[Log] So You Know Your Victim

Aug 23, 2006 21:00

Who: Aivey, E'sere
When: Day 14, Month 4, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Where: Lower Caverns, High Reaches Weyr
What: E'sere encounters Aivey.

Lower Caverns
     This is the residential hub of the Weyr, an area honeycombed with rooms and tunnels. To the south are doorways that lead to the baths and laundry. The southeast is given over to the tunnel that takes one away from High Reaches. A hallway that leads to residents' private rooms wanders off to the southwest, not far from the door that hides the dormitories. The living caverns are to the north.
     As a high traffic area, there is little decoration to be seen. Small plates beside each door or tunnel mark the room's purpose and some effort has been made to soften the coldness of the stone by scattering rugs over the floor, but for the most part this is a thoroughfare rather than a true destination.

Obvious Exits:
Living Caverns (LC) Exit Tunnel (ET) Baths (B)
Private Rooms (PR) Guard Barracks (GB)
Residents' Dormitories (RD)

     Topping out at an even 5'2" with black hair, light green eyes and delicate facial features, Aivey can be considered pretty by some and average by others. Her complexion is light and unmarred by freckles or acne, though there is a tell tale shadow of darkness below her eyes. Falling over her high forehead are long bangs while the remainder of her hair falls to the middle of her back. Small in bust, though shapely in the waist, Aivey's form is complimented by a fit build.
     A crisp, wrinkle-free, sleeveless, pale purple tunic is worn. The ends fall just below the line of her waist and are tailored to drop into a half-circle curve. Slits run along the sides, rising no further then the line of the belt worn around her duthe waist line of her dusky blue pants. Durable shoes are worn in place of boots, the ties of which curl around the lower half of her ankles.
     Aivey wears the knot of a weyr resident on her shoulder.

Aivey is doing what she does second best - Cleaning - while taking advantage of the relatively empty thruway of the lower caverns hallway. The floor is slick, recently having been mopped though there's little warning to state such. She's balanced precariously at the end of the hall where the only dry patch of stone remains. A basket of laundry rests several feet away, just waiting to be folded and delivered and its a sight the girl now has her eyes set upon though there's a good deal of floor to be covered before she can reach it.

There should be a sign or something, because that slick patch of stone is hard for even normally observant people such as E'sere to distinguish. The wingleader is just on his way up from the private rooms of the Weyr, headed toward the living cavern, when he encounters Aivey's handiwork--and promptly slips, catching a hand on the wall quickly to keep from falling outright. It's an ungainly save, but he manages to keep his feet mostly under him, coming to a halt in the process. Taking a couple of seconds to regain his bearings, to eye the floor reproachfully, and to glance around for observers, he notes Aivey. "Your doing?" he surmises wryly, quirking a brow as he studies the girl in the corner.

Aivey starts as she hears the slap of a hand against the wall and E'sere's statement. She swallows a heavy lump and nods, slowly at first but with more certainty as an abashed smile half forms. "Sorry, sir, I didn't expect no one to be up this way. You're not hurt?" She looks him over from head to toe, trying to see for herself if he is indeed hurt, "Whole floor's wet, sir, you best not be moving any unless you want to risk falling." Or tracking through her nice, clean floor.

"No, no. I'm fine," E'sere brushes off Aivey's question with a wave of his free hand. The other is still pressed to the wall as he glances downward again, grimacing. "My fault, I think--I wasn't watching closely enough. I think my feet were mostly clean, though, if that's any solace?" He glances back to the woman then, cocking a sheepish smile to match Aivey's. "I guess we're both stuck here, then, until it dries." He dares move his braced hand to gesture toward Aivey. "I'm Wingleader E'sere, by the way--so you know your victim." He grins outright.

Aivey tenses at something E'sere says... maybe it's the thought of having to do more work? "Well met, sir. My name is Aivey... I don't do much more then clean up around here, but I'm pleased to meet you all the same." She glances away from him to the floor, half cocking her head to the side before saying, "You got every right to track all over it, sir and I'll just mop right up after you. Serves me right for not doing this earlier in the morning when folk weren't up yet. I don't mind none if you decide that's what you want."

E'sere doesn't notice, or at least doesn't comment on, any funny reactions from Aivey. Considering his current status in the lower caverns, it's probably not really all that unusual. At any rate, he only shrugs for the moment and turns to lean up against that wall, studying the slowly drying stone. "Oh, no. My mother taught me better than that," he says with a grin, brows arching at Aivey's words. "I'm in no hurry, so I might as well stay still for a while. Aivey, you said? Good to meet you. I don't think I've really seen you around before."

"Most always down this way, sir. Doing the stuff that needs doing and all that," Aivey pauses to shift, not quite leaning against the wall like E'sere. Instead she reaches to feel the ground before her feet and pulls away two slightly damp fingers. "I wouldn't have figured you for bein' a Holder type, sir. Glad to see there are some around who know their manners-" A hasty look at the man preceeds, "If you don't mind my saying."

