[Log] She's Only Eighteen

Jul 28, 2006 21:05

Who: Ayana, Balinne, Bayan, Caitlyn, Cynara, Delu, K'ylon, L'sen, Moyra, M'wen, R'hin, Satiet (NPC), Yaria
When: Day 26, Month 7, Turn 8
Where: The Sandbar, Ista Weyr
What: Delu and others throw a surprise birthday party for Ayana.

Ista Weyr -- The Sandbar
     This dockside tavern stretches over the water, accessible from beach, docks or harbour itself. The light sound of slapping waves can be heard beneath the floorboards, and there are no walls, allowing tropical breezes to waft through and indulging patrons in panoramic ocean views. The carved wooden bar takes up the north end of the room, covered with a wood and reed roof that protects it from impromptu showers. The rest of the booths rest along the outside of the floor, all situated to be oceanside and set with brightly coloured cushions. The thatched wood roof continues along those booths leaving the center of the area open-air, though a metal canopy rests along the outside of one wall, ready to be drawn atop for rain or Threadfall. Further to the north and south the beach continues on for kilometers, black sand tinged a ruddy red with the blazing light of a fading sunset. Waves wash upon the beach with a steady roar, sending spray flying into the air at the furthest end of the beach to the south where a collection of rocks litter the shoreline.
     The wet3 summer season oppresses the island with high humidity and sweltering temperatures. As the sun sets, the sun shines from a clear, blue sky and the air hardly moves more than a whisper.

Obvious exits:
Beach Docks

Balinne skips forwards, giddy as a weyrbrat as she attempts to fling herself onto Ayana. "Happy Belated Turnday!" she squeals, giggles erupting from her.

Bayan steps forward a bit, closer to Yaria's side as he tips his head in recognized greeting, "I remember you," is all he says to her, before his sister's arrival takes his attention and he beams at her. "Happy belated, sis," he calls out.

Ayana looks around in shock before chuckling and nodding in thanks to Delu, "Ah, that explains it," she says, stepping forward. "And everyone came out? Wow, I'm..." and the rest gets cut off as Balinne flings herself at her.

Dragon> Neiveth senses that Leiventh's crimson tones splash in abrupt contact, reaching out. << Mine goes to Ista to attend Kyreth's rider's party. Does yours wish to come? Teonath's attends as well. >>

Yaria cuts her eyes at Bayan for a moment, muttering something under her breath, though he gets a polite enough nod. Someone definately got up on the wrong side of the bed today. She nervously pats her hair, and as Balinne performs her antics, her lips curl in a faint sneer, before she turns quickly to the bar to find a drink.

Cynara smiles a little bit. "Nobody's ever thrown a turnday party like this for *me*. Although I should think about whether I should do anything for Terlara's. She's not old enough to 'get' it yet."

Delu grins and waves to everyone. "Thank you all for coming!" She says, loudly. She takes a step away from the brownrider, "And now she's all yours, do with her as you will!"

Neiveth> Leiventh senses that Neiveth agrees at once, enthusiastically, << Definitely! We'll meet yours there--L'sen's just getting ready now. >>

Balinne laughs, and embraces Ayana tightly before finally letting go and standing at an arms length. "Look!" and she points towards the food tables along the wall. "All Ista specialties. And... tons of bubblies." She winks and states, "Someone said they were your favorit." Yaria cannot be seen, and therefor, Balinne cannot be properly put off by any sneering. Darn.

Bayan chuckles at Yaria's nod, "You don't remember me? Has it been too many turns?" he asks before stepping from the Igen bluerider and moving over to Delu and Ayana's side. "Wish I got a party too," he agrees with Cynara while flashing a smile at the ladies.

K'ylon finds himself a seat. But noty before getting himself an ale!

Ayana chuckles to Delu, "Do with me as they will?" she echoes her words with an raised eyebrow. She reaches over to poke at her brother before returning Balinne's hug. "Thanks you two," she says to Delu and Balinne before looking towards the meal table. "And there's...bubblies?"

Yaria edges K'ylon's direction and then asks, "What /are/ all these drinks anyway?"

Delu smiles brightly, "Wouldn't be a party for you without them, would it, Aya? I know the quickest way to your heart! And thank Balinne, she did most of the work. I'm bad at all this." She looks over to Yaria and grins, "Hey there, bluerider."

