[Log] Beware

Jul 15, 2006 21:09

Who: Aceris, Br'mar, Divya, Jenna, M'yr, R'dur, R'dus, Reighley, Rodric, T'yr
When: Day 31, Month 5, Turn 8
Where: Living Cavern, Fort Weyr
What: Reighley gets caught up in the pre-flight chaos of Niyath's flight

Fort Weyr Living Cavern
     Approaching half the size of the Hatching Grounds, this cavern echoes with voices during the day, and the soft patter of feet during the night. Dozens of tables are spaced throughout, each with open space around to provide small amounts of privacy for the discussions carried on at each. The night hearth, with a cluster of pots of stew and klah, is situated near the large entrance to the tunnel. Several other hearths are spaced around the huge chamber, lending light and some heat to the room. The far wall is lined with tables that always hold something edible to feed the throngs of people who come into this immense room in search of a meal, a snack, or something to drink. As with most Weyrs, the Living Cavern is the busiest place with the most activity. It is here that Fortians and visitors alike migrate in an effort to find information, share gossip, and just plain socialize.
     Broad marble steps to the southwest lead up to the impressive Fort Weyr kitchen. An almost constant stream of activity centers around this staircase: people coming and going with loads of goods for the stores, fresh food, dirty or clean dishes and utensils, and plenty of folks just going in to do their duty for the day or night. The aromas wafting down the stairs are indicators of which meal is being prepared or served at the moment. The view into the kitchens is clear from the Living Cavern, everything gleaming and clean, and the muffled but bustling noises coming from within just add to the air of comfort, family, and hard work done at Fort Weyr.
     To the east, a short flight of stairs leads to the hallway to the inner caverns. A stout door to the north has a healer's emblem on it, marking the Infirmary. To the south is a wide tunnel, leading out of the Weyr, and a wide opening to the west leads to the Weyr bowl.

Buffet Table
Meg and Peg
Fort Weyr Firelizard Perch

Obvious exits:
Bowl INFirmary Inner Caverns Tunnel Kitchen

Jenna stomps up the few steps from the inner caverns, sweating profusely in her riding gear - a trifle unusual for so warm a late spring afternoon. She moves towards the serving table, prowling for something chilled to drink.

Reighley is already at the drink table, filling herself a glass of juice absently. Her cousins are talking excitedly at one of the other tables, and Reighley glances around as their laughter reaches her. In that movement, she notices Jenna as well, and offers the weyrwoman a quick wave. "Hi, Jenna."

T'yr enters some short time after Jenna. He looks mildly distracted, the obvious reasons of such not yet apparent. Shedding his jacket and draping it over the back of a chair at an empty table, the rider then departs to find a plate of food and a stiff drink. Such puts him in line at the serving table though his attention is more or less on other things then the food awaiting him.

Aceris comes out from the lower caverns, her mending left behind. A quick glance around the room, and an almost dissapointed sigh. She makes her way over towards the serving table and pours herself a glass of juice to nurse.

Jenna knocks back a long drink of juice, her pale complexion starting to flush faintly from the heat. "Hi Reighley." Eyes flick past her to T'yr, linger there a moment, and then she's reaching to pour another mug. She knocks over the pitcher in her haste, flooding that part of the table. The word uttered is best not repeated.

"Don't swear," Reighley tells Jenna sternly, frowning at the weyrwoman. Quickly, though, she looks around and comes up with a towel, which she offers to Jenna to mop up the mess. She glances around as well as the woman looks past her, noting T'yr and turning quickly back around like she hadn't. "Hi," she instead greets Aceris again, offering the woman a small smile as she joins them at the juice table.

T'yr is closest to that part of the table, and does indeed see the pitcher being knocked over. Instead of offering help, he chastises Reighley, "Don't speak back to your superiors, girl. Mind your manners." There's not even a smile to suggest he's joking. Then again, it is T'yr and T'yr hasn't ever been the friendliest sort. He finds himself a drink, and after a nod of greeting to Jenna, departs for his chosen table.

Jenna mutters half under her breath, "Stop it." Then she scowls at T'yr's back. "It's allright, Reighley. At least /you're/ trying to help. Not like some insensitive gits I could name." Her voice is loud enough to carry, and she starts mopping up, before giving up and throwing the towel in - literally. Instead she looks for another pitcher. "I am /roasting/." And yet still in her riding jacket and leathers.

Aceris glances at T'yr, with a slight frown. She then looks over to Reighley and returns the smile. "We meet again, little one. I hope you have found something to distract you from your crushing dissapointment?" She deftly intercepts the towel and herself moves to deal with the mess. She chides the girl quietly, "We don't make goldriders clean up messes."

Jenna shoots at Aceris, "Stop humoring me. I swore, I knocked over juice. I'm big enough to admit it." She tosses another irritated look at T'yr, clearly the source of this foul mood.

Rodric strides in from the Bowl, head turned slightly back the way he came before his attention focus back on the way he's going. Amiable as the Masterharper usually is, his stride is brisk and his demeanor seems all business as he pauses briefly to scan the room, a tube of hides held loosely in one hand, perhaps the reason for his visit to the Weyr held within. A scowling Jenna and the cleanup operation can't have escaped the Harper's notice, but he steers a course that way nevertheless and clears his throat to utter simple greetings: "Harper's duties to Fort Weyr."

