[Log] Wasted Potential

Aug 11, 2006 14:39

Who: I'neph, Soriane
When: Day 2, Month 4, Turn 443
Where: Patio, Fort Weyr
What: Soriane has some friendly advice for I'neph.

     Situated on a ledge about twenty-five feet off the ground, facing north, up a long flight of unguarded steps, the patio is a simple place to get some fresh air. The ledge itself is smaller than most of the Weyr's inner rooms, host only to a few weather-sturdy pieces of furniture. A wrought-iron bench, a chair carved out of the stone itself, two wrought-iron tables, and the occasional wooden bench or chair dragged out by an enterprising visitor.
     It's afternoon in the spring. There's a chill in the air, notable even at this slight elevation, though the walls of the bowl make this area at least partially protected.

Soriane........Blue-gray eyes, black hair, Late teens. Fit.
I'neph.........6', athletic; olive skin, dark brown eyes & hair; early 20s.


Though the morning was rainy, things are clearing up this afternoon, and I'neph is out on the patio enjoying the marginally warmer day of Fort's spring. The sun has dried off the iron bench enough that he's sprawled out across it, leaned back against one arm with his feet across the other. Otherwise, the patio is deserted.

I'neph is soon to have company in the form of Soriane who takes the steps leading up to it very slowly. She's spotted I'neph, see, and is regarding him with a mixture of amusement and annoyance. Several feet away and closing, she greets him, "You look relaxed, I'neph."

I'neph is apparently off in his own little world, for it takes him a couple of seconds to blink and shake his head to clear it before he glances up at Soriane, brows knitting. "Huh? Oh, right," he agrees as he sorts out the words. "I am. Day off, you know? Had a little free time, so, well. Here I am. What are you doing out here?" asks the rider.

"Another errand," Soriane explains after frowning in I'neph's direction, "I'm likely done for the day myself. So tell me. Why is it you get a day off and J'tei doesn't?" Clearly, I'neph is to have this answer, and clearly, he's suppose to offer her a spot to sit because Soriane stands there, directly in front of him, waiting for said invitation.

I'neph studies Soriane a moment, blankly, before he finally moves his feet to allow her space to sit. "I dunno. Maybe he just doesn't want to take advantage of the time off? Ask him yourself," he suggests. "What sort of errand?"

Soriane frowns again, but refrains from saying anything further. She settles down on the bench, folds her hands in her lap and while looking at them says rather blandly, "You know you always seem to have an awful lot of free time. What do you think it's going to be like when you graduate; if you graduate?" Her errand explanation is, for the moment, not given.

"/When/ I graduate," I'neph says, frowning slightly. "I dunno. Not much different, I don't guess. I mean, when Dioscuth's grown I'll have less to do for him, so. Even if I /do/ end up in X'drian's wing, it's not like they really drill /that/ much." He shrugs, sliding lower on the bench now that his footrest is taken.

"Have you ever thought about what you could be doing?" Soriane asks, looking over her shoulder toward him, "Like with the rest of your life? You really should, you know, while you still have the chance to and all that. I mean, it's not like you're exactly stuck in a horrible job or anything. You could even be Weyrleader if you tried hard enough."

I'neph glances sideways at Soriane, frowning suspiciously. "What do you care?" he asks after a moment, rather than actually answer the question.

"Oh, well, since you asked - I care because I really, really want to see you try and then laugh in your face when you fail." Soriane replies with mild sarcasm, "-Really? Because I think it's a waste that you have all of -that- going for you and you just do nothing with it. I can see it now. You'll be all old, wrinkled and disgusting and you won't ever have done anything. Wasteful."

"No skin off your nose," I'neph drawls with a shrug. "I'd figure you'd like that. You know, less competition for your boy-toy if I'm content doing... whatever. Nothing. You know. Faranth, you sound like my father now," he adds, disgusted. "Always going on about doing something with my life. Well, I am, I'll have you know."