K'ylon shakes his head at Yaria. "I've only ever had the ale. But I hear the weyrwoman one will put hair on your chest." He averts his gaze as it naturally travels to that very region. "Uh. Yeah.

"Are we late, are we late?" L'sen asks eagerly as he arrivs at the party. "Neiveth kept rushing me but then I couldn't find stuff and Leysen totally got baby spit on me and I had to change because that's just yucky and Ayana!" At once, he beelines for the center of attention, waving.

Balinne laughs, and bobs her head. "Of course. Lots of different flavors, too. And tons of Istan appetizers and desserts. Some of them are spicy, I warn you know." She's inching towards the food herself, but turns around when Yaria is greeted "Ah! Yes, lots of people too," as if she'd forgotten them in her delight. She's calmed down, now, and heads for the bar. "It was Delu's idea, I just sweet-talked a couple cooks."

Yaria blinks at K'ylon. Apparently having someone look towards that region, at least on her, is a novelty. Delu distracts her however and she gives a half wave across the bar. "I traded duties with M'val to get to come." She absently fiddles with one of the ties on her robe, before looking back at K'ylon. "So you can't recommend any?"

Moyra looks around as a crowd forms, and gets a refill of her cider as she spies faces she knows. She waves to Ayana and K'ylon, and adds her own congrats to the Igen Brownrider as well.

Ayana blinks, looking where Delu is indicating, suddenly brightening, "Yaria!" she cries, waving. To Delu and Balinne, "I'll just have to have a try at them, hm? And a few drinks...you don't mind if I drink more than five, do you?" she sneaks out at Delu with a snicker. At hearing her name, she turn again and changes course to walk over to L'sen, "Hey! You got called too? Oh, and I saw Harley the other day...congrats with having a son! Come, eat.." and she has the Reachian bluerider by the arm and dragging him towards the meal table. She waves at Moyra along the way, "You knew and didn't tell me?" she sends to her in amusement as she goes by.

K'ylon takes a look at the list and suggests for Yaria, "What about The_Fireball?" He grins at MOyra. "Hey, what would you recommend?"

Delu grins, "Well, you look beautiful, hon. I'm glad you came." She looks to Ayana, grinning. "Tonight, my love, you drink as you will, and I shall not say a word, I rpomise." She looks around, greeting a person here and there, and a hug to L'sen when he's not expecting it. "Hey there, stranger!"

An unhurried stroll brings R'hin into the sandbar, escorting Satiet with a grand flourish as they reach the tavern, as if somehow he's responsible for the structure at large. Despite the words of the invitation, Satiet has apparently come with a gift in tow, and steers the pair towards Ayana, proffering it towards the Igen brownrider. "Happy Turnday," she says by way of greeting, earning a surprised twitch of brows from R'hin. The bronzerider's effusive in contrast to the goldrider's reserve, smiling warmly as he leans to offer a kiss to Ayana's cheek. "Good to see you," he murmurs. "The place looks busy," he notes wryly, glancing about at the largely unfamiliar crowd, grinning as he spots L'sen and Delu.

Bayan has followed Yaria over to where the drinks are, sifting through them as his eyes scanning the faces as though he's setting them all to memory. Perhaps he is. Noting L'sen with his sister, he nods the bluerider's way before cutting in with Yaria and K'ylon, "Yeah, what /is/ good here?" he asks then before the new arrives suddenly get his rapt focus. "So he's here," he remarks dryly to anyone close enough to hear.

Moyra grins over to K'ylon, and laughs, "Cider, by far and away. Much better than all that other silly stuff they serve here." She points out as she hefts her glass, and moves to sit next to K'ylon, and with a smile to Yaria, looks to her clutchmate. "Hows your day?"

Balinne has slipped herself over to the food, and is happily munching away on something small and crunchy. Her eyes finally pass over everyone there, and a surprised look crosses her face. "Hm, more people than I thought!" she states. She gathers a few more appetizers, and heads back. She pauses long enough to state, "I'd try a Fruity Iced KLah if you don't normally drink. ANd if you do? A tsunami is always good," to Yaria, and then she's back at Delu's side. "Want one?" she asks, holding out an appetizer.