"Yes, sir," Reighley answers T'yr without ever looking up at him. She waits until he's walked away, back to her, to stick her tongue out at his back. Then, glancing back to Jenna and Aceris, she notes, "Everybody should have to clean up their own messes. My momma said--she even makes /Dad/." And she folds her arms primly across her chest then, maintaining that sort of superiority until Rodric arrives. With blatant curiousity, he glances at the harper, eyes widening slightly.

Blithely, T'yr sips his drink and leans leisurely back in his chair. Two legs pull up off the floor as he tucks an arm behind his head. Not the most dignified pose ever, but T'yr certainly looks comfortable. He's even watching Jenna with a hint of amusement. He doesn't say anything because that'd obviously feed whatever fire is burning under Jenna.

"Were I going to humor you, ma'am, I'd use a much funnier joke." Aceris replies easily. She grins a bit at Reighley, "A noble view, but there are times when it is best to help someone out." And finally back to Jenna. "Seriously, ma'am, I can take care of it. I am happy to help out any small way I can."

Jenna dumps more juice into her mug. This time it also splashes on her riding jacket. Again she snaps softly, "Stop that. I mean it. I don't care what you think." Then, blinking and refocusing, she clues in on Rodric. "Oh, you /so/ should not be here." What a nice way to greet the masterharper.

"Oh, here," Reighley says, reaching for the pitcher and Jenna's mug. "I can do better than that. And--" she glances around, at Aceris "--it is helping, I think. Sort of. Maybe?"

R'dus meanders into the living cavern, half tucking his riding gloves into his back pocket while holding a small bundle of hides in his other. Noting the busy cavern he pauses and leans against the entry corner before looking about.

T'yr continues to lounge and sip at his drink. He's completely at ease despite his earlier distraction. He continues balancing his chair on its back two legs, though does cast a glance toward R'dus from over his shoulder as the other rider enters. After noting the knot, he says simply, "Fort's duties and all. Anything I can help you with?"

Aceris glances around as more people arrive, and another glance at Jenna. She leans down and quietly talks to the girl. She mutters to Reighley, "'Less I... mark, thinkgs... about... get... out for yourself when... all... won't... look... relief." She then takes a step back away from the table with an amused smile.

You sense Aceris glances around as more people arrive, and another glance at Jenna. She leans down and quietly talks to the girl. "'Less I miss my mark, thinkgs are about to get very interesting around here. Just make sure you watch out for yourself when it's all done, some's won't pay much attention where they look for relief." She then takes a step back away from the table with an amused smile.

"Duties. Got a delivery here from the baker's craft. Recipies of some sort, or so Petite said." R'dus replies steping across to T'yr's table and depositing the hides with a lazy smile.

Br'mar also enters the cavern, though from the bowl and not the stairs. "Ah, Fort. It's been a while." He moves across the floor to seek out someone he recognizes, but the rider is finding that to be a harder task than initially thought.

"Likely not," says Rodric neutrally, "however I do have some things that need delivering," he continues. "Won't take but a minute and then I'll be getting my Harperly hide out of the way." The harper brandishes his tube of hides. "I think I'll just leave these in the Records Room in the drawer until P'ter has a moment."

Jenna eyes the riders coming in, hands clenching on her cup as she abruptly moves away from the wreckage of the table - leaving the spilled pitcher and all in her wake. Rodric is given another glare. "I don't know where he /is/. Fine time for him to leave." Icy eyes range over the other riders, nostrils flairing slightly. "Why she had to pick /now/, after ten turns..."

"I--what?" Reighley blinks, staring at Aceris with knitted brows and a confused expression. "What's going on?" She just eyes Jenna and tsks, more like an old auntie than the girl she is.

T'yr has no ranking knot for himself, aside from the newly donned Fortian knot, yet he accepts those papers all the same. A quick look at them later and he nods, "I can pass them on if you'd like." Still leaning back in his chair, he makes an attempt at keeping track of people who enter as they do. "...this place could use a sprucing up when it comes to its cooking," He attempts a joke.

Divya strolls inside looking around. "There you are, Br'mar. Did you find the good wine here? And will you share?"

Aceris's gaze follows the weyrwoman a minute, and she chuckles softly. She continues to talk to the young girl in a hushed voice, helping her to clean up the juice. She mutters to Reighley, "... things... and... of... with... thigns, I'd said... wonderful... will probably... feel... And that... will... might... expected,... just..."

You sense Aceris's gaze follows the weyrwoman a minute, and she chuckles softly. She continues to talk to the young girl in a hushed voice, helping her to clean up the juice. "Well, if I follow things right, and Ive had my share of experience with these thigns, I'd said her gold is about to put on a wonderful show out in the bowl, that will probably make you feel a bit weird. And that you will get to see a hatching sooner than you might have expected, in just a couple months."

