[Log] I Can't Open Your Eyes for You

Aug 11, 2006 00:30

Who: Br'ce, E'sere
When: Day 19, Month 3, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Where: Br'ce and Trellazoth's Weyr, High Reaches Weyr
What: Br'ce doesn't want to listen to E'sere.

Trellazoth's Ledge
     This room gives off a sense of old style luxury in its appointments. Dark maroon velvet drapes hang over the walls, giving the room less of the air of a cave, and helping to insulate it from the chill of the stone. A roaring fire is almost always going, with two enormous red leather chairs sitting in front, and a table in between--a cozy spot for two to sit. A third spot is reserved for a large pillow--the perfect spot for a draconic head to rest. A large bookcase decorates the far wall, with an enormous collection for an individual--almost a hundred volumes, lovingly repaired and maintained. Sitting beside it is a tall rack, filled with wine bottles and skins. A velvet curtain separates the sleeping chamber from the rest of the weyr.
     It's a windy day, the gusts and breezes chilly with humidity. Though the air is still filled with the promising scents of spring, the low temperatures and constant assault by capricious winds will keep many indoors.


Obvious Exits:

Br'ce arrives just barely ahead of E'sere, curtly arranging his flight gear in the appropriate niches and making sure Trellazoth is firmly settled after the exertions of the day. "Would you care for some refreshments?" The words are polite, the tone is slightly less so--not overtly unfriendly, but simply cool. And the vintage being offered is some of the more inferior stuff that Br'ce has. While he's not so far gone to disrespect his duties as a host, he has other ways of showing his displeasure. Not that his worst vintage is that bad, fortunately.

Br'ce arrives just barely ahead of E'sere, curtly arranging his flight gear in the appropriate niches and making sure Trellazoth is firmly settled after the exertions of the day. "Would you care for some refreshments?" The words are polite, the tone is slightly less so--not overtly unfriendly, but simply cool. And the vintage being offered is some of the more inferior stuff that Br'ce has. While he's not so far gone to disrespect his duties as a host, he has other ways of showing his displeasure. Not that his worst vintage is that bad, fortunately.

Morelenth touches down neatly behind Trellazoth, rumbling mildly as his rider dismounts and follows Br'ce inside. "Please, thank you," he tells the brownrider after a moment, glancing around the neat weyr curiously. "You've quite a library," he remarks after a moment. "Very nice." He allows himself one more glance around, then turns business-like. "You were upset tonight. With me," he begins, frowning as he glances to Br'ce again.

Br'ce pours E'sere a glass (fourth-best crystal, lots of subtle snobbery to those who know Br'ce well, and fine treatment to those who don't) and hands it over. "I enjoy reading and history. I feel those who don't read history are doomed to repeat it." He says not-so-obliquely, taking a sip from his own glass. "Yes, yes, I was." Br'ce toys with his glass, eyes glittering as he looks blandly back at E'sere. "Would you care to hazard a guess as to why?"

Like Br'ce, E'sere plays with his glass rather than taking any sip of it. He studies the wine and the glass a moment before looking back up at the brownrider. "My transfer," he replies evenly. "I had thought that were common knowledge, but perhaps I give the gossip-mongers too much credit. For that, I apologize." His frown deepens, and he raises the glass to take a small sip of his own. "It is not my choice, to go. That decision was made for me, long before I knew anything of Igen."

"Your transfer may have been a surprise to some, but it wasn't the clincher by any stretch of the imagination." Br'ce responds evenly. "Your dereliction of your responsibilities as a leader make your transfer dwindle into a comparatively minor issue." He continues to stand, coming over to stand near the banked fire. "Your attempts to evade responsibility and to try and make it seem /heroic/ are the parts that I have issue with."

"I have no intentions," E'sere says evenly, "of abandoning my responsibility. I have done what I may to ensure your fair treatment, and that my part in the proceedings is dealt with." A pause, during which he studies the brownrider, his expression neutral. Then: "The Weyrleaders wish you to feel that way, to look askance at me, and to think I am--weaseling away from my own duties. I am, however, doing everything I can to remain here, as everyone else is--I do not consider my transfer by any means final, even at this juncture."

"So you say. While you escape scot-free from the punishments levied upon the rest of us." Br'ce is not bitter about the punishment, more about E'sere's not being included in them. "Your responsibility as a leader is to set a proper example for the other riders. What kind of example are you setting? That you can do anything, and drag people along with you, get them into trouble, and then get away with it through some special circumstance? A leader should never expect his people to go through something he won't himself." Wine is ignored in favor of gesticulating. "And dragging in weyrlings. /Weyrlings/!" The anguish is plain in the brownrider's voice. "Yevide was right. We never should have included them in this. It was wrong of us." He takes a deep breath, calming himself visibly. "We did not err by flying over Nabol. But we did err in disobeying orders. It is our role, as leaders, to accept without reservation or complaint the punishments that are heaped upon our heads. /That/ is being cognizant of the repercussions of your actions. To accept that you deserve them. Your logic was backwards. You tried to convince J'cor to let the rest off because you were being left off. You should have convinced him to let them off in exchange for coming down even harder on you."

"The weyrlings were not asked to fly with us," E'sere repeats his earlier words in that same calm tone, not allowing Br'ce's irritation to infect him. He seems quite impervious to it, in fact, standing there and sipping slowly at his drink as though this were any pleasant evening discussion. "The only one who did choose to fly with us was Tavaly, as T'zen's weyrmate and my future wingrider." Pause. "As for my... lack of participation in your suffering, I would gladly have let them do so, had they been willing. I would gladly stand beside you, or in your place, would they let me. They were loathe to even acknowledge me, however, until I forced them to do so. They will not punish me, because to do so strengthens us."

"She should not have been permitted." Br'ce says stubbornly. "It sets a bad example for the rest. What are you going to do if weyrlings get it in their heads to run their own Falls? It's a slippery slope argument." He snorts. "You forced them into nothing. You've been acknowledged as the one who is transferring away from the mess he caused, and who is escaping trouble because of inter-weyr politics. If you were intending to strengthen your own position, I seriously doubt that you've done anything of the sort. A leader doesn't wait until he's forced. He volunteers." He frowns at E'sere. "You are merely the one who led the Fall. Do not presume to speak your extremist views as if they were the only view we have. We've seen what happens to those who espouse views too radical in nature openly."

"Exile Island is warmer. I'm sure if you really desire to end up there, you can. But I'm not going there with you." Br'ce adds.

"I've explained my position to you," E'sere says simply, finishing his drink and setting the glass aside. "I can't open your eyes for you. Good night." With that, he turns to go, heading back to meet Morelenth on the ledge.

"That's because you can't see beyond your own nose." Br'ce mutters to himself, his parting shot not quite loud enough to be audible to E'sere. He folds his arms and lifts his chin, watching E'sere and Morelenth depart with a dark scowl.

br'ce, e'sere

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