Yaria says abruptly to Bayan, "I remember you. You thought I didn't before, but I do." A squint and a polite nod to Moyra as well as a shyer, "I remember you too. From her flight," a jerk of her head at Balinne, "t'other sevenday." Balinne's advice is apparently not heard. or flat out ignored. Difficult to say.

K'ylon shrugs at Moyra. "Same as yesterday mostly. Hanging about. Tending to 'Ruth. THinking. You?"

Cynara glances over the present weyrlings thoughtfully, then makes of herself something of a decorative item, leaning against a table with a glass. At some point, she's also claimed some of the available food.

Delu grins and lets go of the reaches bluerider, and smiles over Balinne. "I wouldl love one!" She takes it, then leans over to gie her a kiss on the cheek. "It's all lovely, Balinne, thank you very much for helping. I may die with all these people around, but at least I die knowing she's happy!"

"Really? Thanks!" L'sen tells Ayana happily as she hauls him along--as though it's necessary. At the meal table, he immediately sets about loading a plate with more food than any one person (hopefully) needs, all the while keeping up his amiable chatter--even managing a hug for Delu, though his plate-holding makes it awkward. "Hi, Delu. Seriously, it's been forever. Hey, did you see him? Leysen, I mean? Isn't he so cute? He's already three months old," he says proudly. "Happy birthday, by the way. How old are you now, like, twenty? I'm twenty-one, but twenty's a good age, too. There you are!" Turning, he spots R'hin and Satiet, waving and calling over, "I was wondering when you two would show up!"

Ayana pauses long enough to welcome both R'hin and Satiet with a big grin, her eyes more so on the bronzerider as she nods and takes the gift from the goldrider. "Thank you both," she says, grinning at his kiss to her cheek, "It's good to see you, too," she says before sending a giving a significant glance somewhere near. She nods to Delu, "If I can drink all I want, then here I go!" She still has L'sen by the arm as she scoops up some bubblies and looks towards the bar area. To L'sen, she chuckles, "No, I'm eighteen," she says, swatting him on the arm.

Balinne grins, nibbling at yet another bit of food. "Well, if you need your space, you can always duck out onto the beach, or the dock, and get some air. It /is/ crowded. But it's not so bad." She contemplates the crowd for a moment before remembering something. She smiles, and says, "Thanks for the dress," quietly.

Yaria considers and then orders two of the 'fair queen' drinks. She scoops them both up and brandishes one in Ayana's direction. She calls, "I didn't have the marks to get you a present - nor the time, with how V'lien's working me - but your first drink's on me, Aya." A step or two away from the bar and she holds it out to her clutchmate. "Looks like this'll be as sweet as those bubblies."

"Better late than never," is R'hin's reply to L'sen's greeting. "Our lady of the spires had a wardrobe malfunction." Satiet's lips thin as she shoots a glance at R'hin, before excusing herself and moving off towards the bar. R'hin's eyes trail after the raven-haired woman with a twist of lips. "She's only here to keep an eye on me," he observes, "That's Delu's fault, you know," he mutters. Pale eyes shift back to Ayana, a hint of lingering query in his glance, before he follows her look in Bayan's direction, delighted grin touching his lips. "Oh-ho! I must go and greet your brother - after drinks. I did hear you mention those, right?"

K'ylon nods appreciatively at Yaria's choices. It still isn't going to convince him to stray from his ale. Perhaps just a little too close to a certain graduation celebration and the hangover therein.

Bayan sends Yaria a smirk as he orders a glass of wine, "So, you do," he drawls to her with a nod. "Last time I saw you, it was back in Igen and you all were still weyrlings." Getting the wine, he turns and leans against the bartop, nodding a greeting to both Moyra and K'ylon but not offering any introductions just yet. He just flashes a smirk to Ayana when she's near with L'sen, and seems content enough to glances at certain faces.

Delu grins and smiles to Balinne. "I hoped you would like it. And it looks lovely on you, I must say, I am glad I went with that one over the others I was considering. You don't mind, do you, that I did that? I wanted to say thank you for all this, and, well... I did want to see you in something pretty."