"You shouldn't hate him so much, you know. He only ever tries to be nice to people and, besides, it's not like you've actually competed with him in anything." Soriane reaches for her hair and begins braiding a portion of it, "If you're doing something with your life, I've missed it. And I only sound like your father because I can't stand to see you waste what you have. It's foolish and being a friend I thought I'd tell you that."

"I don't hate him," I'neph protests, shaking his head. "We're friends. And we're not competing, anyway, so." He shrugs hypocritically. "It really bothers you that much, huh? Never would've guessed. And we're friends now, too?" His tone is decidedly skeptical as he glances over at the girl beside him as well. "So just what /do/ I got going for me? A big shiny dragon who's already itching to chase some gold? Or did you mean my winning personality?"

"No, you're not," Soriane offers in what is suppose to be a helpful way, but only enforces her bias favoritism, "Of course we're friends. Just because I don't always talk to you or like you doesn't mean we're not friends. I wouldn't talk to you if we weren't friends, or try and help you." A very patient, holier-then-thou look is leveled on I'neph as she adds, "Of course if you'd have asked me if I'd have been friends with someone like you way back when I was still at Boll, I'd have probably laughed at the thought..." A quick pause, "You have a lot going for you, 'Ne - I'neph. You're not really all that limited in what you can be, if I have things figured out right. It's not like you ride a blue or a green. You can do anything you want and go just about anywhere you want. I don't see why you waste the opportunity." Soriane is almost ready to let the helpfullness end there, but she tags on, "Though if I were you, I'd not count your personality as something you have going for you. It's abrasive, not winning."

I'neph's expression grows only more skeptical at Soriane's words, his brows arching dubiously. "Uh, yeah. Sure," he agrees lackadaisically, brushing her advice off with a wave of his hand. Idly: "Bet you didn't have a lot of friends back at Boll in the first place. Nobody /really/ likes spoiled little rich girls. Except, well, J'tei, obviously, but that's different." He shrugs. Then, sounding surprised, he asks, "/Abrasive/?"

"It really doesn't matter if anyone liked me, will like me or anything like that." Soriane says quite defensively, if not slightly distressed, "It's not like I'll ever be going back there anyways and you really don't know what you're talking about." His surprised question earns a roll of her eyes and a flip of that strand of hair she's been braiding back over her shoulder, "It means you're rude and tend to offend people with what you say and do."

I'neph shrugs. "Sure, sure," he agrees with Soriane, ignoring her attempt to get the conversation back on his faults. Instead, he remarks easily, "Guess it doesn't matter if they hated you or talked about you behind your back or whatever now, huh? You think they ever wonder what happened to you? Or maybe they don't care, I don't know." He quirks a brow slightly, regarding the girl.

"J'tei told them, my family, where I was and what I'd done. They know and they're not interested in me ever coming back. My brother might, some day, but it's not likely." Soriane's explanation is brief and blunt, "Abrasive, like I said. Laughing at someone elses misfortune. No wonder you're always alone, people really can't stand to be around you."

"Well, nobody's keeping you here," I'neph notes with a vague gesture to the stairs. "It's not my fault if you decide you don't like me, after all. I thought /friends/ accepted each other for who they are?"

With great over exageration, Soriane stands and turns to face I'neph, "You really did hurt my elbow, you know. You never even asked how I was." She emphasizes her statement with a frown, "Friends do, you know. And they don't laugh at the other one or let them throw things away they shouldn't be throwing away. I told you, which is all I can do. Have a good break and all, I'neph. Try not to get too rested."

"What? When?" asks I'neph, blinking. "You hurt yourself? And--I have no idea what you're talking about," the bronzerider concludes, shaking his head. "Faranth, and I'm not laughing at you--I was just asking questions, making conversation, that sort of thing. Women, always taking everything so personally." Said in that same helpful tone Soriane used to try to talk sense into him.

Soriane has already stood, it's too late for that now! She favors him with yet another frown - something I'neph just has to be getting use to by now - "Abrasive." Lifting her chin just so, she turns and moves back down the stairs.

soriane, i'neph

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