R'dus takes the joke in stride and offers with a grin. "Could send over the weyrmate if you'd like. She's the baker in the family." He too watches as more people enter then grins to Divya and nods. "Hey Div." To T'yr he asks, "You haven't happened to see a platinmum blonde about so tall and with.." But its in that moment he spots Jenna. "Nevermind. I think I've finally found her."
Br'mar shrugs as he is caught up to by his sister. "Nope, not yet. I blame you, you know. Usually I've got a glass in my hand mere seconds after entering any cavern."

Reighley stares wide-eyed at Aceris, taking a step back from her and Jenna alike. "Really?" She looks a little worried when she shoots a glance toward the weyrwoman and her admirers, edging back toward the lower caverns again. "Maybe we should... maybe we should go?" she suggests after a moment.

M'yr laughs at something he and R'dur were talking about as they enter the Fortian cavern. "You know, it's been too long since I've seen you! And, hmm. Where shall I put these peppers V'lano sent over for P'ter?"

Aceris chuckles softly. "It's certainly an option, but there's no need to. Just keep your wits about you, that's all. It's a wonderful thing to watch, I always love seeing what Boameth will do, and who she'll choose."

Divya says, "Heya, R'dus. What brings you here? Wine, messages, friend, or just wonderful luck?"

"You should have come to our hatching earlier," suggests R'dur to M'yr, with a small smile for the bronzerider as they enter together. "I was the candidate coordinator for them, but it still went all right. How is the Weyrleader?" Presumably, he means V'lano.

"I've never seen a flight before," Reighley admits shyly to Aceris. "I mean, I've /heard/ about them, sort of, and seems like there's always a green doing it, but still. Never seen it up close and personal."

Jenna actually climbs up on a chair and eyes riders. She begins pointing at random. "You. You and you." T'yr, R'dus, R'dur. "And you, hm, yes, you'll do." Br'mar. A sweep of her hand and she includes Divya, M'yr. "You're about to get more than you bargined for." if you think she'll let it go you're mad - you've got another thing coming. "Bowl. Now." A pause and she adds, "Please," before climbing down.

Aceris chuckles a bit, "Yeah, greens go up all the time, three or four times each per turn. But golds... There's a beauty in them the greens just don't have. I think it's the size difference." She looks up at Jenna's pronouncement, and grins. "And here we go. Want to go outside and watch it, Reighley?"

Br'mar eyes the chair-climbing Jenna. "I'll do?" He turns to look all bewildered-like at Divya. "Oh, I'm -so- blaming you for this, I hope you realize," he tells her before he dutifully marches back to the bowl.

"A delivery from Petite to the Cooks here." R'dus replies ot his fellow brown rider. "And a visit with an old friend." he adds as he turns to make his way over to Jenna, his lazy grin firmly in place. Having to bypass the crowd around her he finally stops and greets. "Hello Beautiful." Then laughs and turns about again, heading outside.

M'yr stares down at the sack, readjusting it before sable eyes search the room for someone to extend his offering to. "I should do a lot of things, if there was time. I have to say I've never been a candidate coordinator before. Was it a good experience?" His eyes find Jenna, resting on her then a startled look takes over. "Bowl? Didn't we just come from there? And what about these red hot chili peppers?" The bag is held up, wiggled toward the goldrider for emphasis, as he grins.

T'yr's in the process of pointing his finger at Jenna when R'dus already spots her. Resettling his chair back on all four legs, he says, "She's in a bit of a mood. You might want to watch your boys around her." Vague as that, the man lifts from his seat and returns to the serving table to find yet another drink. He stops short at Jenna's announcement and, after a moment of check-in with a certain bronze, fights a losing struggle to keep a scowl from surfacing.

Divya raises an eyebrow, staring at Jenna for a long moment. "What do...oh shells. Okay, whatever you say ma'am." Apparently Konnevath's let her know what's up and she is willing to go with the flow. After muttering to Br'mar, "Hey, /I/ didn't tell you to sneak up on me when I was visiting Kadir!"

Rodric squints at T'yr's knot briefly, grins as Jenna gives orders and shakes his head. "I think you're about to be a trifle busy to deliver these for me, I'll just tuck them and myself into an out of the way spot and ... wait until things ... quiet down a little," notes the Harper with good humor. He casts a brief glance Jenna's way before steering a course on out through the cavern and off into the further depths of the Weyr.

Gulp. R'dur's expression is patently 'who, me?' when Jenna points at him, the brownrider slinking downward as though to avoid that jabbing finger. "Faranth. Oh, Faranth," he mutters, other, more dire comments added under his breath. At once, he spins and follows after Jenna, though, when she flees. So much for his resistance.

"Not really," Reighley says bluntly, eyeing the exit of the men and women dubiously. "You can go ahead without me, though."

Aceris shakes her head, "Nah. Seen more than I need to in my life." She shakes her head, with a grin. "They all kind of blend together after a few decades. But watch yourself for tonight, ok? People are strange after a gold goes up, especialyl the bronze and brown riders who don't win."

Reighley nods quickly to Aceris, still looking worried. "I will. Think I'll go see my brother," she decides. "See you later." And with that, she scurries off to find him.

r'dus, r'dur, rodric, jenna, divya, aceris, t'yr, br'mar, m'yr, reighley

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