"Seriously? You're only eighteen?" L'sen's eyes widen, and he grins cheerfully at her swatting. "Didn't know that. I'm awful at ages, though. I mean, if I didn't know I was twenty-one, I wouldn't even know I was twenty-one!" Obviously. Overloaded plate in hand, he lets Ayana steer him where she will, while he picks chunks of fruit off the edges of his plate when they threaten to fall off. "You need a baby-sitter?" he asks R'hin curiously.

Balinne grins, and gives a little turn to show off the dress completely. "I minded at first. In fact, I really considered sending it right back to you... but then I decided I might as well keep it. And I like it." She gives Delu a wink, however, and states, "Contrary to believe, I /do/ have pretty things. It's not my fault you only see me in leathers." She picks at one of the last remaining appetizers on her plate, and offers it to Delu. "One more, and I might be full. I was silly, and ate before I came down here."

Ayana finally lets go of L'sen's arm and and finish off one of the bubblies as she grins to Yaria. "I enjoy drinks, so thanks, Yaria," she says with a nod, taking the glass from her and taking a sip. Giving Yaria a nod in approval, she throws a wink to her brother before moving off with L'sen, "Yes, only eighteen," she says. "Do I look old or something? I hope not," and she crinkles her nose. Back near R'hin, "Satiet's keeping an eye on you?" she asks after L'sen. With another look at Bayan, "Yeah, he's here," she says then, "and the drinks are right over by Yaria. I got one," and she lifts er glass up momentarily before moving off to mingle.

"Mm. Apparently I do," R'hin's shoulders shift briefly in a half-shrug, looking wry at L'sen's query. "I can't imagine -why-," he adds, though this time there's a distinct hint of amusement in his voice. His hand reaches up to rest in the small of Ayana's back for a moment as he leans in to murmur to her, "I promise to try my best to behave," he says quietly, though there's a definite glint to his eyes which might suggest otherwise. "I'm going to find myself a drink." With that, he wanders away in the indicated direction, perusing the selection of drinks with a tip of head.

Delu looks at Balinne a moment, and then gives her an impish smile. "I didn't, I decided to save such things for here. Truly, I was too nervous. I figured she would figure it out when I asked to come here..." And she leans over a bit to take a bite from the offered snack; apparently, she doesn't want to get her own fingers dirty. Or something.

"Who's here? Baye's here? Hey, Baye!" It's a general wave around the room that L'sen issues, glancing over assorted heads in search of the man in question. "Hey, get me one, too, will you, please? Anything's good," the bluerider adds after R'hin as he heads for a seat.

Yaria gives a nod as Ayana takes the drink the bluerider ordered for her, and then moves back to her place near K'ylon and Moyra. Slightly out of the way and not in the thick of things. She picks back up her exchange with Bayan, "I was the last one tapped. Still doesn't feel like it's that long ago. Then again," she considers, taking a gulp of her drink and coughing as the bubbles tickle her nose. Whatever she was going to say in counterpoint is lost.

Balinne arches an eyebrow, but feeds Delu anyways. No more appetizers. "Well, good for you, for not eating. Bad to be nervous, however. And I've found that most people don't guess very well." Her eyes darken for a moment, but it's quickly replaced by a smile. "Well. You pulled it of well. Convinced her to come, didn't you? And you're doing remarkably well with the crowd. Perhapes you're more social than you thought!" Now she's teasing, and she grins impishly right back. "Want something to drink? Juice? Klah?"

"Pick something you think I will like? I don't much care what it is, or what is in it." She glances around. "And no, I'm not more social, or I would be mingling, or whatever, instead of cowering here with you and trying to pretend noone else is here."

Bayan is halfway through his drink, and looks about to order another one, when he catches Yaria's words. Nodding, "Last one? Were you a trouble maker or something?" he says in a near-tease, though his eyes stray on the Reachian bronzerider as he comes near. Hearing L'sen, his eyes flick over, "L'sen!" he calls in recognition, "Long time, my friend!"

Balinne laughs, and swings her arm around Delu to give her a friendly squeeze. "Well, you're doing fine. I'll be right back," and with another squeeze, she releases the Igen woman and heads for the bar, threading herself through the crowd.