"For good reason: I wasn't," E'sere says dryly, offering Aivey a small smile. "My mother is Lexine--our previous Weyrwoman? Between her and my fostermother, I think I turned out all right--and I certainly don't mind you pointing that out." His grin broadens then, amused, as he watches her. "Being weyrbred doesn't negate manners. At least, not for most of us. Where are you from, Aivey?"

Aivey makes good on her surprise and embarassment. Her eyes widen considerably and her mouth parts just enough for a surprised 'oh' to sound. "I didn't know that, sir and I'm sorry for bein' so insulting. Weren't my intention, just that... most folks 'round here who have kids-" She stops the headlong rush into an apology, half hangs her head while muttering another apology before finally saying, "A hold, sir. Ways back from here, not worth the time naming or remembering."

E'sere waves off Aivey's surprise with an easy gesture. "You weren't, I assure you," he says, shaking his head once. "Most of them foster, and many of them don't even do much for them then. I was fortunate; while Mother couldn't take care of me herself, we were still close, as close as we could be in the situation." He shrugs, then quirks a brow at her latter words. "You don't think where you came from is worth remembering? One should /always/ do that," he notes mildly.

"No, sir," Aivey says with a firm shake of her head, "Can't remember what you can't be a part of, and no sense in remembering that." She eases into a stand and wraps her arms around her middle, "Sir... I wonder if I can ask you somethin'... haven't never done this before but... I feel like I oughta." She pauses, then waves a hand toward the hallway, "Not right for me to tie a man up like this.... a man's always got duties that need being done and I'm keeping you from them. You'll let me make it up to you, won't you, sir?"

E'sere quirks a brow at Aivey, blinking in surprise at her offer, rather than her former words. "While I feel compelled to protest one last time that you're not tying me up," he replies after a moment, his grin returning, "I have a feeling it'll be just as futile as last time. So, feel free--though, I have to admit, I'm quite curious what you've to offer, though, in exchange for my ever so valuable time." His drawl grows slightly sarcastic, self-deprecating.

Aivey looks moderately appreciative at his compliance, "Be my place to make sure you're not scramblin' to get what you need done finished, sir. Your mom never taught you that? It's what we're suppose to do." We being the entirely general term there. After a quick pause during which she notes the change in the man's tone, Aivey says, "Well, sir, that's entirely up to you. I do lots of things around here... be willin' to do them for you and all you have to do is ask."

"Actually..." E'sere begins thoughtfully, studying Aivey. "Since I really don't really have any work to do tonight, perhaps you'd care to escort me to dinner? I believe there's a party this evening, actually, and it wouldn't do for me to show up unaccompanied. That should cover your debt, no?" He cocks his head curiously, then extends a foot to toe the floor gingerly. "I think the floor's even dried out enough we can venture forth now if you'll let me steal you from your work?"

"Always work to do, sir," Aivey says with a half hearted smile. She does, however, test the floor before looking back toward E'sere with a quick nod of her head, "I'll do one better then that, sir, I'll get you food too. I help out there, sometimes, in the kitchens." She pauses before adding, "If you'd like, sir, I can even get you food to take back with you to your weyr. Whenever you want. Bein' a rider... it's an awful hard job and don't always leave you free to eat proper like."

With the floor deemed dry enough, E'sere straightens, lips sliding into an easy smile as he steps away from the wall toward Aivey, offering an arm as he does so--nothing if not chivalrous. "All right then, if you insist. Shall we, then?"

Aivey hesitates, taking the smallest of steps out before growing more confidence. She steps quickly up to his side, eyes his arm and then him - there's an uncomfortable shift; the sliding of feet on the ground and a duck of her head, "Sir, you sure you want to do that? Don't gotta put on a show for me, I'm just... me." Which is about as self depreciating as it gets, "Covered in dirt too... ain't proper to be seen with you."

"Now, now, Aivey," E'sere chides gently. "Don't go weaseling out on me now. You offered to let me set the terms; no reneging once you've heard them." And he stays right there, regarding her expectantly, smirking.

The ploy continues, but is stepped up a notch as Aivey hastily scrubs her hands on her pants, and dusts her sleeve off before finally, if not abashedly slipping her arm into his and offering a tight smile up at him. "Just you remember sir, that I was the one sayin' so when folks go gettin' up in a row over this." Now she's the one who remains still as it's the /gentleman's/ job to lead the lady...places.

E'sere's smile strengthens as Aivey finally takes his arm, though he nods in mock-chastised fashion. "I will," he promises. "Women always /do/ know best about these matters." With that, he turns to lead her up to the living cavern and the party therein.

aivey, e'sere

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