: Wingleader R'saro, Ch'dais... Even our good weyrlingmaster has been showing a startling amount of sense lately," he notes, quirking a dry smirk.

N'ka runs a hand along his chin, his elbow on the edge of the chair. "Your orders, or his orders, either way I'm screwed." He sits up to accept the wine, swirling it gently before taking a tentative sip. "So, say it all works. Diya is Weyrwoman... and somehow a foreign bronze manages to fly her? What then. Oust him? Or are you going to rely on the Weyr's sheer will to keep the leadership for High Reaches?" He's not being difficult for sheer fun of it, there's a definite quirk to his eyebrow that suggests interest. "Must be working hard on your part, E'sere, to ensure it all goes according to.. plan." He shrugs, not expecting an answer, and takes another swig of wine. "I'll keep my nose to myself. I came here to tell that I wouldn't interfere. I won't come to J'cor with any more news, not that I expect to get any."

"Leadership flights are traditionally closed," is E'sere's succinct reply. "And after our current troubles at the hand of outsiders, I believe the Weyrwoman would be happy to continue that tradition." He reaches for his drink, taking a second sip of it and studying the brownrider. "So, you're getting out," he concludes evenly. "You think it's safer that way, then? All right. If you wish to only /preserve/ your status quo, that is the way to do it."

N'ka pauses in the swishing of his wine. A hard but unrevealing study of E'seres face ensues. "What exactly are you hinting at now, E'sere? That I turn around and work for you?" There's a short laugh, and he states simply, "I don't trust you. What says you don't turn around and get me exiled to help /your/ case?" The wine is give a long, meaningful look before another sip is taken.

E'sere smirks, shoulders lifting vaguely. "I only seek to make sure you're properly aware of all the options," he answers smoothly. "I assure you, I can take care of my own, and exile is not in my plans. And, to further reassure you, I note that my intentions are not to hurt anyone, and I will sincerely regret if things do come to that point. I only wish to have the High Reaches in the hands of those who truly care about it." Pause. Then: "If you'd rather not be involved still, I won't argue, of course--I only ask that you not work against me."

"And I have already assured you of that," N'ka repeats over his wine glass. He takes a lingering sip, the glass still touching his lips long after the wine has been swallowed. Finally he says, "If you need me for something. Ask. But I won't hurt anyone, and I won't be one of your gossip starters. I like my hide where it is - attatched to my body." He does move to stand out, setting the glass upon the desk. "Are going to enlighten me further, or should I consider this conversation over? I've said what I came to say."

E'sere takes a step back, gesturing toward the ledge. "No, no. I've nothing else. Thank you for coming by, N'ka," he answers then, nodding toward the brownrider. "I did enjoy it."

E'sere adds easily, "And I'll see what I can do about those unfortunate rumors. I don't think you'll hear from them again."

N'ka arches an eyebrow. "Sure. Thanks for the wine." Half a backwards step, and he regards E'sere again. "Just be sure you make it right. Kierom and I are truth, but I was not drunk." He offers a small shake of his head. "Thank you for your time." And he's heading for the ledge, far more eager to leave than he was to arrive.

"You've my word," E'sere answers. "Good night, N'ka."

n'ka, e'sere

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