Fingers tap against the bartop before R'hin makes his selection. "A Hurricane Hannah for me, and," a brief glance over his shoulder at L'sen, with a twist of lips, "And a Weyrwoman's Kiss's kiss for our bluerider over there." He leans an elbow on the bartop as he waits for the drinks to arrive, pale gaze passing over the grouping, lingering on his fellow 'Reachians and, briefly, Bayan, winking at the erstwhile Igenite, then towards Balinne and Delu with a slight tip of head.

K'ylon asks Yaria, "So... is it good?" He drags his chair closer to Moyra, making more room at the table in case others wish to join.

Ayana smirks R'hin's way as she hears his words, "Promise.." she drawls, seeming to not believe him in tease before she nods to L'sen, "Yeah, he's here, looking all broody." She finds Delu's attention and gives her a smile and heading near her direction. "You two don't want anything?" she asks Delu and Balinne, nodding over towards the bar.

Yaria rolls her eyes at Bayan. "No one wanted me. V'lien got the short straw." It's hard to tell if she's joking, though at least she seems to have recovered from her coughing fit. She leans against K'ylon and Moyra's table to have another gulp, though this one is a trifle more moderate. "It's sweet," she says to the Istans, smacking her lips lightly. "And cold, which is nice. Little frozen fruit bits in it."

Balinne pokes Ayana as she passes her, "I was just on my way to get something. I'll be right back," and she's gone, disappeared in the crowd at the bar. A moment later, she elbows her way back out, and hands Delu a drink. "Juice," she states, keeping a more noxious looking one for herself.

"Hey, Baye!" L'sen says happily, waving again and gesturing for Bayan to come join him as he flops into a seat, meal arranged before him. "Where you been? You told me you were gonna be in Fort for, like, a week, and now it's been /months/ and /months/," he says, still grinning. A glance to Ayana for her words, brows knitting; but the bluerider only shrugs and grins again, settling down to his meal.

Moyra grins over to Yaria as she sees K'ylon move over, and then nods to her, "Aye, we try to have a lot of nice cold drinks around here." She says, smiling a bit.

Delu shoots a smile to R'hin, and then to Ayana, "Bali's getting me something, and you should be enjoyibng your party, not serving me!" She makes a little shooing motion. She smiles to Balinne as she brings the juice back. After a sip, she chuckles. "Juice. How well you know me, even when I give you theperfect chance to get me drunk and stupid."

Bayan chuckles to Yaria, "A shame, cuz I always thought you were...quite the little lady," is his words to her before winking and moving off to see L'sen. He does note the wink thrown his way from R'hin, returning a simple cool look before his eyes light on Ayana briefly. A smirk forming, he sits at L'sen's table, "Yeah, Fort took longer than expected," he explains, "but I'm back in the Reaches...well, not right now I'm not, but I needed to take care of something real quick." He gives a vague answer with a smile.

Balinne winks at Delu while taking a sip of whatever it is she's got. "No. That would be mean, and I'm not mean." She leans comfortably against a nearby post. She leans in conspiratorally and whispers something, followed by a wink.

Delu giggles at the whisper, with a blush. "There is that, and you wouldn't have to get me drunk for that anyway." Her impish smile returns. "And Balinne, after that little show the other day, don't try to tell me what you aren't, because I don't believe it."

Drinks in hand, R'hin heads back over towards the grouping near Ayana and L'sen, not in any particular hurry. With a flourish, he places the chosen drink in front of the bluerider, sipping his own briefly as he slips in next to Ayana. "So, is the Turnday girl drunk yet?" he murmurs, with a curve of lips. Bayan's arrival elicits a glint of pale eyes, the bronzerider gregarious indeed, "Why, if it isn't our long-vanished itinerant! I heard you'd moved onto greener pastures? Or, should I say, golder ones?" Delu's smile is met by a twitch of lips from the bronzerider and a deliberately gentlemanly half-bow, as if to infer he's on his best behaviour.

Ayana chuckles and shakes her head to Delu, "Alright, I'll go get another one," she says, moving off to where R'hin stands. "What's your pleasure?" she asks him, raising a glass to him before scanning the crowd. "Seems like there's quite a crowd here." She glances over at L'sen and Bayan, "Oh no, takes much to get me buzzed," she answers him with a wink. "What drink you got there, L'sen?" she asks with interest.

Balinne shrugs, sipping happily at her drink. "Let's just say I feel more comfortable, and leave it at that?" she asks, looking jovial. Her shoulders stiffen, and she rocks to a standing position, her eyes going for the door. "Zelieth said..." but she doesn't finish that statement. She relaxes somewhat, unable to see over, or through, the crowd to the door. She leans against the post once again, but the playful look she had before has left.

L'sen knits his brows, studying Bayan in incomprehension. "Oh. Right. Business, huh?" he decides after a moment, grinning again and nodding. He wolfs several bites of his food, already making a dent in the pile. "Thanks, R'hin," he offers the bronzerider through half a mouthful, repeating the sentiment after he's swallowed. He takes a large sip of his drink, then, testing it out. "I dunno," he decides in reply to Ayana. "What is it, R'hin? It's good. Kind of like this one thing, I got over at that place in Boll when me and Satiet went there. No, wait. I think that was the time I was supposed to say she wasn't there, but. Huh." He's briefly thoughtful before grinning again and shrugging the matter off.

Yaria rolls her eyes faintly at Bayan, settling on the edge of K'ylon and Moyra's table, not in a seat. She drains the rest of her glass, overcome in a fit of sniffles as the bubbles get her again. "So do you guys know everyone here?" The question is apparently to the Istan riders.

K'ylon can only laugh at Yaria's question. "Nay. Not even half I'd wager. I know my cluthmates. And you, I guess. You know moyra?" He points Yaria in the direction of Moyra. "You?"

Delu tilts her head a bit, and closes her eyes a moment. "Ahh." She says, softly. She makes that same shooing motion at Balinne. "Go on, hon, greet him. That's where you should be right now, not over here babysitting me!"

Moyra nods her head, "I know a few, Delu, Ayana, and yourself." she says to Yaria, and then looks over to the others, "Seems to be a friendly bunch, even if they are doing some serious damage ot a booze stocks." She says, winking to K'ylon as she lets a little of her old self trickle out.

Caitlyn steps into the 'Bar, waiting for her eyes adjust to the slightly lesser light, peering around as she makes her way towards the bar area. Besides some new faces, the woman makes out the faces of some of her clutchmates, along with Cynara and D'ryn. Giving a small waves and a little smile, she turns back to the 'tender to order something.

Noting R'hin's arrival, Bayan gives into a sigh before answering to L'sen, "Business, sort of," he just says before regarding R'hin, "Golder ones?" he just repeats tersely, his eyes going to Ayana.

R'hin's eyes widen in mock surprise at Ayana's question, "Should you be asking me that sort of question out in the open like that where everyone can hear?" the teasing note in his voice indicates he's certainly not serious, a low-throated chuckle following the words. "I'll have to make sure to try the menu, there's quite a selection. That," his hand waves towards L'sen's drink, "Is the Weyrwoman's Kiss. Perhaps Bayan would like to try some?" he suggests pleasantly. "Or have you had it before?"

Balinne nods her head, looking a little uncertain. "I should... are you sure you'll be OK? You won't get swallowed by the crowd?" she asks. Her drink is set down, and likely forgotten in the space of a moment. She gives Delu a hug, and a guilty smile, before heading into the crowd.

Ayana looks from R'hin to L'sen to Bayan, her smile flickering, "Uh..." is all she can say before looking elsewhere with her drink. She blushes at R'hin, "I was teasing," she says in a small voice, seeming to look at L'sen for support when she notes her brother's change in behavior. Trying to keep the mood light, "Can I get anybody anything here? Drinks, food, you name it..." and she trails off as she glances at all three men.

Yaria nods to K'ylon. "From that flight. Met Fadra too. I really liked her." She peers around the room, pointing out Bayan, "Ayana's brother," and L'sen, "He's a 'Reaches bluerider. Friend of Te'an." There's the faintest of catches in her voice as she names another Reachian rider. "The other ones I don't know." A pause and she asks K'ylon, "So you said you know my sister?"

K'ylon mms, "More like of her than know her. You know? I think she helped develop this area back when they were building it."

Delu chuckles softly and shaked her head, taking a long pull from her juice as she is left alone. A glance around; everyone talking to someone else. A good party, and a satisfied smile as she makes her way to a chair in an out of the way place, settling into it to watch over the bustling crowd."

Bayan doesn't look too kindly upon the Reachian bronzerider, his mood apparently going downhill at his words. "I think you shouldn't be the one to be throwing teases every which way," he says coolly as he flicks a glance to Ayana. "I believe you and I have a little chat to schedule...unless you want to start that now." L'sen and Ayana are currently ignored for the moment as eyes narrow.

Caitlyn sips from the drink the 'tender passes her, the slushy, slurry-like concoction likely a favorite as she quickly sips away at it with a relieved, easy smile.

"You've been here before?" L'sen glances from R'hin to Bayan curiously, jumping to the obvious conclusion. "I like this--I'll have to remember it so next time I can get one, too. Weyrwoman's Kiss, huh? Wonder why they call it that." Completely oblivious to any tension, he rambles happily into his drink, taking another large sip. To Ayana: "You're the birthday-girl, you don't have to get nobody anything!"

Yaria ohs, nodding at K'ylon. "I think she did, yeah. She's a lot older than me." She asks the pair, "You guys want anything else to drink? I'm going to get something else cold."

Throwing a glance Delu's way, Ayana senses the tension well enough and looks relieved for L'sen's presence. "Well, just offering," she says to him, "but why don't you tell me about Leysen while these two," and she nods in R'hin and Bayan's direction, "decide whether or not to start tossing things. How is Harley? I had no idea you two were together!"

R'hin touches a hand to his chest, looking bemused at Bayan's words. "Clearly you've been away from the 'Reaches too long, my good itinerant. Or have you forgotten so quickly that's exactly what I do? Has being at Fort Weyr softened you up so much?" A beat, then: "Or... perhaps it's not the Weyr that has done so." Ayana is given a wink, and he shakes his head, lifting his drink, "I'm fine, Aya. How about you, do you need a refill yet?" he asks, solicitous, before Bayan is given a wide-eyed look. "Certainly, my good man, but not here. Unless you've an especial wish to ruin your sister's Turnday?"

Caitlyn idly sips her drink, turning to passively observe the little scene before her, lips giving a soft smile.

Bayan throws a dark glance R'hin's way, "Softened me?" he scoffs. "Once again, it looks like you talk of things you have no idea of, R'hin. Want to ask me of my relations with a goldrider instead of throwing it in my face? How about I ask /you/ what in the shards are you doing with my sister!" His voice seems to stay low and calm, though the words are spoken with a touch of intensity. "Don't push me unless you're willing to get pushed back," is his warning. He gives Ayana and L'sen an unreadable look before settling with his drink. To L'sen, "Yes, tell me about Leysen."

Delu glances at Bayan and R'hin, and sighs softly. But rather than get involved, she simply stands, and quietly makes her way to the docks, leaving the well-swinging part to take care of itself while she gets some air.

R'hin's lips twitch abruptly, head turning to glance at the crowd, seeming to be seeking someone out. With an exhale, and his best 'good boy' expression, he gestures magnanimously towards the bar, "Would you like me to get you a drink, Igenite?" that offer made pleasantly enough towards Bayan. It's followed soon enough by a low-throated chuckle, the bronzerider leaning in close to murmur to the man, the words low enough in the crowded bar to be easily missed.

K'ylon considers the dregs of his ale. "Yeah, if you don't mind, Yaria. Another?" He lifts his mug in case she's uncertain what he wants.

"Together," repeats L'sen, giving Ayana a short-lived deer-in-the-headlights look. "We're not /together/. I mean, not really together-together, just, we had a baby and they stay with me sometimes and it's nice, but not /together/. I'm not together with anybody," he explains. "Leysen, though! He's so cute. He's three months old--nearly four, actually--and Harley says he's big even though I don't really know and stuff. Never took the time compared. I think he kinda looks like... me. What's going on with you two?" At the whisper, he knits his brows and takes a few moments away from drink and food to gesture at R'hin and Bayan.

Ayana grins at R'hin, "No, I'm fine for now," she declines as she drinks, her eyes following Delu out with concern. Throwing Bayan a glare, she says nothing to him and just chuckles. "I'm going to need another drink after all," she quips, looking towards the bar. To L'sen, "So, you're not with her? Ah, well...she seems really nice. Can I meet Leysen sometime?" At his question, she shrugs, "Oh, the usual I would imagine," she says in mild amusement, eyes going to R'hin and Bayan.

Bayan seems to sneer at R'hin's offer, holding up his almost-empty glass, "I can get my own, thanks," he answers back cordially enough. At his whisper, his eyes narrow and he awards him with a steel glare. No answer to R'hin, he turns to L'sen, "Saw Harley the other day. I'm hoping to meet Leysen too." Draining his glass, he gets up and makes his way to the bartop for another one.

Yaria nods to K'ylon and slips off the table, threading her way through. Impudently she tosses her curls at Bayan and R'hin, "If you boys are going to fight, can you get shirtless and get on with it? Oiling up would make the show even better." She bats her eyes at them both and then is through the knot of tension, ordering more drinks at the bar. An ale for K'ylon and a 'between' for her.

M'wen walks in from the beach, stuffing his riding jacket into a small pouch slung over his shoulder. Going over to R'hin, he finds him deeply involved in a heated dispute-as per usual-so he turns around with a small sigh and heads over to the small group of peoeple he does know. "Hey L'sen! I was told there was a party here, but not what it was for. Care to share?" He sits on a seat nearby, pouch slung haphazardly over the chair back, eyes following the unfolding drama.

Caitlyn finishes her drink, now watching the interactions between some of the rider patrons grow a little edgy. A secretive, sly smile touches her lips, but she only sits and watches.

R'hin casually leans back, almost looking pleased, eyes trailing after Bayan as the man gets up for another drink. Unconcerned, the bronzerider tips his glass slightly, in the wake of the itinerant's departure, taking a gulp from the glass. He gives Ayana a reassuring smile, a hand touching her arm in reassurance. "Nothing to worry about. I did say I'd behave. Or try, anyway," he concedes, with a wry twitch of lips. Yaria's off-the-cuff comment earns a bemused look. "Fight? Whyever would we do something so mundane as that? You've never seen a lover's quarrel before?" He's clearly being facetious, the words tossed casually out. "M'wen, my good brownrider, welcome," he greets effusively.

K'ylon mutters, as an aside to Moyra, "Guess I put my marks away."

Yaria is just coming back with her drinks when R'hin's comment reaches her. Eyebrows arch, and she offers her 'between' out to the Reaches bronzerider. "If that's a lover's quarrel, you need this more than I do. An' that's saying something." A faint smirk, as she leans to put K'ylon's ale down on his table for him, waiting to see if R'hin'll take her drink or no.

Moyra nods her head as she watches the party devolve into something more interesting. "You can, but maybe they will go at it agian? R'hin there isn't the nicest guy around, he is almost as bad as P'wert and L'cah. He still has the excuse of youth and stupidity."

Ayana looks over as M'wen arrives, "Welcome, get a drink," she offers lightly as she watches Bayan get up to leave. She warms to R'hin's touch, nodding, "And yet it's inevitable," is all she says in amusement. Yaria's comment nearly has her choking on her drink in laughter. Looking her way, "Yaria! Like I would...well, it would be interesting," she muses, looking from R'hin to Bayan as if considering it before shaking her head. "Naw," she says, finishing her drink and snickering at K'ylon's comment.

"Definitely!" L'sen tells Ayana quickly, grinning as well at Bayan. "Just come by anytime and I'll show him off. He's just so cute when he starts making noises at you! Hey, I want s'more, too," he decides, glancing at his quickly emptied glass. He hops up, heading over to the bar. A short trip turns into a long one, though, when he runs into the loitering Satiet, the bluerider pouncing her and chattering blithely on--nevermind her blank expression and the way she keeps edging backward toward the door.

A curl of R'hin's lips answers Yaria's comment, clearly amused by the Igenite woman's words. "Any time you want to buy me a drink, you're certainly welcome to," he murmurs in a low voice, accepting the drink and tipping it towards Yaria in silent toast before he takes a gulp. A wink is given to Ayana as he says, "If I've given you the mental picture, then my job here is done."

bayan, satiet, neiveth, yaria, delu, m'wen, leiventh, ayana, moyra, k'ylon, r'hin, balinne, caitlyn, cynara, l'sen

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